Rabbi sends Letter to Nick Sandman of Covington Catholic

thing thats funny is that there were just the day before the MAGA Boys there were quite a few 'females' wearing representations of human female genital Hats . Now thats pretty disgusting Penny .
---------------------------------------- and even some of the widdle 10 - 12 year old girls that i saw on tv were wearing those stupid female genital hats . I thought that that was disgusting more than the old ladies wearing their stupid female genital hats Penny .
if thats the way it happened then cool . No reason to not allow young Men to wear MAGA Hats Penny .
if thats the way it happened then cool . No reason to not allow young Men to wear MAGA Hats Penny .

Well most of the UP went for Trump and that is your opinion. I'm sure Maga hats are great up there. Where were the Chaperones?? No one says anything about chaperones. Privileged white boys.
Where in the hell were the Chaperones. White privilege at its best, I wonder if that had been all black boys. All white boys is what I saw.
Why are you so angry with white male children? Explain your racist/sexist position.
if thats the way it happened then cool . No reason to not allow young Men to wear MAGA Hats Penny .

Well most of the UP went for Trump and that is your opinion. I'm sure Maga hats are great up there. Where were the Chaperones?? No one says anything about chaperones. Privileged white boys.
-------------------------------------------------- as i said earlier , young Men did fine , especially the kid with the nice smile and they don't need Babysitters . I never had Babysitters after about 10 years of age Penny .
if thats the way it happened then cool . No reason to not allow young Men to wear MAGA Hats Penny .

Well most of the UP went for Trump and that is your opinion. I'm sure Maga hats are great up there. Where were the Chaperones?? No one says anything about chaperones. Privileged white boys.
-------------------------------------------------- as i said earlier , young Men did fine , especially the kid with the nice smile and they don't need Babysitters . I never had Babysitters after about 10 years of age Penny .
Yeah, these arent inner city kids. They are responsible enough to behave properly and be where they are expected to be.
Where in the hell were the Chaperones. White privilege at its best, I wonder if that had been all black boys. All white boys is what I saw.
Why are you so angry with white male children? Explain your racist/sexist position.
-------------------------- i guess that some may want to see them to be and act as little cowards rather than assertive young Men GBoy .
[chuckle] , MAGA hats are fine and dandy and very legal and part of Free Speech Penny .
Liberals don't believe in free speech unless it is theirs. You know. Like this:

Two, four, six, eight. America was NEVER great.

Can you see how triggering the MAGA idea is now? That's the truth of it. The hats aren't offensive. The idea behind the hats, America was great, that infuriates the left.
Where in the hell were the Chaperones. White privilege at its best, I wonder if that had been all black boys. All white boys is what I saw.
The chaperones were fetching the bus, foolishly assuming that temporarily leaving the kids at the location of MLK’s ‘I have a dream’ speech they’d be safe from a group of black, anti-white bigots.
The kids were not ‘all white’, hypocrite.
And please explain exactly how wishing for an improved America is a bad and racist thing.
Yet another partisan, using some kid in a maga hat as a badge of honor, to hide all his hate for America behind , not quite what one would expect from a 'man of the cloth'
Thanks for the irony, partisan man who obviously hates America and freedom of expression and thought!
In your case it's exactly what one expects from a leftist troll.

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