R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Libturd is you someone opposed of someone else believing differently than you.
If only we could keep Obama for another 4 years!
now it's a we and you have no affiliation? Can you say liar?
  • We as in WE THE PEOPLE means all of us.. JEEZE, I can't even get a rational response out of you.. Do you understand NOW?
sure, you're a libturd. I completely understand. You lie and all posts are pro libturd as I explained many posts ago. We the people, well, not all of we the people voted for the loser in charge. some here actually would like to see private jobs restored, obummer not so much, so your endorsement of him makes you his party. So libturd you are as Yoda would say!!

BTW, the oxy part of your posts is, from the OP -
R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

The mere fact you agree with Obummr eliminates you as a rightwing voter. Your support of him is inclusive into the libturd party. So again, Liar you are.
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Yes, as I said, both sides think their hatred is justified.

What? I know. You think each President has had an equal outcome from their time in office.

You must be one of those PC folk. Just cant bring yourself to acknowledge that some Presidents are just better than others.

Sad but true. Not opinion. Not justifying anything. Just looking at the results.

You are not results oriented? Why?
Yes, both ends of the spectrum think their Presidents are "better" than those of the other.

Maybe you should be arguing this with a Republican, not an independent.

They like these kinds of debates.

thats just it. I am not arging anything. My first post stated what happened during the Presidency of Bush.

If you believe there was some part that didnt happen duing the Bush years. What would it be?

Results are what counts. Especially with independents such as myself. You seem more like a politically correct Republican. to me anyway.
I agree that Bush left behind a mess.

My point is that this thread is about the level of hatred, and I don't see a difference in intensity. That's it.

I'm not making value judgments on the administrations, at least here, because that's not the topic of the thread.

Got it now. I was looking at cause and effect. Which is much more interesting than just looking at the effect.

And I really dont have any idea why so many hate Obama. Being part black may play into it for some.

I hated Bush when it became evident we had gone over the edge in invading a country and torture and economic collapse.

My preference would have been that Bush have had a successful presidency.
I wouldnt have hated him at all then.

Millions hate Obama because he is Obama.
that is not a reason to hate.

Big difference.
Yep, big, BIG difference.

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Both sides play race cards, as you well know.

What you don't like being called on is conservative racism.

Tough. I will call you out every time.


The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win.

You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable.

As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
Libturd is you someone opposed of someone else believing differently than you.
If only we could keep Obama for another 4 years!
now it's a we and you have no affiliation? Can you say liar?
  • We as in WE THE PEOPLE means all of us.. JEEZE, I can't even get a rational response out of you.. Do you understand NOW?
sure, you're a libturd. I completely understand. You lie and all posts are pro libturd as I explained many posts ago. We the people, well, not all of we the people voted for the loser in charge. some here actually would like to see private jobs restored, obummer not so much, so your endorsement of him makes you his party. So libturd you are as Yoda would say!!

BTW, the oxy part of your posts is, from the OP -
R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

The mere fact you agree with Obummr eliminates you as a rightwing voter. Your support of him is inclusive into the libturd party. So again, Liar you are.
When you are through creating your straw man, let me know. There is an increasing need for scarecrows in RW political cornfields.
Both sides play race cards, as you well know.

What you don't like being called on is conservative racism.

Tough. I will call you out every time.


The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win.

You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable.

As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.

And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal.

Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.

You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable.

As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
Libturd is you someone opposed of someone else believing differently than you.
If only we could keep Obama for another 4 years!
now it's a we and you have no affiliation? Can you say liar?
  • We as in WE THE PEOPLE means all of us.. JEEZE, I can't even get a rational response out of you.. Do you understand NOW?
sure, you're a libturd. I completely understand. You lie and all posts are pro libturd as I explained many posts ago. We the people, well, not all of we the people voted for the loser in charge. some here actually would like to see private jobs restored, obummer not so much, so your endorsement of him makes you his party. So libturd you are as Yoda would say!!

BTW, the oxy part of your posts is, from the OP -
R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

The mere fact you agree with Obummr eliminates you as a rightwing voter. Your support of him is inclusive into the libturd party. So again, Liar you are.
When you are through creating your straw man, let me know. There is an increasing need for scarecrows in RW political cornfields.
I say no more, you confirm yet again your true party affiliation with this one response.

Curious, what was your position on Bush's last year in office, did you like him?
As someone who bought a good amount of Smith & Wesson stock @ $5.14 I'm quite happy w/ The Obama.
Both sides play race cards, as you well know.

What you don't like being called on is conservative racism.

Tough. I will call you out every time.


The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win.

You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable.

As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
but it is an accurate projection wouldn't you agree?

I mean, to stay to the OP, you hated Bush's last year correct?
Both sides play race cards, as you well know. What you don't like being called on is conservative racism. Tough. I will call you out every time.
Bullshit. The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win. You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal. Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.
You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
You are a racialist and a failure on this issues, so no ad hom has taken place. I have been very kind in my comments about you and your beliefs. Yes, you are racialist, yes, you are far right, and yes, you are wrong.
Both sides play race cards, as you well know. What you don't like being called on is conservative racism. Tough. I will call you out every time.
Bullshit. The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win. You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal. Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.
You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
You are a racialist and a failure on this issues, so no ad hom has taken place. I have been very kind in my comments about you and your beliefs. Yes, you are racialist, yes, you are far right, and yes, you are wrong.

I am not a racist. That is just something you libs say.

I am not a failure on the issues. You are the one afraid to honestly address me on the issues.

Would you like to answer jc456's question, Did you hate Bush in his last year?
Both sides play race cards, as you well know. What you don't like being called on is conservative racism. Tough. I will call you out every time.
Bullshit. The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win. You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal. Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.
You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
You are a racialist and a failure on this issues, so no ad hom has taken place. I have been very kind in my comments about you and your beliefs. Yes, you are racialist, yes, you are far right, and yes, you are wrong.
huh? based on what, if you're going to make an allegation like this, I think you should post up some factual information to back up your lies. Got any?

I recently reviewed some of Mussolini's speeches in the early 1930s....One would be amazed at the similarities of Il Duce's rhetoric to Trump's own.

Mussolini actually used the phrase, "I will make Italy great again", and wanted to round up all the Gypsies and ship them back to the Baltics.

Funny, I found the speeches of Benito to be virtually identical to the typical Obama rant. Bush wasn't the megalomaniac that Obama and Mussolini are. Bush lacked an army of drooling, mindless sycophants like Obama has, drones like you.
Obama's hatred of American Citizens continues unabated as he threatens to enact more audacious executive orders.

Another brain-washed FOX acolyte.........but just for fun:

has Obama EVER encouraged congress to replace the ACA?

has Obama EVER encouraged congress to pass their own bill on immigration?

has Obama EVER encouraged congress to pass a bill on what we should do about Syria?

Why on earth would Obama encourage Congress to do anything when he thinks he can do whatever he wants via Executive Orders?
If you put your X box or playstation down and occasionally watch the evening news, you might not have to show your ignorance as often. Obama has publicly and repeatedly asked congress to act on vital issues with no response. Some things, affording only a small window of opportunity to be addressed, spurred the president to act in a timely fashion without congress. If his XO is deemed by the SC to be unconstitutional, it can be overturned. Why hasn't that happened?

If Congress doesn't act, that doesn't give the tyrant license to do whatever he likes, dumbass. Congress didn't act because it had no intention of doing what Obama wanted to do. That's why they were elected: to put a stop to Obama's shit.
Both sides play race cards, as you well know. What you don't like being called on is conservative racism. Tough. I will call you out every time.
Bullshit. The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win. You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal. Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.
You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
You are a racialist and a failure on this issues, so no ad hom has taken place. I have been very kind in my comments about you and your beliefs. Yes, you are racialist, yes, you are far right, and yes, you are wrong.

I am not a racist. That is just something you libs say.

I am not a failure on the issues. You are the one afraid to honestly address me on the issues.

Would you like to answer jc456's question, Did you hate Bush in his last year?

Their hatred of Bush is like nothing we've seen in a while. He's been gone for 7 years and they're still blaming everything on Bush.
Bullshit. The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win. You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal. Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.
You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
You are a racialist and a failure on this issues, so no ad hom has taken place. I have been very kind in my comments about you and your beliefs. Yes, you are racialist, yes, you are far right, and yes, you are wrong.

I am not a racist. That is just something you libs say.

I am not a failure on the issues. You are the one afraid to honestly address me on the issues.

Would you like to answer jc456's question, Did you hate Bush in his last year?

Their hatred of Bush is like nothing we've seen in a while. He's been gone for 7 years and they're still blaming everything on Bush.
they hated Reagan, they still talk about trickle down economics. they have no idea the level of their hate on repubs. It is overwhelming. On any subject as well.

BTW, there was a post in one of these threads over the weekend to dig up ole ronny. How friggen much hate is that?
Both sides play race cards, as you well know. What you don't like being called on is conservative racism. Tough. I will call you out every time.
Bullshit. The Race Card is the false accusation of racism to avoid discussion that liberals can't win. You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal. Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.
You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
You are a racialist and a failure on this issues, so no ad hom has taken place. I have been very kind in my comments about you and your beliefs. Yes, you are racialist, yes, you are far right, and yes, you are wrong.
huh? based on what, if you're going to make an allegation like this, I think you should post up some factual information to back up your lies. Got any?

That's not how Jake rolls.
Polls confirm that Obama is the most polarizing president in recent memory. There is little middle ground: supporters worship him; detractors in greater number seem to vehemently dislike him. Why then does the president, desperate for some sort of legacy, continue to embrace polarization? Obama Still Polarizing After All These Years No doubt he will go out as he came in, calling white people racists.....
Congress didn't act because it had no intention of doing what Obama wanted to do

I'm sure its an oversight.....but you forgot to mention that the republican-led Congress has NO idea of what to do lest any decision helps the country and....therefore....Obama.
So, instead, they sit on their fat arses and pass legislation regarding bathrooms in the Capitol.
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Polls confirm that Obama is the most polarizing president in recent memory. There is little middle ground: supporters worship him; detractors in greater number seem to vehemently dislike him. Why then does the president, desperate for some sort of legacy, continue to embrace polarization? Obama Still Polarizing After All These Years No doubt he will go out as he came in, calling white people racists.....

Because he's an asshole?

Because he doesn't dare engage is a serious conversation about any issues?

How many guess do I get?

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