Quid Pro Quo

I see the TALKING POINTS and lies were handed out quickly!

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story
Sep 26, 2019 · By John Solomon, Opinion Contributor 1 ... If the Ukraine prosecutor's firing involved only his alleged corruption and ineptitude, why ..
Report: Hundreds of Docs Suggest Biden's Been Lying About Firing Ukrainian Prosecutor
Sep 26, 2019 · But documents gathered by the Hill's John Solomon greatly ... If the Ukraine prosecutor's firing involved only his alleged corruption and
Republicans are always good about handing out talking points and lies quickly.
Please show evidence of this claim.
You should have listened to the former AG give all the examples on the PBS News hour last night for your education. Literally every deal we make with another country comes with conditions of quid pro quo. We ain't World Charity, numbnut. And yet, there is no explicit evidence with Trump here, just inferred innuendo.
Actually there is.
Name it. You must know more than an Attorney General who just said THERE ISN'T.
'inferred innuendo'

When the President's own administration says you don't get that meeting with the President unless you agree dig up dirt on the his political opponents.

Obama was so much simpler: He simply apologized for being a colonial and gave them what they wanted freely.

Hillary was simpler still: She only requested personal contributions to her Clinton Foundation or Global Initiative before handing out State favors.
Remember how at the beginning of Ukrainegate Republicans lined up behind Trump and proclaimed:
"There can be no crime because there was no quid pro quo"

Sen. Pat Toomey called the conversation “inappropriate,” the Pennsylvania Republican said “it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.”
It “reveals no quid pro quo,” he added.

“I didn’t find it concerning,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “There was no quid pro quo, you’d have to have that if there was going to be anything wrong.”

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), one of Trump’s top confidants on Capitol Hill, had tweeted four separate times about the absence of a “quid pro quo" by lunchtime.

Well now we know that there was a"Quid Pro Quo" offered, and expected by the President.
The incredibly damning Ukraine texts from State Department officials, explained
Volker writes, “Heard from White House — assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / “get to the bottom of what happened” in 20-16, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Later in a response from the Ukrainian rep:
“Once we have a date,” Yermak says, he’ll call for a press briefing in which he’ll announce “among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations.”

Sondland asks Volker, “Do we still want Ze to give us an unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?” Volker answers: “That’s the clear message so far...”

Remember Boresma is the company that Trump is trying to tie Biden to- in Trump's phone call Trump never mentions Boresma but instead asks him to investigate Biden.

The quid pro quo is very explicit here- the new Ukrainian President very much wants a White House meeting with President Trump. He is offered that meeting if he investigates Boresma- or as Trump made clear on his call- Biden.

The quid pro quo is there- even without the pretty obvious quid pro quo of the arms money:

Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine:“Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?”........“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.”

Now the Republican line is: 'nuttin illegal about 'quid pro quo' to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent- well if Trump is doing it.

I am sure we will see all of the Republicans who proclaimed that the President did nothing wrong because there was no 'quid pro quo' offered, will be finding other reasons why it is okay for the President to offer a quid pro quo to a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political rival.

Soros's democrat Party, R.I.P
The Right's favorite Jewish boogeyman.
Just another example of the Right saying "Its the Jooooos fault!"
I see the TALKING POINTS and lies were handed out quickly!

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story
Sep 26, 2019 · By John Solomon, Opinion Contributor 1 ... If the Ukraine prosecutor's firing involved only his alleged corruption and ineptitude, why ..
Report: Hundreds of Docs Suggest Biden's Been Lying About Firing Ukrainian Prosecutor
Sep 26, 2019 · But documents gathered by the Hill's John Solomon greatly ... If the Ukraine prosecutor's firing involved only his alleged corruption and
Republicans are always good about handing out talking points and lies quickly.
Remember how at the beginning of Ukrainegate Republicans lined up behind Trump and proclaimed:
"There can be no crime because there was no quid pro quo"

Sen. Pat Toomey called the conversation “inappropriate,” the Pennsylvania Republican said “it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.”
It “reveals no quid pro quo,” he added.

“I didn’t find it concerning,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “There was no quid pro quo, you’d have to have that if there was going to be anything wrong.”

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), one of Trump’s top confidants on Capitol Hill, had tweeted four separate times about the absence of a “quid pro quo" by lunchtime.

Well now we know that there was a"Quid Pro Quo" offered, and expected by the President.
The incredibly damning Ukraine texts from State Department officials, explained
Volker writes, “Heard from White House — assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / “get to the bottom of what happened” in 20-16, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Later in a response from the Ukrainian rep:
“Once we have a date,” Yermak says, he’ll call for a press briefing in which he’ll announce “among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations.”

Sondland asks Volker, “Do we still want Ze to give us an unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?” Volker answers: “That’s the clear message so far...”

Remember Boresma is the company that Trump is trying to tie Biden to- in Trump's phone call Trump never mentions Boresma but instead asks him to investigate Biden.

The quid pro quo is very explicit here- the new Ukrainian President very much wants a White House meeting with President Trump. He is offered that meeting if he investigates Boresma- or as Trump made clear on his call- Biden.

The quid pro quo is there- even without the pretty obvious quid pro quo of the arms money:

Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine:“Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?”........“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.”

Now the Republican line is: 'nuttin illegal about 'quid pro quo' to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent- well if Trump is doing it.

I am sure we will see all of the Republicans who proclaimed that the President did nothing wrong because there was no 'quid pro quo' offered, will be finding other reasons why it is okay for the President to offer a quid pro quo to a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political rival.

Soros's democrat Party, R.I.P
The Right's favorite Jewish boogeyman.
Just another example of the Right saying "Its the Jooooos fault!"
Yup.....SO EASY!

you argue like a little bitch after the trump team debunked your horseshit - YOU'RE A F'N IDIOT. that shit suits you.
I guess you'd be the expert on that having never once believed or promoted the "Trump team" when they supported his opinions or denounced all said news sources as fake news! :auiqs.jpg:
you argue like a little bitch after the trump team debunked your horseshit - YOU'RE A F'N IDIOT. that shit suits you.
I guess you'd be the expert on that having never once believed or promoted the "Trump team" when they supported his opinions or denounced all said news sources as fake news! :auiqs.jpg:

so you're calling them liars -

goo to know.
Ukraine is a cesspool of international corruption....It also turns out that $1.8 billion in Murican foreign aid payola magically disappeared into thin air back in 2014.
But all the leftbats can do is keep bleating about ELECTION MEDDLING!
Perhaps that's because Biden's is the only purported corruption for which Trump has begged foreign help.
Ukraine is a cesspool of international corruption....It also turns out that $1.8 billion in Murican foreign aid payola magically disappeared into thin air back in 2014.
But all the leftbats can do is keep bleating about ELECTION MEDDLING!
Perhaps that's because Biden's is the only purported corruption for which Trump has begged foreign help.
Not hardly.
Ukraine is a cesspool of international corruption....It also turns out that $1.8 billion in Murican foreign aid payola magically disappeared into thin air back in 2014.
But all the leftbats can do is keep bleating about ELECTION MEDDLING!
Perhaps that's because Biden's is the only purported corruption for which Trump has begged foreign help.
So you're in favor of corruption?
We are begging you democrats to vote to impeach.. BEGGING YOU.. do it! Please

I guess that is Trump talk for "I am okay with Trump offering a quid pro quo to a foreign government to influence an American election"
A meeting with the president is quid pro quo? lol you do understand trump has meetings with foreign leaders all the time right? There is tons of quid pro quo going on lol
What joe Biden did with his son was clearly corrupt, trump is the president he is looking out for our tax money.. ITS HIS JOB.

But go ahead and impeach.. lol watch what happens

A) New Ukrainian President desperately wants a meeting in the White House with President Trump. President Trump tells him he gets his meeting if he investigates Biden- his political rival.- quid pro quo.
B) What did Joe Biden 'do with his son'- show us the evidence. I gave you the actual quotes of members of the Administration showing a quid pro quo.
C) Trump is running up huge deficits, spending is at all time highs- and Trump's solution to corruption is Ukraine is his theory about something that happened 4 years ago- and happens to include the name "Biden" and no one else.

Show us all of the other examples of Trump asking Ukraine to investigate for corruption anyone other than someone named "Biden"

And yes the impeachment will proceed.
You would trade a meeting to end corruption!!???? WTF LOL

If only Trump cared about ending corruption.

For Trump 'corruption' is just a euphemism for "my political opponent"
Great story
Remember how at the beginning of Ukrainegate Republicans lined up behind Trump and proclaimed:
"There can be no crime because there was no quid pro quo"

Sen. Pat Toomey called the conversation “inappropriate,” the Pennsylvania Republican said “it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.”
It “reveals no quid pro quo,” he added.

“I didn’t find it concerning,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “There was no quid pro quo, you’d have to have that if there was going to be anything wrong.”

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), one of Trump’s top confidants on Capitol Hill, had tweeted four separate times about the absence of a “quid pro quo" by lunchtime.

Well now we know that there was a"Quid Pro Quo" offered, and expected by the President.
The incredibly damning Ukraine texts from State Department officials, explained
Volker writes, “Heard from White House — assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / “get to the bottom of what happened” in 20-16, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Later in a response from the Ukrainian rep:
“Once we have a date,” Yermak says, he’ll call for a press briefing in which he’ll announce “among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations.”

Sondland asks Volker, “Do we still want Ze to give us an unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?” Volker answers: “That’s the clear message so far...”

Remember Boresma is the company that Trump is trying to tie Biden to- in Trump's phone call Trump never mentions Boresma but instead asks him to investigate Biden.

The quid pro quo is very explicit here- the new Ukrainian President very much wants a White House meeting with President Trump. He is offered that meeting if he investigates Boresma- or as Trump made clear on his call- Biden.

The quid pro quo is there- even without the pretty obvious quid pro quo of the arms money:

Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine:“Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?”........“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.”

Now the Republican line is: 'nuttin illegal about 'quid pro quo' to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent- well if Trump is doing it.

I am sure we will see all of the Republicans who proclaimed that the President did nothing wrong because there was no 'quid pro quo' offered, will be finding other reasons why it is okay for the President to offer a quid pro quo to a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political rival.
tRump knows all about quid pro quo.

download (5).jpeg
Nonsense, show us where Trump asked a foreign leader to help him defeat a political opponent. I have asked this many times and, so far, no reply. That being said I CAN show you where Biden threatened to withhold $1 Billion unless a Ukrainian prosecutor (the one that was on his son Hunter's tail for corruption) was fired. And well...."son of a bitch" the guy was fired.
No, that's where the prosecutor had abandoned/stopped/stalled the investigation of Burisma/Hunter.
Lets just say that when a president
1. Holds back military aid
2. Ask for a favor from said country
3. holds the military aid over their heads that congress has approved based on them doing that favor.
4. Straight up admitted it in the phone call and messages that he was going after the Bidens.

It is a quid pro quo as clear as day. Impeach now!
So you're in favor of corruption?
Certainly. I support the most corrupt POTUS the US has seen. He will have severely diminished the standing and capacity of the US by the end of his presidency. No country will trust the US thereby increasing the trend to a multi polar world.
Best corrupt POTUS evah!
Now Trump is changing his story from 'no quid pro quo' to Trump is just a corruption fighter!

Fighting corruption all around the world- just so long as he can say corruption and Biden in the same sentence.
Nonsense, show us where Trump asked a foreign leader to help him defeat a political opponent. I have asked this many times and, so far, no reply. That being said I CAN show you where Biden threatened to withhold $1 Billion unless a Ukrainian prosecutor (the one that was on his son Hunter's tail for corruption) was fired. And well...."son of a bitch" the guy was fired.
No, that's where the prosecutor had abandoned/stopped/stalled the investigation of Burisma/Hunter.

Burisma is the most corrupt company probably in the world.
Now Trump is changing his story from 'no quid pro quo' to Trump is just a corruption fighter!

Fighting corruption all around the world- just so long as he can say corruption and Biden in the same sentence.

Where did Trump ask for a quid pro quo? It doesn't exist anywhere in the transcript. Besides if one is investigating corruption, they are not asking for a quid pro quo. We knew about dirty Biden 2 years ago and now, the heat is coming down on him. Frankly, Trump would win easily going up against Biden.
Now Trump is changing his story from 'no quid pro quo' to Trump is just a corruption fighter!

Fighting corruption all around the world- just so long as he can say corruption and Biden in the same sentence.

Where did Trump ask for a quid pro quo? It doesn't exist anywhere in the transcript. Besides if one is investigating corruption, they are not asking for a quid pro quo. We knew about dirty Biden 2 years ago and now, the heat is coming down on him. Frankly, Trump would win easily going up against Biden.

Read the transcript and read the texts from the diplomats. It is VERY clear that the White House meeting with Trump was dependent on the President of Ukraine publicly announcing an investigation of Biden.

Why did Trump demand a public announcement of an investigation of Biden? Because this was all about politics.

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