Race mixing

You do realize no race is pure right? and that is a scientific fact. any one with a high school level of biology can tell you that.
Everything I've said is true. The studies were backed by the Pioneer Fund. The Pioneer Fund is a Neo-Nazi organization classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. If you choose to believe propaganda disseminated by white supremacists, by my guest, but don't criticize others for choosing not to.

What you are saying is NOT true. If you knew anything about it, you wouldnt make this statement.

Who is it that the Neo-Nazis hate above all others, including black people? The answer is JEWS. They hate jews above all other groups and the final result of the study revealed Jews to have the highest IQs on the planet, therefore your assertion that this was designed to be racist propaganda is pathetically off the mark. I would also point out the IQs of white people arent at the top of the list either, which is further proof that the results have not been skewed to prop up the Aryan race.

Go back to conspiracy land and let the big boys handle these topics.

Godboy I think Kalam got you on this one. And for the most part the Nazis never believed the Jews were stupid, rather to the contrary they believed the Jews to be evil geniuses!

Pioneer Fund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think before he "gets me", hes going to have to show at least some sort of proof of where their figures were skewed to fix a certain result. Im not buying it. The results seem very similar to the gap between the races in other testing, like the SATs.

I think too much focus has been put on IQ tests scores, as that is only one of the many tests that black people test lower on, consistantly. However, i only took this side of the debate because 52ndStreet started claiming black people were superior, so i decided to play dirty. Black people may do better at certain things, but not at others. Denying this is kind of silly, but i can understand why a black person would be in denial of national test scores. I think its better to concentrate on why they test lower, rather than pretending it isnt true.

While i enjoy any good debate, i think ive taken this one as far as i care to. Its kind of hard not to look and feel like a racist ass when you take the position ive taken in the spirit of debate.

While no race is superior to any other race, some certainly have a better track record, but thats probably more due to geographic locations than anything else.

...and theres nothing wrong with race mixing either.
IQ has more todo with the emphasis that is placed on education culturally than with race.
One of the reasons why East Asians do fairly well usually.

Education and science was not on a very high emphasis in Sub Saharan Africa, and certainly not among Slave holders.

Apart from that, I did 8 IQ tests and scored between 108 and 141, I do not really believe that IQ tests are an accurate measure for intelligence.

Another thing is that beeing smart is culturally inherited. If the parents read books, the children will read books too. If they dont, the children usually wont.

Now I am not giving an opinion here either way but the IQ tests you take online are worthless and VERY off. You would have to go to an institute to take an accurate test. The online ones are the equivalent of reading your horoscope, meant more for a laugh.

Also the testing they are reffering to has been done across America and the world and the numbers they came out with are averages of those tests. Overall the scores of Blacks were 20 points lower than those of Whites.

If someone who has taken a true IQ test could, please fill us in on what is IN the test. What is it they test exactly? I know it has a general knowledge portion but that is more to make sure that you know what you should know for your age/sex. They won't bother scoring you if you aren't basically educated. It might have to do with how the brain focuses. -Shrugs- Throwing out ideas.

It couldn't possibly be the fact that they are rewarded more for being black than for learning by our education and grant systems ... could it? ... :eusa_whistle:
That is about all you can take I think.

What if I told you that I was a Black man. A proud Black man who is sick of tired of seeing my brothers and sisters blame everyone else for their problems. A proud Black man who knows that if anyone is going to help me, it's going to be me. So what do I do? I work hard, I am honest, I have morals. I do what I'm supposed to do to get ahead.

I don't bitch and follow the Al and Jesse mantra of "you owe me, you owe me."

Would I be unusual? A rarity? Why? Why do people feel it's easier to be a victim and blame others than to take care of yourself and get ahead?

I am waiting for an answer.
I'd call bullshit. You obviously aren't black.

How do you know?

Why do you call bullshit?
Racism even in its most subtle form is an awful thing, terrible.
Mr Bass,

I don't like you. In fact you are the kind of person who gives African-American people a bad name.
Mr Bass,

I don't like you. In fact you are the kind of person who gives African-American people a bad name.

Still rather have him over retard Canucks, such as yourself! Canadians always like to bitch. At least the African American, although its nowadays misguided and out-dated gripping, has something to bitch about, slavery, Jim Crow, the Black codes, segregation, Plessy v Ferguson etc.
What if I told you that I was a Black man. A proud Black man who is sick of tired of seeing my brothers and sisters blame everyone else for their problems. A proud Black man who knows that if anyone is going to help me, it's going to be me. So what do I do? I work hard, I am honest, I have morals. I do what I'm supposed to do to get ahead.

Would I be unusual? A rarity? Why? Why do people feel it's easier to be a victim and blame others than to take care of yourself and get ahead?

You'd be Bill Cosby.

What a sad and disappointing selection of posts.

Here we have a group of individuals deriving pride from something over which they have neither input nor control, their genetic makeup. Guys get over it you did not make any contribution to your race it was a gift, you had nothing to do with it!!

What about taking pride over your own achievements or recognizing the strengths, successes and contribution of those races which you consider that you do not belong to.

What have you personally done to make your society better, what have your contributions been, where did you make that difference?

Or are you content to sit there recycling the same energy sapping and depressive racist agendas, you have to stop tearing things down and start building the future together, because nobody is going anywhere!
You do realize no race is pure right? and that is a scientific fact. any one with a high school level of biology can tell you that.

You are wrong Ms. Nia.588 there are Blacks with no white genes in them, and there are Whites
with Blond hair and Blue Eyes with not a Drop of Black genes in them.

There are racially Pure people out there. Sorry to burst your melting pot philosophy.Its all
a fairy tale Ms. Nia.588!

I support Blacks with Blacks , and keep whites with Whites! . Lets put a stop to all these smorgasboard breeds of people.!
The Olympic results are proof that affirmative action doesn’t achieve “racial equality” by improving Negros, but rather that it drives down performance of Whites AND increases racial tensions, all in one fell swoop. This is why multicultural, mixed-race workforces in countries like the US and Israel can’t even begin to compete with racially pure workforces in countries like Germany, Japan, and now India and China. Race mixing is why Negros have several and Jews have 113 hereditary diseases which pure races don’t, and why residents of Washington, DC, are 350 TIMES more likely to be murdered than residents of racially pure North Dakota, or Mesa, Arizona.

Race mixing is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and everyone in the world except Noah and his racially pure family. The problems caused by multiculturalism are why race mixing is the only sin in the Holy Bible which is referred to as both an abomination and blasphemy of the word of God.

Any comments to refute what I say???????

Name one pure race to support your theory.

I'm too much the gentleman to post waht I really think of you but use your imagination.
That is about all you can take I think.

What if I told you that I was a Black man. A proud Black man who is sick of tired of seeing my brothers and sisters blame everyone else for their problems. A proud Black man who knows that if anyone is going to help me, it's going to be me. So what do I do? I work hard, I am honest, I have morals. I do what I'm supposed to do to get ahead.

I don't bitch and follow the Al and Jesse mantra of "you owe me, you owe me."

Would I be unusual? A rarity? Why? Why do people feel it's easier to be a victim and blame others than to take care of yourself and get ahead?

I am waiting for an answer.
I'd call bullshit. You obviously aren't black.

How do you know?

Why do you call bullshit?

You're not black and if you are you're an Uncle Thomas.
Mr Bass,

Is an Uncle Thomas a house-Negro or a field-Negro ?
How do you know?
Because I've never met or heard of a modern black person that loathes his own race so much.

Why do you call bullshit?
Because you aren't black.

So if a black person had those opinions. That they should work and not whine, etc; that would be loathing his race?

So a black person who worked hard, tried to get ahead on his or her own merit, one who didn't count on others to help them, they would be loathesome?

I see you have a great attitude about your own people.

Actually, you haven't seen anywhere where I said I loathed black people. I have just stated facts that there are blacks who feel they are better off complaining. And I have pointed out there Jesse and Al have made quite a good living keeping the crap stirred up.

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