Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
So, in a nut shell, would the slaves have been freed without sacrifice of white soldiers lives? Yes? Or No?
Why did they have to be "freed" at all?

No other nation required a Civil War to end slavery. We preferred to die rather than give up our slaves

hey dickwad

did you know one of the the first slave holder in the American colonies was a black man

look it up sometime you might learn something dummy
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She lives in the past rather than moving forward. Her life must be miserable. It's sad really.
while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
So, in a nut shell, would the slaves have been freed without sacrifice of white soldiers lives? Yes? Or No?
Why did they have to be "freed" at all?

No other nation required a Civil War to end slavery. We preferred to die rather than give up our slaves

Before you get too sanctimonious, remember that state sanctioned, state protected and state approved slavery still exists and flourishes in African (black) countries.

Oh, the irony!
What a race baiting bitch. Catch her little snark re:Founding Fathers and how it didn't go over



The American Dream is alive and well, and according to Michelle Obama, her life is proof.

In a commencement speech delivered at City College in New York on Friday, the first lady told graduates that their stories of hard work, perseverance and giving back to their communities echo the story of her own family.

“It’s the story that I witness every single day,” the first lady said, “when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful black young women — head off to school, waving goodbye to their father, the president of the United States.”

Mrs. Obama went on to remind the graduates that while the founding fathers might not have imagined the day when a black man could be president, “all of you are very much the fruits of their vision.”

Michelle Obama: I Wake Up Each Day In A House Built By Slaves

Michael is the nastiest fucking skank First "Lady" ever.
And just what does she have to say matter to me? Not jack shit. So what, she's the wife of POTUS so let's wrap her in a robe and have her stand up there and talk shit

All that video told me is she must not have much use for the house dentist

It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
So, in a nut shell, would the slaves have been freed without sacrifice of white soldiers lives? Yes? Or No?
Why did they have to be "freed" at all?

No other nation required a Civil War to end slavery. We preferred to die rather than give up our slaves

Before you get too sanctimonious, remember that state sanctioned, state protected and state approved slavery still exists and flourishes in African (black) countries.

Oh, the irony!

slavery is alive in Haiti
while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
So, in a nut shell, would the slaves have been freed without sacrifice of white soldiers lives? Yes? Or No?
Why did they have to be "freed" at all?

No other nation required a Civil War to end slavery. We preferred to die rather than give up our slaves
That was not the question. Answer the question please!
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
So, in a nut shell, would the slaves have been freed without sacrifice of white soldiers lives? Yes? Or No?
Why did they have to be "freed" at all?

No other nation required a Civil War to end slavery. We preferred to die rather than give up our slaves

hey dickwad

did you know one of the the first slave holder in the American colonies was a black man

look it up sometime you might learn something dummy
So, your point is?
American Indians owned black slaves too. American Indians built skyscrapers. I wonder if this pisses micheeleeeeee off?
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
So, in a nut shell, would the slaves have been freed without sacrifice of white soldiers lives? Yes? Or No?
Why did they have to be "freed" at all?

No other nation required a Civil War to end slavery. We preferred to die rather than give up our slaves

hey dickwad

did you know one of the the first slave holder in the American colonies was a black man

look it up sometime you might learn something dummy
So, your point is?
Some history for you-
"There were many free blacks in the American colonies. They were enfranchised and as early as 1641, Mathias De Sousa, were elected to legislatures. These free blacks owned slaves - some for philanthropic reasons, as Carter G. Woodson suggests. However as John Hope Franklin wrote, "...free Negroes had a real economic interest in the institution of slavery and held slaves in order to improve their economic status."

The census of 1830 lists 965 free black slave owners in Louisiana, owning 4,206 slaves. The state of South Carolina, lists 464 free blacks owning 2,715 slaves. How ironic it is that so many blacks owned so many slaves in South Carolina. Yet, no one seemed to mention this during the flag controversy.

Some blacks served in the Confederate army, which is another omission in our popular culture. The movie Glory did not happen to mention that blacks served in the Confederate army. It did give the impression that the black soldiers in the 54th Massachusetts were former slaves - which was not true."[35]
"By 1860, so many Black women in Charleston had inherited or been given slaves and other property by white men, and used their property to start successful businesses, that they owned 70% of the Black owned slaves in the city."[36]

Black slave owners in the United States
while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
So, in a nut shell, would the slaves have been freed without sacrifice of white soldiers lives? Yes? Or No?
Why did they have to be "freed" at all?

No other nation required a Civil War to end slavery. We preferred to die rather than give up our slaves

hey dickwad

did you know one of the the first slave holder in the American colonies was a black man

look it up sometime you might learn something dummy
So, your point is?

well the first true slave holder in the colonies was black

his case against one of his servants changed the system from indentured servitude

to slave status

it is all in the history books should you decide to crack one open

instead of passing on myths and falsehoods
Some history for you-
"There were many free blacks in the American colonies. They were enfranchised and as early as 1641, Mathias De Sousa, were elected to legislatures. These free blacks owned slaves - some for philanthropic reasons, as Carter G. Woodson suggests. However as John Hope Franklin wrote, "...free Negroes had a real economic interest in the institution of slavery and held slaves in order to improve their economic status."

The census of 1830 lists 965 free black slave owners in Louisiana, owning 4,206 slaves. The state of South Carolina, lists 464 free blacks owning 2,715 slaves. How ironic it is that so many blacks owned so many slaves in South Carolina. Yet, no one seemed to mention this during the flag controversy.

Some blacks served in the Confederate army, which is another omission in our popular culture. The movie Glory did not happen to mention that blacks served in the Confederate army. It did give the impression that the black soldiers in the 54th Massachusetts were former slaves - which was not true."[35]
"By 1860, so many Black women in Charleston had inherited or been given slaves and other property by white men, and used their property to start successful businesses, that they owned 70% of the Black owned slaves in the city."[36]

Black slave owners in the United States
while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?

the information is easy to access if one chooses to look
"In 1869, Lynch, a Black political figure from Natchez, encouraged him to enter as a candidate for state senator, representing Adams County. Revels accepted the nomination at the Republican caucus in December 1869."

In January 1870, Mississippi elected Hiram Revels as a U.S. senator.

The first Blacks in the Legislature were all Republicans, you know that, right?

while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?
"In 1869, Lynch, a Black political figure from Natchez, encouraged him to enter as a candidate for state senator, representing Adams County. Revels accepted the nomination at the Republican caucus in December 1869."

In January 1870, Mississippi elected Hiram Revels as a U.S. senator.

The first Blacks in the Legislature were all Republicans, you know that, right?

while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?

The first Blacks in the Legislature were all Republicans, you know that, right?

yes absolutely correct
Yes. Unfortunately, it doesn't suit a certain agenda of some. A certain party has been trying to rewrite history for decades now.
Some history for you-
"There were many free blacks in the American colonies. They were enfranchised and as early as 1641, Mathias De Sousa, were elected to legislatures. These free blacks owned slaves - some for philanthropic reasons, as Carter G. Woodson suggests. However as John Hope Franklin wrote, "...free Negroes had a real economic interest in the institution of slavery and held slaves in order to improve their economic status."

The census of 1830 lists 965 free black slave owners in Louisiana, owning 4,206 slaves. The state of South Carolina, lists 464 free blacks owning 2,715 slaves. How ironic it is that so many blacks owned so many slaves in South Carolina. Yet, no one seemed to mention this during the flag controversy.

Some blacks served in the Confederate army, which is another omission in our popular culture. The movie Glory did not happen to mention that blacks served in the Confederate army. It did give the impression that the black soldiers in the 54th Massachusetts were former slaves - which was not true."[35]
"By 1860, so many Black women in Charleston had inherited or been given slaves and other property by white men, and used their property to start successful businesses, that they owned 70% of the Black owned slaves in the city."[36]

Black slave owners in the United States
while she overlooks that white people freed the slaves
That is fucking funny
It is funny on multiple levels

It was whites who maintained the institution of slavery in the first place. It was whites who preferred killing 600,000 to giving up the institution of slavery.
It also ignores that 200,000 blacks fought in the Civil War

So bragging that whites freed the slaves is fucking funny isn't it?

the information is easy to access if one chooses to look
Now I am wondering if meech knew slaves built that house before she moved in?

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