Race Reality...........

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
I know the word "N-word" is something we are supposed to cringe from, but I've got black friends who hate, loathe, and despise N-gers. Don't be offended, I'm trying to use this in a constructive, learning effort.

Most people don't have a clue what one is. They hear the word and think it pertains to all blacks. But it does not. And as lazy Americans, we really like lumping everything and everybody together, when talking about politics, race relations, and religion.

Over the past few years, when I've heard a black person use this word to describe another black person, I ask them........."Exactly WHAT defines a N-word"? And no matter who it was, where they were from, or what their background was, I got the same answer from each of them, including my friends. "N-words are to blacks, what trailer trash is to whites. Violent, stupid, self-serving lunatics that have no soul, no conscious, and only care for their material wants".

According to my black friends, THIS is what a N-word is....

This is what a black American is......

Who would you rather support and allow to receive government funds??
Personally, I love anyone that uses as much of their brains as they can.
If we had more geniuses in our midst, we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are in.
Thats my opinion anyway.

Know the difference.

And, we need to find a different descriptive word to use other than the "N" word.
So how about any local geniuses come up with a more fitting (more palatable) word.

Just be careful out there. Not all poor blacks are the N-word. Not all poor whites are trailer trash.
Sometimes we are born into some bad predicaments. It's up to each of us to learn how to tell the good from the bad, and the nice from the ugly.

It's not hard to do, but you do need to be willing to train yourself in the arts of body language, facial expressions, language skills, and some social psychology. It's helped me a LOT in my life.
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I know the word "******" is something we are supposed to cringe from, but I've got black friends who hate, loathe, and despise *******. Don't be offended, I'm trying to use this in a constructive, learning effort.

Most people don't have a clue what one is. They hear the word and think it pertains to all blacks. But it does not. And as lazy Americans, we really like lumping everything and everybody together, when talking about politics, race relations, and religion.

Over the past few years, when I've heard a black person use this word to describe another black person, I ask them........."Exactly WHAT defines a ******"? And no matter who it was, where they were from, or what their background was, I got the same answer from each of them, including my friends. "******* are to blacks, what trailer trash is to whites. Violent, stupid, self-serving lunatics that have no soul, no conscious, and only care for their material wants".

According to my black friends, THIS is what a ****** is....

This is what a black American is......

Who would you rather support and allow to receive government funds??
Personally, I love anyone that uses as much of their brains as they can.
If we had more geniuses in our midst, we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are in.
Thats my opinion anyway.

Know the difference.

And, we need to find a different descriptive word to use other than the "N" word.
So how about any local geniuses come up with a more fitting (more palatable) word.

Just be careful out there. Not all poor blacks are the N-word. Not all poor whites are trailer trash.
Sometimes we are born into some bad predicaments. It's up to each of us to learn how to tell the good from the bad, and the nice from the ugly.

It's not hard to do, but you do need to be willing to train yourself in the arts of body language, facial expressions, language skills, and some social psychology. It's helped me a LOT in my life.

It all boils down to keeping the focus (on ALL events) on individuals first without the human thing to fill in the blanks prior to knowing the details. Just because it's been reported, the whole thing could change the next day with new information. I like how you circled back to people taking personal responsibility with making distinctions based upon evidence:)

I've always hated the "n word". I've never said it nor would I under any context. I am not some "holier than thou type either"...I have many flaws so I try to keep them to a limit. I've also not referred to anyone living under a rock as a "rock person" either or trailer for that matter. Who cares what people buy or rent in which to live? Is it better to pay cash for a small trailer or go into decades of a home mortgage debt? We all make our choices. I don't get it really...the labeling and put downs about someone living below poverty. We have no clue if they could have improved their situation at some point without knowing them. Too many variables to broad brush it to say "They must be lazy". Only SOME people choose to be lazy and do the bare minimum.
I know the word "******" is something we are supposed to cringe from, but I've got black friends who hate, loathe, and despise *******. Don't be offended, I'm trying to use this in a constructive, learning effort.

Most people don't have a clue what one is. They hear the word and think it pertains to all blacks. But it does not. And as lazy Americans, we really like lumping everything and everybody together, when talking about politics, race relations, and religion.

Over the past few years, when I've heard a black person use this word to describe another black person, I ask them........."Exactly WHAT defines a ******"? And no matter who it was, where they were from, or what their background was, I got the same answer from each of them, including my friends. "******* are to blacks, what trailer trash is to whites. Violent, stupid, self-serving lunatics that have no soul, no conscious, and only care for their material wants".

According to my black friends, THIS is what a ****** is....

This is what a black American is......

Who would you rather support and allow to receive government funds??
Personally, I love anyone that uses as much of their brains as they can.
If we had more geniuses in our midst, we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are in.
Thats my opinion anyway.

Know the difference.

And, we need to find a different descriptive word to use other than the "N" word.
So how about any local geniuses come up with a more fitting (more palatable) word.

Just be careful out there. Not all poor blacks are the N-word. Not all poor whites are trailer trash.
Sometimes we are born into some bad predicaments. It's up to each of us to learn how to tell the good from the bad, and the nice from the ugly.

It's not hard to do, but you do need to be willing to train yourself in the arts of body language, facial expressions, language skills, and some social psychology. It's helped me a LOT in my life.

It all boils down to keeping the focus (on ALL events) on individuals first without the human thing to fill in the blanks prior to knowing the details. Just because it's been reported, the whole thing could change the next day with new information. I like how you circled back to people taking personal responsibility with making distinctions based upon evidence:)

I've always hated the "n word". I've never said it nor would I under any context. I am not some "holier than thou type either"...I have many flaws so I try to keep them to a limit. I've also not referred to anyone living under a rock as a "rock person" either or trailer for that matter. Who cares what people buy or rent in which to live? Is it better to pay cash for a small trailer or go into decades of a home mortgage debt? We all make our choices. I don't get it really...the labeling and put downs about someone living below poverty. We have no clue if they could have improved their situation at some point without knowing them. Too many variables to broad brush it to say "They must be lazy". Only SOME people choose to be lazy and do the bare minimum.


It's not what someone calls you that matters ... It's what you chose to answer to that makes a difference ... :thup:

I know the word "******" is something we are supposed to cringe from, but I've got black friends who hate, loathe, and despise *******. Don't be offended, I'm trying to use this in a constructive, learning effort.

Most people don't have a clue what one is. They hear the word and think it pertains to all blacks. But it does not. And as lazy Americans, we really like lumping everything and everybody together, when talking about politics, race relations, and religion.

Over the past few years, when I've heard a black person use this word to describe another black person, I ask them........."Exactly WHAT defines a ******"? And no matter who it was, where they were from, or what their background was, I got the same answer from each of them, including my friends. "******* are to blacks, what trailer trash is to whites. Violent, stupid, self-serving lunatics that have no soul, no conscious, and only care for their material wants".

According to my black friends, THIS is what a ****** is....

This is what a black American is......

Who would you rather support and allow to receive government funds??
Personally, I love anyone that uses as much of their brains as they can.
If we had more geniuses in our midst, we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are in.
Thats my opinion anyway.

Know the difference.

And, we need to find a different descriptive word to use other than the "N" word.
So how about any local geniuses come up with a more fitting (more palatable) word.

Just be careful out there. Not all poor blacks are the N-word. Not all poor whites are trailer trash.
Sometimes we are born into some bad predicaments. It's up to each of us to learn how to tell the good from the bad, and the nice from the ugly.

It's not hard to do, but you do need to be willing to train yourself in the arts of body language, facial expressions, language skills, and some social psychology. It's helped me a LOT in my life.

It all boils down to keeping the focus (on ALL events) on individuals first without the human thing to fill in the blanks prior to knowing the details. Just because it's been reported, the whole thing could change the next day with new information. I like how you circled back to people taking personal responsibility with making distinctions based upon evidence:)

I've always hated the "n word". I've never said it nor would I under any context. I am not some "holier than thou type either"...I have many flaws so I try to keep them to a limit. I've also not referred to anyone living under a rock as a "rock person" either or trailer for that matter. Who cares what people buy or rent in which to live? Is it better to pay cash for a small trailer or go into decades of a home mortgage debt? We all make our choices. I don't get it really...the labeling and put downs about someone living below poverty. We have no clue if they could have improved their situation at some point without knowing them. Too many variables to broad brush it to say "They must be lazy". Only SOME people choose to be lazy and do the bare minimum.


It's not what someone calls you that matters ... It's what you chose to answer to that makes a difference ... :thup:


You have a most healthy mindset with that statement alone, it is most telling. When our world evolves to where a large majority of people hold this view, words that have continued to have a negative effect on others will be null and void.
I know the word "******" is something we are supposed to cringe from, but I've got black friends who hate, loathe, and despise *******. Don't be offended, I'm trying to use this in a constructive, learning effort.

Most people don't have a clue what one is. They hear the word and think it pertains to all blacks. But it does not. And as lazy Americans, we really like lumping everything and everybody together, when talking about politics, race relations, and religion.

Over the past few years, when I've heard a black person use this word to describe another black person, I ask them........."Exactly WHAT defines a ******"? And no matter who it was, where they were from, or what their background was, I got the same answer from each of them, including my friends. "******* are to blacks, what trailer trash is to whites. Violent, stupid, self-serving lunatics that have no soul, no conscious, and only care for their material wants".

According to my black friends, THIS is what a ****** is....

This is what a black American is......

Who would you rather support and allow to receive government funds??
Personally, I love anyone that uses as much of their brains as they can.
If we had more geniuses in our midst, we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are in.
Thats my opinion anyway.

Know the difference.

And, we need to find a different descriptive word to use other than the "N" word.
So how about any local geniuses come up with a more fitting (more palatable) word.

Just be careful out there. Not all poor blacks are the N-word. Not all poor whites are trailer trash.
Sometimes we are born into some bad predicaments. It's up to each of us to learn how to tell the good from the bad, and the nice from the ugly.

It's not hard to do, but you do need to be willing to train yourself in the arts of body language, facial expressions, language skills, and some social psychology. It's helped me a LOT in my life.

It all boils down to keeping the focus (on ALL events) on individuals first without the human thing to fill in the blanks prior to knowing the details. Just because it's been reported, the whole thing could change the next day with new information. I like how you circled back to people taking personal responsibility with making distinctions based upon evidence:)

I've always hated the "n word". I've never said it nor would I under any context. I am not some "holier than thou type either"...I have many flaws so I try to keep them to a limit. I've also not referred to anyone living under a rock as a "rock person" either or trailer for that matter. Who cares what people buy or rent in which to live? Is it better to pay cash for a small trailer or go into decades of a home mortgage debt? We all make our choices. I don't get it really...the labeling and put downs about someone living below poverty. We have no clue if they could have improved their situation at some point without knowing them. Too many variables to broad brush it to say "They must be lazy". Only SOME people choose to be lazy and do the bare minimum.


It's not what someone calls you that matters ... It's what you chose to answer to that makes a difference ... :thup:


You have a most healthy mindset with that statement alone, it is most telling. When our world evolves to where a large majority of people hold this view, words that have continued to have a negative effect on others will be null and void.

"That word" doesnt bother blacks one bit. They use it freely. When they pretend to be offended, they do it only to control you. It gives them power over you
I know the word "N-word" is something we are supposed to cringe from, but I've got black friends who hate, loathe, and despise N-gers. Don't be offended, I'm trying to use this in a constructive, learning effort.

Most people don't have a clue what one is. They hear the word and think it pertains to all blacks. But it does not. And as lazy Americans, we really like lumping everything and everybody together, when talking about politics, race relations, and religion.

Over the past few years, when I've heard a black person use this word to describe another black person, I ask them........."Exactly WHAT defines a N-word"? And no matter who it was, where they were from, or what their background was, I got the same answer from each of them, including my friends. "N-words are to blacks, what trailer trash is to whites. Violent, stupid, self-serving lunatics that have no soul, no conscious, and only care for their material wants".

According to my black friends, THIS is what a N-word is....

This is what a black American is......

Who would you rather support and allow to receive government funds??
Personally, I love anyone that uses as much of their brains as they can.
If we had more geniuses in our midst, we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are in.
Thats my opinion anyway.

Know the difference.

And, we need to find a different descriptive word to use other than the "N" word.
So how about any local geniuses come up with a more fitting (more palatable) word.

Just be careful out there. Not all poor blacks are the N-word. Not all poor whites are trailer trash.
Sometimes we are born into some bad predicaments. It's up to each of us to learn how to tell the good from the bad, and the nice from the ugly.

It's not hard to do, but you do need to be willing to train yourself in the arts of body language, facial expressions, language skills, and some social psychology. It's helped me a LOT in my life.

Go back to stormfront.
This past week black people shot 130 black people in ONE American city. One of those shot was a baby girl 30 days old.

That's what they do. That's what they are.

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