Racial divisons worse under Obama/Progressives

Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

Welll hell your own title here demonstrates you're a partisan hack who thinks racial relations come from political parties.

Tell us o brave historian ---- where did racism come from before these political parties existed?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

Welll hell your own title here demonstrates you're a partisan hack who thinks racial relations come from political parties.

Tell us o brave historian ---- where did racism come from before these political parties existed?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

seeing as i'm not talking about a period before political parties existed i can come to no other conclusion but:

1. you're a coward using a straw man, deflecting
2. unable to admit political parties can affect the racial climate in this country

3. on a side note, IDIOT, remember you said political parties cant affect racial relations the next time one of your left-wing loser friends accuses the Republican Party of being racist ok??

(this ought to be good)

You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

It's the white conservative reaction to having a black president that has done the harm to race relations, if there has been any harm done.

it's so easy to draw out the predictable responses of left-wing losers who lie to themselves on a daily basis


It's easier to provoke substanceless responses from people like you who have nothing to back up their lame amateurish attempts at propagandizing.
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

It's the white conservative reaction to having a black president that has done the harm to race relations, if there has been any harm done.

it's so easy to draw out the predictable responses of left-wing losers who lie to themselves on a daily basis


It's easier to provoke substanceless responses from people like you who have nothing to back up their lame amateurish attempts at propagandizing.

you mean lame attempt at propagandizing like accusing somebody of it and not having one thing to back up your allegation leftard>?

that kind of lameness???

try again
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

I suppose there would be less tension if we pretended there were no abuses. Fixing problems typically involves far more conflicts than pretending the problems don't exist.
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

It's the white conservative reaction to having a black president that has done the harm to race relations, if there has been any harm done.

it's so easy to draw out the predictable responses of left-wing losers who lie to themselves on a daily basis


It's easier to provoke substanceless responses from people like you who have nothing to back up their lame amateurish attempts at propagandizing.

you mean lame attempt at propagandizing like accusing somebody of it and not having one thing to back up your allegation leftard>?

that kind of lameness???

try again

Name a racial division that is worse today than it ever was and then prove cause and effect to tie it to President Obama.
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

I suppose there would be less tension if we pretended there were no abuses. Fixing problems typically involves far more conflicts than pretending the problems don't exist.[/QUOTE

some time ago the laughable Left appears to have equated racial pandering and victimhood ideology with "fixing" something
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

It's the white conservative reaction to having a black president that has done the harm to race relations, if there has been any harm done.

it's so easy to draw out the predictable responses of left-wing losers who lie to themselves on a daily basis


It's easier to provoke substanceless responses from people like you who have nothing to back up their lame amateurish attempts at propagandizing.

you mean lame attempt at propagandizing like accusing somebody of it and not having one thing to back up your allegation leftard>?

that kind of lameness???

try again

Name a racial division that is worse today than it ever was and then prove cause and effect to tie it to President Obama.

name "a racial division"? not sure how many there are. which one do YOU want me to talk about??
It's the white conservative reaction to having a black president that has done the harm to race relations, if there has been any harm done.

it's so easy to draw out the predictable responses of left-wing losers who lie to themselves on a daily basis


It's easier to provoke substanceless responses from people like you who have nothing to back up their lame amateurish attempts at propagandizing.

you mean lame attempt at propagandizing like accusing somebody of it and not having one thing to back up your allegation leftard>?

that kind of lameness???

try again

Name a racial division that is worse today than it ever was and then prove cause and effect to tie it to President Obama.

name "a racial division"? not sure how many there are. which one do YOU want me to talk about??

It's your assertion.

Name one that's worse than ever and prove Obama caused it.
you feel guilty about yourself. you desperately need to affirm yourself by trying top put down others.
you feel uncomfortably close to the opinions of others who look like you, but you've been conditioned to feel guilty over those feelings, brainwashed into hating yourself.
your "empathy' and "compassion' is more about your desperate need to feel less guilty about what you are, who you are, than it is about a sincere desire to help people


if you're a Black Prog you MAY just be a loser who needs to feel righteously indignant every day, to feel sanctimonious on a daily basis. so you walk around with a chip on your shoulder like somebody did something to you personally when you know that's a LIE.

OR YOU'RE A BOUGIE LOSER who forgot where you came from, seeking to feel angry and ignorant like you once felt, so you can still feel like you "down" for the cause

see i can play the psychobabble game too!!


This is a political forum, one where issues are debated and debunked. Your opinions are framed by your intolerance of anyone who puts you down, and there are many of us, for your biases and prejudices define you, and do not picture a thoughtful, intelligent, or thoughtful individual.

more idiotic psychobabble. there are "many of" you because, try to your predictable fashion, you simply cant take differing opinions, HYPOCRITE!
in the world you come from deviating from left-wing orthodoxy is not tolerated. you dont state where anything i've posted has been "debunked" by anything other than your opinion, or the opinions of other self-impressed Progressive losers like you. yes that is a direct challenge, rebut something i've posted using ACTUAL facts. it's comical really, there is NOTHING special bout you, you're a legend in your own mind

psychobabble? Hmmm, you do see challenged by reality, at the very least brain washed by Beck or Limbaugh or one of the other leaders of the idiot fringe.

You state what? Mostly, "aint it (it being: Democrats, liberals, progressives, university/college professors, etc. etc.) awful" Your world view is murky, to coin a phrase I'd describe it as Captious Curmudgeonism since your objections are trivial and you are always angry and spiteful.

My ideals are not Utopian nor are they unattainable in a free democratic republic. Which is why I regularly oppose the New Right for being anti intellectual, callous, authoritarian, self righteous and hypocritical.

Hence, in my thoughtful opinion, "The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have eschewed everything those symbols represent."
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

It's the white conservative reaction to having a black president that has done the harm to race relations, if there has been any harm done.

it's so easy to draw out the predictable responses of left-wing losers who lie to themselves on a daily basis


It's easier to provoke substanceless responses from people like you who have nothing to back up their lame amateurish attempts at propagandizing.

you mean lame attempt at propagandizing like accusing somebody of it and not having one thing to back up your allegation leftard>?

that kind of lameness???

try again

Name a racial division that is worse today than it ever was and then prove cause and effect to tie it to President Obama.

i said worse today then when he entered office leftard. where did i say "worse than it ever was"???

try again
it's so easy to draw out the predictable responses of left-wing losers who lie to themselves on a daily basis


It's easier to provoke substanceless responses from people like you who have nothing to back up their lame amateurish attempts at propagandizing.

you mean lame attempt at propagandizing like accusing somebody of it and not having one thing to back up your allegation leftard>?

that kind of lameness???

try again

Name a racial division that is worse today than it ever was and then prove cause and effect to tie it to President Obama.

no i said worse then when he entered office you idiot

try again....................

name "a racial division"? not sure how many there are. which one do YOU want me to talk about??

It's your assertion.

Name one that's worse than ever and prove Obama caused it.

no i said worse then when he entered office you idiot
try again....................
you feel guilty about yourself. you desperately need to affirm yourself by trying top put down others.
you feel uncomfortably close to the opinions of others who look like you, but you've been conditioned to feel guilty over those feelings, brainwashed into hating yourself.
your "empathy' and "compassion' is more about your desperate need to feel less guilty about what you are, who you are, than it is about a sincere desire to help people


if you're a Black Prog you MAY just be a loser who needs to feel righteously indignant every day, to feel sanctimonious on a daily basis. so you walk around with a chip on your shoulder like somebody did something to you personally when you know that's a LIE.

OR YOU'RE A BOUGIE LOSER who forgot where you came from, seeking to feel angry and ignorant like you once felt, so you can still feel like you "down" for the cause

see i can play the psychobabble game too!!


This is a political forum, one where issues are debated and debunked. Your opinions are framed by your intolerance of anyone who puts you down, and there are many of us, for your biases and prejudices define you, and do not picture a thoughtful, intelligent, or thoughtful individual.

more idiotic psychobabble. there are "many of" you because, try to your predictable fashion, you simply cant take differing opinions, HYPOCRITE!
in the world you come from deviating from left-wing orthodoxy is not tolerated. you dont state where anything i've posted has been "debunked" by anything other than your opinion, or the opinions of other self-impressed Progressive losers like you. yes that is a direct challenge, rebut something i've posted using ACTUAL facts. it's comical really, there is NOTHING special bout you, you're a legend in your own mind

psychobabble? Hmmm, you do see challenged by reality, at the very least brain washed by Beck or Limbaugh or one of the other leaders of the idiot fringe.

You state what? Mostly, "aint it (it being: Democrats, liberals, progressives, university/college professors, etc. etc.) awful" Your world view is murky, to coin a phrase I'd describe it as Captious Curmudgeonism since your objections are trivial and you are always angry and spiteful.

My ideals are not Utopian nor are they unattainable in a free democratic republic. Which is why I regularly oppose the New Right for being anti intellectual, callous, authoritarian, self righteous and hypocritical.

Hence, in my thoughtful opinion, "The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have eschewed everything those symbols represent."

again you sad, pathtetic shell of a poster, how does opposition to your opinions make me challenged by reality"????

try again
what type of evidence do you want leftard?

polls? ancedotal?

these message boards are anecdotal evidence
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites
So Oblama is the post racial president?? Meaning he's after the racial period...
Pandering what?
Those poor people need a tax cut...
You can't get any better high school drop out drivel than this,,,
Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?
When did he left office?

typo. since he entered office

as for the rest of the post

YAWN. do you have anything that actually rebuts what i said? or do you just want to keep looking stupid?

so you should tell your fellow rightwingnut loons to stop being bigots.

poof ... no more divisions.
you feel guilty about yourself. you desperately need to affirm yourself by trying top put down others.
you feel uncomfortably close to the opinions of others who look like you, but you've been conditioned to feel guilty over those feelings, brainwashed into hating yourself.
your "empathy' and "compassion' is more about your desperate need to feel less guilty about what you are, who you are, than it is about a sincere desire to help people


if you're a Black Prog you MAY just be a loser who needs to feel righteously indignant every day, to feel sanctimonious on a daily basis. so you walk around with a chip on your shoulder like somebody did something to you personally when you know that's a LIE.

OR YOU'RE A BOUGIE LOSER who forgot where you came from, seeking to feel angry and ignorant like you once felt, so you can still feel like you "down" for the cause

see i can play the psychobabble game too!!


This is a political forum, one where issues are debated and debunked. Your opinions are framed by your intolerance of anyone who puts you down, and there are many of us, for your biases and prejudices define you, and do not picture a thoughtful, intelligent, or thoughtful individual.

more idiotic psychobabble. there are "many of" you because, try to your predictable fashion, you simply cant take differing opinions, HYPOCRITE!
in the world you come from deviating from left-wing orthodoxy is not tolerated. you dont state where anything i've posted has been "debunked" by anything other than your opinion, or the opinions of other self-impressed Progressive losers like you. yes that is a direct challenge, rebut something i've posted using ACTUAL facts. it's comical really, there is NOTHING special bout you, you're a legend in your own mind

psychobabble? Hmmm, you do see challenged by reality, at the very least brain washed by Beck or Limbaugh or one of the other leaders of the idiot fringe.

You state what? Mostly, "aint it (it being: Democrats, liberals, progressives, university/college professors, etc. etc.) awful" Your world view is murky, to coin a phrase I'd describe it as Captious Curmudgeonism since your objections are trivial and you are always angry and spiteful.

My ideals are not Utopian nor are they unattainable in a free democratic republic. Which is why I regularly oppose the New Right for being anti intellectual, callous, authoritarian, self righteous and hypocritical.

Hence, in my thoughtful opinion, "The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have eschewed everything those symbols represent."

again you sad, pathtetic shell of a poster, how does opposition to your opinions make me challenged by reality"????

try again

it's not your opposition to "opinions" that makes you challenged... it's your opposition to reality and fact, troll.
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites
So Oblama is the post racial president?? Meaning he's after the racial period...
Pandering what?
Those poor people need a tax cut...
You can't get any better high school drop out drivel than this,,,
Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?
When did he left office?

typo. since he entered office

as for the rest of the post

YAWN. do you have anything that actually rebuts what i said? or do you just want to keep looking stupid?

so you should tell your fellow rightwingnut loons to stop being bigots.

poof ... no more divisions.

you should try backing up what you post

nevermind, we both know you cant idiot. remain a loser
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

Welll hell your own title here demonstrates you're a partisan hack who thinks racial relations come from political parties.

Tell us o brave historian ---- where did racism come from before these political parties existed?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

seeing as i'm not talking about a period before political parties existed i can come to no other conclusion but:

1. you're a coward using a straw man, deflecting
2. unable to admit political parties can affect the racial climate in this country

3. on a side note, IDIOT, remember you said political parties cant affect racial relations the next time one of your left-wing loser friends accuses the Republican Party of being racist ok??

(this ought to be good)


Actually racism has created political parties, and even civil war. If you had any sense of history, or any sense in general, you might not keep putting your foot in your mouth.
you feel guilty about yourself. you desperately need to affirm yourself by trying top put down others.
you feel uncomfortably close to the opinions of others who look like you, but you've been conditioned to feel guilty over those feelings, brainwashed into hating yourself.
your "empathy' and "compassion' is more about your desperate need to feel less guilty about what you are, who you are, than it is about a sincere desire to help people


if you're a Black Prog you MAY just be a loser who needs to feel righteously indignant every day, to feel sanctimonious on a daily basis. so you walk around with a chip on your shoulder like somebody did something to you personally when you know that's a LIE.

OR YOU'RE A BOUGIE LOSER who forgot where you came from, seeking to feel angry and ignorant like you once felt, so you can still feel like you "down" for the cause

see i can play the psychobabble game too!!


This is a political forum, one where issues are debated and debunked. Your opinions are framed by your intolerance of anyone who puts you down, and there are many of us, for your biases and prejudices define you, and do not picture a thoughtful, intelligent, or thoughtful individual.

more idiotic psychobabble. there are "many of" you because, try to your predictable fashion, you simply cant take differing opinions, HYPOCRITE!
in the world you come from deviating from left-wing orthodoxy is not tolerated. you dont state where anything i've posted has been "debunked" by anything other than your opinion, or the opinions of other self-impressed Progressive losers like you. yes that is a direct challenge, rebut something i've posted using ACTUAL facts. it's comical really, there is NOTHING special bout you, you're a legend in your own mind

psychobabble? Hmmm, you do see challenged by reality, at the very least brain washed by Beck or Limbaugh or one of the other leaders of the idiot fringe.

You state what? Mostly, "aint it (it being: Democrats, liberals, progressives, university/college professors, etc. etc.) awful" Your world view is murky, to coin a phrase I'd describe it as Captious Curmudgeonism since your objections are trivial and you are always angry and spiteful.

My ideals are not Utopian nor are they unattainable in a free democratic republic. Which is why I regularly oppose the New Right for being anti intellectual, callous, authoritarian, self righteous and hypocritical.

Hence, in my thoughtful opinion, "The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have eschewed everything those symbols represent."

again you sad, pathtetic shell of a poster, how does opposition to your opinions make me challenged by reality"????

try again

it's not your opposition to "opinions" that makes you challenged... it's your opposition to reality and fact, troll.

then it should be easy to prove right loser??

i'm waiting............................................

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