R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

The left bemoans the right's dislike of Big Ears, but the left hated W with a passion. Which made no sense, since the shrub was a big gov statist.

Bush drew the ire of average Americans because he lied about WMDs under the pretense of retribution for 911 and was directly responsible for the needless deaths of both Iraqis and American soldiers. The end of his sorry term was marked by an almost wanton destruction of the economy. The Obama administration focused on finding and killing the actual mastermind of 911, put affordable insurance in the hands of millions, stopped legalized theft by credit card companies, saved the automobile industry, used drones to kill top Islamic terrorists instead of ground troops, shut down the Iraq offensive and brought our troops home... I could go on but the list of Obama success is much too long to effectively list them here.
yep...obama never lies...:confused:

Oh all politicians lie to some extent, but more specifically, when presidents lie It is the body count of slain Americans troops that result from those those lies that matter to me.
Good thing you have no affiliation with a party
I really don't see what party affiliation has to do with it...
Obama's hatred of American Citizens continues unabated as he threatens to enact more audacious executive orders.

Another brain-washed FOX acolyte.........but just for fun:

has Obama EVER encouraged congress to replace the ACA?

has Obama EVER encouraged congress to pass their own bill on immigration?

has Obama EVER encouraged congress to pass a bill on what we should do about Syria?

Why on earth would Obama encourage Congress to do anything when he thinks he can do whatever he wants via Executive Orders?
If you put your X box or playstation down and occasionally watch the evening news, you might not have to show your ignorance as often. Obama has publicly and repeatedly asked congress to act on vital issues with no response. Some things, affording only a small window of opportunity to be addressed, spurred the president to act in a timely fashion without congress. If his XO is deemed by the SC to be unconstitutional, it can be overturned. Why hasn't that happened?
You're the one who needs to be educated, nitwit. You think an EO is just a law the president can make that can be overturned by a succeeding president. That's indistinguishable from a monarchy or an empire.

What a goose stepping moron.

The answer is YES to the bolded, above statement...For the rest of your "response", I'll need help from my 4 year old grandson to decipher.
You wish! I don't have a party. Now what are you going say, you calculus hating dunce. :lol:
Sure you don't
I have NO reason to lie about party affiliations. There are millions of Americans like me.. People like me are the very reason political power does not stagnate
and remain constantly in the hands of one party.
And yet every post is pro libturd. How funny.
I don't know what a "libturd" is, but If tolerance, love and peace are reflective of "libturd" philosophy, it is akin to Christ's teachings.
Tolerance, love and peace have no relationship to liberalism, which is a grab bag of rationalizations for government control and organized plunder, and nothing more.

Don't try to proselytize your false definitions of so-called Liberalism.
Hers is the encyclopedic definition of the term:

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, and international cooperation.

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you don't see the embodiment of tolerance, love and peace after reading the above... you are just a short nincompoop with a chip on his shoulder. do you also notice that many of the tenets of liberalism are now claimed to be tenets of conservatism... check the freedoms listed in the last sentence.
Nothing like the hatred shown to Bush.

Not true!!! Bush was criticized for his moronic war-mongering, the 9-11 catastrophe and neglect of middle class families.......the hatred of Obama started the minute he was sworn into office.
It was also because of Katrina. Don't forget the clusterfudge that was Katrina.

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The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.
What's to like, bruh?
Well for one thing he's 10x better that the moron who started a war based on bs and gave us the largest recession of all time I'd give you 10 more but it's not easy posting to hard headed republicans
You got THAT right!

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Of course I hate Obama. The reasons are many and have nothing at all to do with his skin color.

He's a liar, and I hate liars.

He's a consummate con artist, and very successful at it. I hate that too.

He has ruined everything he touches, yet led by the lap dog media, the left believes he's the best think since sliced bread. Hate him for that as well.
If you claim to hate liars then you must hate T-Rump, and you must REALLY hate Cruz the Canadian.

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View attachment 59760 Obama accuses Republicans of gerrymandering but it's hypocritical of course. Nobody does gerrymandering as effectively as the Democrats. Above is the district of Rep. Corinne Brown (D) Fla. it stretches like a snake from Orlando to Jacksonville covering towns and cities with mostly black populations. It's no wonder this incompetent, ignorant, and corrupt politician gets re-elected every year.
You idiot, the Republicans control the districting in Florida and "gerrymandered" a Democratic district to stuff it full of Democrats so they can't vote against safe republicans in other districts.

You really don't know anything do you?
That one doesn't know anything about anything.

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The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.
Roughly the same level of hatred that the Left had of Bush.

That's where the "(Name) Derangement Syndrome" meme began.

Both sides are absolutely convinced they're justified.

We all know this, right?

Roughly the same level of hatred of both Presidents you say.

And why would that be? there is absolutley no reason to hate Obama like Bush was hated.

Bush; economic collapse, invading a country that didnt attack us and getting thousands killed, not paying for anything and giving away the store in tax cuts and job loss.

Obama; react to everything Bush left him and try and clean the fucking mess up. Wanted people to have health care and rammed it down 15million peoples willing throat.

You think Obama deserving of equal hatred eh? Hes not. Bush earned his.
Obama hasnt.

Unless you dont like jobs and healthcare. then I guess hating Obama equally would seem to make sense.

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This thread started out moronic and has degenerated from there.

The Left hated Bush as much if not more before he even took office.

The Right hated white Bill Clinton as much if not more than Obama.

The Right will hate white HIllary Clinton as much if not more than Obama, if she wins.

The Left is already hating Trump as much if not more than the Right hates Obama.

But the Left has to play with it's Race Card.

Because they are Race Baiting assholes.
Nothing like the hatred shown to Bush.

Not true!!! Bush was criticized for his moronic war-mongering, the 9-11 catastrophe and neglect of middle class families.......the hatred of Obama started the minute he was sworn into office.
It was also because of Katrina. Don't forget the clusterfudge that was Katrina.

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Yeah because the democrat mayor and governor didn't have a clue.
Correll, lighten up.

You will bust your truss.

I fine, thanks for your concern.

You are welcome to tell me which part of my post you find "funny".

Here it is again.

This thread started out moronic and has degenerated from there.

The Left hated Bush as much if not more before he even took office.

The Right hated white Bill Clinton as much if not more than Obama.

The Right will hate white HIllary Clinton as much if not more than Obama, if she wins.

The Left is already hating Trump as much if not more than the Right hates Obama.

But the Left has to play with it's Race Card.

Because they are Race Baiting assholes.
Both sides play race cards, as you well know.

What you don't like being called on is conservative racism.

Tough. I will call you out every time.
Both sides play race cards, as you well know.

What you don't like being called on is conservative racism.

Tough. I will call you out every time.


The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win.

You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable.

As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
I don't think so. Any idiot (even you) can look at numbers.
National debt coming in.
National debt today.
Once you have that figure - go suck a dick.

I know that you're trying to imitate Shakespearean sonnet writing in your posts....But ANY idiot (even you) should figure out that the bills for the UNPAID quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan had to be accounted for AFTER Bush mercifully left office.

Besides Iraq and A-Stan, how many unpaid quagmires does this Chimp Obama have our men and women involved with currently? How many have died on his watch vs. Bush's? Why don't you look up those basic numbers and astonish yourself, numbnuts
10,000 Americans were killed under Bush

2500 under Obama
Indeed. There's simply no comparison.

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