Questions for Next Debate


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Nobody gives a crap about the manmade global warming myth. Time for real questions.

Do you believe a viable fetus has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Are you going to pack the Supreme Court if you have a Senate majority?

Why is the Green New Deal on Joe’s website but not on Trumps?

Do you denounce each individual involved in violence or supporting violence?

Do you denounce Luis Farrakhan for his anti Semitic statements?

Do you denounce the Portland and Seattle Mayors for letting riots continue for months?

Name 5 accomplishments you’ve personally made in the past 4 years while in office.
How about why do you want to be president?....the questions Wallace asked were all gotha questions...mostly directed towards Trump....and it ended up angering both Trump and was the worst most useless debate I've ever watched and it all has Wallace to blame for it....he is terrible at coming up with informative questions the people want to know....No one cares about Trumps taxes or Proud Boys or racism they want to know what they will do for us....
So I hope the next moderator is more professional than Wallace was.....

FOX news should be ashamed.....
Nobody gives a crap about the manmade global warming myth. Time for real questions.

Do you believe a viable fetus has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Are you going to pack the Supreme Court if you have a Senate majority?

Why is the Green New Deal on Joe’s website but not on Trumps?

Do you denounce each individual involved in violence or supporting violence?

Do you denounce Luis Farrakhan for his anti Semitic statements?

Do you denounce the Portland and Seattle Mayors for letting riots continue for months?

Name 5 accomplishments you’ve personally made in the past 4 years while in office.

Do you think men and women should use the same public bathroom?

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