R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

What did you libtards think when Hillary was giving Russia our uranium?

You NEED to get off the right wing infotainment BS you've been following

Says Hillary Clinton "gave up 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia."
Donald Trump


Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
Every day the left figure out how to outdo themselves as crazy foaming at the mouth moonbats.

It's the standard Democrat MO. Make up something everyday to pound on - a shiny object for the base that will elicit fatigue from everyone else, gradually diminishing the target.

They deny Alinsky while religiously sticking to his methods.

And the right wing projects AGAIN!


I enjoy projecting facts. It's a hobby.

You meant you enjoy blowing right wing infotainment complex BS out your $ss
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
Every day the left figure out how to outdo themselves as crazy foaming at the mouth moonbats.

It's the standard Democrat MO. Make up something everyday to pound on - a shiny object for the base that will elicit fatigue from everyone else, gradually diminishing the target.

They deny Alinsky while religiously sticking to his methods.

And the right wing projects AGAIN!


I enjoy projecting facts. It's a hobby.

You meant you enjoy blowing right wing infotainment complex BS out your $ss

Your erudite and studied reply is sure to get you respect among the Democrats here.
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate
Odd, haven't heard of anyone claiming it was illegal.
You know more about it than the pundits on CNN, etc?
They all seem to acknowledge the President can declassify what he wants

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies

sounds like an opinion, back up by ....

sorry, it's not backed up by anything

It's not illegal at all. It is enormously inappropriate and irresponsible to do what he did.

How are you so sure? You saw nothing wrong with sending secrets to China or Obama giving secrets to Russia?
Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
No the President cannot, Presidential DE-classification authority does not extend to anything that is classified by statute (for example information relevant to determining the identities of foreign agents classified under the IIPA or nuclear secrets classified under the AEA).
you're wrong.
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
No the President cannot, Presidential DE-classification authority does not extend to anything that is classified by statute (for example information relevant to determining the identities of foreign agents classified under the IIPA or nuclear secrets classified under the AEA).
you're wrong.
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

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(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.


Just a month before the 2016 election, President Barack Obama signed a policy directive ordering the U.S. intelligence community to share sensitive U.S. intelligence with Cuba’s communist government, despite the fact that one of the top U.S. intelligence official had branded Cuba as one of America’s biggest espionage threats. The presidential policy directive, which was issued as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize U.S. relations with the Castro regime, required the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to “exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts.”

“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) will support broader United States Government efforts to normalize relations with Cuba, with Intelligence Community elements working to find opportunities for engagement on areas of common interest through which we could exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts,” the Obama directive stated.

The Obama administration put some flesh on the bones of the October 2016 directive by signing a January 2017 law enforcement agreement with Cuba officially committing the U.S. to sharing sensitive intelligence with the island nation’s communist regime.

“The memorandum signed Monday commits the U.S. and Cuba to sharing information, carrying out joint investigations and possibly stationing law-enforcement officials in each other’s countries,” the Associated Press (AP) reported just days before Obama left office. The AP report characterized the agreement as a “pledge to share intelligence with Cuban state security.”

One of the Trumpster's stops during his foreign visit, is Israel...the same country whose spies provided the intelligence that the orange clown promptly shared with our arch-enemy, Russia...Is it any wonder that Putin is "defending" his stooge (Trump) ???

Perhaps Israel will have a "warm" welcome for our president knowing that the Israeli spy(or spies) have been probably killed because of his big mouth and need to satisfy his Russian handlers.
No the President cannot, Presidential DE-classification authority does not extend to anything that is classified by statute (for example information relevant to determining the identities of foreign agents classified under the IIPA or nuclear secrets classified under the AEA).
you're wrong.
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.

Ummmm..No, President Nimrod didn't declassify material by decree that was specifically classified by statute.

You don't seem to understand that the President CAN declassify SOME material at his/her discretion using authority derived from existing statute or the Constitution, he/she CANNOT declassify material that is specifically classified under existing statute (like for example nuclear secrets or the identities of foreign agents) without following the procedures and conditions set forth in the applicable statutes.

In other words contrary to your initial claim the President cannot declassify anything he/she wants, however he/she wants, whenever he/she wants.
you're wrong.
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.

Ummmm..No, President Nimrod didn't declassify material by decree that was specifically classified by statute.

You don't seem to understand that the President CAN declassify SOME material at his/her discretion using authority derived from existing statute or the Constitution, he/she CANNOT declassify material that is specifically classified under existing statute (like for example nuclear secrets or the identities of foreign agents) without following the procedures and conditions set forth in the applicable statutes.

In other words contrary to your initial claim the President cannot declassify anything he/she wants, however he/she wants, whenever he/she wants.
Obamanation White House made it a routine habit to let secret intel out.
That’s different because shut up.

FLASHBACK: Obama’s CIA Director Leaked Top Secret Bin Laden Raid Intel To Hollywood: When the Obama administration leaked classified information about military maneuvers and secret cyber attacks, media was silent.

Related: 2014: White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan.

Plus, June, 2016: U.S. offers to share Syria intelligence on terrorists with Russia.
No the President cannot, Presidential DE-classification authority does not extend to anything that is classified by statute (for example information relevant to determining the identities of foreign agents classified under the IIPA or nuclear secrets classified under the AEA).
you're wrong.
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.


Just a month before the 2016 election, President Barack Obama signed a policy directive ordering the U.S. intelligence community to share sensitive U.S. intelligence with Cuba’s communist government, despite the fact that one of the top U.S. intelligence official had branded Cuba as one of America’s biggest espionage threats. The presidential policy directive, which was issued as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize U.S. relations with the Castro regime, required the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to “exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts.”

“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) will support broader United States Government efforts to normalize relations with Cuba, with Intelligence Community elements working to find opportunities for engagement on areas of common interest through which we could exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts,” the Obama directive stated.

The Obama administration put some flesh on the bones of the October 2016 directive by signing a January 2017 law enforcement agreement with Cuba officially committing the U.S. to sharing sensitive intelligence with the island nation’s communist regime.

“The memorandum signed Monday commits the U.S. and Cuba to sharing information, carrying out joint investigations and possibly stationing law-enforcement officials in each other’s countries,” the Associated Press (AP) reported just days before Obama left office. The AP report characterized the agreement as a “pledge to share intelligence with Cuban state security.”

Obama Forced U.S. To Share Intelligence With Castro's Regime In Cuba

Citing the Federalist is the equivalent of citing Breitbart.........Stupid "fake news"by anti-Obama fuck heads....Here is the REAL Obama directive.

The Obama administration says the one-sentence objective, which calls on the Office of the Director of National Intelligence “to find opportunities for engagement on areas of common interest” with Cuban counterparts, is intended to combat “mutual threats.”
you're wrong.
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.

Ummmm..No, President Nimrod didn't declassify material by decree that was specifically classified by statute.

You don't seem to understand that the President CAN declassify SOME material at his/her discretion using authority derived from existing statute or the Constitution, he/she CANNOT declassify material that is specifically classified under existing statute (like for example nuclear secrets or the identities of foreign agents) without following the procedures and conditions set forth in the applicable statutes.

In other words contrary to your initial claim the President cannot declassify anything he/she wants, however he/she wants, whenever he/she wants.
Oh hum.

The president’s classification and declassification powers are broad
Experts agreed that the president, as commander-in-chief, is ultimately responsible for classification and declassification. When someone lower in the chain of command handles classification and declassification duties -- which is usually how it’s done -- it’s because they have been delegated to do so by the president directly, or by an appointee chosen by the president.

The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy vs. Egan -- which addressed the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance -- addresses this line of authority.

"The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."

Do presidents have 'the ability to declassify anything'?
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.

Ummmm..No, President Nimrod didn't declassify material by decree that was specifically classified by statute.

You don't seem to understand that the President CAN declassify SOME material at his/her discretion using authority derived from existing statute or the Constitution, he/she CANNOT declassify material that is specifically classified under existing statute (like for example nuclear secrets or the identities of foreign agents) without following the procedures and conditions set forth in the applicable statutes.

In other words contrary to your initial claim the President cannot declassify anything he/she wants, however he/she wants, whenever he/she wants.
Obamanation White House made it a routine habit to let secret intel out.
That’s different because shut up.

FLASHBACK: Obama’s CIA Director Leaked Top Secret Bin Laden Raid Intel To Hollywood: When the Obama administration leaked classified information about military maneuvers and secret cyber attacks, media was silent.

Related: 2014: White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan.

Plus, June, 2016: U.S. offers to share Syria intelligence on terrorists with Russia.

Wow, you just cannot grasp the concept of the President not being above the law when it comes to the declassification of material can you? I didn't realize that it was such a difficult concept to grasp as it's pretty straightforward and logical but apparently it's more than some can get their heads around.

Flailing about and pointing to the previous asshole in the White House as an attempt at obfuscating the fact that you didn't understand the legal question before making the claim that you did doesn't help your cause.
- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.

Ummmm..No, President Nimrod didn't declassify material by decree that was specifically classified by statute.

You don't seem to understand that the President CAN declassify SOME material at his/her discretion using authority derived from existing statute or the Constitution, he/she CANNOT declassify material that is specifically classified under existing statute (like for example nuclear secrets or the identities of foreign agents) without following the procedures and conditions set forth in the applicable statutes.

In other words contrary to your initial claim the President cannot declassify anything he/she wants, however he/she wants, whenever he/she wants.
Obamanation White House made it a routine habit to let secret intel out.
That’s different because shut up.

FLASHBACK: Obama’s CIA Director Leaked Top Secret Bin Laden Raid Intel To Hollywood: When the Obama administration leaked classified information about military maneuvers and secret cyber attacks, media was silent.

Related: 2014: White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan.

Plus, June, 2016: U.S. offers to share Syria intelligence on terrorists with Russia.

Wow, you just cannot grasp the concept of the President not being above the law when it comes to the declassification of material can you? I didn't realize that it was such a difficult concept to grasp as it's pretty straightforward and logical but apparently it's more than some can get their heads around.

Flailing about and pointing to the previous asshole in the White House as an attempt at obfuscating the fact that you didn't understand the legal question before making the claim that you did doesn't help your cause.
You love proving you're an idiot!

"Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."
You love proving you're an idiot!

"Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."

Well, fuck, let Trump then "declassify" our nuclear codes to Putin....and perhaps also China....
After all, the orange moron can......according to you idiots, "declassify at will."....LOL
You love proving you're an idiot!

"Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."

Well, fuck, let Trump then "declassify" our nuclear codes to Putin....and perhaps also China....
After all, the orange moron can......according to you idiots, "declassify at will."....LOL
The left hate the Constitution
No the President cannot, Presidential DE-classification authority does not extend to anything that is classified by statute (for example information relevant to determining the identities of foreign agents classified under the IIPA or nuclear secrets classified under the AEA).
you're wrong.
LOL, thanks for the laugh but offering up such uninformed assertions might make one suspicious that you don't understand the Constitutional Separation of Powers and/or the meaning of the word statute. :cool:

- - - - - - -



(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

(2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President; in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President; or an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or the senior agency official described in section 5.4(d) of this order, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head.

(4) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title.
...and your point is? or do you think that the President can exempt himself from statute by issuing EOs? If so then you don't understand how our system of law works. The President can issue an EO based on authority derived from standing statute or the Constitution.

The President is subject to duly passed laws and cannot legally declassify material that is classified by statute unless such action is within the dictates of the existing statute, for example AEA or IIPA classified material; in other words he/she has to obey the law.


Just a month before the 2016 election, President Barack Obama signed a policy directive ordering the U.S. intelligence community to share sensitive U.S. intelligence with Cuba’s communist government, despite the fact that one of the top U.S. intelligence official had branded Cuba as one of America’s biggest espionage threats. The presidential policy directive, which was issued as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize U.S. relations with the Castro regime, required the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to “exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts.”

“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) will support broader United States Government efforts to normalize relations with Cuba, with Intelligence Community elements working to find opportunities for engagement on areas of common interest through which we could exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts,” the Obama directive stated.

The Obama administration put some flesh on the bones of the October 2016 directive by signing a January 2017 law enforcement agreement with Cuba officially committing the U.S. to sharing sensitive intelligence with the island nation’s communist regime.

“The memorandum signed Monday commits the U.S. and Cuba to sharing information, carrying out joint investigations and possibly stationing law-enforcement officials in each other’s countries,” the Associated Press (AP) reported just days before Obama left office. The AP report characterized the agreement as a “pledge to share intelligence with Cuban state security.”

Obama Forced U.S. To Share Intelligence With Castro's Regime In Cuba


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