Race Apparently More Important Than Morality In Black Churches

What? People wont vote for Romney over ONE issue. For shame, how dare the blacks do that!

Oh yeah, please stop with the "what black people think" bullshit, just ask a black person. But understanding isnt your "thing", demonization is right Saul?

Here's a clue Joe B a member here shows his hate for Romney just because of his religion.
Melanin; or lack there of, is the single deciding issue when blacks enter the voting booth. :cool:

Sad but true. And I generally don't blame them.

Most of them have, since birth, been steeped in identity politics -- whites are out to get you, you don't have a chance, life is unfair, us vs. them -- by their so-called "leaders" and even well-meaning white people who are being used by those "leaders". While American children of European, Asian and Middle Eastern extraction are told "it's up to you to improve your life", black kids are told "you're fucked, don't bother".

Go your entire life like that, and you have a psychological habit that must be pretty tough to break.

American blacks have been done a great disservice by those who claim to "care", well-meaning or not.


Tell us more about blacks and what they think. You know better than us

A pretty strong percentage of the partisan posts on this board assume what others are thinking. If your silly point were applied to everyone, there wouldn't be enough available bandwidth for a reply.

And by the way, I try to choose my words pretty carefully. Please note I said "you have a psychological habit that must be pretty tough to break. I don't claim to be inside their heads.

Calm down. You're trying a bit too hard.

Oh, you did it because everyone else does it. Is that your excuse?

Btw, ironic that you don't understand that saying someone has a psych habit that is hard to break IS claiming to be inside that persons head. That's funny
Oh, you did it because everyone else does it. Is that your excuse?

Btw, ironic that you don't understand that saying someone has a psych habit that is hard to break IS claiming to be inside that persons head. That's funny

Okay, I'll try this again, against my better judgment. See, there is a difference between saying "there must be..." and "there is...." So no, I don't need to make excuses for something I'm not doing.

If such a distinction is not clear for you, I'll try to remember to simplify future posts. Thanks for the tip.

Well, maybe you should stop making thread titles like a troll huh?

Coming from someone who likes walking by and slinging shit, getting their asses handed to them, and then moving on....You really don't have room to talk.

You mean like what you just did? That still doesnt address your trolling tho...nice distraction :lol:

Starting a thread is hardly walking by.

You wouldn't seem such a fool if you actually thought out your responses you know.
You mean like saying "you have a gay habit that must be tough to break" is totally reasonable.
What? People wont vote for Romney over ONE issue. For shame, how dare the blacks do that!

Oh yeah, please stop with the "what black people think" bullshit, just ask a black person. But understanding isnt your "thing", demonization is right Saul?

Here's a clue Joe B a member here shows his hate for Romney just because of his religion.

And that's a good thing? I don't think so. Do you?
You mean like saying "you have a gay habit that must be tough to break" is totally reasonable.

Well, no -- being steeped in identity politics is a thought process. Being gay is a sexual orientation. Unless you're saying that homosexuality is a choice, and then I would disagree.

Come to think of it, what exactly ARE you saying? You keep moving around, and I'm not good at whack-a-mole.

You mean like saying "you have a gay habit that must be tough to break" is totally reasonable.

Well, no -- being steeped in identity politics is a thought process. Being gay is a sexual orientation. Unless you're saying that homosexuality is a choice, and then I would disagree.

Come to think of it, what exactly ARE you saying? You keep moving around, and I'm not good at whack-a-mole.


What I've always said, you claim that blacks have a psych habit of doing things then claim that you werent claiming to be inside their heads. Where is a psychological habit located? In the knees?
I see mud is too focus on me to address his trolling thread title.

The title is designed to attract interest.

The content of the OP is to explain the title.

I know it's a difficult concept......but I'll try not to use big words. :eusa_eh:
I would have to disagree. Many black church members I have spoken to say there is no way they will vote
for Obama this time around.

Mitt Romney will be their choice.
This demon Barack Obama is finished when it comes to the black Chirstian vote.
Let the fags, and all the other homo marriage people get him back into the white house this time around.!

Obama's not going to lose any black vote over this. Cafeteria Christians are Cafeteria Christians, skin color is irrelevant.


I know some Christians that won't vote for Romney because he's a Mormon.

Personally I think it's bigotry more than anything else.

I agree. Though I've been to so called "black churches" myself. I liked the Catholic church when I was young because it was one of the two churches I went to that was integrated.
I would have to disagree. Many black church members I have spoken to say there is no way they will vote
for Obama this time around.

Mitt Romney will be their choice.
This demon Barack Obama is finished when it comes to the black Chirstian vote.
Let the fags, and all the other homo marriage people get him back into the white house this time around.!

Ooooh, and he is the product of an interracial marriage as well! Extra scary for you, eh chickenshit? I reckon he'll still carry a huge percent of the black vote anyway.
It's just a fact of life.

Black's are going to vote for the black candidate.

Obama could get arrested in a motel room with prostitutes and lines of cocaine on the table.

And they would still vote for him!!

Oops....... bad example.....something like that already happened to another black politician.

Anyway, blacks vote based on skin color........ everything else is secondary. :doubt:

Why didn't Al Sharton win the Washington, DC Democratic Primary when he ran for president?

Why did Micheal Steele lose the black vote to a white man when he ran for Senator in Maryland.

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