Questions Debate Moderators SHOULD HAVE ASKED


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. Do you think that there is a difference between the Marxism that now controls the Democratic Party and Western Democratic Socialism?

2. Do you think that tax cuts will work to grow our economy if there are no controls to prevent that money from going over seas to build factories in China?

3. We have record tax revenues coming into our federal government. What is the basis for assuming that we need more tax increases? (directed to tax hikers like Jeb Bush and John Kasich).

4. Do you believe that our H1-B visa laws should be enforced? What will you do to enforce them, and if you are currently in the government, why havent you done anything yet on this issue?

5. What acts of aggression does a nation have to commit before you will put boots on the ground to defeat them?

6. Do you believe that we should restore Glass Steigal regulations on the banking industry given their history of success and the catastrophic failures we have seen since it was repealed?

7. Do you favor reversing Citizens United and driving all corporate contributions out of our national campaign donations?

8. Will you take an oath to not raise taxes?

9. If you want to repeal or modify Obama's ACA program, what would you do to modify it or what would you replace it with?

10. Executive pay has sky rocketed over the last twenty years while workers wages have remained stagnant for the last forty years. What would you do to change this and to what effect?

The RNC wont allow questions like this as it would make their man, Jebba the Bush, look bad.
Half your list could be fixed using Marxism, AKA a stronger mixed economy than we already have. Until you get back to paying the bills and making your own socks and underwear, you can pretty much forget the rest.
Half your list could be fixed using Marxism, AKA a stronger mixed economy than we already have.

Marxism does not fix anything. It merely steals what some have and give it to other people who dont know what to do with it.

Now Democrtic Socialism can help, but not if mixed with Marxism to any degree.

Until you get back to paying the bills and making your own socks and underwear, you can pretty much forget the rest.
We will all be making our own underwear and socks in twenty years and be proud of the independence it gives us from a cash based economy.
We will all be making our own underwear and socks in twenty years and be proud of the independence it gives us from a cash based economy.
Not a chance, and Socialism, AKA a Mixed Economy is Marxism. Capitalism, then Socialism, then Communism, and always and only in that order. You can't jump the shark. When you think Socialism, think Sweden. That is what most people want and you already have a decent chunk of it here.

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