R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

Hmmmmm, since CNN and NBC have a tiny audience share, and the only people who watch them are failed leftists--------------yeah, great for the dems, they can preach their bullshit to their mental slaves while the rest of the country gets to hear both sides. :eusa_whistle:

NBC is bigger than Fox........MUCH bigger audience

maybe when they show sports, sitcoms, and game shows----but their "commnetary" shows have a very small market share.

You guys seem to watch them all the time..hence the obsession like response to everything Chris Matthews, Rachel Madow, or Lawernce O'Connell (sp?) says.
Can Republicans get any more childish?

Is there actually an adult in the room over there?

I'm a little surprised Chris Christie hasn't voiced his opinion on what a stupid move this was.

why? is he someone important and special?

That depends on whether he wants to be more than the Governor of New Jersey. This is a monumental opportunity to again relegate his possible 2016 contenders to the kid's table. He hasn't taken it yet.
I'm a little surprised Chris Christie hasn't voiced his opinion on what a stupid move this was.

why? is he someone important and special?

That depends on whether he wants to be more than the Governor of New Jersey. This is a monumental opportunity to again relegate his possible 2016 contenders to the kid's table. He hasn't taken it yet.

I think he already blew that except with you Democrats and you aren't going to vote him anyway...
why? is he someone important and special?

That depends on whether he wants to be more than the Governor of New Jersey. This is a monumental opportunity to again relegate his possible 2016 contenders to the kid's table. He hasn't taken it yet.

I think he already blew that except with you Democrats and you aren't going to vote him anyway...

You'll note that the last time you guys on the hard right tried this; you got Romney and the time before that, you got McCain. As you may recall, both got their ass handed to them by President Obama. The average Republican is no where near as small as you guys think they are or, more to the point, would like them to be; this is why you keep losing.

On the flip side, I doubt it would happen but Governor Christie would make a very interesting Democratic Party candidate for President. I wouldn't be surprised if there have been a few inquiries into just how much of a republican he is and if those inquiries came from the same people who worked behind the scenes against Clinton in 2008.
Ronald Reagan would laugh at today's Republicans

What a bunch of pussies

Practising ones right to freedom of choice.

That is enough for a liberal fanatic to attack

Note how liberals are angered by choice, wish to eradicate choice.

Be aware.

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants
Ronald Reagan would laugh at today's Republicans

What a bunch of pussies

Practising ones right to freedom of choice.

That is enough for a liberal fanatic to attack

Note how liberals are angered by choice, wish to eradicate choice.

Be aware.

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants

From what I'm reading, one of the two projects in the works is likely not going to be made. The other one (I think the CNN one) is pretty set. I would love for CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC to all simulcast it and see what the GOP does. They would have to ONLY have their debates on Fox at that point.

These debates in the primaries are ratings black holes for the networks. They feel compelled to carry them because of the supposed importance. The GOP may have unwittingly done the Entertainment divisions of the networks a huge favor when you think about it. Especially since these debates are often happening during the May sweeps periods.

I'm telling you; Hollywood couldn't have come up with a funnier script than the GOP is writing.
I am looking forward to the scene where Hillary throws lamps/china and pets in a violent episode when Bill has to explain in detail what happened in the oval office in 1998.

That is what is getting lost in all this; the content may not be that advantageous to the Clinton campaign if she chooses to run.
I wonder if they will do the scene in the situation room where Hillary is treated as if saving those lives are not her decision. we all know the powers that be superceded her decision to send help. just like when we were suspicious of john Roberts decision to keep Obama-care a tax.
I'm a little surprised Chris Christie hasn't voiced his opinion on what a stupid move this was.
Why is it a stupid move? Why are NBC and CNN entitled to host the GOP debates, even if the GOP doesn't want to appear on those networks?
You missed this post, cc. Maybe even accidentally.
You missed this one, too.

And not accidentally.

Why will none of the liberals here answer this question?
Ronald Reagan would laugh at today's Republicans

What a bunch of pussies

Practising ones right to freedom of choice.

That is enough for a liberal fanatic to attack

Note how liberals are angered by choice, wish to eradicate choice.

Be aware.

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hilary Clinton.

The RNC is exercising its choice of who the will allow to host THEIR debates.

Democrats are pissing their pants.
Practising ones right to freedom of choice.

That is enough for a liberal fanatic to attack

Note how liberals are angered by choice, wish to eradicate choice.

Be aware.

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hilary Clinton.

The RNC is exercising its choice of who the will allow to host THEIR debates.

Democrats are pissing their pants.

I'll admit I haven't read this entire thread...nobody seems to be upset by this decision. I'm not a Democrat (I'm a liberal who votes for liberals regardless of party) but I think it's a terrible decision by the GOP since campaigns are all about public relations and they are making a decision to not give their eventual candidate the biggest megaphone possible.

It's a bizarre way to run a campaign.
Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hilary Clinton.

The RNC is exercising its choice of who the will allow to host THEIR debates.

Democrats are pissing their pants.

I'll admit I haven't read this entire thread...nobody seems to be upset by this decision. I'm not a Democrat (I'm a liberal who votes for liberals regardless of party) but I think it's a terrible decision by the GOP since campaigns are all about public relations and they are making a decision to not give their eventual candidate the biggest megaphone possible.

It's a bizarre way to run a campaign.

So if they go with CBS or ABC have a smaller megaphone?
The RNC is bringing the MSM to its knees!

They have learned what it means to face the wrath of the Republicans

No Soup for you!

the truth is that the RNC has finally grown some cajones and is telling the biased left wing media to stuff it.

They should never again agree to a "debate" like the crowley/obama vs Romney fiasco.

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

"Media declares war on Republicans, right back!. No further news at any time!"
Practising ones right to freedom of choice.

That is enough for a liberal fanatic to attack

Note how liberals are angered by choice, wish to eradicate choice.

Be aware.

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hilary Clinton.

The RNC is exercising its choice of who the will allow to host THEIR debates.

Democrats are pissing their pants.
Indeed. Let's hope the show of spine continues.
The RNC is bringing the MSM to its knees!

They have learned what it means to face the wrath of the Republicans

No Soup for you!

the truth is that the RNC has finally grown some cajones and is telling the biased left wing media to stuff it.

They should never again agree to a "debate" like the crowley/obama vs Romney fiasco.

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven
Brilliant COMEBACK! [NOT]. Son? Just can't help yer partisan bullshit, can you?
I am looking forward to the scene where Hillary throws lamps/china and pets in a violent episode when Bill has to explain in detail what happened in the oval office in 1998.

That is exactly what the movie will be about.

More than a love fest for Hillary

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