Racial divisons worse under Obama/Progressives

Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

Welll hell your own title here demonstrates you're a partisan hack who thinks racial relations come from political parties.

Tell us o brave historian ---- where did racism come from before these political parties existed?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

seeing as i'm not talking about a period before political parties existed i can come to no other conclusion but:

1. you're a coward using a straw man, deflecting
2. unable to admit political parties can affect the racial climate in this country

3. on a side note, IDIOT, remember you said political parties cant affect racial relations the next time one of your left-wing loser friends accuses the Republican Party of being racist ok??

(this ought to be good)


Actually racism has created political parties, and even civil war. If you had any sense of history, or any sense in general, you might not keep putting your foot in your mouth.

^^^^^ this is you being too stupid and too freaked out by me to realize it was a fellow left-wing loser saying political parties do not affect race relations.......................

feel stupid yet?

you should
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

Welll hell your own title here demonstrates you're a partisan hack who thinks racial relations come from political parties.

Tell us o brave historian ---- where did racism come from before these political parties existed?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

seeing as i'm not talking about a period before political parties existed i can come to no other conclusion but:

1. you're a coward using a straw man, deflecting
2. unable to admit political parties can affect the racial climate in this country

3. on a side note, IDIOT, remember you said political parties cant affect racial relations the next time one of your left-wing loser friends accuses the Republican Party of being racist ok??

(this ought to be good)


Actually racism has created political parties, and even civil war. If you had any sense of history, or any sense in general, you might not keep putting your foot in your mouth.

^^^^^ this is you being too stupid and too freaked out by me to realize it was a fellow left-wing loser saying political parties do not affect race relations.......................

feel stupid yet?

you should

Nuance is a bit over your head too.
3 morons who cant back up what they post

left-wingers are funny!!!! ;)
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

Welll hell your own title here demonstrates you're a partisan hack who thinks racial relations come from political parties.

Tell us o brave historian ---- where did racism come from before these political parties existed?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

seeing as i'm not talking about a period before political parties existed i can come to no other conclusion but:

1. you're a coward using a straw man, deflecting
2. unable to admit political parties can affect the racial climate in this country

3. on a side note, IDIOT, remember you said political parties cant affect racial relations the next time one of your left-wing loser friends accuses the Republican Party of being racist ok??

(this ought to be good)


Actually racism has created political parties, and even civil war. If you had any sense of history, or any sense in general, you might not keep putting your foot in your mouth.

^^^^^ this is you being too stupid and too freaked out by me to realize it was a fellow left-wing loser saying political parties do not affect race relations.......................

feel stupid yet?

you should

Nuance is a bit over your head too.

cowardice isnt nuance. your beef is with him

you're just not man enough to disagree with somebody from your side
providing evidence of my main premise

what type of evidence do you want leftard?

polls? ancedotal?

these message boards are anecdotal evidence

I want you to specify an example of racial division that has gotten worse and then prove how President Obama caused it.

Or, retract your claim in your thread title.
what type of evidence do you want leftard?

polls? ancedotal?

these message boards are anecdotal evidence

I want you to specify an example of racial division that has gotten worse and then prove how President Obama caused it.

Or, retract your claim in your thread title.

i already have

keep trying though..................................
what type of evidence do you want leftard?

polls? ancedotal?

these message boards are anecdotal evidence

I want you to specify an example of racial division that has gotten worse and then prove how President Obama caused it.

Or, retract your claim in your thread title.

i already have

keep trying though..................................

Now you're going to lie about it.

Right on cue and right off your modus operandi.
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

Welll hell your own title here demonstrates you're a partisan hack who thinks racial relations come from political parties.

Tell us o brave historian ---- where did racism come from before these political parties existed?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

seeing as i'm not talking about a period before political parties existed i can come to no other conclusion but:

1. you're a coward using a straw man, deflecting
2. unable to admit political parties can affect the racial climate in this country

3. on a side note, IDIOT, remember you said political parties cant affect racial relations the next time one of your left-wing loser friends accuses the Republican Party of being racist ok??

(this ought to be good)


I just knew it would be good. Let's review the highlights. Want to?

1. you're a coward using a straw man, deflecting

I sure am using a strawman. The one you rode in on. Since that's what you hung this thread's hat on it can't be a "deflection".


2. unable to admit political parties can affect the racial climate in this country

Back to #1 -- your strawman was that the POTUS somehow effects social mind control from the Oval Office. If that's the case, said I, WHO was effecting this social mindset before there were POTUSes?

"Crickets" is not an answer choice.

Moving on...

3. on a side note, IDIOT, remember you said political parties cant affect racial relations the next time one of your left-wing loser friends accuses the Republican Party of being racist ok??

I think this is my favorite. Somehow the posts I (singular) make become the posts that some "left wing loser friends" make collectively. :rofl: Or maybe it's the other way around. What a great way to deflect from addressing my (singular) posts directly.

I'd expect no less from a knuckledragger who sets out to accuse a blanket generalization fallacy but needs to employ one of his own in order to do it.

Low hangin' fruit. Yum!
what type of evidence do you want leftard?

polls? ancedotal?

these message boards are anecdotal evidence

I want you to specify an example of racial division that has gotten worse and then prove how President Obama caused it.

Or, retract your claim in your thread title.

i already have

keep trying though..................................

Now you're going to lie about it.

Right on cue and right off your modus operandi.

go cry

is a poll saying a majority of Americans think race relations have gotten worse under obama evidence in your mind leftard???
what type of evidence do you want leftard?

polls? ancedotal?

these message boards are anecdotal evidence

I want you to specify an example of racial division that has gotten worse and then prove how President Obama caused it.

Or, retract your claim in your thread title.

i already have

keep trying though..................................

Now you're going to lie about it.

Right on cue and right off your modus operandi.

go cry


See how I won this argument? Take notes, my friends.

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