R candidates should bar/ban activists like Ramos:The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce positions'

"The job of journalists is to denounce positions".


Things sure have changed since I majored in broadcast journalism. I was trained to believe that the job of a reporter is to accurately and fully tell a story without bias. So I guess the difference is that a journalist is supposed to push their agenda under the guise of being a reporter.

Ramos is clearly an advocate, and that's fine, but let's not pretend he's being a reporter. And that's the problem with what has happened to journalism - reporting and advocacy have merged, and there's absolutely no way of knowing what information is being ignored or even distorted to push an agenda.

Evidently that's fine with everyone.
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.

But what about freedom of the press? If candidates ban all journalists and reporters who ask tough questions about a candidate's proposals (e.g., deporting children who are citizens and building a wall 1900 miles long), why should we support that candidate? The people want answers and rely on the press to dig for those answers.
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.

But what about freedom of the press? If candidates ban all journalists and reporters who ask tough questions about a candidate's proposals (e.g., deporting children who are citizens and building a wall 1900 miles long), why should we support that candidate? The people want answers and rely on the press to dig for those answers.
I'm not a fan of "banning" things, so that to me is not an option. Would I would like to see, however, is a highest possible percentage of actual reporters rather than advocate journalists at these things. Digging for factual information is one thing, engaging in impromptu debate is another.

Do we really want to see a bunch of Sean Hannitys or Ed Schultzs standing up and fighting with politicians at regular "press" conferences? No, not me. Grandstanding and partisan bellowing don't appeal to me much.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.

Calm down. Maybe engage in some breathing exercises because you seem to be hyperventilating. Seriously, Trump doesn't have any answers for any questions other than "I'm great!", "I'm smart", "I'll hire the best people", "my hair is real".
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.

Calm down. Maybe engage in some breathing exercises because you seem to be hyperventilating. Seriously, Trump doesn't have any answers for any questions other than "I'm great!", "I'm smart", "I'll hire the best people", "my hair is real".

comical stuff from people who refuse to address their appalling sanctuary cities and have nothing but charges of racism they cant back up to rationalize Dem Party pandering for votes
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.

But what about freedom of the press? If candidates ban all journalists and reporters who ask tough questions about a candidate's proposals (e.g., deporting children who are citizens and building a wall 1900 miles long), why should we support that candidate? The people want answers and rely on the press to dig for those answers.
I'm not a fan of "banning" things, so that to me is not an option. Would I would like to see, however, is a highest possible percentage of actual reporters rather than advocate journalists at these things. Digging for factual information is one thing, engaging in impromptu debate is another.

Do we really want to see a bunch of Sean Hannitys or Ed Schultzs standing up and fighting with politicians at regular "press" conferences? No, not me. Grandstanding and partisan bellowing don't appeal to me much.

Perhaps both Ramos and Trump acted badly, but tinydancer is playing the part of "Chicken Little" and declaring that the sky is falling and suggesting that conservatives behave like "fascists" (which is the word conservatives fling at liberals). Our divisiveness as a people is problematic.
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.

But what about freedom of the press? If candidates ban all journalists and reporters who ask tough questions about a candidate's proposals (e.g., deporting children who are citizens and building a wall 1900 miles long), why should we support that candidate? The people want answers and rely on the press to dig for those answers.
I'm not a fan of "banning" things, so that to me is not an option. Would I would like to see, however, is a highest possible percentage of actual reporters rather than advocate journalists at these things. Digging for factual information is one thing, engaging in impromptu debate is another.

Do we really want to see a bunch of Sean Hannitys or Ed Schultzs standing up and fighting with politicians at regular "press" conferences? No, not me. Grandstanding and partisan bellowing don't appeal to me much.

Perhaps both Ramos and Trump acted badly, but tinydancer is playing the part of "Chicken Little" and declaring that the sky is falling and suggesting that conservatives behave like "fascists" (which is the word conservatives fling at liberals). Our divisiveness as a people is problematic.

um actually the f-word is far more likely to be flung at conservatives, by liberals. Seriously what world are you living in??
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.

Calm down. Maybe engage in some breathing exercises because you seem to be hyperventilating. Seriously, Trump doesn't have any answers for any questions other than "I'm great!", "I'm smart", "I'll hire the best people", "my hair is real".

comical stuff from people who refuse to address their appalling sanctuary cities and have nothing but charges of racism they cant back up to rationalize Dem Party pandering for votes

I don't live in a "sanctuary city". I think we need to acknowledge that the illegal immigrants are here ... and those who work and have strong ties to their communities should have a pathway to citizenship. Trump's plan to deport 11 million people (many of them U.S. citizens by birth) isn't feasible. His comments are divisive. He is pandering for votes. We need to be adults and start talking to each other about important issues instead of yelling at each other.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.

Calm down. Maybe engage in some breathing exercises because you seem to be hyperventilating. Seriously, Trump doesn't have any answers for any questions other than "I'm great!", "I'm smart", "I'll hire the best people", "my hair is real".

comical stuff from people who refuse to address their appalling sanctuary cities and have nothing but charges of racism they cant back up to rationalize Dem Party pandering for votes

I don't live in a "sanctuary city". I think we need to acknowledge that the illegal immigrants are here ... and those who work and have strong ties to their communities should have a pathway to citizenship. Trump's plan to deport 11 million people (many of them U.S. citizens by birth) isn't feasible. His comments are divisive. He is pandering for votes. We need to be adults and start talking to each other about important issues instead of yelling at each other.

a charge of pandering for votes from a Party that refuses to do anything about sanctuary cities is worthless. you may not live in them but millions of others do

keep trying..................
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.

But what about freedom of the press? If candidates ban all journalists and reporters who ask tough questions about a candidate's proposals (e.g., deporting children who are citizens and building a wall 1900 miles long), why should we support that candidate? The people want answers and rely on the press to dig for those answers.
I'm not a fan of "banning" things, so that to me is not an option. Would I would like to see, however, is a highest possible percentage of actual reporters rather than advocate journalists at these things. Digging for factual information is one thing, engaging in impromptu debate is another.

Do we really want to see a bunch of Sean Hannitys or Ed Schultzs standing up and fighting with politicians at regular "press" conferences? No, not me. Grandstanding and partisan bellowing don't appeal to me much.

Perhaps both Ramos and Trump acted badly, but tinydancer is playing the part of "Chicken Little" and declaring that the sky is falling and suggesting that conservatives behave like "fascists" (which is the word conservatives fling at liberals). Our divisiveness as a people is problematic.

um actually the f-word is far more likely to be flung at conservatives, by liberals. Seriously what world are you living in??

Why don't you examine all the threads and tally up the flinging.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.

I gather that you and reality aren't on speaking terms? :D

Since Ramos did none of the above you managed to do considerable damage to your own credibility with that rant about Ramos.

Let me make a prediction here. T-Rump won't win in 2016 even if he does become the GOP candidate. Ramos, on the other hand, will still be working as a reporter and a journalist after T-Rump is just another failed candidate in the history books.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.

Calm down. Maybe engage in some breathing exercises because you seem to be hyperventilating. Seriously, Trump doesn't have any answers for any questions other than "I'm great!", "I'm smart", "I'll hire the best people", "my hair is real".

comical stuff from people who refuse to address their appalling sanctuary cities and have nothing but charges of racism they cant back up to rationalize Dem Party pandering for votes

I don't live in a "sanctuary city". I think we need to acknowledge that the illegal immigrants are here ... and those who work and have strong ties to their communities should have a pathway to citizenship. Trump's plan to deport 11 million people (many of them U.S. citizens by birth) isn't feasible. His comments are divisive. He is pandering for votes. We need to be adults and start talking to each other about important issues instead of yelling at each other.

a charge of pandering for votes from a Party that refuses to do anything about sanctuary cities is worthless. you may not live in them but millions of others do

keep trying..................

Other than deporting 11 million people and building a wall 1900 miles long (regardless of how much Trump brags about being a great builder), can you come up with a common sense plan?
Well the truth is finally out there. Ramos truly believes that it is the job of journalists to denounce a candidates position that they don't agree with.

For him it is Trump at the moment and Trump's position on immigration. Now we've witnessed the media far too long try to sabotage albeit covertly Republican candidates and their policy positions.

At least now Ramos the radical whack job has laid it on the line. Journalists are to attack policies they don't like.

This to me is a throwing down of a gauntlet and all Republican candidates should respond with a mega 'FUCK YOU' and ban any activist journalist who behaves like Ramos from pressers and interviews.

And as conservatives we have to take this one step further. One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow.

Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back.

It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can.

"Jorge Ramos: The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce' Trump's Positions
By Scott Whitlock

Fresh from his confrontation with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, activist reporter Jorge Ramos appeared on ABC and CBS to pitch the idea that it's the job of journalists to openly oppose the candidate's positions.

On Good Morning America, Wednesday, he asked colleague George Stephanopoulos, "We have to denounce that he wants to deny citizenship to children being born here."

He added, "They're citizens, just like [Trump's children], and it is impossible to build a 1900-mile wall... So that's the kind of questions that I was asking Mr. Trump."

Of course, those were statements and not questions. Lobbying for more subjectivity in the press, Ramos declared, "...I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand... We are not only required, but we are forced to take a stand."

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Ruh roh trying to give a link without giving up my gmail. Hold on. :)

Unfortunately today many journalists would rather make the news than report the news.

Big change from journalists of the past who merely reported the news. Which is what they were supposed to be doing then and now.
Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite are just two examples of aggressive journalist of the past. Who were those guys that exposed Watergate and who were the ones that helped uncover Iran Contra.
Trump tells lies every day. It will take aggressive journalist to make him answer for those lies. Today he should be made to explain his claim that "blacks" are supporting him and "love" him. He also needs to tell us who these many great constitutional lawyers are that support his ideas about bypassing the 14th Amendment. And why did he claim he did not know Jorge Ramos? The list goes on.

I agree. Trump lies abut just about everything. His failures are successes; his "crowds" are larger than any other candidates' "crowds" ... and on and on. He never says anything of substance other than to brag about how great he is ... and people "love" him. I suppose he will drop out of the race when he gets promised a huge multi-billion dollar "contract" to build that "Great Wall of America" he keeps pushing. He's selfish. What is he going to do when he's the president? hire people to run the presidency for him while he plays golf and makes deals to enrich his companies?
Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job liberscum news readers and obfuscators. you have only one position, and that is to report/read news from a liberfool point of view, not truth and fact, your agenda is pure :bsflag:
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

:disagree: but..., :iagree: with this;
All speech that offends us Christian Conservatives must be banned!
Anyone who doesn't believe there are posters who want a Christian theology should read Wildman's posts.

awwwww are you all butt hurt now ? :up_yours: ....... :asshole:

No. Actually quite grateful that you put it out there for us all to see.
Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.

Calm down. Maybe engage in some breathing exercises because you seem to be hyperventilating. Seriously, Trump doesn't have any answers for any questions other than "I'm great!", "I'm smart", "I'll hire the best people", "my hair is real".

comical stuff from people who refuse to address their appalling sanctuary cities and have nothing but charges of racism they cant back up to rationalize Dem Party pandering for votes

I don't live in a "sanctuary city". I think we need to acknowledge that the illegal immigrants are here ... and those who work and have strong ties to their communities should have a pathway to citizenship. Trump's plan to deport 11 million people (many of them U.S. citizens by birth) isn't feasible. His comments are divisive. He is pandering for votes. We need to be adults and start talking to each other about important issues instead of yelling at each other.

a charge of pandering for votes from a Party that refuses to do anything about sanctuary cities is worthless. you may not live in them but millions of others do

keep trying..................

Other than deporting 11 million people and building a wall 1900 miles long (regardless of how much Trump brags about being a great builder), can you come up with a common sense plan?

Keep them all in CA along with all our Progressives. See how long that lasts
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Ramos can scream all he wants to about Trump or any other candidates position any time any place BUT not during a press conference.

His behavior was outrageous and unprofessional at the press conference for Trump. He kept interrupting the journalist who had been called on by Trump.

He was a belligerent asshole who only cared about getting screaming headlines for himself.

A fucking diva. Just like Megyn Kelly.

He wanted a confrontation. Ramos was surprised that Trump had no qualms about giving him what he wanted.


Trump bitch slapped him good.
From the video, Ramos was the mature, quiet one. But that Trump enforcer was sure screaming, wasn't he?

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