Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

Sorry guy, but as I suspected, you don't have any idea even what the term, underlying mechanism means. All you are telling me is that energy transfers....I already knew that...nothing whatsoever there about the underlying mechanism of how or why energy transfers...unsurprising since at this juncture, the how and why remains a mystery to science just as the underlying mechanism of gravity remains a mystery...
Alas, you still don't understand science. Gravity has very little to do with thermal EM radiation.

To bad I can't write to you with crayons...the point was that there are lots of things to which we recognize but are still a long way from learning the underlying mechanism...given your intellectual limitiations, I thought the example of gravity would be easy for you to grasp...guess I was wrong.

Crayons wouldn't help. The writing would simply melt away being in the presence of your dazzling brilliance. For that matter, we have already been blinded simply by taking a peek at your brilliance. We are but dogs trying to comprehend the incomprehensible godlike wisdom you are trying to impart to us.

Hahahaha. I'm playing by SSDD rules here. It doesn't matter if T = 1000 or 3000K. Either one is warmer than the 4K detector. In fact it is warmer than an ambient temperature detector as well, so there is no problem with the SLoT because the photon knows the temperature of both the emitter and receiver 'cause it don't care nuttin' about time or distance. So there!
C'mon don't give him idiotic ideas. He is confused and bitter enough the way it is.
Hahahaha. I'm playing by SSDD rules here. It doesn't matter if T = 1000 or 3000K. Either one is warmer than the 4K detector. In fact it is warmer than an ambient temperature detector as well, so there is no problem with the SLoT because the photon knows the temperature of both the emitter and receiver 'cause it don't care nuttin' about time or distance. So there!
C'mon don't give him idiotic ideas. He is confused and bitter enough the way it is.

Hahahaha. I'm afraid I already have. Bit of a Frankenstein's monster with that photon thing.
To bad I can't write to you with crayons...the point was that there are lots of things to which we recognize but are still a long way from learning the underlying mechanism...given your intellectual limitiations, I thought the example of gravity would be easy for you to grasp...guess I was wrong.
Ah yes, you substitute vitriol for scientific understanding. Always changing the subject to gravity. Can't you find another way to digress. That is getting stale.
Sorry guy, but I remember you never even being able to grasp the concept of a resonant radio surprise that you believe you won...I left the discussion with you out of sheer boredom...
You lost bad. Resonant radio signal is something you made up that has nothing to do with thermodynamics. Sheer boredom. That is so funny.

So you have a bad memory in addition to not being very bright. Here is a better explanation than I could give you although it is probably way over your head as well..

The Cosmic Microwave Radiation (CMB) shows a blackbody spectrum of temperature 2.725 K
peaking at a wave length of about 0.2 cm beyond the far infrared spectrum. CMB is detected by radio-telescopes by resonance like radio antennas resonating with incoming radio waves thus generating a weak electrical signal which can be amplified into detection.

It would be difficult to detect CMB by thermal IR-imaging since the signal is very weak and thermal detection would require a detector at lower temperature than 2.725 K.

The concept of Downwelling Longwave Radiation DLR from the cold atmosphere to the warm Earth surface plays a key role in CO2 alarmism. CMB is here presented as an ultimate form of DLR with the argument that a picture of CMB shows that DLR is real. If even the cold dark space is contributing to global warming, then global warming must be real, right?

Let us now scrutinize this argument in the setting of mathematical model of blackbody radiation studied in Computational Blackbody Radiation, in the case of a radio-telescope as CMB-detector. The model takes the form of set oscillators with damping (see here for some more details)
  • Utt−Uxx−γUttt−h2Uxxt=f
where the subindices indicate differentiation with respect to space x and time t, and
  1. Utt−Uxx represents the oscillators in a wave model
  2. −γUttt is a dissipative term modeling outgoing radiation
  3. −h2Uxxt is a dissipative modeling internal heating
  4. f is incoming forcing/microwaves,
where γ represents the constant in Planck's radiation law and h represents a smallest mesh size, connected to dissipative losses as outgoing radiation and internal heating, respectively.

Microwaves are characterized by low frequency and long wave length (compared to visible and
infrared light) and in this case the dissipative loss of internal heating is small and is not detectable while the resonance can be detected after amplification just like a radio antenna is capable of detecting a weak radio wave by resonance followed by amplification.

Pictures of CMB are thus produced by an IR-camera in the form of a radio-telescope which works by resonance and not radiative heating. A CMB picture can therefore not be used as evidence that the weak glow of CMB acts as in a weak form of radiative heating named DLR or backradiation. This is because the CMB picture is not obtained from detection of radiative heating, but from resonance and amplification.

We conclude that a CMB picture is not any evidence of DLR, because no DLR is detected.
Sorry guy, it was a resonant radio frequency that Wilson's telescope received...not CMB...if you want to actually receive CMB you need an instrument cooled to a temperature lower than I said, you are so far behind the curve that you can't even grasp the concept of a resonant radio frequency and how that relates other types of energy.
You can't argue your way out of the fact that cosmic background radiation at 2.7K hit Penzias and Wilson's telescope sensor at a temperature of 4K. That was quite observable, measurable, and testable. We're talking about thermal EM radiation here. The CMB didn't transmit "resonant radio frequencies".

Sorry was a radio telescope and detected a resonant radio frequency...
0.0001 seconds after the Big Bang the temperature of the universe was about T=1013 K.

One month after the Big Bang the processes that convert the radiation field to a blackbody spectrum become slower than the expansion of the Universe, so the spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) preserves information back to this time. Temperature is T=3000 K, time is 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

The red-shift brings it down to 2.7 K.

Hahahaha. I'm playing by SSDD rules here. It doesn't matter if T = 1000 or 3000K. Either one is warmer than the 4K detector. In fact it is warmer than an ambient temperature detector as well, so there is no problem with the SLoT because the photon knows the temperature of both the emitter and receiver 'cause it don't care nuttin' about time or distance. So there!
Sorry guy, but as I suspected, you don't have any idea even what the term, underlying mechanism means. All you are telling me is that energy transfers....I already knew that...nothing whatsoever there about the underlying mechanism of how or why energy transfers...unsurprising since at this juncture, the how and why remains a mystery to science just as the underlying mechanism of gravity remains a mystery...
Alas, you still don't understand science. Gravity has very little to do with thermal EM radiation.

To bad I can't write to you with crayons...the point was that there are lots of things to which we recognize but are still a long way from learning the underlying mechanism...given your intellectual limitiations, I thought the example of gravity would be easy for you to grasp...guess I was wrong.

Crayons wouldn't help. The writing would simply melt away being in the presence of your dazzling brilliance. For that matter, we have already been blinded simply by taking a peek at your brilliance. We are but dogs trying to comprehend the incomprehensible godlike wisdom you are trying to impart to us.


Laugh if you like...most people on the wrong side of an argument laugh harder the more evident it becomes that they are on the wrong side...hel look at rocks...laughing is about all he does any more.
To bad I can't write to you with crayons...the point was that there are lots of things to which we recognize but are still a long way from learning the underlying mechanism...given your intellectual limitiations, I thought the example of gravity would be easy for you to grasp...guess I was wrong.
Ah yes, you substitute vitriol for scientific understanding. Always changing the subject to gravity. Can't you find another way to digress. That is getting stale.

Are you really that stupid? Never obviously are.
Sorry guy, but I remember you never even being able to grasp the concept of a resonant radio surprise that you believe you won...I left the discussion with you out of sheer boredom...
You lost bad. Resonant radio signal is something you made up that has nothing to do with thermodynamics. Sheer boredom. That is so funny.

So you have a bad memory in addition to not being very bright. Here is a better explanation than I could give you although it is probably way over your head as well..

The Cosmic Microwave Radiation (CMB) shows a blackbody spectrum of temperature 2.725 K
peaking at a wave length of about 0.2 cm beyond the far infrared spectrum. CMB is detected by radio-telescopes by resonance like radio antennas resonating with incoming radio waves thus generating a weak electrical signal which can be amplified into detection.

It would be difficult to detect CMB by thermal IR-imaging since the signal is very weak and thermal detection would require a detector at lower temperature than 2.725 K.

The concept of Downwelling Longwave Radiation DLR from the cold atmosphere to the warm Earth surface plays a key role in CO2 alarmism. CMB is here presented as an ultimate form of DLR with the argument that a picture of CMB shows that DLR is real. If even the cold dark space is contributing to global warming, then global warming must be real, right?

Let us now scrutinize this argument in the setting of mathematical model of blackbody radiation studied in Computational Blackbody Radiation, in the case of a radio-telescope as CMB-detector. The model takes the form of set oscillators with damping (see here for some more details)
  • Utt−Uxx−γUttt−h2Uxxt=f
where the subindices indicate differentiation with respect to space x and time t, and
  1. Utt−Uxx represents the oscillators in a wave model
  2. −γUttt is a dissipative term modeling outgoing radiation
  3. −h2Uxxt is a dissipative modeling internal heating
  4. f is incoming forcing/microwaves,
where γ represents the constant in Planck's radiation law and h represents a smallest mesh size, connected to dissipative losses as outgoing radiation and internal heating, respectively.

Microwaves are characterized by low frequency and long wave length (compared to visible and
infrared light) and in this case the dissipative loss of internal heating is small and is not detectable while the resonance can be detected after amplification just like a radio antenna is capable of detecting a weak radio wave by resonance followed by amplification.

Pictures of CMB are thus produced by an IR-camera in the form of a radio-telescope which works by resonance and not radiative heating. A CMB picture can therefore not be used as evidence that the weak glow of CMB acts as in a weak form of radiative heating named DLR or backradiation. This is because the CMB picture is not obtained from detection of radiative heating, but from resonance and amplification.

We conclude that a CMB picture is not any evidence of DLR, because no DLR is detected.
The CMB is a continuum of frequencies. The detector is resonantly tuned to sample various frequencies of that continuum. The samples are compared to a black-body curve. Look at the site I gave ianC. Where do you think the dots on the graph came from?
To bad I can't write to you with crayons...the point was that there are lots of things to which we recognize but are still a long way from learning the underlying mechanism...given your intellectual limitiations, I thought the example of gravity would be easy for you to grasp...guess I was wrong.
Ah yes, you substitute vitriol for scientific understanding. Always changing the subject to gravity. Can't you find another way to digress. That is getting stale.

Are you really that stupid? Never obviously are.
More bitter juvenile retorts. Is that all you got? Sad.
Sorry guy, but I remember you never even being able to grasp the concept of a resonant radio surprise that you believe you won...I left the discussion with you out of sheer boredom...
You lost bad. Resonant radio signal is something you made up that has nothing to do with thermodynamics. Sheer boredom. That is so funny.

So you have a bad memory in addition to not being very bright. Here is a better explanation than I could give you although it is probably way over your head as well..

The Cosmic Microwave Radiation (CMB) shows a blackbody spectrum of temperature 2.725 K
peaking at a wave length of about 0.2 cm beyond the far infrared spectrum. CMB is detected by radio-telescopes by resonance like radio antennas resonating with incoming radio waves thus generating a weak electrical signal which can be amplified into detection.

It would be difficult to detect CMB by thermal IR-imaging since the signal is very weak and thermal detection would require a detector at lower temperature than 2.725 K.

The concept of Downwelling Longwave Radiation DLR from the cold atmosphere to the warm Earth surface plays a key role in CO2 alarmism. CMB is here presented as an ultimate form of DLR with the argument that a picture of CMB shows that DLR is real. If even the cold dark space is contributing to global warming, then global warming must be real, right?

Let us now scrutinize this argument in the setting of mathematical model of blackbody radiation studied in Computational Blackbody Radiation, in the case of a radio-telescope as CMB-detector. The model takes the form of set oscillators with damping (see here for some more details)
  • Utt−Uxx−γUttt−h2Uxxt=f
where the subindices indicate differentiation with respect to space x and time t, and
  1. Utt−Uxx represents the oscillators in a wave model
  2. −γUttt is a dissipative term modeling outgoing radiation
  3. −h2Uxxt is a dissipative modeling internal heating
  4. f is incoming forcing/microwaves,
where γ represents the constant in Planck's radiation law and h represents a smallest mesh size, connected to dissipative losses as outgoing radiation and internal heating, respectively.

Microwaves are characterized by low frequency and long wave length (compared to visible and
infrared light) and in this case the dissipative loss of internal heating is small and is not detectable while the resonance can be detected after amplification just like a radio antenna is capable of detecting a weak radio wave by resonance followed by amplification.

Pictures of CMB are thus produced by an IR-camera in the form of a radio-telescope which works by resonance and not radiative heating. A CMB picture can therefore not be used as evidence that the weak glow of CMB acts as in a weak form of radiative heating named DLR or backradiation. This is because the CMB picture is not obtained from detection of radiative heating, but from resonance and amplification.

We conclude that a CMB picture is not any evidence of DLR, because no DLR is detected.

Scientists using a True-SB, with only one-way transfer from hot to cold, would say No: There is only transfer of heat from the Earth to the cosmic background at 2.75 K.

Yeah, that's what idiots would say. DERP!

This is because the CMB picture is not obtained from detection of radiative heating, but from resonance and amplification.

I love it!
None of these waves hit the Earth, because it's too warm, but they somehow, magically, cause a receiver to resonate.
Sorry guy, it was a resonant radio frequency that Wilson's telescope received...not CMB...if you want to actually receive CMB you need an instrument cooled to a temperature lower than I said, you are so far behind the curve that you can't even grasp the concept of a resonant radio frequency and how that relates other types of energy.
You can't argue your way out of the fact that cosmic background radiation at 2.7K hit Penzias and Wilson's telescope sensor at a temperature of 4K. That was quite observable, measurable, and testable. We're talking about thermal EM radiation here. The CMB didn't transmit "resonant radio frequencies".

Sorry was a radio telescope and detected a resonant radio frequency...

In physics, resonance is a phenomenon in which a vibrating system or external force drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at specific frequencies.

Resonance - Wikipedia

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