R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

the truth is that the RNC has finally grown some cajones and is telling the biased left wing media to stuff it.

They should never again agree to a "debate" like the crowley/obama vs Romney fiasco.

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven
Brilliant COMEBACK! [NOT]. Son? Just can't help yer partisan bullshit, can you?

I have voted for more Republicans than you have Democrats
Practising ones right to freedom of choice.

That is enough for a liberal fanatic to attack

Note how liberals are angered by choice, wish to eradicate choice.

Be aware.

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants

From what I'm reading, one of the two projects in the works is likely not going to be made. The other one (I think the CNN one) is pretty set. I would love for CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC to all simulcast it and see what the GOP does. They would have to ONLY have their debates on Fox at that point.

These debates in the primaries are ratings black holes for the networks. They feel compelled to carry them because of the supposed importance. The GOP may have unwittingly done the Entertainment divisions of the networks a huge favor when you think about it. Especially since these debates are often happening during the May sweeps periods.

I'm telling you; Hollywood couldn't have come up with a funnier script than the GOP is writing.

Then they can make another TV movie about the Republicans having their hissy fit over the Hillary movie. :D
the truth is that the RNC has finally grown some cajones and is telling the biased left wing media to stuff it.

They should never again agree to a "debate" like the crowley/obama vs Romney fiasco.

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

"Media declares war on Republicans, right back!. No further news at any time!"

Media declares war on Republicans? VERY old news. Where have you been?

I believe you lose your impartiality argument when your linked story starts like this....

. A lie is a lie in any language.* A lie is a lie in any country.

And on today’s political front there is no bigger liar than President Barack Hussein Obama.

Give me a direct link to Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood, not others accusing him of it

Let see, you want copies of canceled checks?

You want the words of Obama actually saying what he said he wasn't doing but obviously is?

And if either were able to be supplied then what would be your next request?


I want Obama or a key member of his administration stating we support Muslim Brotherhood

Glenn Beck and his pals saying it doesnt count
What will the RNC with "The Butler"?

A movie that casts Nancy Reagan as a racist bitch?

Boycott Hollywood?


I believe you lose your impartiality argument when your linked story starts like this....

. A lie is a lie in any language.* A lie is a lie in any country.

And on today’s political front there is no bigger liar than President Barack Hussein Obama.

Give me a direct link to Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood, not others accusing him of it

Let see, you want copies of canceled checks?

You want the words of Obama actually saying what he said he wasn't doing but obviously is?

And if either were able to be supplied then what would be your next request?


I want Obama or a key member of his administration stating we support Muslim Brotherhood

Glenn Beck and his pals saying it doesnt count
White House Defends Meetings with Muslim Brotherhood

The Obama administration is defending its Thursday meetings with members of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political party. Officials say the United States is engaging with a variety of Egypt’s emerging political actors.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood met with mid-level officials from the U.S. National Security Council.


The president's spokesman gave assurances that great emphasis was placed on democracy and human rights.

"The Muslim Brotherhood will be a major player, and we are engaging because that is the appropriate and right thing to do. And we will judge all of the political actors in Egypt by their actions, by their commitment to democracy and democratic processes and protection of civil rights," Carney said.​
Given the MB's torture and murder of Egyptian Christians, how committed do you think they are to the protection of civil rights?
Practising ones right to freedom of choice.

That is enough for a liberal fanatic to attack

Note how liberals are angered by choice, wish to eradicate choice.

Be aware.

Network television is exercising its choice to air a movie about Hillary Clinton

republicans are pissing their pants

From what I'm reading, one of the two projects in the works is likely not going to be made. The other one (I think the CNN one) is pretty set. I would love for CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC to all simulcast it and see what the GOP does. They would have to ONLY have their debates on Fox at that point.

These debates in the primaries are ratings black holes for the networks. They feel compelled to carry them because of the supposed importance. The GOP may have unwittingly done the Entertainment divisions of the networks a huge favor when you think about it. Especially since these debates are often happening during the May sweeps periods.

I'm telling you; Hollywood couldn't have come up with a funnier script than the GOP is writing.

I didn't even watch their debates last cycle because they were too cringe worthy given they were trying to prove which one could prove they were more conservative than the other :eusa_hand:

They might as well just have their debates on CNBC (for the wealthy big biz donors) or the CBN (Roberts christian network) :eusa_pray: for their rw socon "Base"
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Let see, you want copies of canceled checks?

You want the words of Obama actually saying what he said he wasn't doing but obviously is?

And if either were able to be supplied then what would be your next request?


I want Obama or a key member of his administration stating we support Muslim Brotherhood

Glenn Beck and his pals saying it doesnt count
White House Defends Meetings with Muslim Brotherhood

The Obama administration is defending its Thursday meetings with members of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political party. Officials say the United States is engaging with a variety of Egypt’s emerging political actors.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood met with mid-level officials from the U.S. National Security Council.


The president's spokesman gave assurances that great emphasis was placed on democracy and human rights.

"The Muslim Brotherhood will be a major player, and we are engaging because that is the appropriate and right thing to do. And we will judge all of the political actors in Egypt by their actions, by their commitment to democracy and democratic processes and protection of civil rights," Carney said.
Given the MB's torture and murder of Egyptian Christians, how committed do you think they are to the protection of civil rights?

And the continued attacks BY the MB recent as NOW and Christians being murdered, Churches being burned BY them.

Obama is on the wrong side. Obama has set the ME on fire by his incompetence. And we thought what Jimmauh Catah did to the Shah of Iran was bad? Obama not only lit the region on fire, but he NUKED IT.
The Right Wing extremists use a lot of effort and energy defending their reputation as America's Taliban.

It's not just the "Duck Dynasty" that they are proud to represent them .... their are others ....

Pretty funny to see them hiding from potential voters. After the last general election, who can blame them?

Do they really believe voters are so dumb that they don't GET IT?

Has there ever been another time in our history when the GObP/pubs have been as fragmented and terrified as they are now?
Pretty funny to see them hiding from potential voters. After the last general election, who can blame them?

Do they really believe voters are so dumb that they don't GET IT?

Has there ever been another time in our history when the GObP/pubs have been as fragmented and terrified as they are now?
Apparently Democrats do...and demonize the Republicans and the right (correct side) for sticking to principle(s).

Amazing how idiot leftists as YOU come out and ADMIT the truth about yourselves.

Good form!
Pretty funny to see them hiding from potential voters. After the last general election, who can blame them?

Do they really believe voters are so dumb that they don't GET IT?

Has there ever been another time in our history when the GObP/pubs have been as fragmented and terrified as they are now?
Apparently Democrats do...and demonize the Republicans and the right (correct side) for sticking to principle(s).

Amazing how idiot leftists as YOU come out and ADMIT the truth about yourselves.

Good form!

Fantasy doesn't cut it. Facts do.

You know, like the last general election.

Under your name, it says, "Spirit of 76" but the fact is,

The Republican Party slides further into mediocrity as they attempt to strong arm - some say 'blackmail' - a major media outlet.

The price the GOP will pay for this ill-advised stunt, will cripple these people for a generation.


RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films

BOSTON -- As expected, Republican Party officials voted Friday not to allow CNN and NBC to sponsor Republican primary debates in 2016 if the networks air planned programs about potential 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films

Hey Republican morons,
How the hell can you boycott a product you don't use in the first place?
Pretty funny to see them hiding from potential voters. After the last general election, who can blame them?

Do they really believe voters are so dumb that they don't GET IT?

Has there ever been another time in our history when the GObP/pubs have been as fragmented and terrified as they are now?

How many times has Obama appeared on Hannity?
Republicans leave LMSM for Limbaugh Hannity & Levin

For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud to be a Republican

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