Quiz for the Marxists/Democrats who visit this site. Which gun is an assault rifle?

Which weapon shown below is an assault weapon?

  • Picture number 1.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Picture number 2.

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  • Neither.

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Both.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marxists/Democrats are clueless about weapons.

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
Rate of fire is determined by how quickly you can pull a trigger and how quickly a new round can be chambered

Loading cycle time is almost identical for any gas-powered semi auto rifle and how quickly you can pull the trigger is largely dependent on individual skill. When the British Army used the .303 caliber SMLE (Short Magazine Lee-Enfield) bolt action rifle an AVERAGE marksman was expected to be able to fire FIFTEEN aimed rounds at a target at 300 yards. The rifle started with five rounds loaded (one in the chamber and four in the ten-round magazine, the shooter had to fire those five rounds, reload another five rounds, fire those, reload another five rounds, and fire those in less than sixth seconds. A skilled rifleman could load and fire THIRTY SIX rounds in that minute, the world record for the British Army was THIRTY EIGHT rounds in a minute. That's SIX RELOADS and thirty eight AIMED rounds in a minute with a bolt action rifle, NOT a semi-auto. I've watched a mad minute by a skilled rifleman and he was firing better than a round a second including operating the bolt.
In 1961, ten AR-15's were sent to South Vietnam.

Obviously the US army didn't feel your two uncles and grandfather were upto using an AR-15. Never mind.
If I remember correctly those were full auto rifles bought by the Air Force, NOT the Army. Trials weapons in the Army have an XM designation, NOT a civilian one.
It's not my article, it's Britannica's. Are you being a stupid hunt on purpose?
You posted it you fucking moron, not Britannica. Want to not be considered an idiot, then make sure you read the article before you use it for a reference.....
In 1961, ten AR-15's were sent to South Vietnam.

Obviously the US army didn't feel your two uncles and grandfather were upto using an AR-15. Never mind.
The M16, The First Rifle Sent to Vietnam After Colt won the manufacturing contract from the United States Military to begin producing the AR-15, the M16 was actually the first rifle to be shipped to Vietnam. The M16 got off to a rocky start during the Vietnam war.

Is the AR-15 The Same As An M16? - Ghost Inc.


"General Curtis LeMay saw a demonstration of the AR-15 in 1960. Impressed by the prowess of this new firearm, when General LeMay became the Air Force Chief of Staff in the Summer of 1961, he placed 80,000 AR-15's on order for the U.S. Air Force.

In 1961, ten AR-15's were sent to South Vietnam, as the United States continued to penetrate into the jungles of Indochina."

"The Difference Between the AR-15 and the M16​

So, what are the differences between the AR-15 and the M16? Are they the same thing? One of the easiest ways to think about this is that every M16 is an AR-15; however, not all AR-15s are an M16. At the basic level, the M16 is a fully automatic rifle. The AR-15 a semi-automatic only. At the same time, remember that the original AR-15 was fully automatic. It was made semi-automatic for civilian purposes.

Ultimately, the M16 uses the foundation of the AR-15 and modifies it slightly. The AR-15 is primarily seen today as the foundation of all other semi-automatic rifles and automatic rifles that the military uses to this day. The M16 was created with a few modifications from the basic AR-15 design to make it more useful for the military’s purposes.

In addition, the AR-15 was also modified slightly for civilian purposes. The lower receiver of the AR-15 does not have a third trigger pinhole for the safety selector. The trigger pocket is also mailed slightly differently to accommodate for this change. Those who look closely at the M16 and AR-15 might notice these differences."
The M16, The First Rifle Sent to Vietnam After Colt won the manufacturing contract from the United States Military to begin producing the AR-15, the M16 was actually the first rifle to be shipped to Vietnam. The M16 got off to a rocky start during the Vietnam war.

Is the AR-15 The Same As An M16? - Ghost Inc.

View attachment 781647
Read the link faggot. Was the AR-15 ever used by the US military? Yes, 10 were tried in Vietnam. What the fuck are you crying about??
In 1961, ten AR-15's were sent to South Vietnam.

Obviously the US army didn't feel your two uncles and grandfather were upto using an AR-15. Never mind.
No fuck it wasn't. The original version of the M16 was sent to Vietnam. The Two Uncles are Marines my Grandfather was Navy and my Father was Army.

The M16 was a selective fire weapon adapted from the semi-automatic AR-15 the AR was never issued to the troops. You do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
It's not my link, my web sites doesn't have that URL link.

The Britannica Information was supplied with regards to the discussion on Assault rifles. To be honest, as you retards keeping belting on about self defence, what does a Protection rifle look like? Which protection rifles does the military use?
You posted a link that defined an assault rifle in a way that excluded the AR-15, then proceeded to claim it INCLUDED the AR-15. How do you reconcile those incompatible points?
In 1961, ten AR-15's were sent to South Vietnam.

Obviously the US army didn't feel your two uncles and grandfather were upto using an AR-15. Never mind.
The AR-15 is not a fully automatic rifle, therefore according to your link, it is NOT an assault rifle.
An assault rifle can be defined by any gun with a large magazine with above a certain rate of fire

Wrong again Bobo, an assault rifle is a rifle made for military combat capable of continuous fire automatic operation with one squeeze of the trigger. It isn't "any gun" (pistol?) simply with a large mag. If you knew spit about firearms, you'd know that you could reduce magazine size to the normal 5-8 rounds for a pistol, it doesn't matter--- anyone skilled in firearms can squeeze off those rounds one at a time, drop the mag, and insert another in ONE FUCKING SECOND OR LESS and keep right on shooting.

The entire assault weapon ban schmooze by the left is just a bullshit partisan ploy for idiots like you.
The Ruger 10/22 in the first picture has a cyclic rate of fire of 1080 rounds per minute, which is faster than an AK-47. You can also purchase a 100-round drum magazine for it.

So does that make that little squirrel rifle an "assault rifle"?
According to Facebook, they removed a picture of a 10/22 because it is...an anti-aircraft gun. WHAT?!
Really , 10 whole rifles ? I bet they never left the range. That's about two squads worth
I was thinking about the 10 AR-15s that went over with the expeditionary force that John Kennedy supplied for France. What i realize is that the AR-15 which was a good hunting rifle, didnt have the ability to put a lot of lead down field when it was needed. So the military asked for it to be modified into a weapon of war, thus the semi and automatic features were supplied. I know this is very confusing to those who have never fired a M-16 or newer module M-4 but all you have to do is look at the two pictures i supplied.

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