R candidates should bar/ban activists like Ramos:The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce positions'

All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.

But what about freedom of the press? If candidates ban all journalists and reporters who ask tough questions about a candidate's proposals (e.g., deporting children who are citizens and building a wall 1900 miles long), why should we support that candidate? The people want answers and rely on the press to dig for those answers.
I'm not a fan of "banning" things, so that to me is not an option. Would I would like to see, however, is a highest possible percentage of actual reporters rather than advocate journalists at these things. Digging for factual information is one thing, engaging in impromptu debate is another.

Do we really want to see a bunch of Sean Hannitys or Ed Schultzs standing up and fighting with politicians at regular "press" conferences? No, not me. Grandstanding and partisan bellowing don't appeal to me much.

Perhaps both Ramos and Trump acted badly, but tinydancer is playing the part of "Chicken Little" and declaring that the sky is falling and suggesting that conservatives behave like "fascists" (which is the word conservatives fling at liberals). Our divisiveness as a people is problematic.

Playing the part of chicken little I think not bitch.

I am telling our side to get some balls against these so called activist journalists.

Knuckle sandwich them.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.
From the video, Ramos was the mature, quiet one. But that Trump enforcer was sure screaming, wasn't he?

What video are you watching?

I have and can only see the stills and read the transcripts where Ramos is screaming it was his right as an old man to interrupt the presser.
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.

But what about freedom of the press? If candidates ban all journalists and reporters who ask tough questions about a candidate's proposals (e.g., deporting children who are citizens and building a wall 1900 miles long), why should we support that candidate? The people want answers and rely on the press to dig for those answers.

Members of the press don't do what Megan or Jorge did.

They have now made everything about themselves. Their agenda.

Their star status.

Fuck them and take them down hard,
All Presidential candidates and even sitting Presidents are subjected to aggressive or even rude reporters. It comes with the job. Reporters often have to use these kinds of tactics to dig and force responses from politicians who constantly and persistently evade answering questions. Trump is famous for his methods of evading having to answer questions. Ramos nailed him and showed how unqualified Trump is to be a public official. He is an admitted whiner and proud to be a whiner. He bragged about it. Now his cult following have accepted whining as being cool and have become whiners themselves. The reporter was mean to Trump, whaaaaa whaaaa whaaaa, call a whambulance.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.
From the video, Ramos was the mature, quiet one. But that Trump enforcer was sure screaming, wasn't he?

What video are you watching?

I have and can only see the stills and read the transcripts where Ramos is screaming it was his right as an old man to interrupt the presser.

At no point did Ramos ever "scream".
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.
From the video, Ramos was the mature, quiet one. But that Trump enforcer was sure screaming, wasn't he?

What video are you watching?

I have and can only see the stills and read the transcripts where Ramos is screaming it was his right as an old man to interrupt the presser.

At no point did Ramos ever "scream".
Nor was he out of control. Trump is just a whiner.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.
From the video, Ramos was the mature, quiet one. But that Trump enforcer was sure screaming, wasn't he?

What video are you watching?

I have and can only see the stills and read the transcripts where Ramos is screaming it was his right as an old man to interrupt the presser.

At no point did Ramos ever "scream".
Nor was he out of control. Trump is just a whiner.

Make that lying whiner!

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