R candidates should bar/ban activists like Ramos:The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce positions'

Trump will be out by the end of November, if the powers that be have their way, and Cruz has only been a pull string spinning top for the enjoyment of the politically challenged.
Trump will be out by the end of November, if the powers that be have their way, and Cruz has only been a pull string spinning top for the enjoyment of the politically challenged.

Has anyone told T-Rump that his lease expires at the end of November? :eek:
Well the truth is finally out there. Ramos truly believes that it is the job of journalists to denounce a candidates position that they don't agree with.

For him it is Trump at the moment and Trump's position on immigration. Now we've witnessed the media far too long try to sabotage albeit covertly Republican candidates and their policy positions.

At least now Ramos the radical whack job has laid it on the line. Journalists are to attack policies they don't like.

This to me is a throwing down of a gauntlet and all Republican candidates should respond with a mega 'FUCK YOU' and ban any activist journalist who behaves like Ramos from pressers and interviews.

And as conservatives we have to take this one step further. One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow.

Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back.

It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can.

"Jorge Ramos: The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce' Trump's Positions
By Scott Whitlock

Fresh from his confrontation with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, activist reporter Jorge Ramos appeared on ABC and CBS to pitch the idea that it's the job of journalists to openly oppose the candidate's positions.

On Good Morning America, Wednesday, he asked colleague George Stephanopoulos, "We have to denounce that he wants to deny citizenship to children being born here."

He added, "They're citizens, just like [Trump's children], and it is impossible to build a 1900-mile wall... So that's the kind of questions that I was asking Mr. Trump."

Of course, those were statements and not questions. Lobbying for more subjectivity in the press, Ramos declared, "...I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand... We are not only required, but we are forced to take a stand."

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Ruh roh trying to give a link without giving up my gmail. Hold on. :)
Trump needs to be little more diplomatic. And the Univision anchor man J. Ramos needs to follow accepted decorum for his position. Either way, Ramos and Trump could handled this a lot better . Overall? point for Trump. Ramos made a poor representation as a journalist, he seemed more like a activist with a vested interest.
Once again the extremist rightwingers expose their un-Americanism by wanting to censor all legitimate criticism of their new messiah!


Yo, sounds like you really care about the unemployed? You would rather have illegals serve you burgers, fix your pool, your car, etc,!!! What an American piece of shit!!!

Well the truth is finally out there. Ramos truly believes that it is the job of journalists to denounce a candidates position that they don't agree with.

For him it is Trump at the moment and Trump's position on immigration. Now we've witnessed the media far too long try to sabotage albeit covertly Republican candidates and their policy positions.

At least now Ramos the radical whack job has laid it on the line. Journalists are to attack policies they don't like.

This to me is a throwing down of a gauntlet and all Republican candidates should respond with a mega 'FUCK YOU' and ban any activist journalist who behaves like Ramos from pressers and interviews.

And as conservatives we have to take this one step further. One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow.

Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back.

It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can.

"Jorge Ramos: The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce' Trump's Positions
By Scott Whitlock

Fresh from his confrontation with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, activist reporter Jorge Ramos appeared on ABC and CBS to pitch the idea that it's the job of journalists to openly oppose the candidate's positions.

On Good Morning America, Wednesday, he asked colleague George Stephanopoulos, "We have to denounce that he wants to deny citizenship to children being born here."

He added, "They're citizens, just like [Trump's children], and it is impossible to build a 1900-mile wall... So that's the kind of questions that I was asking Mr. Trump."

Of course, those were statements and not questions. Lobbying for more subjectivity in the press, Ramos declared, "...I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand... We are not only required, but we are forced to take a stand."

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Ruh roh trying to give a link without giving up my gmail. Hold on. :)
Trump needs to be little more diplomatic. And the Univision anchor man J. Ramos needs to follow accepted decorum for his position. Either way, Ramos and Trump could handled this a lot better . Overall? point for Trump. Ramos made a poor representation as a journalist, he seemed more like a activist with a vested interest.

Ramos achieved his goal and it was T-Rump that was forced to back down in the face of disapproval from the press corp of his treatment of Ramos.
A while back, I heard of a poll that asked if journalism should have some degree of government control.

At the time, I was just astounded that 77% or "Republicans" answered yes.

Now that we're seeing the right trying to change so much of the US Constitution, I'm not so surprised.
A while back, I heard of a poll that asked if journalism should have some degree of government control.

At the time, I was just astounded that 77% or "Republicans" answered yes.

Now that we're seeing the right trying to change so much of the US Constitution, I'm not so surprised.

There is an authoritarian streak that runs through the extremist rightwing element.

No one would recognize America if they were allowed to remake it in their own image.
Well the truth is finally out there. Ramos truly believes that it is the job of journalists to denounce a candidates position that they don't agree with.

For him it is Trump at the moment and Trump's position on immigration. Now we've witnessed the media far too long try to sabotage albeit covertly Republican candidates and their policy positions.

At least now Ramos the radical whack job has laid it on the line. Journalists are to attack policies they don't like.

This to me is a throwing down of a gauntlet and all Republican candidates should respond with a mega 'FUCK YOU' and ban any activist journalist who behaves like Ramos from pressers and interviews.

And as conservatives we have to take this one step further. One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow.

Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back.

It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can.

"Jorge Ramos: The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce' Trump's Positions
By Scott Whitlock

Fresh from his confrontation with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, activist reporter Jorge Ramos appeared on ABC and CBS to pitch the idea that it's the job of journalists to openly oppose the candidate's positions.

On Good Morning America, Wednesday, he asked colleague George Stephanopoulos, "We have to denounce that he wants to deny citizenship to children being born here."

He added, "They're citizens, just like [Trump's children], and it is impossible to build a 1900-mile wall... So that's the kind of questions that I was asking Mr. Trump."

Of course, those were statements and not questions. Lobbying for more subjectivity in the press, Ramos declared, "...I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand... We are not only required, but we are forced to take a stand."

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Ruh roh trying to give a link without giving up my gmail. Hold on. :)
Trump needs to be little more diplomatic. And the Univision anchor man J. Ramos needs to follow accepted decorum for his position. Either way, Ramos and Trump could handled this a lot better . Overall? point for Trump. Ramos made a poor representation as a journalist, he seemed more like a activist with a vested interest.

Ramos achieved his goal and it was T-Rump that was forced to back down in the face of disapproval from the press corp of his treatment of Ramos.

Yep. He ran from those questions just as he runs from all questions. Same thing he did when he ran from questions in Laredo.

Worse, he lied about Ramos and then lied about other things during that same speech.

RWs know he's lying and they don't care. They know there would be no fence and that the president cannot do any of what he says he could do.

I'm still waiting for him to come clean about his 35% tax (tariff!!!) and admit he has no clue. Or, that $5million donation. Is it that he just doesn't know or that he is lying? Which is it?

Does he really think we're all so stupid that we don't question what he says?
who said he was offended?..you did...you're spreading partisan propaganda...again..

No disruptions will be tolerated. civilized people understand that there are rules for correct behavior in public.
Sit down, shut up, wait your turn.
trump obviously isn't afraid to answer questions..he let him back in and spent several minutes ONLY talking to him..just another "activist" with an agenda exposed..not worth another word.

I doubt he was offended, but you guys sure are.
Well the truth is finally out there. Ramos truly believes that it is the job of journalists to denounce a candidates position that they don't agree with.

For him it is Trump at the moment and Trump's position on immigration. Now we've witnessed the media far too long try to sabotage albeit covertly Republican candidates and their policy positions.

At least now Ramos the radical whack job has laid it on the line. Journalists are to attack policies they don't like.

This to me is a throwing down of a gauntlet and all Republican candidates should respond with a mega 'FUCK YOU' and ban any activist journalist who behaves like Ramos from pressers and interviews.

And as conservatives we have to take this one step further. One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow.

Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back.

It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can.

"Jorge Ramos: The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce' Trump's Positions
By Scott Whitlock

Fresh from his confrontation with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, activist reporter Jorge Ramos appeared on ABC and CBS to pitch the idea that it's the job of journalists to openly oppose the candidate's positions.

On Good Morning America, Wednesday, he asked colleague George Stephanopoulos, "We have to denounce that he wants to deny citizenship to children being born here."

He added, "They're citizens, just like [Trump's children], and it is impossible to build a 1900-mile wall... So that's the kind of questions that I was asking Mr. Trump."

Of course, those were statements and not questions. Lobbying for more subjectivity in the press, Ramos declared, "...I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand... We are not only required, but we are forced to take a stand."

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Ruh roh trying to give a link without giving up my gmail. Hold on. :)

Fox goes around denouncing certain politicians every day under the banner of "news" -- the doesn't seem to bother you one fucking bit.

Hypocrite much?
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.
Oh dear lord.. They are journalists, and I doubt they care about being stars, if anyone is a narcissist who wants to be the star it's trump.
ramos isn't a journalist...he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal immigration.
Well the truth is finally out there. Ramos truly believes that it is the job of journalists to denounce a candidates position that they don't agree with.

For him it is Trump at the moment and Trump's position on immigration. Now we've witnessed the media far too long try to sabotage albeit covertly Republican candidates and their policy positions.

At least now Ramos the radical whack job has laid it on the line. Journalists are to attack policies they don't like.

This to me is a throwing down of a gauntlet and all Republican candidates should respond with a mega 'FUCK YOU' and ban any activist journalist who behaves like Ramos from pressers and interviews.

And as conservatives we have to take this one step further. One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow.

Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back.

It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can.

"Jorge Ramos: The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce' Trump's Positions
By Scott Whitlock

Fresh from his confrontation with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, activist reporter Jorge Ramos appeared on ABC and CBS to pitch the idea that it's the job of journalists to openly oppose the candidate's positions.

On Good Morning America, Wednesday, he asked colleague George Stephanopoulos, "We have to denounce that he wants to deny citizenship to children being born here."

He added, "They're citizens, just like [Trump's children], and it is impossible to build a 1900-mile wall... So that's the kind of questions that I was asking Mr. Trump."

Of course, those were statements and not questions. Lobbying for more subjectivity in the press, Ramos declared, "...I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand... We are not only required, but we are forced to take a stand."

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Ruh roh trying to give a link without giving up my gmail. Hold on. :)

Fox goes around denouncing certain politicians every day under the banner of "news" -- the doesn't seem to bother you one fucking bit.

Hypocrite much?

geez..you people and your fox obsession...pure showbiz to keep people distracted from what the politicians are really doing.

No one trusts the media.
who said he was offended?..you did...you're spreading partisan propaganda...again..

No disruptions will be tolerated. civilized people understand that there are rules for correct behavior in public.
Sit down, shut up, wait your turn.
trump obviously isn't afraid to answer questions..he let him back in and spent several minutes ONLY talking to him..just another "activist" with an agenda exposed..not worth another word.

I doubt he was offended, but you guys sure are.
All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.
Oh dear lord.. They are journalists, and I doubt they care about being stars, if anyone is a narcissist who wants to be the star it's trump.
ramos isn't a journalist...he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal immigration.
Well the truth is finally out there. Ramos truly believes that it is the job of journalists to denounce a candidates position that they don't agree with.

For him it is Trump at the moment and Trump's position on immigration. Now we've witnessed the media far too long try to sabotage albeit covertly Republican candidates and their policy positions.

At least now Ramos the radical whack job has laid it on the line. Journalists are to attack policies they don't like.

This to me is a throwing down of a gauntlet and all Republican candidates should respond with a mega 'FUCK YOU' and ban any activist journalist who behaves like Ramos from pressers and interviews.

And as conservatives we have to take this one step further. One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow.

Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back.

It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can.

"Jorge Ramos: The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce' Trump's Positions
By Scott Whitlock

Fresh from his confrontation with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, activist reporter Jorge Ramos appeared on ABC and CBS to pitch the idea that it's the job of journalists to openly oppose the candidate's positions.

On Good Morning America, Wednesday, he asked colleague George Stephanopoulos, "We have to denounce that he wants to deny citizenship to children being born here."

He added, "They're citizens, just like [Trump's children], and it is impossible to build a 1900-mile wall... So that's the kind of questions that I was asking Mr. Trump."

Of course, those were statements and not questions. Lobbying for more subjectivity in the press, Ramos declared, "...I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand... We are not only required, but we are forced to take a stand."

Go fuck yourself you liberal whack job Ramos.

Ruh roh trying to give a link without giving up my gmail. Hold on. :)

Fox goes around denouncing certain politicians every day under the banner of "news" -- the doesn't seem to bother you one fucking bit.

Hypocrite much?

geez..you people and your fox obsession...pure showbiz to keep people distracted from what the politicians are really doing.

No one trusts the media.

No, he's not.

Why do RWs think they can just make it up as they go along?
Anyone here ever watched J. Ramos on Univision? I have. He is the Dan Rather or Brian Wilson of Hispanics. (Side question: why aren't Spanish broadcasts available in ENGLISH to SPANISH SAP only, Why not make Spanish to English translations available too? Isn't that discriminatory?)
Last edited:
A while back, I heard of a poll that asked if journalism should have some degree of government control.

At the time, I was just astounded that 77% or "Republicans" answered yes.

Now that we're seeing the right trying to change so much of the US Constitution, I'm not so surprised.

There is an authoritarian streak that runs through the extremist rightwing element.

No one would recognize America if they were allowed to remake it in their own image.

I remember when we took the First Amendment seriously. RWs are working very hard to trash it.

Reading posts at USMess makes it obvious -- If idiots like the OP get their way, we would have god in schools (but only THEIR god) and an end to freedom of speech (expect fox) and the right of (black and Hispanic) assembly.
Anyone here ever watched J. Ramos on Univision? I have. He is the Dan Rather or Brian Wilson of Hispanics. (Side question: why aren't Spanish broadcasts available in ENGLISH SAP, only English to Spanish? Isn't that discriminatory?)


Desperate much?

Seriously, that's funny. And of course you have watched him and speak fluent Spanish cuz there's nothing you have not experienced first hand.

All speech that offends The Great Donald must be banned!

That's not it at all. Twice now we have witnessed two so called journalists wanting to be the star of the show. To take the headlines.

Because these egomaniacs like Kelly and Ramos believe that their views are more correct/important than the freaking candidates that are actually running for office.

They can spew all the shit they want on their shows but not in a press conference setting.

They aren't journalists. They are activists and therefore should be banned from pressers or interviews.
Oh dear lord.. They are journalists, and I doubt they care about being stars, if anyone is a narcissist who wants to be the star it's trump.
ramos isn't a journalist...he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal immigration.

Of course he's a journalist but you can bet Trump will bar him from future press conferences - just like he did the Detroit paper.

The only real question we should be asking is why didn't Trump answer the questions? Why did he lie and then run away?

Trump has more feuds and law suits and bankruptcies going ... Is there even one area of his life where he does not lie, cheat and steal?

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