R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

Pretty funny to see them hiding from potential voters. After the last general election, who can blame them?

Do they really believe voters are so dumb that they don't GET IT?

Has there ever been another time in our history when the GObP/pubs have been as fragmented and terrified as they are now?

Good assessment.

It would be like Coca Cola not wanting to sell their product at K-Mart; they will make plenty of money just selling it through Wal Mart but why deprive yourself of exposure to K-Mart shoppers because you don't like the fact they may sell Pepsi?

stupid analogy---neither of those stores makes a point to insult and lie about half of their potential customers.
CNN and NBC have shown themselves to be enemies of the GOP. Why would the GOP agree to give them an additional forum to attack them with partisan lies?
Its a gutsy decision and the right one.

Despite yourself, you actually do have a point. Perception is reality in politics. While you may think CNN and NBC have it in for you and it obviously is just something you're manufacturing more often than not, for you that is reality.

Usually personal issues you have with a host or two on a network don't lead to policy changes for entire organizations but with the 2013 GOP, apparently it has gone full retard and is doing just that.

But lets look at what you said; "Why would the GOP agree to give them an additional forum"...uhh do you think that CNN isn't going to analyze the debate regardless of whether or not they broadcast it? I mean, really dude, brighten up a bit. The only difference is that there won't be anyone from the candidates' factions on air on CNN or NBC to shoot back, correct the record, etc...

I think it would be hilarious if ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all simulcast this Clinton movie/documentary/mini series or whatever it is (if it gets made) giving the GOP one network to broadcast to. That would be funny as hell; 15 debates in 2 months on one network between 4 or 5 rich white dudes.

Once again: Why do you believe CNN and NBC are entitled to host the GOP debates?

You people are taking this personally, as if the GOP owes the liberal media anything.

But by all means, continue stamping your feet and pouting. Your petulance is amusing. :lol:
I don't really care about NBC doing a Hillary miniseries they have already shown they are pro Democrat be it Obama in 2008 or Hillary in 2016 for any who may have forgot they were pro Hillary in 2008 before switching to pro Obama when supporting the possible first black President trumped supporting the first possible woman President. CNN doing this bothers me more NBC at least has a entertainment division so they can at least put out the pretense that the Hillary miniseries is not politically motivated CNN is supposed to be straight news I find it very unsettling for a news network to be putting out a miniseries on someone who could be running for President in 2016 and who they will of course be covering. It begs the question can one really be objective about covering someone they also seem to be promoting?

They have entertainment programming on most weekends...Morgan Spurlock has his own series. You're right though, a mini-series is a departure for them.

I wouldn't worry too much about their newscasters being influenced by a mini-series.
No need to worry about it. They're hooked through the bag for Democrats.
Apparently Democrats do...and demonize the Republicans and the right (correct side) for sticking to principle(s).

Amazing how idiot leftists as YOU come out and ADMIT the truth about yourselves.

Good form!

Fantasy doesn't cut it. Facts do.

You know, like the last general election.

Under your name, it says, "Spirit of 76" but the fact is,

More leftist historical revision. You people couldn't tell the truth if somebody put a gun to your head.

Tories = Conservatives. Even today.
Fantasy doesn't cut it. Facts do.

You know, like the last general election.

Under your name, it says, "Spirit of 76" but the fact is,

More leftist historical revision. You people couldn't tell the truth if somebody put a gun to your head.

Tories = Conservatives. Even today.
Nonsense. In order for that to be true, the Founding Fathers would have been loyal to the Crown.

Stop making shit up.
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.
More leftist historical revision. You people couldn't tell the truth if somebody put a gun to your head.

Tories = Conservatives. Even today.
Nonsense. In order for that to be true, the Founding Fathers would have been loyal to the Crown.

Stop making shit up.

Or.........the Founding Fathers were NOT like what we call today's conservatives, despite what Glenn Beck tells you?
Ronald Reagan would laugh at today's Republicans

What a bunch of pussies

maybe, but he'd be downright embarrassed and shocked how far the Democrat party that was more Blue dog moderate Democrats when he belonged... to now see they have pushed out all the blue dogs and Socialist and Commies have taken it over and their agenda today, is SOCIALISM...They even made a pretty little video for the wonderful life of Julia, taken care of from CRADLE to GRAVE by daddy and mommy Socialist in government
CC is a waste of energy. A drone.

That you've spent the entire evening chasing around a message board...

A bit of narcissism never hurt anybody.

He keeps challenging me to a debate. If he would just comment on the topic, I may respond...I may not; as stated it 's not really worth the time to try to decipher what some chiphead is saying when he talks about noserings and intentionally spelling things wrong.
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Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

by saying this.., i do not believe you ever were one :up:
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

The party can do what it wants...it has no obligation to hold it's debates on any network; including FOX for that matter. I, personally, do not know if NBC had a GOP debate in 2012. I know CNN did because of the "Let them die" statement that actually came from an audience member; yet CNN gets blamed for it. Anyway, they can do whatever they want with their party. As stated, I frankly hope ABC and CBS and whomever else simulcast whatever they're bitching about to give the GOP no place to turn except Fox News. If they want to bury themselves, the Left (and those who get blamed for being on the left regardless of the facts of the matter) should just keep handing them shovels.

How's that song go...
It's their Party and they can cry if they want to, cry if they want to...

I hope they do the same thing with their convention in 2016...just have it on Fox. I'll be happy to watch Netflix or my HBO GO.

But to put it into perspective, I just upgraded my cable package to include Showtime. I like Homeland, Ray Donovan, and Dexterand plan on binge watching the holy crap out of the shows prior to the new seasons starting. Anyway, I'm in my palatial high rise condo minding my own business the other night and guess what I see: The World According to Dick Cheney on Showtime. It's on Showtime which is owned by CBS. You don't hear anything about the Democrats boycotting CBS for airing this.

Its just a different maturity level the Dems seem to enjoy over the Republicans.
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

How are they bullying away freedom of press and what obligation does the RNC have to NBC or CNN to choose them over any other news network?

If you want to check out anything, get off your fat ass and do it yourself.

Boycotts have been away that puts pressure on a commercial enterprise to change, Dems and Republicans have done it for decades.

Dumb asses think it is okay to boycott Limbaugh and Hannity but not NBC or CNN?

No difference, one makes a free choice, and another makes a free choice. Where is the bullying?
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

The party can do what it wants...it has no obligation to hold it's debates on any network; including FOX for that matter. I, personally, do not know if NBC had a GOP debate in 2012. I know CNN did because of the "Let them die" statement that actually came from an audience member; yet CNN gets blamed for it. Anyway, they can do whatever they want with their party. As stated, I frankly hope ABC and CBS and whomever else simulcast whatever they're bitching about to give the GOP no place to turn except Fox News. If they want to bury themselves, the Left (and those who get blamed for being on the left regardless of the facts of the matter) should just keep handing them shovels.

How's that song go...
It's their Party and they can cry if they want to, cry if they want to...

I hope they do the same thing with their convention in 2016...just have it on Fox. I'll be happy to watch Netflix or my HBO GO.

But to put it into perspective, I just upgraded my cable package to include Showtime. I like Homeland, Ray Donovan, and Dexterand plan on binge watching the holy crap out of the shows prior to the new seasons starting. Anyway, I'm in my palatial high rise condo minding my own business the other night and guess what I see: The World According to Dick Cheney on Showtime. It's on Showtime which is owned by CBS. You don't hear anything about the Democrats boycotting CBS for airing this.

Its just a different maturity level the Dems seem to enjoy over the Republicans.

Like Obama trying to boycott FOX News, it is fine, like the DNC boycotting Florida, like gays and unions boycotting the DNC convention. Like groups boycotting Limbaugh and Hannity.

The maturity level is the same, the only difference is individual bias.

It would be like Coca Cola not wanting to sell their product at K-Mart; they will make plenty of money just selling it through Wal Mart but why deprive yourself of exposure to K-Mart shoppers because you don't like the fact they may sell Pepsi?

stupid analogy---neither of those stores makes a point to insult and lie about half of their potential customers.
CNN and NBC have shown themselves to be enemies of the GOP. Why would the GOP agree to give them an additional forum to attack them with partisan lies?
Its a gutsy decision and the right one.

Despite yourself, you actually do have a point. Perception is reality in politics. While you may think CNN and NBC have it in for you and it obviously is just something you're manufacturing more often than not, for you that is reality.

Usually personal issues you have with a host or two on a network don't lead to policy changes for entire organizations but with the 2013 GOP, apparently it has gone full retard and is doing just that.

But lets look at what you said; "Why would the GOP agree to give them an additional forum"...uhh do you think that CNN isn't going to analyze the debate regardless of whether or not they broadcast it? I mean, really dude, brighten up a bit. The only difference is that there won't be anyone from the candidates' factions on air on CNN or NBC to shoot back, correct the record, etc...

I think it would be hilarious if ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all simulcast this Clinton movie/documentary/mini series or whatever it is (if it gets made) giving the GOP one network to broadcast to. That would be funny as hell; 15 debates in 2 months on one network between 4 or 5 rich white dudes.

wake up, its about ratings and market share in prime time. CNN and NBC want the GOP debates because people will be watching them. The fact that they can put a biased spin on them is just a bonus. the RNC decision will hurt them in the pocket book, as it should.
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

by saying this.., i do not believe you ever were one :up:

Another fake in my opinion. If true then what I hear is he is embarrassed to have been party to the party of freedom but prefers the party of slavery, interesting choice.
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

WTF is wrong with liberals? No one I saying that NBC can't make a political movie to aid Hillary. What the RNC is doing is not helping NBC in so doing. They are making a STATEMENT. You apparently support the first amendment but apparently only when it is the left spewing their crap and you all expect us to treat their BS as gold.

Besides, if they do the movie correctly they will show Hillary as an abstract failure in everything she has done. Unless of course you would like to point out an success she accomplished on her own.
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

The party can do what it wants...it has no obligation to hold it's debates on any network; including FOX for that matter. I, personally, do not know if NBC had a GOP debate in 2012. I know CNN did because of the "Let them die" statement that actually came from an audience member; yet CNN gets blamed for it. Anyway, they can do whatever they want with their party. As stated, I frankly hope ABC and CBS and whomever else simulcast whatever they're bitching about to give the GOP no place to turn except Fox News. If they want to bury themselves, the Left (and those who get blamed for being on the left regardless of the facts of the matter) should just keep handing them shovels.

How's that song go...
It's their Party and they can cry if they want to, cry if they want to...

I hope they do the same thing with their convention in 2016...just have it on Fox. I'll be happy to watch Netflix or my HBO GO.

But to put it into perspective, I just upgraded my cable package to include Showtime. I like Homeland, Ray Donovan, and Dexterand plan on binge watching the holy crap out of the shows prior to the new seasons starting. Anyway, I'm in my palatial high rise condo minding my own business the other night and guess what I see: The World According to Dick Cheney on Showtime. It's on Showtime which is owned by CBS. You don't hear anything about the Democrats boycotting CBS for airing this.

Its just a different maturity level the Dems seem to enjoy over the Republicans.

Like Obama trying to boycott FOX News, it is fine, like the DNC boycotting Florida, like gays and unions boycotting the DNC convention. Like groups boycotting Limbaugh and Hannity.

The maturity level is the same, the only difference is individual bias.

Not really; campaigns are almost all about public relations. Depriving yourself of the largest megaphone possible is just stupid. The debates in the primaries are ratings black holes more often than not. The GOP may be doing NBC and CNN favors.:lol:
stupid analogy---neither of those stores makes a point to insult and lie about half of their potential customers.
CNN and NBC have shown themselves to be enemies of the GOP. Why would the GOP agree to give them an additional forum to attack them with partisan lies?
Its a gutsy decision and the right one.

Despite yourself, you actually do have a point. Perception is reality in politics. While you may think CNN and NBC have it in for you and it obviously is just something you're manufacturing more often than not, for you that is reality.

Usually personal issues you have with a host or two on a network don't lead to policy changes for entire organizations but with the 2013 GOP, apparently it has gone full retard and is doing just that.

But lets look at what you said; "Why would the GOP agree to give them an additional forum"...uhh do you think that CNN isn't going to analyze the debate regardless of whether or not they broadcast it? I mean, really dude, brighten up a bit. The only difference is that there won't be anyone from the candidates' factions on air on CNN or NBC to shoot back, correct the record, etc...

I think it would be hilarious if ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all simulcast this Clinton movie/documentary/mini series or whatever it is (if it gets made) giving the GOP one network to broadcast to. That would be funny as hell; 15 debates in 2 months on one network between 4 or 5 rich white dudes.

wake up, its about ratings and market share in prime time. CNN and NBC want the GOP debates because people will be watching them. The fact that they can put a biased spin on them is just a bonus. the RNC decision will hurt them in the pocket book, as it should.

If it's early in the season, there may be some interest. If the debates are toward the end when the more "colorful" buffoons are off the stage...no.

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