R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

What did you libtards think when Hillary was giving Russia our uranium?
Russia never got our uranium willow....not a single drop mined, leaves the USA....it's for USA use only, that was the purchase deal.

How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime
faux news, faux outrage.....we allowed the sale of a mining company in the U.S. to Russians, but not a single drop of uranium mined by them can leave the USA, so the sale was immaterial....
You leftists just keep on lying.

"The mining company, Uranium One, was originally based in South Africa, but merged in 2007 with Canada-based UrAsia Energy. Shareholders there retained a controlling interest until 2010, when Russia’s nuclear agency, Rosatom, completed purchase of a 51% stake. Hillary Clinton played a part in the transaction because it involved the transfer of ownership of a material deemed important to national security — uranium, amounting to one-fifth of U.S. reserves — thus requiring the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits."
dude, they are a party without honor.
WASHINGTON — The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.

maybe. but if we got through this w/o losing israel as an ally this isn't going to be worse, do you think?
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

The President has the authority to declassify information as he sees fit. Don't let the facts get in the way of your delirium though.
Okay, Hawk, I'm not one of the guys trying to bury the Pres over this, but ..... think of it this way.
We get really important intel that involves some of our allies, as well as us. We share it with one of those allies. That ally then turns around and shares it with one of our enemies.
Are we happy about that?
That's the issue.
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

The President has the authority to declassify information as he sees fit. Don't let the facts get in the way of your delirium though.
Okay, Hawk, I'm not one of the guys trying to bury the Pres over this, but ..... think of it this way.
We get really important intel that involves some of our allies, as well as us. We share it with one of those allies. That ally then turns around and shares it with one of our enemies.
Are we happy about that?
That's the issue.
So why should anyone share intel with us then? Maybe a huge sleeper cell in the US working on hitting multiple soft targets. But to let us know would put their secrets at risk.
Russia never got our uranium willow....not a single drop mined, leaves the USA....it's for USA use only, that was the purchase deal.

Who owns Uranium One?
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium for their use....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

The Russians did give 145 million dollars to the Hillary foundation...


That's a fact.


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place.

we've been over this before Dope, pay attention ok ?

Here are some key points from the Times report:

  • According to The Times, Uranium One's involvement with the Clintons stretches back to 2005, when former President Bill Clinton accompanied Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra to Kazakhstan, where they met with authoritarian president Nursultan Nazarbayev. Going against American foreign policy at the time, Bill Clinton expressed support for Nazarbayev's bid to lead an international elections monitoring group.
  • Soon after, Giustra's company, UrAsia Energy (the predecessor to Uranium One) won stakes in three uranium mines controlled by Kazakhstan's state-run uranium agency. Months after the deal, Giustra reportedly donated $31.3 million to Clinton's foundation.

  • You've been schooled dope, pay attention.
WASHINGTON — The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.

maybe. but if we got through this w/o losing israel as an ally this isn't going to be worse, do you think?
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
FACTCHECK THAT on Obama sent money to oust....

you will find it's not true
Okay, Hawk, I'm not one of the guys trying to bury the Pres over this, but ..... think of it this way.
We get really important intel that involves some of our allies, as well as us. We share it with one of those allies. That ally then turns around and shares it with one of our enemies.
Are we happy about that?
That's the issue.

the thing i am most unhappy about is our media so willfully exaggerates anything trump related to it's fullest hate value. it simply means i don't have the information to judge this honestly because the media feels it's their job to tell me how to think and shape public perception.

MSNBC Anchor: "Our Job" Is To "Control Exactly What People Think" | Zero Hedge

given this - how do i know what really happened so i can gauge HONESTLY how bad it is? how do i know what we're already guilty of from past admins when they refuse to cover them both objectively?

so while i see your point 100% that trump pops off his mouth and puts the national into either attack, defend, or damage control mode and that is so tiresome - i raise you the fact we will forever have a hard time knowing what is real about what happened because the media simply won't be honest.

i'll never be happy about that regardless of what trump does.
Just because you and Care are ignorant...

This is all NY Times info ;)

"A new scandal hit Hillary Clinton on Thursday thanks to an exhaustive report from Mike McIntire and Jo Becker at The New York Times.

  • Investors with ties to Uranium One and UrAsia donated millions to the foundation in 2010 and 2011. These donations were disclosed. In addition to this, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month that the Russians closed the deal for the majority stake in Uranium One. The speaking fee was one of Clinton's highest, according to The Times.
  • The US Committee on Foreign Investment, which includes the attorney general, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, and the secretary of state, were charged with reviewing the deal that would give Rosatom a majority stake because uranium is "considered a strategic asset with implications for national security," according to The Times.
  • The concern was American dependence on foreign uranium. The Times notes that while the US "gets one-fifth of its electrical power from nuclear plants, it produces only around 20% of the uranium it needs, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves."
  • Four members of Congress signed a letter expressing concern over the deal, and two others drafted legislation to kill it. One senator contended that the deal "would give the Russian government control over a sizable portion of America’s uranium production capacity" as well as "a significant stake in uranium mines in Kazakhstan." The Nuclear Regulatory Commission made assurances that the US uranium would be preserved for domestic use regardless of the deal."

Wow. I had no idea that obummer sold us and the UK out so badly to his masters, the rooski's.

Obambi is a traitor.

Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the
WikiLeaks website.

Details of the behind-the-scenes talks are contained in more than 1,400 US embassy cables published to date by the Telegraph, including almost 800 sent from the London Embassy, which are
published online today. The documents also show that:

• America spied on Foreign Office ministers by gathering gossip on their private lives and professional relationships. "

From that same article.
WASHINGTON — The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.

maybe. but if we got through this w/o losing israel as an ally this isn't going to be worse, do you think?
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
FACTCHECK THAT on Obama sent money to oust....

you will find it's not true
i usually try to and hence - these links.
washington times
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

the hill
Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

who the $ went to:
OneVoice International

so it happened. i find nothing to say it didn't. so are you saying while it happened, obama wasn't aware, it was behind his back, or just that all these links are wrong and it never happened?

just want to clarify here so we can be on the same page.
WASHINGTON — The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.

maybe. but if we got through this w/o losing israel as an ally this isn't going to be worse, do you think?
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
FACTCHECK THAT on Obama sent money to oust....

you will find it's not true
i usually try to and hence - these links.
washington times
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

the hill
Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

who the $ went to:
OneVoice International

so it happened. i find nothing to say it didn't. so are you saying while it happened, obama wasn't aware, it was behind his back, or just that all these links are wrong and it never happened?

just want to clarify here so we can be on the same page.

She'll have ONE response and it will be "Nuh-Uh".
WASHINGTON — The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.

maybe. but if we got through this w/o losing israel as an ally this isn't going to be worse, do you think?
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
FACTCHECK THAT on Obama sent money to oust....

you will find it's not true
i usually try to and hence - these links.
washington times
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

the hill
Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

who the $ went to:
OneVoice International

so it happened. i find nothing to say it didn't. so are you saying while it happened, obama wasn't aware, it was behind his back, or just that all these links are wrong and it never happened?

just want to clarify here so we can be on the same page.

She'll have ONE response and it will be "Nuh-Uh".
well for a liberal that would be 2 responses.
WASHINGTON — The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.

maybe. but if we got through this w/o losing israel as an ally this isn't going to be worse, do you think?
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
FACTCHECK THAT on Obama sent money to oust....

you will find it's not true
i usually try to and hence - these links.
washington times
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

the hill
Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

who the $ went to:
OneVoice International

so it happened. i find nothing to say it didn't. so are you saying while it happened, obama wasn't aware, it was behind his back, or just that all these links are wrong and it never happened?

just want to clarify here so we can be on the same page.

She'll have ONE response and it will be "Nuh-Uh".
well for a liberal that would be 2 responses.

..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

The President has the authority to declassify information as he sees fit. Don't let the facts get in the way of your delirium though.
Okay, Hawk, I'm not one of the guys trying to bury the Pres over this, but ..... think of it this way.
We get really important intel that involves some of our allies, as well as us. We share it with one of those allies. That ally then turns around and shares it with one of our enemies.
Are we happy about that?
That's the issue.
So why should anyone share intel with us then? Maybe a huge sleeper cell in the US working on hitting multiple soft targets. But to let us know would put their secrets at risk.
Exactly! That's apparently the only issue about what Trump shared. Like I've said a couple times here, HOPEFULLY the info itself did no harm. The info about explosives in laptops on international flights has been out in the public for awhile, so the spy who got that info is probably long gone by now and hopefully safe. So maybe the ally will chalk it up to experience and not throw a bird over it.
Who owns Uranium One?
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium for their use....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

The Russians did give 145 million dollars to the Hillary foundation...


That's a fact.


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place.

we've been over this before Dope, pay attention ok ?

Here are some key points from the Times report:

  • According to The Times, Uranium One's involvement with the Clintons stretches back to 2005, when former President Bill Clinton accompanied Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra to Kazakhstan, where they met with authoritarian president Nursultan Nazarbayev. Going against American foreign policy at the time, Bill Clinton expressed support for Nazarbayev's bid to lead an international elections monitoring group.
  • Soon after, Giustra's company, UrAsia Energy (the predecessor to Uranium One) won stakes in three uranium mines controlled by Kazakhstan's state-run uranium agency. Months after the deal, Giustra reportedly donated $31.3 million to Clinton's foundation.

  • You've been schooled dope, pay attention.
nop, you've been schooled! :D
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

A False 'Corruption' Claim - FactCheck.org

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium
The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium for their use....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

The Russians did give 145 million dollars to the Hillary foundation...


That's a fact.


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place.

we've been over this before Dope, pay attention ok ?

Here are some key points from the Times report:

  • According to The Times, Uranium One's involvement with the Clintons stretches back to 2005, when former President Bill Clinton accompanied Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra to Kazakhstan, where they met with authoritarian president Nursultan Nazarbayev. Going against American foreign policy at the time, Bill Clinton expressed support for Nazarbayev's bid to lead an international elections monitoring group.
  • Soon after, Giustra's company, UrAsia Energy (the predecessor to Uranium One) won stakes in three uranium mines controlled by Kazakhstan's state-run uranium agency. Months after the deal, Giustra reportedly donated $31.3 million to Clinton's foundation.

  • You've been schooled dope, pay attention.
nop, you've been schooled! :D
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

A False 'Corruption' Claim - FactCheck.org

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

Honey, the subject is money from Russia. I hate when you embarrass yourself like that, oh yes and technically Russia DOES own 20%, but as you said earlier it can't be "exported". I have no trouble embarrassing you at every turn sweetie. I've proven they indeed took millions from Russians.
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium for their use....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

The Russians did give 145 million dollars to the Hillary foundation...


That's a fact.


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place.

we've been over this before Dope, pay attention ok ?

Here are some key points from the Times report:

  • According to The Times, Uranium One's involvement with the Clintons stretches back to 2005, when former President Bill Clinton accompanied Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra to Kazakhstan, where they met with authoritarian president Nursultan Nazarbayev. Going against American foreign policy at the time, Bill Clinton expressed support for Nazarbayev's bid to lead an international elections monitoring group.
  • Soon after, Giustra's company, UrAsia Energy (the predecessor to Uranium One) won stakes in three uranium mines controlled by Kazakhstan's state-run uranium agency. Months after the deal, Giustra reportedly donated $31.3 million to Clinton's foundation.

  • You've been schooled dope, pay attention.
nop, you've been schooled! :D
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

A False 'Corruption' Claim - FactCheck.org

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium
The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

school is back in session:
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium for their use....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

The Russians did give 145 million dollars to the Hillary foundation...


That's a fact.


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place.

we've been over this before Dope, pay attention ok ?

Here are some key points from the Times report:

  • According to The Times, Uranium One's involvement with the Clintons stretches back to 2005, when former President Bill Clinton accompanied Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra to Kazakhstan, where they met with authoritarian president Nursultan Nazarbayev. Going against American foreign policy at the time, Bill Clinton expressed support for Nazarbayev's bid to lead an international elections monitoring group.
  • Soon after, Giustra's company, UrAsia Energy (the predecessor to Uranium One) won stakes in three uranium mines controlled by Kazakhstan's state-run uranium agency. Months after the deal, Giustra reportedly donated $31.3 million to Clinton's foundation.

  • You've been schooled dope, pay attention.
nop, you've been schooled! :D
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

A False 'Corruption' Claim - FactCheck.org

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium
The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal
Please stop insulting us. Everyone knows FactCheck is a hardcore leftist propaganda machine.

That's why I posted the NU Times on her bribary scam, no bias there against her.

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