Race Apparently More Important Than Morality In Black Churches

Lots of voters are evolving on this subject.

Lots of months left for them to evlove BEFORE the election
It's a tribal behavior embedded deep in their psyche they brought over from the dark continent. :cool:

Today's blacks are so removed from Africa that is hardly the case.

Blacks are simply racially motivated because of church sermons, TV, movies, stereotypes, politics, etc.

Whites rarely think about race. Blacks see it every day. Many have had their faces washed in it on a regular basis with constant reminders. We even have an entire month to think about it.

Amazing and incredibly laughable reading what people who don't know shit about black people have to say about us.

Guess they're looking for God to win an election for them. :lol:

Oh Lawd .. please make the dark people stay at home during the election. :lol:

African-Americans have lots of reasons to be mad at Obama .. but homophobia ain't (eb) one of them. :0)

It's a black thing. Lol

That excuse is outdated.

:0) Laughable

I'm not interested in your dates ..or what you think is outdated .. or your child-like characterizations.

Simply put, your premise is ignorant .. but I'm real sure you know more about black people and what motivates us than I do. :lol:

I have no doubt that you can articulate a more thorough understanding of the relationship between the black church and African-American societal and political movement in this country than I can. :lol:

Of course, understanding and intelligent conversation isn't what you were looking for, was it mr. whistle?

I figure the best way to understand someone is walk around in their shoes.

Course I can always take those shoes off. They can't.

Still, race among blacks in some cases amounts to group-think. What's popular. They tend to think a certain way because it's what everyone believes, true or not. It's insulting to think you're not an individual, that some like leading you around like lemmings, but this is reality. Most folks don't really look into the deception that takes place to keep blacks in line. Breaking from the pack is sneered at, even condemned. Just talking the way I am now is considered an affront, true as it may be.
It's a black thing. Lol

That excuse is outdated.

:0) Laughable

I'm not interested in your dates ..or what you think is outdated .. or your child-like characterizations.

Simply put, your premise is ignorant .. but I'm real sure you know more about black people and what motivates us than I do. :lol:

I have no doubt that you can articulate a more thorough understanding of the relationship between the black church and African-American societal and political movement in this country than I can. :lol:

Of course, understanding and intelligent conversation isn't what you were looking for, was it mr. whistle?

I figure the best way to understand someone is walk around in their shoes.

Course I can always take those shoes off. They can't.

Still, race among blacks in some cases amounts to group-think. What's popular. They tend to think a certain way because it's what everyone believes, true or not. It's insulting to think you're not an individual, that some like leading you around like lemmings, but this is reality. Most folks don't really look into the deception that takes place to keep blacks in line. Breaking from the pack is sneered at, even condemned. Just talking the way I am now is considered an affront, true as it may be.

Talking the way you talk is an affront to you .. nothing and no one else. Your own words identify you as a seriously unlearned man. :0)

You can "walk in their shoes" :lol: NO, you can't.

I know it's insulting to think that you demonstrate the intelligence of an 8th grader, but what else do you have?

"Whites rarely think about race?" :lol: Yet here you are talking about race in a thread you created .. AND, any casual look at the borad will easily determine that race is indeeda hot topic among many white posters here .. YOU most especially. :lol:

The really good news is that nothing .. not a single word of what you say or think counts for anything beyond the ratings of an unlearned man.
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I would still like to see the day when everyone is judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

The biggest problem I have with Obama's blackness is that he really doesn't have a history similar to most Americans. He was fortunate to be born into an era that embraced his ability, ushered him into good schools and can forgive his indiscretions. Keep in mind I'm not saying "everyone" can offer that forgiveness, but there are many more today than before he was born. The proof being he was elected by not just black voters but a huge number of white voters as well.

With that said, I think it's time to elect someone based on their skills and the platform they present, not on party affiliation, skin color or gender. I would really like to see a candidate campaign on their merits instead of dogging the opponent. I'm growing tired of having to choose between the lesser of two evils.
What? People wont vote for Romney over ONE issue. For shame, how dare the blacks do that!

Oh yeah, please stop with the "what black people think" bullshit, just ask a black person. But understanding isnt your "thing", demonization is right Saul?

It's obvious you didn't read the OP, because if you had you'd know that I did ask, PERSONALLY, as well as point out one of their conflicting veiwpoints.

Stop blurting out your anger at thread titles like a troll.

Well, maybe you should stop making thread titles like a troll huh?

Rev Al
i would still like to see the day when everyone is judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

The biggest problem i have with obama's blackness is that he really doesn't have a history similar to most americans. He was fortunate to be born into an era that embraced his ability, ushered him into good schools and can forgive his indiscretions. Keep in mind i'm not saying "everyone" can offer that forgiveness, but there are many more today than before he was born. The proof being he was elected by not just black voters but a huge number of white voters as well.

With that said, i think it's time to elect someone based on their skills and the platform they present, not on party affiliation, skin color or gender. I would really like to see a candidate campaign on their merits instead of dogging the opponent. i'm growing tired of having to choose between the lesser of two evils.

bingo !!!
It's a tribal behavior embedded deep in their psyche they brought over from the dark continent. :cool:

I believe in Carl Jung's theory of the archetype.

Junging theory believes there is a collective unconscious.

Basically, thought's and behavior's deeply buried in people's psyche's that is passed on from generation to generation.

In my view, blacks still retain mental traits that were formed eons ago in Africa; tribalism for example.

Asians and Europeans are not exempt from this; and also carry around psychic bagage from a time before recorded history..

Jungian archetypes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This morning on Fox News they featured a black reverend (I didn't catch his name because I hadn't had my coffee yet) who said he was deeply disturbed about Obama coming out for same-sex marriage. He said that many of his parish were thinking of not voting this year in protest. He said that many of them were highly upset about the way that Obama first floated a trial balloon on the subject by sending out the VP, then making a big production of supporting same-sex marriage.

The good reverend went to great lengths so state the danger he felt this posed to the community. He said they would be in our schools teaching our children this new stance of the president. It would be a pervasive part of our society. However when asked if he felt it was right for black voters to sit this one out, he said that he would personally encourage his church members to vote. When asked if he would support Mitt Romney he said he didn't trust him. At the end of the interview, regardless of all of his reservations, he felt Obama was the better choice.

It seemed to me that it didn't matter what Obama said or did, he was gonna support him. I find this extremely hypocritical. Christians should have principles and should base their choices on morality, not on race. If he feels Obama's political views are really so dangerous to the black community why does he still support him??

i saw that interview.....you could see the real conflict in old pastor's face about about the choice between race vs. gay marriage and abortion.....the pastor was truly against gay marriage and abortion....anti-religious beliefs that Obama supports....

....by all rights he should really be voting for Romney...but the old guy came from the era when racial civil rights was actually an issue...so of course he is voting for Obama...

...it was interesting how he resolved his conflict by saying that voting for Obama was a "political" matter rather than a "moral" matter....
obama will lose support among blacks. They may not vote for Romney. They just won't vote. What will happen is that American blacks will find that obama does not share their values because he's not an American black. His wife is, but he's not. He has no ancestors who were ever slaves. He's trading on a race card that doesn't belong to him. Black pastors will seize on this as a sudden revelation of why obama could throw millions of American blacks under the bus without a thought. Then his support will collapse.
It's just a fact of life.

Black's are going to vote for the black candidate.

Obama could get arrested in a motel room with prostitutes and lines of cocaine on the table.

And they would still vote for him!!

Oops....... bad example.....something like that already happened to another black politician.

Anyway, blacks vote based on skin color........ everything else is secondary. :doubt:
The same applies to MLKJr. He was quite a womanizer and it made no difference....especially after his death.
obama will lose support among blacks. They may not vote for Romney. They just won't vote. What will happen is that American blacks will find that obama does not share their values because he's not an American black. His wife is, but he's not. He has no ancestors who were ever slaves. He's trading on a race card that doesn't belong to him. Black pastors will seize on this as a sudden revelation of why obama could throw millions of American blacks under the bus without a thought. Then his support will collapse.


I assume this is satire.

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