R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

Nonsense. In order for that to be true, the Founding Fathers would have been loyal to the Crown.

Paul Revere's ride was to assure the Loyalists that the British were coming to protect them and do battle with the 'rebels'.

To Conservatives especially, blood is thicker than water ....

Wow. Public school indoctrination, right?

Revere's ride was to warn the patriots of British troop movements. Revere was with the patriots and against British rule.

Here, this is mental-age-appropriate for you:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ikO6LMxF4]School House Rock Shot Heard Round the World America Rock - YouTube[/ame]
I have it on good authority that the RNC will encourage Americans to boycott the mainstream media and watch and listen only to FOX.

This source says if RNC fails to eliminate the mainstream media by boycott, they will ask the Supreme Court to make the mainstream media Unconstitutional.

My boys!!!


What's your source? Oh, yes, your usual: www.drivebymediaspastyflabbyass.com.
I have it on good authority that the RNC will encourage Americans to boycott the mainstream media and watch and listen only to FOX.

This source says if RNC fails to eliminate the mainstream media by boycott, they will ask the Supreme Court to make the mainstream media Unconstitutional.

My boys!!!


I have it on good authority and the proof being all over this board, you are a lying sack of crap. You will lie, about anything and everything to make the Democratic Party look good. You don't require facts, thinking or a conscience.
What can you expect from someone willing to lie about Paul Revere? :cool:
He keeps challenging me to a debate. If he would just comment on the topic, I may respond...I may not; as stated it 's not really worth the time to try to decipher what some chiphead is saying when he talks about noserings and intentionally spelling things wrong.
Erm, you are the only one I've seen talking about noserings.
During one of your attack rants!!

It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.

the vaginas with vocal cords do not have brains - they were washed out by progressive propaganda.
too bad they will never realize how they were used :eusa_whistle:
I have it on good authority that the RNC will encourage Americans to boycott the mainstream media and watch and listen only to FOX.

This source says if RNC fails to eliminate the mainstream media by boycott, they will ask the Supreme Court to make the mainstream media Unconstitutional.

My boys!!!


I have it on good authority and the proof being all over this board, you are a lying sack of crap. You will lie, about anything and everything to make the Democratic Party look good. You don't require facts, thinking or a conscience.
What can you expect from someone willing to lie about Paul Revere? :cool:

I can't stand liars and a willing ass kisser for a party...but the Democrat base if full of them...damn sheep
Hers is bigger than yours...and so is her facial hair.

You have that backassward like everything most libruls spew.. Librul chicks are manly.. very much so.. I barely even have hair on my arms.. almost non existent but nice try. Very lame personal attack. You need to take your uterus in for a tune-up..

We all know liberals show how they truly feel about women when one speaks the truth....
Indeed. Liberals view women as nothing more than walking genitalia. And liberal women believe it, too.

There weren't any liberal women dressed as brains outside the Conventions.
Erm, you are the only one I've seen talking about noserings.
During one of your attack rants!!

It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.

the vaginas with vocal cords do not have brains - they were washed out by progressive propaganda.
too bad they will never realize how they were used :eusa_whistle:

Indeed.. it's no different from the African American base who blindly support those who tell them they're too stupid to even obtain an ID and that they need special treatment to be accepted in to universities, colleges because they can't make the grade.. The dumbing down of the Zombie herd- useful idiots.
I have it on good authority and the proof being all over this board, you are a lying sack of crap. You will lie, about anything and everything to make the Democratic Party look good. You don't require facts, thinking or a conscience.
What can you expect from someone willing to lie about Paul Revere? :cool:

I can't stand liars and a willing ass kisser for a party...but the Democrat base if full of them...damn sheep
Indeed. What's so especially, mind-numbingly stupid is that he thought he could get away with saying Paul Revere was loyal to the Crown.

Progressives are retarded.
It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.

the vaginas with vocal cords do not have brains - they were washed out by progressive propaganda.
too bad they will never realize how they were used :eusa_whistle:

Indeed.. it's no different from the African American base who blindly support those who tell them they're too stupid to even obtain an ID and that they need special treatment to be accepted in to universities, colleges because they can't make the grade.. The dumbing down of the Zombie herd- useful idiots.

their stupidity is even deeper than that - they are viewed and used as the vaginas only, meanwhile they are now forced to do what they were never forced to do before - and everything for the benefit of their most hated enemy ( per libtard propaganda) - the evil corporations :lol:
plus all the responsibility for anything under the sun they have to carry themselves - to the benefit of the second worst enemy of the vaginas with vocal cords - the male :lol:

no wonder they are constantly upset - they suspect being used but being brainless doesn't help in finding the source :D
What can you expect from someone willing to lie about Paul Revere? :cool:

I can't stand liars and a willing ass kisser for a party..

Oh the irony.

I've seen Stephanie call out Republicans like George Bush, Boehner when they're wrong..Marco Rubio on his support of immigration so your lies stop in your own feeble fucked up mind. It's the ZOMBIE herd of useful idiots- today's leftists who walk literal lock-step to Odumbo's drum beat.. you included, Vagina.
With deep thoughtfull well considered posts like that, you might get the dem nomination yourself!!
The debates could follow a "yo mama so fat" format.
Might be at the right intellectual level for the more intelligent fanatical Obamacult totalitarians!!

In keeping with your level of intellect, "jest like havon' yer nosering" must be Shakespeare for someone like you. Really, there are times when I just stop caring what that dumb sack of shit says and speculate on what caused it.
Here you go, miss obesity 2013, do try to take a shower, miss stinks like a walking yeast infection.
You were quoting me.

LMAO Ouch, now don't hold back Pauli! ;-)
I once considered asking a conservative woman for a date, but soon discovered that she was out every night at 9 PM with her Glock walking the niegborhood looking for evil doers. I also confess that her poster of George Bush which she had taped to the ceiling over her bed was somewhat unsettling.
I once considered asking a conservative woman for a date, but soon discovered that she was out every night at 9 PM with her Glock walking the niegborhood looking for evil doers. I also confess that her poster of George Bush which she had taped to the ceiling over her bed was somewhat unsettling.

Ok, now that's just a sick image.. I bought in to the glock but a poster of Bush over her bed? She was either blind, dumb, or a liberal using it for target practice.
I once considered asking a conservative woman for a date, but soon discovered that she was out every night at 9 PM with her Glock walking the niegborhood looking for evil doers. I also confess that her poster of George Bush which she had taped to the ceiling over her bed was somewhat unsettling.
Yeah of course you did.
You are afraid of women, unless you pay for them and even then it has to be via a gloryhole.

oh damn:lol:
I once considered asking a conservative woman for a date, but soon discovered that she was out every night at 9 PM with her Glock walking the niegborhood looking for evil doers. I also confess that her poster of George Bush which she had taped to the ceiling over her bed was somewhat unsettling.

Ok, now that's just a sick image.. I bought in to the glock but a poster of Bush over her bed? She was either blind, dumb, or a liberal using it for target practice.

Maybe she was a tranpoltical ?

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