Question to Pro-Choice murders.Do you not afraid Hell?

Under the current law it is her decision to make, right?
Would you change that law if you could?

Why is it that you can’t justify your support of abortion using the real reason the vast majority of women chose to end the life of their babies?
I'm just fine with allowing a mother to choose, no questions asked, in the first trimester. I'm quite sure I will never be able to justify it to you.

You seem to be unable to justify abortion for any reason. That makes you an extremist in American society and I find extremists of ANY ilk to be dangerous to the rest of us.
The law should be decided at the state level. I would have each state decide.

Again, why does abortion need to be justified? I don’t see how it can be justified. It’s not the child’s fault.
I think it is pretty sad that you need to go through life like this.
You need to make people suffer to make yourself feel better about an invisible god that you can’t prove. That’s disgusting.
Nope. You bring all the suffering on yourself.

I am just making an observation.
I’m not suffering, but you’d want others to suffer in constant pain to make yourself feel like you’re right.
No. I don’t want others to suffer.

The reality is that you are an Internet troll. You want others to suffer. You aren’t here for honest dialogue. My conclusion that you are suffering is the kindest explanation I can make for the behaviors I observe from you.
So if a mother has to choose between two evils, her death and the death of a sick fetus, there is no moral option? Or is her death the only moral option?
Why would there be or even need to be?

Why couldn’t she just choose to do something that was immoral? Why does it need to be rationalized?
So you are fine with other people being able to choose to do something immoral. Do you support Roe v Wade? If not how do you square the two?
The law should be decided at the state level. I would have each state decide.

Again, why does abortion need to be justified? I don’t see how it can be justified. It’s not the child’s fault.
Ah, states rights. I don't really disagree but that was the slogan of Jim Crow and I don't want to go back to that again.

Abortion doesn't need to be justified, it just needs to legal.

What if it is a case of rape, it's not the mother's fault.
But yes, if she chose to sacrifice herself so her child could live, I would say that was a moral choice.
How many organs have you donated? I know someone who needs a heart. <Place heart joke here> Ready to make a moral choice or is that only for others?
I don’t see how my position means I have no heart or don’t care. I believe it is the opposite. There are something like 1 million abortions per year in this country alone. I care about those lives. I also care about the lives of the mothers too. I believe it is likely that if abortion were not such an easy alternative they would behave more responsibly. Men can walk away and do. It is the mother that is left holding the bag so to speak. So behaving more responsibly is a good thing. Then there is their having to live with their decision as well. It would be much better if they never had to do so.

But if seeing me as heartless makes you feel better, go for it. It doesn’t affect me one way or another. It only affects you.
^ She sick.
I think it is pretty sad that you need to go through life like this.
You need to make people suffer to make yourself feel better about an invisible god that you can’t prove. That’s disgusting.
Nope. You bring all the suffering on yourself.

I am just making an observation.
I’m not suffering, but you’d want others to suffer in constant pain to make yourself feel like you’re right.
No. I don’t want others to suffer.

The reality is that you are an Internet troll. You want others to suffer. You aren’t here for honest dialogue. My conclusion that you are suffering is the kindest explanation I can make for the behaviors I observe from you.
You don’t want others to suffer but you’re against aborting a fetus that will only know suffering so you can feel right about your invisible made up friend. Be consistent at least.
The law should be decided at the state level. I would have each state decide.

Again, why does abortion need to be justified? I don’t see how it can be justified. It’s not the child’s fault.
Ah, states rights. I don't really disagree but that was the slogan of Jim Crow and I don't want to go back to that again.

Abortion doesn't need to be justified, it just needs to legal.

What if it is a case of rape, it's not the mother's fault.
Jim Crow, huh? You do realize that slavery, racism, segregation and the KKK were Democratic institutions, right? But I’m not seeing the connection to Jim Crow. Are you saying that some states recognizing the rights of the unborn is akin to some states not recognizing the rights of blacks? Because if that is the case, it would be the states who treated the unborn like property to be disposed of at the will of its owner that is the analog of Jim Crow laws, right?

Abortion just needs to be legal? What about the rights of the unborn? Are they nothing more than property to be disposed of at the will of its owner. That sounds a lot like slavery. In fact that was exactly the ruling from Dred Scott, right?

Is the unborn child guilty of rape? What crime did the unborn baby commit?
So if a mother has to choose between two evils, her death and the death of a sick fetus, there is no moral option? Or is her death the only moral option?
Why would there be or even need to be?

Why couldn’t she just choose to do something that was immoral? Why does it need to be rationalized?
So you are fine with other people being able to choose to do something immoral. Do you support Roe v Wade? If not how do you square the two?
It isn’t about me being fine or not fine with people behaving immorally. I’d be happy if they just didn’t try to rationalize their behaviors as moral when they aren’t.

Just so you don’t get the wrong idea I never claimed to be a saint or moral for that matter. No one is all good or all bad. I’m no exception. But I try very hard to be honest with myself. When I behave immorally I try very hard not to rationalize it away. That’s how we change ourselves. We can’t fix what we don’t admit is broken. We can’t learn if we lie to ourselves.

So what other people do is up to them.

I don’t support Roe v Wade for two reasons. They ignored that at conception a new genetically distinct person comes into existence and they took away the right to decide the law from the states.
I think it is pretty sad that you need to go through life like this.
You need to make people suffer to make yourself feel better about an invisible god that you can’t prove. That’s disgusting.
Nope. You bring all the suffering on yourself.

I am just making an observation.
I’m not suffering, but you’d want others to suffer in constant pain to make yourself feel like you’re right.
No. I don’t want others to suffer.

The reality is that you are an Internet troll. You want others to suffer. You aren’t here for honest dialogue. My conclusion that you are suffering is the kindest explanation I can make for the behaviors I observe from you.
You don’t want others to suffer but you’re against aborting a fetus that will only know suffering so you can feel right about your invisible made up friend. Be consistent at least.
You don’t know they will suffer. No one does. But even if they did, that’s life. You aren’t promised anything except an opportunity. Abortion removes that opportunity.

I’m not making a religious argument, dummy.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.





Look where you are going to


Read here:

The Truth About Hell
MEh, I had a good run
You need to make people suffer to make yourself feel better about an invisible god that you can’t prove. That’s disgusting.
Nope. You bring all the suffering on yourself.

I am just making an observation.
I’m not suffering, but you’d want others to suffer in constant pain to make yourself feel like you’re right.
No. I don’t want others to suffer.

The reality is that you are an Internet troll. You want others to suffer. You aren’t here for honest dialogue. My conclusion that you are suffering is the kindest explanation I can make for the behaviors I observe from you.
You don’t want others to suffer but you’re against aborting a fetus that will only know suffering so you can feel right about your invisible made up friend. Be consistent at least.
You don’t know they will suffer. No one does. But even if they did, that’s life. You aren’t promised anything except an opportunity. Abortion removes that opportunity.

I’m not making a religious argument, dummy.
The doctors say they will suffer their whole short life. You’re ok with that because of your fake invisible friend. That’s pretty twisted.
Nope. You bring all the suffering on yourself.

I am just making an observation.
I’m not suffering, but you’d want others to suffer in constant pain to make yourself feel like you’re right.
No. I don’t want others to suffer.

The reality is that you are an Internet troll. You want others to suffer. You aren’t here for honest dialogue. My conclusion that you are suffering is the kindest explanation I can make for the behaviors I observe from you.
You don’t want others to suffer but you’re against aborting a fetus that will only know suffering so you can feel right about your invisible made up friend. Be consistent at least.
You don’t know they will suffer. No one does. But even if they did, that’s life. You aren’t promised anything except an opportunity. Abortion removes that opportunity.

I’m not making a religious argument, dummy.
The doctors say they will suffer their whole short life. You’re ok with that because of your fake invisible friend. That’s pretty twisted.
You found one example and you are applying this to all babies that are born with handicaps?

Not to mention you are trying to apply this to all abortions as a justification for all abortions?

Do you even statistics, Taz?
I’m not suffering, but you’d want others to suffer in constant pain to make yourself feel like you’re right.
No. I don’t want others to suffer.

The reality is that you are an Internet troll. You want others to suffer. You aren’t here for honest dialogue. My conclusion that you are suffering is the kindest explanation I can make for the behaviors I observe from you.
You don’t want others to suffer but you’re against aborting a fetus that will only know suffering so you can feel right about your invisible made up friend. Be consistent at least.
You don’t know they will suffer. No one does. But even if they did, that’s life. You aren’t promised anything except an opportunity. Abortion removes that opportunity.

I’m not making a religious argument, dummy.
The doctors say they will suffer their whole short life. You’re ok with that because of your fake invisible friend. That’s pretty twisted.
You found one example and you are applying this to all babies that are born with handicaps?

Not to mention you are trying to apply this to all abortions as a justification for all abortions?

Do you even statistics, Taz?
No, I’m showing you what a deluded prick you are. You want others to suffer for your personal belief in a fake being.
No. I don’t want others to suffer.

The reality is that you are an Internet troll. You want others to suffer. You aren’t here for honest dialogue. My conclusion that you are suffering is the kindest explanation I can make for the behaviors I observe from you.
You don’t want others to suffer but you’re against aborting a fetus that will only know suffering so you can feel right about your invisible made up friend. Be consistent at least.
You don’t know they will suffer. No one does. But even if they did, that’s life. You aren’t promised anything except an opportunity. Abortion removes that opportunity.

I’m not making a religious argument, dummy.
The doctors say they will suffer their whole short life. You’re ok with that because of your fake invisible friend. That’s pretty twisted.
You found one example and you are applying this to all babies that are born with handicaps?

Not to mention you are trying to apply this to all abortions as a justification for all abortions?

Do you even statistics, Taz?
No, I’m showing you what a deluded prick you are. You want others to suffer for your personal belief in a fake being.
Because I believe abortion is wrong and have logical reasons for my beliefs I am a deluded prick?

It seems that you have difficulty accepting people who don’t believe as you do, Taz.
You don’t want others to suffer but you’re against aborting a fetus that will only know suffering so you can feel right about your invisible made up friend. Be consistent at least.
You don’t know they will suffer. No one does. But even if they did, that’s life. You aren’t promised anything except an opportunity. Abortion removes that opportunity.

I’m not making a religious argument, dummy.
The doctors say they will suffer their whole short life. You’re ok with that because of your fake invisible friend. That’s pretty twisted.
You found one example and you are applying this to all babies that are born with handicaps?

Not to mention you are trying to apply this to all abortions as a justification for all abortions?

Do you even statistics, Taz?
No, I’m showing you what a deluded prick you are. You want others to suffer for your personal belief in a fake being.
Because I believe abortion is wrong and have logical reasons for my beliefs I am a deluded prick?

It seems that you have difficulty accepting people who don’t believe as you do, Taz.
That you want others to suffer for your belief is fucked up.
You don’t know they will suffer. No one does. But even if they did, that’s life. You aren’t promised anything except an opportunity. Abortion removes that opportunity.

I’m not making a religious argument, dummy.
The doctors say they will suffer their whole short life. You’re ok with that because of your fake invisible friend. That’s pretty twisted.
You found one example and you are applying this to all babies that are born with handicaps?

Not to mention you are trying to apply this to all abortions as a justification for all abortions?

Do you even statistics, Taz?
No, I’m showing you what a deluded prick you are. You want others to suffer for your personal belief in a fake being.
Because I believe abortion is wrong and have logical reasons for my beliefs I am a deluded prick?

It seems that you have difficulty accepting people who don’t believe as you do, Taz.
That you want others to suffer for your belief is fucked up.
Nope. You are trying to justify the murder of millions of babies based upon a very tiny percentage of babies being born with birth defects. That is fucked up.
The doctors say they will suffer their whole short life. You’re ok with that because of your fake invisible friend. That’s pretty twisted.
You found one example and you are applying this to all babies that are born with handicaps?

Not to mention you are trying to apply this to all abortions as a justification for all abortions?

Do you even statistics, Taz?
No, I’m showing you what a deluded prick you are. You want others to suffer for your personal belief in a fake being.
Because I believe abortion is wrong and have logical reasons for my beliefs I am a deluded prick?

It seems that you have difficulty accepting people who don’t believe as you do, Taz.
That you want others to suffer for your belief is fucked up.
Nope. You are trying to justify the murder of millions of babies based upon a very tiny percentage of babies being born with birth defects. That is fucked up.
Now you’re moving the goalposts to save face. It won’t work.
I don’t see how my position means I have no heart or don’t care. I believe it is the opposite. There are something like 1 million abortions per year in this country alone. I care about those lives. I also care about the lives of the mothers too. I believe it is likely that if abortion were not such an easy alternative they would behave more responsibly. Men can walk away and do. It is the mother that is left holding the bag so to speak. So behaving more responsibly is a good thing. Then there is their having to live with their decision as well. It would be much better if they never had to do so.

But if seeing me as heartless makes you feel better, go for it. It doesn’t affect me one way or another. It only affects you.
If you could rewrite the law covering abortion, what would it say?
I don’t support Roe v Wade for two reasons. They ignored that at conception a new genetically distinct person comes into existence and they took away the right to decide the law from the states.
So the fetus has a right to live but the mother does not. Gotcha.
I don’t see how my position means I have no heart or don’t care. I believe it is the opposite. There are something like 1 million abortions per year in this country alone. I care about those lives. I also care about the lives of the mothers too. I believe it is likely that if abortion were not such an easy alternative they would behave more responsibly. Men can walk away and do. It is the mother that is left holding the bag so to speak. So behaving more responsibly is a good thing. Then there is their having to live with their decision as well. It would be much better if they never had to do so.

But if seeing me as heartless makes you feel better, go for it. It doesn’t affect me one way or another. It only affects you.
If you could rewrite the law covering abortion, what would it say?
Let the states decide.

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