Race Apparently More Important Than Morality In Black Churches

i would have to disagree. Many black church members i have spoken to say there is no way they will vote
for obama this time around.

Mitt romney will be their choice.
This demon barack obama is finished when it comes to the black chirstian vote.
Let the fags, and all the other homo marriage people get him back into the white house this time around.!

ooooh, and he is the product of an interracial marriage as well! Extra scary for you, eh chickenshit? I reckon he'll still carry a huge percent of the black vote anyway.

It's just a fact of life.

Black's are going to vote for the black candidate.

Obama could get arrested in a motel room with prostitutes and lines of cocaine on the table.

And they would still vote for him!!

Oops....... bad example.....something like that already happened to another black politician.

Anyway, blacks vote based on skin color........ everything else is secondary. :doubt:

Why didn't Al Sharton win the Washington, DC Democratic Primary when he ran for president?

Why did Micheal Steele lose the black vote to a white man when he ran for Senator in Maryland.

Micheal Steele wasn't an authentic black.
cute... another white victim thread. :thup:

In the 50's and 60's your little slide might have a point but here in the years 2012 yes their are whites who face racial injustice at the hands of a black president,:eusa_whistle:
OMG! Black people are just like normal people!!!
Of course there are exceptions. :lol:

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It's just a fact of life.

Black's are going to vote for the black candidate.

Obama could get arrested in a motel room with prostitutes and lines of cocaine on the table.

And they would still vote for him!!

Oops....... bad example.....something like that already happened to another black politician.

Anyway, blacks vote based on skin color........ everything else is secondary. :doubt:

Why didn't Al Sharton win the Washington, DC Democratic Primary when he ran for president?

Why did Micheal Steele lose the black vote to a white man when he ran for Senator in Maryland.

Micheal Steele wasn't an authentic black.

It's just a fact of life.

Black's are going to vote for the black candidate.

Obama could get arrested in a motel room with prostitutes and lines of cocaine on the table.

And they would still vote for him!!

Oops....... bad example.....something like that already happened to another black politician.

Anyway, blacks vote based on skin color........ everything else is secondary. :doubt:

Why didn't Al Sharton win the Washington, DC Democratic Primary when he ran for president?

Why did Micheal Steele lose the black vote to a white man when he ran for Senator in Maryland.

Micheal Steele wasn't an authentic black.

Hows that?

Amazing and incredibly laughable reading what people who don't know shit about black people have to say about us.

Guess they're looking for God to win an election for them. :lol:

Oh Lawd .. please make the dark people stay at home during the election. :lol:

African-Americans have lots of reasons to be mad at Obama .. but homophobia ain't (eb) one of them. :0)
we know plenty about your sorry asses !!! all we have to do is watch cops !!

This morning on Fox News they featured a black reverend (I didn't catch his name because I hadn't had my coffee yet) who said he was deeply disturbed about Obama coming out for same-sex marriage. He said that many of his parish were thinking of not voting this year in protest. He said that many of them were highly upset about the way that Obama first floated a trial balloon on the subject by sending out the VP, then making a big production of supporting same-sex marriage.

The good reverend went to great lengths so state the danger he felt this posed to the community. He said they would be in our schools teaching our children this new stance of the president. It would be a pervasive part of our society. However when asked if he felt it was right for black voters to sit this one out, he said that he would personally encourage his church members to vote. When asked if he would support Mitt Romney he said he didn't trust him. At the end of the interview, regardless of all of his reservations, he felt Obama was the better choice.

It seemed to me that it didn't matter what Obama said or did, he was gonna support him. I find this extremely hypocritical. Christians should have principles and should base their choices on morality, not on race.

This Christian does't have principals because he base his choice on race. So all white racists are not Christians? It seems that some churches will be closed, if we take this version.
Yall need to stop all this BS about church and recognize religion and science are one. Europeans are the ones that decided to separate it so you would have yet another thing to fight over.

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