Race Differences In Tipping: Questions And Answers For The Restaurant Industry


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Intgeresting Report on the Difference between races when it comes to tipping.

This report draws on the available research to pose and answer questions about race differences in tipping and about what servers, restaurant managers, industry organizations, and restaurant chains could do about those differences. The available research indicates the following:

Tips from Blacks are, on average, lower than those from Whites;
Black-White differences in restaurant tipping are not caused solely by race differences in socio-economic status;
Black-White differences in restaurant tipping are evident among the middle-class as well as the lower-class;
Black-White differences in restaurant tipping do not disappear when both groups get comparable service;
Blacks tip less than Whites even when the server is Black;
Blacks are much less familiar with the 15- to 20-percent restaurant tipping norm than are Whites;
Blacks tip less than do Whites in many (but not all) other service contexts; and
Asian-White and Hispanic-White differences in tipping are smaller, less robust, and have drawn less attention than Black-White differences in tipping.

Race Differences in Tipping Questions and Answers for the Restaurant Industry - Cornell School of Hotel Administration
You need to get them drunk to get better tips...
When I was a waiter I made better tips in lower costs restaurants, than mid to upper crust dining joints...The people were friendlier at lower costs, upper crust was full of snobs..
Blacks like to run white waitresses ragged and then stiff them. Happens all the fucking time especially at chain places like Red Lobster, Applebees, etc.
My wife, who is now deceased was a waitress when we first got married and she has told me much the same thing the OP states. Blacks in general are bad tippers, if they tip at all.
We Brits are terrible tipper because our wait staff are paid minimum wage upwards. I find it disgusting to pay for my meal then support the restaurants wage bill. Pay your waitstaff a living wage.
Probably a reflection of racism in the US. Why would I tip someone that gives me inferior service? I'm not one of those Black people that tip to make up for other Black people not tipping or tipping low amounts. If you do a good job you get a good tip. If you do a poor job you get little to no tip at all.
Probably a reflection of racism in the US. Why would I tip someone that gives me inferior service? I'm not one of those Black people that tip to make up for other Black people not tipping or tipping low amounts. If you do a good job you get a good tip. If you do a poor job you get little to no tip at all.

It's safe to say you're in the "bad tipper" category. No surprise there!
I waited tables/tended bar or many years. It's how I paid for college and I can tell you that yes, the majority of Black people are terrible tippers. And the Sunday Church crowd are also pretty poor tippers. It's the nature of the beast.
We Brits are terrible tipper because our wait staff are paid minimum wage upwards. I find it disgusting to pay for my meal then support the restaurants wage bill. Pay your waitstaff a living wage.

That is really funny. If the restaurant pays their staff a living wage you are going to pay for it through the bill, with a tip you decide if their service deserves a tip.
Probably a reflection of racism in the US. Why would I tip someone that gives me inferior service? I'm not one of those Black people that tip to make up for other Black people not tipping or tipping low amounts. If you do a good job you get a good tip. If you do a poor job you get little to no tip at all.

It's safe to say you're in the "bad tipper" category. No surprise there!

Its safe to say you are dumb if you think I should pay for someone giving me poor service in addition to helping the establishment keep stiffing their workers. If they paid the help what they were worth then this would be a pointless issue.
I waited tables/tended bar or many years. It's how I paid for college and I can tell you that yes, the majority of Black people are terrible tippers. And the Sunday Church crowd are also pretty poor tippers. It's the nature of the beast.

I used to live with a girl that was a waitress and the majority of white people are poor tippers as well.
Blacks like to run white waitresses ragged and then stiff them. Happens all the fucking time especially at chain places like Red Lobster, Applebees, etc.

Leave it to Pussywuss to frequent low-end restaurant chains and try to look down his nose at everyone else there. :lmao:

It must be quite troubling to a gourmand like Pussywuss to see the atrocious eating habits of his fellow fine-diners at chez-McDonald's.

Blacks like to run white waitresses ragged and then stiff them. Happens all the fucking time especially at chain places like Red Lobster, Applebees, etc.

Leave it to Pussywuss to frequent low-end restaurant chains and try to look down his nose at everyone else there. :lmao:

It must be quite troubling to a gourmand like Pussywuss to see the atrocious eating habits of his fellow fine-diners at chez-McDonald's.


I know this from my college aged niece who works part time to help cover her tuition. It's a running nightmare among her and the people she works with- who gets stuck with the group of blacks that just crawled through the door.

Go suck some more Asian boy-juice, you drunkard.
I waited tables/tended bar or many years. It's how I paid for college and I can tell you that yes, the majority of Black people are terrible tippers. And the Sunday Church crowd are also pretty poor tippers. It's the nature of the beast.
I hear this over and over. The Sunday white-hairs too, but at least they don't treat the staff like slaves as the blacks do. It's payback, and the restaurant managers never support staff being stiffed. Never.

Most people would never wait tables voluntarily. Crappy work used as a means to an end.
Blacks like to run white waitresses ragged and then stiff them. Happens all the fucking time especially at chain places like Red Lobster, Applebees, etc.

Leave it to Pussywuss to frequent low-end restaurant chains and try to look down his nose at everyone else there. :lmao:

It must be quite troubling to a gourmand like Pussywuss to see the atrocious eating habits of his fellow fine-diners at chez-McDonald's.


I know this from my college aged niece who works part time to help cover her tuition. ...

Oh yeah, change the story now to make it seem like you never frequent such places - of course! :rolleyes: :lmao:

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