R. Kelly sentened to 20 years in prison in Chicago sex crimes case

Mr. Kelly is already serving a life sentence. He's more than 55 years old and already had more than 30 years to serve. Are they going to continue to have trials for him, or are they finally going to let him roll on to a yard and start doing his time.
A lot of money could be saved by letting the dads (or the now grown children) have 5 minutes with him to deal out some justice.
Mr. Kelly is already serving a life sentence. He's more than 55 years old and already had more than 30 years to serve. Are they going to continue to have trials for him, or are they finally going to let him roll on to a yard and start doing his time.
I thought the Dem Deep State prosecutors protected the pedos

Shouldn't they have released him immediately as part of their Deep State plot?
Wait is R. Kelly out on bail or something? With his money im surprised he did not flee the country?
Bail? You do know that R. Kelly is black.

is R. Kelly out on bail yes or no?

What do you say to the poor homeless starving white man living on the streets.

I want nothing to do with black men who believe they are oppressed. And then the proud black man wants nothing to do with white men who feel they are oppressed. That is weakness it’s has nothing to do with being a man.
Wait is R. Kelly out on bail or something? With his money im surprised he did not flee the country?

No, I think he's been in custody for a while. They are just flying him around from jurisdiction to jurisdiction for various trials. And that I don't understand as he is already on the hook for a life sentence based on his current age.
Mr. Kelly is already serving a life sentence. He's more than 55 years old and already had more than 30 years to serve. Are they going to continue to have trials for him, or are they finally going to let him roll on to a yard and start doing his time.
Is R. Kelly in jail right now or has he been out on bail? What’s going on my friend
Actually the only difference is, Gaetz is white and is in a privileged class and R. Kelly is black and will never be in that privileged class.

See the difference?

What a load of shit. R. Kelly's situation is similar to Honky Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein, who is also rotting in prison or Honky Subway spokesman Jared.
Actually the only difference is, Gaetz is white and is in a privileged class and R. Kelly is black and will never be in that privileged class.

See the difference?
Do me a favor stop quoting me if you’re going to continue to talk like you do above.

I don’t want to be around weak people , weak minded black man or weak white men. I want nothing to do with those that make me weak. Learn that from Andrew Tate my friend …And brother I hope that you could realize that the African nation is a proud nation and they have absolutely nothing to do with Black Lives Matter which is a beta group of weak people
is R. Kelly out on bail yes or no?
What do you say to the poor homeless starving white man living on the streets.
How did you get in this situation? This country was set up for you.
I want nothing to do with black men who believe they are oppressed.
Of course you don't, you only want to deal with the black men who will show you their teeth, coon and bow down for you.
And then the proud black man wants nothing to do with white men who feel they are oppressed. That is weakness it’s has nothing to do with being a man.
Black men don't see white men as being oppressed and if they are oppressed it is another white man oppressing them.
I think he's currently in custody and hasn't been out on bail for a while

It is very interesting. With his money and power that he is in custody.

Its also interesting that these crimes occur what? 15-20 years ago and he’s now being charged with it?

I’m not fully up-to-date with this case I will admit.

God knows if the man is guilty and if R. Kelly is guilty …then yes he should do his time.

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