Zone1 Questioning Evolution's Story

Supposedly God never changes.

Who the fuck told you that ridiculous story?

God EVOLVES just like everything He created.

Don't believe me?

He sent Jesus, didn't he?

After sitting on his fat Hebrew ass for 1300 years?

I guess you are rationalizing your SIN away. And the wages of sin is death. God's omniscience stumbled over bacon sandwiches 😂
Trichonosis, is the word you're looking for

Google is your friend
Huh? those rules in the Torah were for observant Jews... Do YOU? really believe that pigs which god greated are somehow evil animals?? use your common sense please.
Those rules are either God's word and apply to you or they ain't God's word. It's much more likely that they were man made rules and rational people know that so they get ignored. There are also numerous ancient cultures that kept meticulous records of the time they were supposedly wiped out by God's great flood. So, just stories.
Who the fuck told you that ridiculous story?

God EVOLVES just like everything He created.

Don't believe me?

He sent Jesus, didn't he?

After sitting on his fat Hebrew ass for 1300 years?

Trichonosis, is the word you're looking for

Google is your friend
Romans 11:29
I'm tired after a long day of spreading blasphemy. I will address this topic tomorrow again.
Those rules are either God's word and apply to you or they ain't God's word. It's much more likely that they were man made rules and rational people know that so they get ignored. There are also numerous ancient cultures that kept meticulous records of the time they were supposedly wiped out by God's great flood. So, just stories.

Just stories based in some sort of fact. Otherwise the same stories would not be so wide spread.
Its also my belief that many biblical rules were man made ones, but they also could have been inspired by God because they actually made sense. For example that was my point when it came to ancient israelites not eating pork. It was most likely bad for them becaus eof how it was prepared and many of them were probably dying.
Just stories based in some sort of fact. Otherwise the same stories would not be so wide spread.
Its also my belief that many biblical rules were man made ones, but they also could have been inspired by God because they actually made sense. For example that was my point when it came to ancient israelites not eating pork. It was most likely bad for them becaus eof how it was prepared and many of them were probably dying.
Nonetheless just stories. Only people who plateaued at the cro magnon level of evolution consider em factual.
I'm tired after a long day of spreading blasphemy. I will address this topic tomorrow again.
Engage mind before opening mouth.

I'm a scientist. I ask the question "how is it possible that", and I apply it to everything I don't believe.

"What would have to happen, for this to work?"

Take a simple statement like "I and the father are one". Okay - quantum physics. Everything is entangled. But Jesus didn't know from quantum physics, it took 2000 more years for that to be invented. Jesus "appears" to have been speaking on a spiritual plane - very likely "about" consciousness.

So... "how could it be that" all the consciousness in the universe is somehow related?

Physics tells us it's not such a farfetched concept. But then, to actually model it you have to delve several levels deeper, because you have to vet your brilliant ideas against the body of accumulated scientific knowledge.

The way this works is, consciousness is an evolutionary "attractor" - but as with the Covid mask, if you don't put it on right it won't work.

EVERY religion in the world has a concept of "spiritual states. The Hindus call them "chakras", the occultist Gurdjieff called them "vibration states", John Lilly MD called them "equilibria" (and that was long before we knew anything about criticality). Maybe one could call it "God-consciousness" in this instance. Which coincidentally, is a nickname for the highest Hindu chakra.

See so, in the other thread I detailed a physical mechanism that addresses both constraints. In my model, the statement "I and the Father are one" is scientifically and spiritually plausible. And, it sure beats arguing about it from a standpoint of ignorance.

"How is it possible that"... for this to happen, someone has to be able to "will" themselves into a different brain equilibrium. Which isn't so farfetched either - after all, it's the whole point of meditation, yes? And, science has already shown that the firing rate and phase of single neurons can be controlled by will - so what would basically have to happen is, a cascade of criticality from the single neuron to the whole brain

And that, right now, is the Holy Grail of neuroscience. Everyone "gets it", there are thousands upon thousands of research teams world wide looking at this issue, even as we speak.

So, before you go poo-pooing the idea of a universal consciousness, take another look. Human beings are "islands of complexity" in a very simple sea. We can turn the connection to the water on and off, just by thinking about it. When it's off, we operate on our own. When it's on, we become a part of something bigger. When it's all the way on, the bigger thing flows "through" us, we become its instrument and our brains have to work a little differently to maintain the state.

Read this: Kuramoto Transition – Galileo Unbound

Now ask me what this has to do with God consciousness. Black holes, event horizons...

Well gee, lookie here:


Does that look at all familiar to you?

Read section 2.7: Markers of criticality in phase synchronization
Engage mind before opening mouth.

I'm a scientist. I ask the question "how is it possible that", and I apply it to everything I don't believe.

"What would have to happen, for this to work?"

Take a simple statement like "I and the father are one". Okay - quantum physics. Everything is entangled. But Jesus didn't know from quantum physics, it took 2000 more years for that to be invented. Jesus "appears" to have been speaking on a spiritual plane - very likely "about" consciousness.

So... "how could it be that" all the consciousness in the universe is somehow related?

Physics tells us it's not such a farfetched concept. But then, to actually model it you have to delve several levels deeper, because you have to vet your brilliant ideas against the body of accumulated scientific knowledge.

The way this works is, consciousness is an evolutionary "attractor" - but as with the Covid mask, if you don't put it on right it won't work.

EVERY religion in the world has a concept of "spiritual states. The Hindus call them "chakras", the occultist Gurdjieff called them "vibration states", John Lilly MD called them "equilibria" (and that was long before we knew anything about criticality). Maybe one could call it "God-consciousness" in this instance. Which coincidentally, is a nickname for the highest Hindu chakra.

See so, in the other thread I detailed a physical mechanism that addresses both constraints. In my model, the statement "I and the Father are one" is scientifically and spiritually plausible. And, it sure beats arguing about it from a standpoint of ignorance.

"How is it possible that"... for this to happen, someone has to be able to "will" themselves into a different brain equilibrium. Which isn't so farfetched either - after all, it's the whole point of meditation, yes? And, science has already shown that the firing rate and phase of single neurons can be controlled by will - so what would basically have to happen is, a cascade of criticality from the single neuron to the whole brain

And that, right now, is the Holy Grail of neuroscience. Everyone "gets it", there are thousands upon thousands of research teams world wide looking at this issue, even as we speak.

So, before you go poo-pooing the idea of a universal consciousness, take another look. Human beings are "islands of complexity" in a very simple sea. We can turn the connection to the water on and off, just by thinking about it. When it's off, we operate on our own. When it's on, we become a part of something bigger. When it's all the way on, the bigger thing flows "through" us, we become its instrument and our brains have to work a little differently to maintain the state.

Read this: Kuramoto Transition – Galileo Unbound

Now ask me what this has to do with God consciousness. Black holes, event horizons...

Well gee, lookie here:

View attachment 879278

Does that look at all familiar to you?

Read section 2.7: Markers of criticality in phase synchronization
Proof of evolution

images (4).jpeg
i hope so. the ol' lady wanted a bucket of chicken on xmas eve. it was not good.
It has too much deep fried crust on it. Like you can feel your arteries clogging up while you eat it. The pot pie is good for five bucks.
Found this video online and loved it:

stone dragons (likely fossilized topsians ) were described by herodotus. soft tissue? i'll have to look that up but maybe if frozen for most of the millennia,,, but then we would have actual bones rather than fossils, wouldm't we? .
Asked what they tasted like, Herodotus exclaimed, "Chicken!"
the punch line i had hoped for!!!!!

answering op's serious assertion that the dinosaurs might be extinct with a common example of a genetic dinosaur .

science can't even determine why the damn things cross the road.

"we will be extinct before the dinosaurs " herodotus
" weren't those dragons..." macedonian spear carrier #1
"either way, pretty good with a little rosemary and lemon zest" spear carrier #2
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