R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

The party can do what it wants...it has no obligation to hold it's debates on any network; including FOX for that matter. I, personally, do not know if NBC had a GOP debate in 2012. I know CNN did because of the "Let them die" statement that actually came from an audience member; yet CNN gets blamed for it. Anyway, they can do whatever they want with their party. As stated, I frankly hope ABC and CBS and whomever else simulcast whatever they're bitching about to give the GOP no place to turn except Fox News. If they want to bury themselves, the Left (and those who get blamed for being on the left regardless of the facts of the matter) should just keep handing them shovels.

How's that song go...
It's their Party and they can cry if they want to, cry if they want to...

I hope they do the same thing with their convention in 2016...just have it on Fox. I'll be happy to watch Netflix or my HBO GO.

But to put it into perspective, I just upgraded my cable package to include Showtime. I like Homeland, Ray Donovan, and Dexterand plan on binge watching the holy crap out of the shows prior to the new seasons starting. Anyway, I'm in my palatial high rise condo minding my own business the other night and guess what I see: The World According to Dick Cheney on Showtime. It's on Showtime which is owned by CBS. You don't hear anything about the Democrats boycotting CBS for airing this.

Its just a different maturity level the Dems seem to enjoy over the Republicans.

Like Obama trying to boycott FOX News, it is fine, like the DNC boycotting Florida, like gays and unions boycotting the DNC convention. Like groups boycotting Limbaugh and Hannity.

The maturity level is the same, the only difference is individual bias.
True...and let's not forget the racist Dems, Jesse and Al calling for the boycott of Florida and products of Florida over the Zimmerman acquittal.

As was pointed out in a previous post, the RNC is not boycotting CNN...they are telling CNN that they will not be invited to the debate parties. To hell with CNN!
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I must say I'm getting a kick out if some the left on here over this topic the kings and queens of calling for boycotts of other's now griping and throwing a fit because someone other than them is doing it. You see that is the thing about freedom it cuts both ways and those you don't like and disagree with can also boycott grow up and deal with it.
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

You should be embarrassed for being such a dumbass.

The GOP isn't bullying anyone, nor are they boycotting anything.
Tories = Conservatives. Even today.
Nonsense. In order for that to be true, the Founding Fathers would have been loyal to the Crown.

Stop making shit up.

Or.........the Founding Fathers were NOT like what we call today's conservatives, despite what Glenn Beck tells you?
I don't listen to Beck. I use history and common sense -- two things progressive hate.

The Founding Fathers were NOT like what we call today's liberals. Today's liberals despise liberty and small government -- the things the FF fought for.

Which side today supports liberty and small government? I'll give you a hint: It starts with "c", and ends with "onservatives".
Nonsense. In order for that to be true, the Founding Fathers would have been loyal to the Crown.

Paul Revere's ride was to assure the Loyalists that the British were coming to protect them and do battle with the 'rebels'.

To Conservatives especially, blood is thicker than water ....

A bit of narcissism never hurt anybody.

He keeps challenging me to a debate. If he would just comment on the topic, I may respond...I may not; as stated it 's not really worth the time to try to decipher what some chiphead is saying when he talks about noserings and intentionally spelling things wrong.
Erm, you are the only one I've seen talking about noserings.
During one of your attack rants!!

It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.
It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.

Especially if you don't have one ....

And many think with their penis .... as small as that brain is on many

The party can do what it wants...it has no obligation to hold it's debates on any network; including FOX for that matter. I, personally, do not know if NBC had a GOP debate in 2012. I know CNN did because of the "Let them die" statement that actually came from an audience member; yet CNN gets blamed for it. Anyway, they can do whatever they want with their party. As stated, I frankly hope ABC and CBS and whomever else simulcast whatever they're bitching about to give the GOP no place to turn except Fox News. If they want to bury themselves, the Left (and those who get blamed for being on the left regardless of the facts of the matter) should just keep handing them shovels.

How's that song go...
It's their Party and they can cry if they want to, cry if they want to...

I hope they do the same thing with their convention in 2016...just have it on Fox. I'll be happy to watch Netflix or my HBO GO.

But to put it into perspective, I just upgraded my cable package to include Showtime. I like Homeland, Ray Donovan, and Dexterand plan on binge watching the holy crap out of the shows prior to the new seasons starting. Anyway, I'm in my palatial high rise condo minding my own business the other night and guess what I see: The World According to Dick Cheney on Showtime. It's on Showtime which is owned by CBS. You don't hear anything about the Democrats boycotting CBS for airing this.

Its just a different maturity level the Dems seem to enjoy over the Republicans.

Like Obama trying to boycott FOX News, it is fine, like the DNC boycotting Florida, like gays and unions boycotting the DNC convention. Like groups boycotting Limbaugh and Hannity.

The maturity level is the same, the only difference is individual bias.

Not really; campaigns are almost all about public relations. Depriving yourself of the largest megaphone possible is just stupid. The debates in the primaries are ratings black holes more often than not. The GOP may be doing NBC and CNN favors.:lol:

ABC and CBS are large enough megaphones, are they not?

And if the GOP is doing NBC and CNN favors, why do liberals have their panties in a wad? So you are all bitching just to be bitching, talk about a temper tantrum.
It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.

Especially if you don't have one ....

And many think with their penis .... as small as that brain is on many


Don't even speak to me TROLL. You're on par with Rdean, LuddyNutty, TM.. which makes you a worthless stream of propaganda.. you only served to discredit yourself here with your line of babble and pure shit. Crawl back to your DNC hole.
It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.

Especially if you don't have one ....

And many think with their penis .... as small as that brain is on many


Don't even speak to me TROLL. You're on par with Rdean, LuddyNutty, TM.. which makes you a worthless stream of propaganda.. you only served to discredit yourself here with your line of babble and pure shit. Crawl back to your DNC hole.

I think drivebymedia is in a league of their own, no facts, no knowledge, just what ever the DNC feeds and it becomes the truth to him, then he can't defend and goes off to make personal attacks.
I have it on good authority at CNN was thinking about dropping the Hillary movie, and doing a documentary on the Teletubbies, but conservatives vetoed that, too, because one of them is gay.,
I have it on good authority that the RNC will encourage Americans to boycott the mainstream media and watch and listen only to FOX.

This source says if RNC fails to eliminate the mainstream media by boycott, they will ask the Supreme Court to make the mainstream media Unconstitutional.

My boys!!!

I have it on good authority that the RNC will encourage Americans to boycott the mainstream media and watch and listen only to FOX.

This source says if RNC fails to eliminate the mainstream media by boycott, they will ask the Supreme Court to make the mainstream media Unconstitutional.

My boys!!!


I have it on good authority and the proof being all over this board, you are a lying sack of crap. You will lie, about anything and everything to make the Democratic Party look good. You don't require facts, thinking or a conscience.
A bit of narcissism never hurt anybody.

He keeps challenging me to a debate. If he would just comment on the topic, I may respond...I may not; as stated it 's not really worth the time to try to decipher what some chiphead is saying when he talks about noserings and intentionally spelling things wrong.
Erm, you are the only one I've seen talking about noserings.
During one of your attack rants!!

I was quoting him moron.
Freedom of Press? Now the GOP wants to bully that away?

HC isn't the Dem nominee yet. What....is the GOP gonna boycott them for running stories or doing shows about ANY Democrat??????

I'd like someone to check the years 1992-2000. Did Fox ever do a show about Bush 1? And his son, GW?

GOP has turned into a bunch of children. Im embarrassed to say I was ever one of them.

You should be embarrassed for being such a dumbass.

The GOP isn't bullying anyone, nor are they boycotting anything.

no kidding...now they can't choose who they want to hold their debates...they are a bully if they don't bow down to these stations I guess..but these people making up all kinds of dumb shit can bully Fox News ALL THEY WANT...

dear gawd help these small people
It's best to ignore Vagina Diaries. Anyone who thinks with their uterus is a nutcase.

Especially if you don't have one ....

And many think with their penis .... as small as that brain is on many


Hers is bigger than yours...and so is her facial hair.

You have that backassward like everything most libruls spew.. Librul chicks are manly.. very much so.. I barely even have hair on my arms.. almost non existent but nice try. Very lame personal attack. You need to take your uterus in for a tune-up..
Especially if you don't have one ....

And many think with their penis .... as small as that brain is on many


Hers is bigger than yours...and so is her facial hair.

You have that backassward like everything most libruls spew.. Librul chicks are manly.. very much so.. I barely even have hair on my arms.. almost non existent but nice try. Very lame personal attack. You need to take your uterus in for a tune-up..

We all know liberals show how they truly feel about women when one speaks the truth....

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