R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

The RNC is bringing the MSM to its knees!

They have learned what it means to face the wrath of the Republicans

No Soup for you!

the truth is that the RNC has finally grown some cajones and is telling the biased left wing media to stuff it.

They should never again agree to a "debate" like the crowley/obama vs Romney fiasco.

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

So choosing not to work with networks that you feel are throwing their support behind your opposition is declaring war on the media? If we accept that logic then of course the Democrats have been at war with FOX News for at least ten years now.
Show me

Actual Obama quote where he backs Muslim brotherhood. Rightwing hate blogs don't count

He backed Morsi, he supported the overthrow of Mubarak, he supported the MB in Libya and Syria. Did you hear his speech in Cairo? what more do you need?

Mubarak lost the support of the people and Morsi was elected

What position did you expect him to take?
he said nothing in hs Cairo speech about supporting Muslim Brotherhood

Now, show me a link of Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood or stop your lying

Gosh where do you people live that you don't know this stuff? Here is a Canadian source which should be somewhat independent:

Obama ducks criticism of his support of Muslim Brotherhood Morsi with lies

Obama ducks criticism of his support of Muslim Brotherhood Morsi with lies

An editorial in Investor’s Business Daily, entitled “Now Obama Using Troops To Prop Up Cairo’s Islamofascists”, came to similar conclusions, saying the president was sending U.S. forces to “protect a regime that supports terrorists.” Citing news reports, the editorial said Obama’s effort was meant to help the “Islamofascist regime there repel its own citizens protesting increasing human-rights violations.”

As long as Obama supports Morsi’s Islamist rule with money and weapons, increasing attacks on the Coptic Christian minority, media censorship, packing government organs with Islamic extremists, cracking down on protesters, issuing lawless “decrees” that critics call dictatorial, ramming through an Islamist constitution, prosecuting foreign government-funded “democracy” groups, and more will continue.

To say otherwise is just another big Obama lie.
Can Republicans get any more childish?

Is there actually an adult in the room over there?

I think I hear the nurse coming with your breakfast of Ensure and a diaper change. How long will they let you continue to post from the nursing home?

I don't know Red

How else would you describe trying to dictate network content?

Temper tantrum?
Dictate content? No. Don't be ridiculous.

You're being childish. You're pissed that Republicans won't have their debates on liberal propaganda outlets.

Don't worry, the talking heads who hand you your opinions will still tell you what to think.
But remember Rinse Penis said he WOULD NOT boycott Fox for producing. ONLY CNN and ABC for showing it, or liking it, or thinking the movie is a good idea. But not Fox because he has principles dammit

Remind us of the last time democrats had a debate on Fox........

Compared to the mainstream networks, FOX is a very minor player.

But that makes them kind of feisty, like the little kid in the schoolyard who tries, but always gets beaten up by the big guys!


Way to avoid the question, if you can't answer it, simply say I can answer it.
the truth is that the RNC has finally grown some cajones and is telling the biased left wing media to stuff it.

They should never again agree to a "debate" like the crowley/obama vs Romney fiasco.

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

So choosing not to work with networks that you feel are throwing their support behind your opposition is declaring war on the media? If we accept that logic then of course the Democrats have been at war with FOX News for at least ten years now.

Now now, it is only right that the left makes a big deal out of the RNC calling foul about the MSM making a political movie for Hillary. After all their comments and treatment of Fox News certainly is fair and balanced.
He backed Morsi, he supported the overthrow of Mubarak, he supported the MB in Libya and Syria. Did you hear his speech in Cairo? what more do you need?

Mubarak lost the support of the people and Morsi was elected

What position did you expect him to take?
he said nothing in hs Cairo speech about supporting Muslim Brotherhood

Now, show me a link of Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood or stop your lying

Egyptian Secular Parties Blast Obama Administration for Supporting Muslim Brotherhood | The Gateway Pundit
A blog by someone calling himself Sandmonkey doesn't count
I think that maybe the RNC is wrong about this and is selling the MSM short. Of course this is based on the MSM's history but I think they may be jumping the gun here.

What positive can they possibly show about Hillary?

Failed at getting Health Care reformed passed when her HUSBAND was president and she looked the fool in doing so.

Failed marriage to the point where she can't keep her man happy enough to stay away from interns and others.

A Senate race in a state to which she never resided that is as blue as blue can be. Won ONLY because she is married to the adulterer Bill. Nothing of note during her term except voting for and supporting the Iraq war.

A stint as SOS where here claim to fame is the ME in flames, the Russians hostile more then ever, the Chinese not that friendly and most of all BENGHAZI.

So if they do a TRUTHFUL expose of Hillary that will aid the Republicans but we know that ain't what they are doing.

I can't even imagine what the Democrats would be saying if there were a movie about any Repbulicans prior to the elections.

I do have to admit that the Republican leadership is missing the boat. What they should be doing is making a movie about the Republican party. How it was formed and why it was formed. How the party has supported EVERY civil rights act since the reconstruction. How white Republicans formed the NAACP. Counter that with the democrat party, the party of Slavery, segregation, secession, poll taxes and the KKK. But the truth will never fly on the MSM they have puff pieces to produce about a failed politician like Hillary.

I applaud the Republican Party on this. NBC CNN are blatantly showing their support behind a Democrat candidate by getting behind a first run movie biography. The Republicans don't have to put up with that. NBC and CNN are going to smear the Republicans no matter what they do.
I think that maybe the RNC is wrong about this and is selling the MSM short. Of course this is based on the MSM's history but I think they may be jumping the gun here.

What positive can they possibly show about Hillary?

Failed at getting Health Care reformed passed when her HUSBAND was president and she looked the fool in doing so.

Failed marriage to the point where she can't keep her man happy enough to stay away from interns and others.

A Senate race in a state to which she never resided that is as blue as blue can be. Won ONLY because she is married to the adulterer Bill. Nothing of note during her term except voting for and supporting the Iraq war.

A stint as SOS where here claim to fame is the ME in flames, the Russians hostile more then ever, the Chinese not that friendly and most of all BENGHAZI.

So if they do a TRUTHFUL expose of Hillary that will aid the Republicans but we know that ain't what they are doing.

I can't even imagine what the Democrats would be saying if there were a movie about any Repbulicans prior to the elections.

I do have to admit that the Republican leadership is missing the boat. What they should be doing is making a movie about the Republican party. How it was formed and why it was formed. How the party has supported EVERY civil rights act since the reconstruction. How white Republicans formed the NAACP. Counter that with the democrat party, the party of Slavery, segregation, secession, poll taxes and the KKK. But the truth will never fly on the MSM they have puff pieces to produce about a failed politician like Hillary.

they will spin and lie to cover the truth and make her look like some female messiah. Don't underestimate the corruption of the MSM when it comes to their heroine Hilly

Exactly. And if I can find out without watching I will do what I always do and write to the sponsors and tell them there are lots of places to buy soap suds and they ain't one of them.
Remind us of the last time democrats had a debate on Fox........

Compared to the mainstream networks, FOX is a very minor player.

But that makes them kind of feisty, like the little kid in the schoolyard who tries, but always gets beaten up by the big guys!


Way to avoid the question, if you can't answer it, simply say I can answer it.
Until Fox becomes something other than a propaganda arm of the GOP, they cannot expect to be treated otherwise
Mubarak lost the support of the people and Morsi was elected

What position did you expect him to take?
he said nothing in hs Cairo speech about supporting Muslim Brotherhood

Now, show me a link of Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood or stop your lying

Egyptian Secular Parties Blast Obama Administration for Supporting Muslim Brotherhood | The Gateway Pundit
A blog by someone calling himself Sandmonkey doesn't count

freewill already posted several more. but your head-in-the-sand approach to reality is noted.
I think that maybe the RNC is wrong about this and is selling the MSM short. Of course this is based on the MSM's history but I think they may be jumping the gun here.

What positive can they possibly show about Hillary?

Failed at getting Health Care reformed passed when her HUSBAND was president and she looked the fool in doing so.

Failed marriage to the point where she can't keep her man happy enough to stay away from interns and others.

A Senate race in a state to which she never resided that is as blue as blue can be. Won ONLY because she is married to the adulterer Bill. Nothing of note during her term except voting for and supporting the Iraq war.

A stint as SOS where here claim to fame is the ME in flames, the Russians hostile more then ever, the Chinese not that friendly and most of all BENGHAZI.

So if they do a TRUTHFUL expose of Hillary that will aid the Republicans but we know that ain't what they are doing.

I can't even imagine what the Democrats would be saying if there were a movie about any Repbulicans prior to the elections.

I do have to admit that the Republican leadership is missing the boat. What they should be doing is making a movie about the Republican party. How it was formed and why it was formed. How the party has supported EVERY civil rights act since the reconstruction. How white Republicans formed the NAACP. Counter that with the democrat party, the party of Slavery, segregation, secession, poll taxes and the KKK. But the truth will never fly on the MSM they have puff pieces to produce about a failed politician like Hillary.

I applaud the Republican Party on this. NBC CNN are blatantly showing their support behind a Democrat candidate by getting behind a first run movie biography. The Republicans don't have to put up with that. NBC and CNN are going to smear the Republicans no matter what they do.

I agree. I do believe that the RNC needs to tell the story of the DNC and how they have to this day not apologized for their role in slavery. I fully support a boycott of the propaganda wing of the DNC.
I think I hear the nurse coming with your breakfast of Ensure and a diaper change. How long will they let you continue to post from the nursing home?

I don't know Red

How else would you describe trying to dictate network content?

Temper tantrum?
Dictate content? No. Don't be ridiculous.

You're being childish. You're pissed that Republicans won't have their debates on liberal propaganda outlets.

Don't worry, the talking heads who hand you your opinions will still tell you what to think.

Look, Republican debates suck anyway

Other than screams of let em die and booing gay soldiers there is not much to see
the truth is that the RNC has finally grown some cajones and is telling the biased left wing media to stuff it.

They should never again agree to a "debate" like the crowley/obama vs Romney fiasco.

Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

So choosing not to work with networks that you feel are throwing their support behind your opposition is declaring war on the media? If we accept that logic then of course the Democrats have been at war with FOX News for at least ten years now.

How do Republicans think they can dictate what content NBC entertainment can show?

have they gotten that arrogant?
Mubarak lost the support of the people and Morsi was elected

What position did you expect him to take?
he said nothing in hs Cairo speech about supporting Muslim Brotherhood

Now, show me a link of Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood or stop your lying

Egyptian Secular Parties Blast Obama Administration for Supporting Muslim Brotherhood | The Gateway Pundit
A blog by someone calling himself Sandmonkey doesn't count

My link was suppose to be to the Canada Free Press

Obama ducks criticism of his support of Muslim Brotherhood Morsi with lies
I don't know Red

How else would you describe trying to dictate network content?

Temper tantrum?
Dictate content? No. Don't be ridiculous.

You're being childish. You're pissed that Republicans won't have their debates on liberal propaganda outlets.

Don't worry, the talking heads who hand you your opinions will still tell you what to think.

Look, Republican debates suck anyway

Other than screams of let em die and booing gay soldiers there is not much to see

head-in-the-sand :lame2:
You know what is interesting the left is always talking about how the right is always for the status quo because it favors them but yet look who wants to keep the status quo on debates because it favors them.:eusa_whistle:
Republicans declare war on the media

News at Eleven

So choosing not to work with networks that you feel are throwing their support behind your opposition is declaring war on the media? If we accept that logic then of course the Democrats have been at war with FOX News for at least ten years now.

How do Republicans think they can dictate what content NBC entertainment can show?

have they gotten that arrogant?

Do you even know what this thread is about? refusing to let them air GOP debates has nothing to do with dictating content. are you completely :cuckoo:

I believe you lose your impartiality argument when your linked story starts like this....

. A lie is a lie in any language.* A lie is a lie in any country.

And on today’s political front there is no bigger liar than President Barack Hussein Obama.

Give me a direct link to Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood, not others accusing him of it
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL_mEYP8N-A]???? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

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