R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

So choosing not to work with networks that you feel are throwing their support behind your opposition is declaring war on the media? If we accept that logic then of course the Democrats have been at war with FOX News for at least ten years now.

How do Republicans think they can dictate what content NBC entertainment can show?

have they gotten that arrogant?

The same way the left thinks they can dictate conservative talk radio as I posted earlier when Hannity, Limbaugh, or Beck say or do something the left does not like you can't scream boycott fast enough. It's not arrogance it's freedom NBC has the freedom to do their Hillary miniseries and the Republicans have the freedom to boycott them over it. The left seems to think the freedom to boycott only applies to them now that's arrogant.
Dictate content? No. Don't be ridiculous.

You're being childish. You're pissed that Republicans won't have their debates on liberal propaganda outlets.

Don't worry, the talking heads who hand you your opinions will still tell you what to think.

Look, Republican debates suck anyway

Other than screams of let em die and booing gay soldiers there is not much to see

head-in-the-sand :lame2:

he's become rdean the second
A blog by someone calling himself Sandmonkey doesn't count

My link was suppose to be to the Canada Free Press

Obama ducks criticism of his support of Muslim Brotherhood Morsi with lies

I believe you lose your impartiality argument when your linked story starts like this....

. A lie is a lie in any language.* A lie is a lie in any country.

And on today’s political front there is no bigger liar than President Barack Hussein Obama.

Give me a direct link to Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood, not others accusing him of it

Let see, you want copies of canceled checks?

You want the words of Obama actually saying what he said he wasn't doing but obviously is?

And if either were able to be supplied then what would be your next request?
A blog by someone calling himself Sandmonkey doesn't count

My link was suppose to be to the Canada Free Press

Obama ducks criticism of his support of Muslim Brotherhood Morsi with lies

I believe you lose your impartiality argument when your linked story starts like this....

. A lie is a lie in any language.* A lie is a lie in any country.

And on today’s political front there is no bigger liar than President Barack Hussein Obama.

Give me a direct link to Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood, not others accusing him of it

BS, BS, BS wrapped in BS. Anything that goes against the grain of the liberal left has partisanship attached. Of course an article that does not agree with the liberal BS is going to call them out on it. Again, that is why I posted a link to the Canadian press.
Compared to the mainstream networks, FOX is a very minor player.

But that makes them kind of feisty, like the little kid in the schoolyard who tries, but always gets beaten up by the big guys!


Way to avoid the question, if you can't answer it, simply say I can answer it.
Until Fox becomes something other than a propaganda arm of the GOP, they cannot expect to be treated otherwise

So drivebymedia needs you to answer? What about NBC being the propaganda of the Democratic Party? Not sure why one is okay and the other not. Can you explain the inconsistency?
I find Democrats very hypocritical.

It's okay for the debates to boycott FOX, it's okay to boycott sponsors of Hannity and Limbaugh.

But a threatened boycott of one of their liberal outlets and they throw a temper tantrum.
I find Democrats very hypocritical.

It's okay for the debates to boycott FOX, it's okay to boycott sponsors of Hannity and Limbaugh.

But a threatened boycott of one of their liberal outlets and they throw a temper tantrum.

two faced HYPOCRITES..But they don't care...on they will go
Hmmmmm, since CNN and NBC have a tiny audience share, and the only people who watch them are failed leftists--------------yeah, great for the dems, they can preach their bullshit to their mental slaves while the rest of the country gets to hear both sides. :eusa_whistle:

NBC is bigger than Fox........MUCH bigger audience

not according to Drudge, when he posts the monthly ratings report, Fox usually holds the top 5 or 6 spots, therefore i respectfully request you prove your ASSumption......., OK?

Mr. RW, why are you avoiding answering my request for proof ??
I think that maybe the RNC is wrong about this and is selling the MSM short. Of course this is based on the MSM's history but I think they may be jumping the gun here.

What positive can they possibly show about Hillary?

Failed at getting Health Care reformed passed when her HUSBAND was president and she looked the fool in doing so.

Failed marriage to the point where she can't keep her man happy enough to stay away from interns and others.

A Senate race in a state to which she never resided that is as blue as blue can be. Won ONLY because she is married to the adulterer Bill. Nothing of note during her term except voting for and supporting the Iraq war.

A stint as SOS where here claim to fame is the ME in flames, the Russians hostile more then ever, the Chinese not that friendly and most of all BENGHAZI.

So if they do a TRUTHFUL expose of Hillary that will aid the Republicans but we know that ain't what they are doing.

I can't even imagine what the Democrats would be saying if there were a movie about any Repbulicans prior to the elections.

I do have to admit that the Republican leadership is missing the boat. What they should be doing is making a movie about the Republican party. How it was formed and why it was formed. How the party has supported EVERY civil rights act since the reconstruction. How white Republicans formed the NAACP. Counter that with the democrat party, the party of Slavery, segregation, secession, poll taxes and the KKK. But the truth will never fly on the MSM they have puff pieces to produce about a failed politician like Hillary.

they will spin and lie to cover the truth and make her look like some female messiah. Don't underestimate the corruption of the MSM when it comes to their heroine Hilly

Yep...just like they will lie to make Republican's look evil . See Reagan and GWB. I guess people are supposed to forget forged documents and the fabrications and false characterization's in the Reagan mini series perpetrated by said networks. :eusa_whistle:

Can Republicans get any more childish?

Is there actually an adult in the room over there?

Can you explain why you believe the RNC should appear on biased networks that have no interest in fair and accurate coverage?

Because they say so? That's usually the basis for all lefty arguments.

So choosing not to work with networks that you feel are throwing their support behind your opposition is declaring war on the media? If we accept that logic then of course the Democrats have been at war with FOX News for at least ten years now.

How do Republicans think they can dictate what content NBC entertainment can show?

have they gotten that arrogant?

The same way the left thinks they can dictate conservative talk radio as I posted earlier when Hannity, Limbaugh, or Beck say or do something the left does not like you can't scream boycott fast enough. It's not arrogance it's freedom NBC has the freedom to do their Hillary miniseries and the Republicans have the freedom to boycott them over it. The left seems to think the freedom to boycott only applies to them now that's arrogant.

I find Democrats very hypocritical.

It's okay for the debates to boycott FOX, it's okay to boycott sponsors of Hannity and Limbaugh.

But a threatened boycott of one of their liberal outlets and they throw a temper tantrum.

This is when you will see liberals preach "turning the channel"...which of course they can't seem to grasp doing in their own reality. :lol:

Ah look the prissy left totalitarians have been whipped up into a frenzy by the media outlets who are losing money because of this decision.

It is choice.
Why do fanatical liberal totalitarians hate choice?

They do love choice....but...

What they really mean by "choice"... is... you have the freedom to choose what we want you to choose. :eusa_shhh:
can you imagine if it was either Obama or Hillary in the 2016 debates, a liberal network hosting it, you think the moderator will ask the Dem to explain why he/she ordered to let the 4 men to fend for themselves that night?
I don't know Red

How else would you describe trying to dictate network content?

Temper tantrum?
Dictate content? No. Don't be ridiculous.

You're being childish. You're pissed that Republicans won't have their debates on liberal propaganda outlets.

Don't worry, the talking heads who hand you your opinions will still tell you what to think.

Look, Republican debates suck anyway

Other than screams of let em die and booing gay soldiers there is not much to see
It's funny the way you think...sorry, wrong word...FEEL that you can make that decision for other people.

Don't watch the RNC debates. Huddle in a corner and weep that unapproved views and facts are being seen. Mourn the loss of the headlock the left had on the media.
The Republican Party slides further into mediocrity as they attempt to strong arm - some say 'blackmail' - a major media outlet.

The price the GOP will pay for this ill-advised stunt, will cripple these people for a generation.


RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films

BOSTON -- As expected, Republican Party officials voted Friday not to allow CNN and NBC to sponsor Republican primary debates in 2016 if the networks air planned programs about potential 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films
That's fine. And really really funny too. :lol:
Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

So choosing not to work with networks that you feel are throwing their support behind your opposition is declaring war on the media? If we accept that logic then of course the Democrats have been at war with FOX News for at least ten years now.

How do Republicans think they can dictate what content NBC entertainment can show?

have they gotten that arrogant?
Again, they're dictating nothing. It's a simple proposition: If you give Hillary a two-hour political commercial, we're not having our debates on your network.

You never answered the question: Why are NBC and CNN entitled to host the GOP debates, even if the GOP doesn't want to appear on those networks?
can you imagine if it was either Obama or Hillary in the 2016 debates, a liberal network hosting it, you think the moderator will ask the Dem to explain why he/she ordered to let the 4 men to fend for themselves that night?

The moderator asks what the questions were predetermined to be. They don't make up their own. The difference between a liberal moderator and a conservative moderator is the liberal moderator will ask the question, then answer it helping the democrat out. That's what Candy Crowley did.
The Republican Party slides further into mediocrity as they attempt to strong arm - some say 'blackmail' - a major media outlet.

The price the GOP will pay for this ill-advised stunt, will cripple these people for a generation.


RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films

BOSTON -- As expected, Republican Party officials voted Friday not to allow CNN and NBC to sponsor Republican primary debates in 2016 if the networks air planned programs about potential 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films
That's fine. And really really funny too. :lol:

And Republicans complain the mainstream media treats them like dirty faced street urchins ....

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It's called freedom of choice CNN, and NBC have the freedom to chose to make these miniseries and the RNC has the freedom to chose to boycott the networks over it. it's really sad some just can't or won't grasp this simple concept.

Totally true.
RNC strong arming and blackmail tactics are clearly 'freedom of choice'

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I find Democrats very hypocritical.

It's okay for the debates to boycott FOX, it's okay to boycott sponsors of Hannity and Limbaugh.

But a threatened boycott of one of their liberal outlets and they throw a temper tantrum.

Where has the DNC boycotted or threatened anyone?

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