What is almost as annoying as annoyance itself is when I cannot figure out who wears the pants in my 25-year marriage. My wife and I have lightly joked about that together that whole time, and I still can't figure it out. :mad::uhoh3::lol:;)
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I too get annoyed at myself when i am annoyed.
I get terribly annoyed, when I cannot find a good private spot to smoke a cigarette where it won't bother people.

This fucking the thread and is annoying along with the whiners that make themselves look like sad sacks..But,,,you already knew that when you was posting the OP....God-damned annoying old fucks.
^^^^^^^^^^^ That would have to include you now. :lol:
It is soooo annoying when my keyboard sticks!!!! :mad: It takes twice as long to type a simple sentence, dammit!

What have you been eating? I try to type with one hand and do something else with the other from time to time, coordinating movements, but it is a bad idea, if you got cotton candy in your hand.

Lol. Very funny.

It just sticks sometimes. Probably humidity or something.
Headphones? You thought plastic bags were a problem. They almost solved that problem. Well, headphones do have inherent problems.

For myself, I NEVER wear them. Maybe, once in a couple of decades. :lol:

I prefer my music LOUD... And with a tweeter and a woofer. :laugh:

I do not know how people can resist that sweet sound. But okay, keep wearing your rolled-out-of-the-factory latest of style headphones. More power to you. :)
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My desktop has 4 Bose speakers and a woofer. The sound is rich and awesome!

I have been making such a mess in my apartment lately. Maybe my inbox of work undone is overflowing. :eek:

I must learn how to grab and hold onto stuff. :)
My desktop has 4 Bose speakers and a woofer. The sound is rich and awesome!

That is something, but computers and laptops simply cannot compete with a good stereo system. There really is no comparison.

As a whole I do agree with that, but I think you might be shocked with the sound from my Bose system that is on my computer. :)
Gravity is annoying. "Here, let me pull whatever you have in your hand out of your hand and place it on the floor for you so you have to pick it up again, and I will be doing this your whole life so get used to it". "Here are some stairs, now don't worry I won't f with you this time, I mean look you just walk down one step then the next then CRASH BOOM OWWW BITCH THUD". "Look at that beautiful smile on your daughter's face with the ice cream cone you just bought her, isn't this this just a touching moment except..wait...she's tipping it 5 degrees too far and PLOP, wahhhhhh!"

Gravity, the weakest of the forces in the universe so it makes up for it's weakness by being an ass.
Gravity is annoying. "Here, let me pull whatever you have in your hand out of your hand and place it on the floor for you so you have to pick it up again, and I will be doing this your whole life so get used to it". "Here are some stairs, now don't worry I won't f with you this time, I mean look you just walk down one step then the next then CRASH BOOM OWWW BITCH THUD". "Look at that beautiful smile on your daughter's face with the ice cream cone you just bought her, isn't this this just a touching moment except..wait...she's tipping it 5 degrees too far and PLOP, wahhhhhh!"

Gravity, the weakest of the forces in the universe so it makes up for it's weakness by being an ass.

Yeah, but it's a quick learning lesson. :biggrin:
My desktop has 4 Bose speakers and a woofer. The sound is rich and awesome!

That is something, but computers and laptops simply cannot compete with a good stereo system. There really is no comparison.

As a whole I do agree with that, but I think you might be shocked with the sound from my Bose system that is on my computer. :)

To be wholly appreciated, it needs to be separate. Just my 2¢ worth.

Don't we have enough to worry about and work to do than to count pennies and haul them to the bank. They annoy me, unless I find one on the street. Then I giggle inside and make it my lucky penny.

Don't we have enough to worry about and work to do than to count pennies and haul them to the bank. They annoy me, unless I find one on the street. Then I giggle inside and make it my lucky penny.

Maybe you just need to declare them all your 'lucky bucket of pennies'.
My desktop has 4 Bose speakers and a woofer. The sound is rich and awesome!

That is something, but computers and laptops simply cannot compete with a good stereo system. There really is no comparison.

As a whole I do agree with that, but I think you might be shocked with the sound from my Bose system that is on my computer. :)

To be wholly appreciated, it needs to be separate. Just my 2¢ worth.

It is separate. I bought separately and added it myself.


What I am saying is as good as mine sounds, it still would be better if it were a totally alone whole system.

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