Quotas May Hurt Women


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
Women deserve more seats in the highest corporate echelons. But a mandate is the wrong way to get there.

Germany seems to disagree. After months of debate, the German cabinet last week imposed a quota for women on big companies’ boards. The policy was a response to the fact that women are currently underrepresented in leadership positions: They comprise 46 percent of the labor force but hold just 15 percent of supervisory-board seats at Germany’s 200 biggest companies.

Why having quotas may hurt women in the corporate boardroom - The Washington Post

That's the main problem of the Europe. They think, that they are fighting for the human's right. But in fact, they are doing just the opposite.
If you REALLY think about it, quotas only and always hurt the people they were intended go help.
I just wish the idea of quotas would somehow find its way into other families in the animal kingdom besides us humans.

Gettin' tired of roaches and ants and termites and such stormin' my house in huge numbers.

The little buggers need to start picking some other less-qualified folks within their ranks to get the jobs done.

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