Question on Trump's morning routine.

At that level, most businesses grow unless some outside influence changes.

Well that's a quantifiable answer......

And Trump was no more unethical than any other developer, which is a pretty nasty business.
So, you elected a crook & fraud & business cheat because everyone in that line of work is one too.

Great logic, Marty.

Wasn't that Hillary's selling point as well?
So now Hillary was a NY developer?

Certainbly, Marty, you are not saying you actually believe the right wing crap about Hillary Clinton.

Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?
When not traveling, does Trump still sit around in the residence watching Fox News until 11 AM?

Why is this acceptable to the Trumpettes.

Do we know who he calls? Is he conducting Trump business?

Between golfing & showing up to work just in time for lunch, we have a part time President who has no respect for the office & apparantly gets the information on which to base his decisions from Fox News.

If you think this is bad, wait until the Trumpettes defend this.
If he was more actively involved, then you would be even more enraged.

C'mon, be honest. No matter what, you are going to be bitching up a storm. The only thing he could possibly do that would make you happy is either resign or put a bullet in his own head.
This is what I love about the right. They pretend to want honest, Christian people & then turn around & elect a POS like Trump & say "So What"?

I don;t get it. Why don't you care he lied to get elected? I guess why not, you did not care that he was an accused child rapist, a woman abuser, a multiple adulterer, had kids to three different women.

There was a choice between two candidates, neither of which was a Paragon of virtue. In this case, we got the lesser of the evils that were running.

Now, if you seriously want to whine about accused, Hillary was certainly accused of an awful lot of stuff. Were we supposed to care about that or ignore it?
dont care, low information, uneducated - kudos Trumpdrones you hit the trifecta.
Well that's a quantifiable answer......

And Trump was no more unethical than any other developer, which is a pretty nasty business.
So, you elected a crook & fraud & business cheat because everyone in that line of work is one too.

Great logic, Marty.

Wasn't that Hillary's selling point as well?
So now Hillary was a NY developer?

Certainbly, Marty, you are not saying you actually believe the right wing crap about Hillary Clinton.

Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.
At that level, most businesses grow unless some outside influence changes.

Can we surmise that you have run a billion dollar business?

I worked for Circuit City from their boom days until a few years before doom struck. I've seen from the inside how leadership can take a thriving business to ruin in a short period of time. Anyone claiming the top leadership of a company can run successfully on auto pilot has no idea what top management does, or is a blind hater, or both.

Since they cannot allow themselves to even think that Trump succeeded at anything, they have to make up crap to feel better.
When not traveling, does Trump still sit around in the residence watching Fox News until 11 AM?

Why is this acceptable to the Trumpettes.

Do we know who he calls? Is he conducting Trump business?

Between golfing & showing up to work just in time for lunch, we have a part time President who has no respect for the office & apparantly gets the information on which to base his decisions from Fox News.

If you think this is bad, wait until the Trumpettes defend this.
If he was more actively involved, then you would be even more enraged.

C'mon, be honest. No matter what, you are going to be bitching up a storm. The only thing he could possibly do that would make you happy is either resign or put a bullet in his own head.
This is what I love about the right. They pretend to want honest, Christian people & then turn around & elect a POS like Trump & say "So What"?

I don;t get it. Why don't you care he lied to get elected? I guess why not, you did not care that he was an accused child rapist, a woman abuser, a multiple adulterer, had kids to three different women.

There was a choice between two candidates, neither of which was a Paragon of virtue. In this case, we got the lesser of the evils that were running.

Now, if you seriously want to whine about accused, Hillary was certainly accused of an awful lot of stuff. Were we supposed to care about that or ignore it?

Accused by a credible entity, or jusr right wing radio?
So, you elected a crook & fraud & business cheat because everyone in that line of work is one too.

Great logic, Marty.

Wasn't that Hillary's selling point as well?
So now Hillary was a NY developer?

Certainbly, Marty, you are not saying you actually believe the right wing crap about Hillary Clinton.

Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.
When not traveling, does Trump still sit around in the residence watching Fox News until 11 AM?

Why is this acceptable to the Trumpettes.

Do we know who he calls? Is he conducting Trump business?

Between golfing & showing up to work just in time for lunch, we have a part time President who has no respect for the office & apparantly gets the information on which to base his decisions from Fox News.

If you think this is bad, wait until the Trumpettes defend this.
If he was more actively involved, then you would be even more enraged.

C'mon, be honest. No matter what, you are going to be bitching up a storm. The only thing he could possibly do that would make you happy is either resign or put a bullet in his own head.
This is what I love about the right. They pretend to want honest, Christian people & then turn around & elect a POS like Trump & say "So What"?

I don;t get it. Why don't you care he lied to get elected? I guess why not, you did not care that he was an accused child rapist, a woman abuser, a multiple adulterer, had kids to three different women.

There was a choice between two candidates, neither of which was a Paragon of virtue. In this case, we got the lesser of the evils that were running.

Now, if you seriously want to whine about accused, Hillary was certainly accused of an awful lot of stuff. Were we supposed to care about that or ignore it?

Accused by a credible entity, or jusr right wing radio?

That wasn't specified in the post to which I responded where apparently being accused of stuff is reason to hate someone, so I felt no pressing need to specify either.

But hey, I'll be magnanimous. Hillary denigrated sexual harassment victims when it was politically advantageous to do so, then attempted to claim they had the right to be heard and believed when she wanted to pander for their votes. That has nothing to do with radio.
Wasn't that Hillary's selling point as well?
So now Hillary was a NY developer?

Certainbly, Marty, you are not saying you actually believe the right wing crap about Hillary Clinton.

Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.

What's so unbelievable that a bureaucracy that is made up of mostly one party, a party that is all in on big government, would fight tooth an nail to preserve itself and it's perceived privileges?
So now Hillary was a NY developer?

Certainbly, Marty, you are not saying you actually believe the right wing crap about Hillary Clinton.

Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.

What's so unbelievable that a bureaucracy that is made up of mostly one party, a party that is all in on big government, would fight tooth an nail to preserve itself and it's perceived privileges?

To clarify, which party are you talking about?
So now Hillary was a NY developer?

Certainbly, Marty, you are not saying you actually believe the right wing crap about Hillary Clinton.

Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.

What's so unbelievable that a bureaucracy that is made up of mostly one party, a party that is all in on big government, would fight tooth an nail to preserve itself and it's perceived privileges?

It's nuts. You know it's nuts.
Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.

What's so unbelievable that a bureaucracy that is made up of mostly one party, a party that is all in on big government, would fight tooth an nail to preserve itself and it's perceived privileges?

To clarify, which party are you talking about?

All of the Democrats, and I'd say about 1/3 of the Republicans.
Nah, she's just a corrupt deep state stooge, which is far far worse because It's our $$ and trust she's fucking with.

How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.

What's so unbelievable that a bureaucracy that is made up of mostly one party, a party that is all in on big government, would fight tooth an nail to preserve itself and it's perceived privileges?

It's nuts. You know it's nuts.

It's not nuts at all. People with power want to keep that power. People who think they are using that power "for the good of all of us, regardless of if you think so or not" are the most dangerous.

My sig quote covers my views on this nicely.
Liberals: Trump sits around doing nothing.

Rational People: Then why are you angry with Trump?

Liberals: Because Trump is destroying the country.

Rational People: By doing nothing?

Liberals: But but but...TRUUUMPPPP :aargh::aargh::aargh:
How is she doing that Marty? You think she runs your imagenary Deep State?

She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.

What's so unbelievable that a bureaucracy that is made up of mostly one party, a party that is all in on big government, would fight tooth an nail to preserve itself and it's perceived privileges?

To clarify, which party are you talking about?

All of the Democrats, and I'd say about 1/3 of the Republicans.

Poor Marty, He is so duped that he probably thinks Trump is actually draining the swamp instead of creating his own personal swamp.
Liberals: Trump sits around doing nothing.

Rational People: Then why are you angry with Trump?

Liberals: Because Trump is destroying the country.

Rational People: By doing nothing?

Liberals: But but but...TRUUUMPPPP :aargh::aargh::aargh:

Trumpettes, Trump gave then $20/week. They're happy.
Liberals: Trump sits around doing nothing.

Rational People: Then why are you angry with Trump?

Liberals: Because Trump is destroying the country.

Rational People: By doing nothing?

Liberals: But but but...TRUUUMPPPP :aargh::aargh::aargh:

Trumpettes, Trump gave then $20/week. They're happy.

It eats at you that millions of people support Trump and his positions on the issues. Chew a couple of Tum's tablets and deal with it.
When people can stop calling Trump supporters little school girl names like Trumpettes, Trumpists, Trumpkins, Trumpeters, Trumplings, etc. I'll take your post more seriously.

People don't become Billionaires by sitting around watching TV.
Aw, snowflake :itsok:

Most, like Trump, inherit it

His father was worth about $300 million.
Who else did he inherit from?
Everything from his father. Business, clients, advisors...

Daddy bailed him out of bankruptcy so many times. And he couldn’t even turn that into $1 billion.

Trump lied to me about his wealth to get onto the Forbes 400. Here are the tapes.

Everything from his father.

Much, much less than billions.

I don't think the haters' minds can grasp the differences between big numbers.

Liberals are famously bad at math.
She's part of the cogs of the machine.

That's funny.

What's so unbelievable that a bureaucracy that is made up of mostly one party, a party that is all in on big government, would fight tooth an nail to preserve itself and it's perceived privileges?

To clarify, which party are you talking about?

All of the Democrats, and I'd say about 1/3 of the Republicans.
Poor Marty, He is so duped that he probably thinks Trump is actually draining the swamp instead of creating his own personal swamp.

Lol at realderp, greedily slurping what is being spoon-fed to him regarding Trump.

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