I said that already.... (and I also already said Haters also) ... :)
I can not believe you are posting outside of FZ. I must do a screen capture...
Only thing more annoying than me outaide of the flamezone is this dancing banana. And.....conan obriens hair. :banana:

I said that already.... (and I also already said Haters also) ... :)
I can not believe you are posting outside of FZ. I must do a screen capture...
Only thing more annoying than me outaide of the flamezone is this dancing banana. And.....conan obriens hair. :banana:

do others know this?
I dont know.....ask all three of them and let me know. how many others are there - Google Search
People who skip a day of questions of the day are SO annoying!

you could have just cut to the chase and said Bonzi.... :(

It would be cooler to call you 'The Bonze.'

you can call me what you'd like.... I made a Question of the Day - all your fault!

Sit on it, Bonze.

but Fonzi spelled his name Fonzi....
Maybe it should be Bronze... or Bozzi?

(see. . .) :poke:

I despise political correctness. Just like bad drivers, no idea what they are doing and who it affects.
when my feet are cold. pisses me off!

I usually have cold hands. :eek-52:

mine are cold today. I can deal with that better than the cold feet....

When I was a kid, I often walked everywhere with bare feet.

One time I was checking out what was behind an old shed and walked all the way behind it through a tight space between it and a fence. I stepped on a nail without shoes to minimize penetration, and boy that was annoying. Thinking about it still annoys me to this day fifty years later.

Since all the annoying parts of this story keep gnawing at me, I thought I would write the short version of it, where I got my hand punctured too. Although, the scar and memory of that injury has never really bothered me much at all. The events surrounding it do.

I was returning from Reno in my '77 Olds Cutlass Salon, when in Vacaville on highway 80, it became obvious a car was following me. Because of it, I stopped on the side of the freeway right past a freeway cutoff until the car following me passed. When he passed, I backed up and took the cutoff. Out of the corner of my eye unfortunately, I could see the other car cut across a median onto the cutoff and was now in hot pursuit of me. I just thought of getting out of dodge and quickly took the first off-ramp and then right away found a frontage road, going down it to the end. I wouldn't have been so scared and worried, but I was nearly out of gas and did not want to run out, if that car caught up. I never thought about stopping, when frontage road came to a dead-end, because there was a large open gate, where all the Lucky Supermarket trucks go in. I just cruised right in there and between the buildings to where there was a huge field.

Right away, I could feel I was loosing traction and wouldn't make it unless I kept up a steady but slow pace on the accelerator. I planned to go to the edges of the field and all the way around and then back out again onto the street. However at the far side of the field, there was a marshy channel between a slight hill and the fence that I had no choice to go through. I tried my best but got stuck in the mud after a couple of hundred feet. I almost made it!

As soon as I got out of my car, I was worried I would get in trouble for going into this place, and then there was the thought of that person after me. I had to jump the fence. lol

I climbed the chain-link fence, but the problem was I had no plan to get over the rows of barb wire at the top. I was getting discouraged so, I decided to pull myself up by grabbing a spike at the top of the fence, and it went deep into my palm.

This brought me back to reality. I climbed down and nonchalantly walked across the field to where the buildings were. A man on a forklift drove up to me and asked what was up. I forget what I told him, but it must have been good, and he did not notice my bleeding hand. He let me keep walking out the front gate.

It was dark by the time I got to a long path along some baylands. After crossing, I emerged next to a shopping center. I got a bottle of a milky drink from a convenience store and went over to the shops where I had seen Zales. I had always wanted to buy my wife a real wedding ring with diamonds so I went inside. They didn't seem to be too concerned about my hand as I picked out an inexpensive one with small diamonds.

I bought some band-aids from a grocery store there and went and sat down at a bus stop in front. I thought I could catch a bus and somehow get back to the Bay Area, but it was night, and I wondered if I would sit there all night, and then how would I make it by taking several buses with my cut hand. It wasn't long before I noticed a large sports bar on the other side of the street from me. That was the solution! lol

I dashed over to the club and went straight to the bar and planted myself there. For my first couple of drinks, I struggled a little with getting enough band-aids on to cover my wound. Then everything lightened up and a few guys sat next to me to throw some back. There was almost no one else at the bar all night, but the place was buzzing and crowded, and everyone sat at the tables. I even had a little bit of a drinking competition with one of the fellows who sat down.

When I realized the place was closing up, I made a feeble attempt at leaving but passed out smack dab on a cushion by the front door. The next thing I knew I was in a car with a few nice people and giving them directions to my home. We had a little trouble, arriving in Los Altos, but that was pretty close to Mountain View anyhow. They had given me a ride home, and I was so lucky.

I did finally go back to Vacaville weeks later with a friend who had to use a special jack to get my car high enough to get the wheels out of a couple of feet of now solid mud. I was grateful and relieved someone had not had my car towed away to a junkyard.

I said that already.... (and I also already said Haters also) ... :)
I can not believe you are posting outside of FZ. I must do a screen capture...
Only thing more annoying than me outaide of the flamezone is this dancing banana. And.....conan obriens hair. :banana:

do others know this?
I dont know.....ask all three of them and let me know. how many others are there - Google Search
doh you are such a lamer
Bonzi's yellow...BRIGHT yellow avy. (sorry)
Finally getting to a real computer (instead of my phone) and not having the time to respond to all the posts that I would like to.

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