Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

From politifact-
But one particular slave, Philip Reid, achieved some renown as an individual. He was a slave laborer for Clark Mills, who was hired to cast the Statue of Freedom, the Capitol's crowning feature. The government paid Reid $1.25 a day for his work.

The statue, a draped female figure holding a sheathed sword in one hand and a laurel wreath in the other, stands atop the Capitol dome, 288 feet above the site of Obama's swearing in.

Pelosi might have specified that slaves were only part of the work force, but they were involved with almost every aspect of construction for at least the first several years.
What a terribly, terribly, tragically wasted opportunity this administration has been on this issue.
No wasted opportunity at all. The segregationist-in-chief has capitalized on his perceived blackness at every chance and has divided the country very effectively. Keeps the democrat voting groups organized.
What a race baiting bitch. Catch her little snark re:Founding Fathers and how it didn't go over



The American Dream is alive and well, and according to Michelle Obama, her life is proof.

In a commencement speech delivered at City College in New York on Friday, the first lady told graduates that their stories of hard work, perseverance and giving back to their communities echo the story of her own family.

“It’s the story that I witness every single day,” the first lady said, “when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful black young women — head off to school, waving goodbye to their father, the president of the United States.”

Mrs. Obama went on to remind the graduates that while the founding fathers might not have imagined the day when a black man could be president, “all of you are very much the fruits of their vision.”

Michelle Obama: I Wake Up Each Day In A House Built By Slaves

She actually doesn't make bad point.
The problem is that it's doubtful that she mentioned the affirmative action quotas and inflated credentials that gave her so much more opportunity than most of those in the audience have had or ever will realize.
Moo was complaining that there was a time in this country that black people worked.
What a bitch. I guess if it bothers her, she's free to leave. Millions of Americans would love to see her and her asshole husband leave our House earlier than planned.

By the way, slaves were not the only ones who participated in the construction, plus they did not participate in the archetectual work and other work that involved brains.

"Construction of the White House began with the laying of the cornerstone on October 13, 1792, although there was no formal ceremony.[13] The main residence, as well as foundations of the house, were built largely by enslaved and free African-American laborers, as well as employed Europeans.[14] Much of the other work on the house was performed by immigrants, many not yet with citizenship. The sandstone walls were erected by Scottishimmigrants, employed by Hoban,"
What a race baiting bitch. Catch her little snark re:Founding Fathers and how it didn't go over



The American Dream is alive and well, and according to Michelle Obama, her life is proof.

In a commencement speech delivered at City College in New York on Friday, the first lady told graduates that their stories of hard work, perseverance and giving back to their communities echo the story of her own family.

“It’s the story that I witness every single day,” the first lady said, “when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful black young women — head off to school, waving goodbye to their father, the president of the United States.”

Mrs. Obama went on to remind the graduates that while the founding fathers might not have imagined the day when a black man could be president, “all of you are very much the fruits of their vision.”

Michelle Obama: I Wake Up Each Day In A House Built By Slaves

An excellent and true point by the First Lady. So, you have trouble facing the truth, do you?
What a race baiting bitch. Catch her little snark re:Founding Fathers and how it didn't go over



The American Dream is alive and well, and according to Michelle Obama, her life is proof.

In a commencement speech delivered at City College in New York on Friday, the first lady told graduates that their stories of hard work, perseverance and giving back to their communities echo the story of her own family.

“It’s the story that I witness every single day,” the first lady said, “when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful black young women — head off to school, waving goodbye to their father, the president of the United States.”

Mrs. Obama went on to remind the graduates that while the founding fathers might not have imagined the day when a black man could be president, “all of you are very much the fruits of their vision.”

Michelle Obama: I Wake Up Each Day In A House Built By Slaves

An excellent and true point by the First Lady. So, you have trouble facing the truth, do you?

It's not the entire story however, and lets get one thing straight, slaves were involved in manual labor only. The real work was conducted by non-slaves.
I guess, in spite of the fact that her husband won the presidency, won a re-election in a country that still has a white majority, she is not happy, still keeps on bitching and still not proud of the country that gave her all these and other advantages that she never earned and never deserved.

If you read her quote...she is celebrating that fact

“It’s the story that I witness every single day,” the first lady said, “when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful black young women — head off to school, waving goodbye to their father, the president of the United States.”

Mrs. Obama went on to remind the graduates that while the founding fathers might not have imagined the day when a black man could be president, “all of you are very much the fruits of their vision.”

Their legacy is very much your legacy. And your inheritance. And don’t let anybody tell you differently. You are the living, breathing proof that the American dream endures in our time. It’s you.”
C'mon...you didn't honestly expect them to listen to the whole speech themselves, did you?
I guess, in spite of the fact that her husband won the presidency, won a re-election in a country that still has a white majority, she is not happy, still keeps on bitching and still not proud of the country that gave her all these and other advantages that she never earned and never deserved.

If you read her quote...she is celebrating that fact

“It’s the story that I witness every single day,” the first lady said, “when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful black young women — head off to school, waving goodbye to their father, the president of the United States.”

Mrs. Obama went on to remind the graduates that while the founding fathers might not have imagined the day when a black man could be president, “all of you are very much the fruits of their vision.”

Their legacy is very much your legacy. And your inheritance. And don’t let anybody tell you differently. You are the living, breathing proof that the American dream endures in our time. It’s you.”
C'mon...you didn't honestly expect them to listen to the whole speech themselves, did you?
They only hear what the rightwing media tells them to hear
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while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?

are you denying that well over 2 million whites fought to free the slaves asshole
I thought you just said they fought for the Union.
So the First Lady stated an historical fact and some white people are upset...anybody got anything original to post????
while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?

are you denying that well over 2 million whites fought to free the slaves asshole
I thought you just said they fought for the Union.

thankfully Lincoln rose to meet each challenge of the Northern anti slavery movement

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