Racial divisons worse under Obama/Progressives

that should read divisions in the thread title. sorry folks
And it should read "Democratic Party" in the body of the post, not "Demcorat Party".

Consequences is spelled "consequences", not "consequneces".

But then again as with all of your posts, it's all just worthless, partisan drivel anyway.

"Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?"

One more thing, asshole. The President didn't leave office yet. You truly are a fucking moron.

thanx moron, u korreck my post unsted of rebuttin it. mus meen u dont hav nuthin to say

Rebut what, the ravings of some frothing at the mouth asshole who has nothing better to do than to post bullshit on an internet message board 24/7.

and there you sit crying like a baby about me

that should read divisions in the thread title. sorry folks
And it should read "Democratic Party" in the body of the post, not "Demcorat Party".

Consequences is spelled "consequences", not "consequneces".

But then again as with all of your posts, it's all just worthless, partisan drivel anyway.

"Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?"

One more thing, asshole. The President didn't leave office yet. You truly are a fucking moron.

thanx moron, u korreck my post unsted of rebuttin it. mus meen u dont hav nuthin to say

Rebut what, the ravings of some frothing at the mouth asshole who has nothing better to do than to post bullshit on an internet message board 24/7.
He's doing the best he knows how....
that should read divisions in the thread title. sorry folks
And it should read "Democratic Party" in the body of the post, not "Demcorat Party".

Consequences is spelled "consequences", not "consequneces".

But then again as with all of your posts, it's all just worthless, partisan drivel anyway.

"Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?"

One more thing, asshole. The President didn't leave office yet. You truly are a fucking moron.

thanx moron, u korreck my post unsted of rebuttin it. mus meen u dont hav nuthin to say

Rebut what, the ravings of some frothing at the mouth asshole who has nothing better to do than to post bullshit on an internet message board 24/7.
He's doing the best he knows how....

and so are you; with all those empty posts

So Oblama is the post racial president?? Meaning he's after the racial period...
Pandering what?
Those poor people need a tax cut...
You can't get any better high school drop out drivel than this,,,
When did he left office?

typo. since he entered office

as for the rest of the post

YAWN. do you have anything that actually rebuts what i said? or do you just want to keep looking stupid?
Trying to drag me down to your level?
Is your face still red?

i'm trying to drag you UP to my level leftard

now what part of my post isnt true??

specifically what??

i cant hear you!


Well fer one thing, POTUSes don't dictate how racial relations work. That's not legislatable. It's a social construct.


try again idiot


Really. I mean itz hardd to reed yore sturling speling but what do you mean by "under" O'bama ---- if he doesn't somehow control it with a magic button from his teleprompter?

Or was "under" yet another typo?

You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

Your (lack of) sense is based on your bias, and yes, your prejudice. Both a product of your ignorance, a direct result of your lack of cognitive ability.

That aside, though the ad hominem was factual and warranted, the reason (the cause and the effect) race became an issue was and remains a direct result of insecurities released in those who have been raised to believe a black person would never have the right stuff to be elected POTUS; compounded by those same racists who consciously or unconsciously know they could never achieve what Obama has accomplished,

The same insecurities which created the backlash to Affirmative Action remains a sore point to Reagan Republicans, callous conservatives and those envious of jobs occupied by members of a protected class.
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

Your (lack of) sense is based on your bias, and yes, your prejudice. Both a product of your ignorance, a direct result of your lack of cognitive ability.

That aside, though the ad hominem was factual and warranted, the reason (the cause and the effect) race became an issue was and remains a direct result of insecurities released in those who have been raised to believe a black person would never have the right stuff to be elected POTUS; compounded by those same racists who consciously or unconsciously know they could never achieve what Obama has accomplished,

The same insecurities which created the backlash to Affirmative Action remains a sore point to Reagan Republicans, callous conservatives and those envious of jobs occupied by members of a protected class.

i dismissed you a long time ago, but even if i hadnt your fist sentence here would have dont i

you have NOTHING to rebut anything i've said, and the mere fact i'm bringing up this topic that the Left is so uncomfortable and hypocritical about has you so buttsore you went for the AD HOMINEM attack you cry i'm doing in your second paragraph

in short you're just another boringly predictable left-wing jerk-off
insecurities released in those who have been raised to believe a black person would never have the right stuff to be elected POTUS;


it could be the record welfare and food stamps

the world in flames in places it NEVER was under Bush or other Republican Presidents. or any number of other reasons.
You'd clearly rather make a fool of yourself with psychobabble spoon-fed to you by others using you than come with a rebuttal that makes any sense.
isnt it typical of you losers to make excuses that blame anybody but the guilty party??

guns just fly off of tables and kill people
you can wear your pants hanging off your butt to a job interview and still expect to get the job you applied for

etc etc etc

ur a joke
you can do better
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

Your (lack of) sense is based on your bias, and yes, your prejudice. Both a product of your ignorance, a direct result of your lack of cognitive ability.

That aside, though the ad hominem was factual and warranted, the reason (the cause and the effect) race became an issue was and remains a direct result of insecurities released in those who have been raised to believe a black person would never have the right stuff to be elected POTUS; compounded by those same racists who consciously or unconsciously know they could never achieve what Obama has accomplished,

The same insecurities which created the backlash to Affirmative Action remains a sore point to Reagan Republicans, callous conservatives and those envious of jobs occupied by members of a protected class.

i dismissed you a long time ago, but even if i hadnt your fist sentence here would have dont i

you have NOTHING to rebut anything i've said, and the mere fact i'm bringing up this topic that the Left is so uncomfortable and hypocritical about has you so buttsore you went for the AD HOMINEM attack you cry i'm doing in your second paragraph

in short you're just another boringly predictable left-wing jerk-off

I put to rest your major premise (I bet you have no idea you had one, or what one is) , "the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades" as untrue, and as your opinion based on bias, prejudice and ignorance; in doing so I dovetailed on Pogo's adroit post #16 on this thread, and my knowledge of the history of the United States.
you feel guilty about yourself. you desperately need to affirm yourself by trying top put down others.
you feel uncomfortably close to the opinions of others who look like you, but you've been conditioned to feel guilty over those feelings, brainwashed into hating yourself.
your "empathy' and "compassion' is more about your desperate need to feel less guilty about what you are, who you are, than it is about a sincere desire to help people


if you're a Black Prog you MAY just be a loser who needs to feel righteously indignant every day, to feel sanctimonious on a daily basis. so you walk around with a chip on your shoulder like somebody did something to you personally when you know that's a LIE.

OR YOU'RE A BOUGIE LOSER who forgot where you came from, seeking to feel angry and ignorant like you once felt, so you can still feel like you "down" for the cause

see i can play the psychobabble game too!!

You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites

Your (lack of) sense is based on your bias, and yes, your prejudice. Both a product of your ignorance, a direct result of your lack of cognitive ability.

That aside, though the ad hominem was factual and warranted, the reason (the cause and the effect) race became an issue was and remains a direct result of insecurities released in those who have been raised to believe a black person would never have the right stuff to be elected POTUS; compounded by those same racists who consciously or unconsciously know they could never achieve what Obama has accomplished,

The same insecurities which created the backlash to Affirmative Action remains a sore point to Reagan Republicans, callous conservatives and those envious of jobs occupied by members of a protected class.

i dismissed you a long time ago, but even if i hadnt your fist sentence here would have dont i

you have NOTHING to rebut anything i've said, and the mere fact i'm bringing up this topic that the Left is so uncomfortable and hypocritical about has you so buttsore you went for the AD HOMINEM attack you cry i'm doing in your second paragraph

in short you're just another boringly predictable left-wing jerk-off

I put to rest your major premise (I bet you have no idea you had one, or what one is) , "the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades" as untrue, as untrue and as an opinion based on bias and prejudice; in doing so I dovetailed on Pogo's adroit post #16 on this thread and my knowledge of the history of the United States.

you left-wing losers think soemthing is true or untrue simply because you say so. you crybabies fall apart when you cant dictate the parameters of every argument. i live in most of your heads rent-free, but you knew this...............................
as untrue, as untrue and as an opinion based on bias and prejudice;

which was MY premise all along you sad self-impressed loser!! lmao!

you just admitted there can be no legitimate criticism of obama IN YOUR MIND, because virtually all criticism of him to simplistic, obtuse morons like you is, AGAIN, IN YOUR HEAD, due to "bias and prejudice"

you're far too arrogant to be cognizant of the irony in what you posted
What did they expect. they put a man in as President and his wife who attended a racist church for 20 years that preached, Black Liberation. READ up on it. It's not a peaceful religion.

  1. The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology
  2. The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology

and then he puts Eric Holder who was a domestic terrorist back in his college years
Eric Holder’s Radical Past Involved ‘Armed’ Takeover of ROTC Building
October 3, 2012

October 02, 2012 by Justin Credible
Eric Holder's Radical Past Involved 'Armed' Takeover of ROTC Building

Remember how they told us NONE of this matters since it was so LONG ago. even Obama hanging out with Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers.

and it's went on from there. so here we are. I don't see us ever being united ever again. thanks to all you who put that thug in as President
Last edited:
you feel guilty about yourself. you desperately need to affirm yourself by trying top put down others.
you feel uncomfortably close to the opinions of others who look like you, but you've been conditioned to feel guilty over those feelings, brainwashed into hating yourself.
your "empathy' and "compassion' is more about your desperate need to feel less guilty about what you are, who you are, than it is about a sincere desire to help people


if you're a Black Prog you MAY just be a loser who needs to feel righteously indignant every day, to feel sanctimonious on a daily basis. so you walk around with a chip on your shoulder like somebody did something to you personally when you know that's a LIE.

OR YOU'RE A BOUGIE LOSER who forgot where you came from, seeking to feel angry and ignorant like you once felt, so you can still feel like you "down" for the cause

see i can play the psychobabble game too!!


This is a political forum, one where issues are debated and debunked. Your opinions are framed by your intolerance of anyone who puts you down, and there are many of us, for your biases and prejudices define you, and do not picture a thoughtful, intelligent, or thoughtful individual.
you feel guilty about yourself. you desperately need to affirm yourself by trying top put down others.
you feel uncomfortably close to the opinions of others who look like you, but you've been conditioned to feel guilty over those feelings, brainwashed into hating yourself.
your "empathy' and "compassion' is more about your desperate need to feel less guilty about what you are, who you are, than it is about a sincere desire to help people


if you're a Black Prog you MAY just be a loser who needs to feel righteously indignant every day, to feel sanctimonious on a daily basis. so you walk around with a chip on your shoulder like somebody did something to you personally when you know that's a LIE.

OR YOU'RE A BOUGIE LOSER who forgot where you came from, seeking to feel angry and ignorant like you once felt, so you can still feel like you "down" for the cause

see i can play the psychobabble game too!!


This is a political forum, one where issues are debated and debunked. Your opinions are framed by your intolerance of anyone who puts you down, and there are many of us, for your biases and prejudices define you, and do not picture a thoughtful, intelligent, or thoughtful individual.

more idiotic psychobabble. there are "many of" you because, try to your predictable fashion, you simply cant take differing opinions, HYPOCRITE!
in the world you come from deviating from left-wing orthodoxy is not tolerated. you dont state where anything i've posted has been "debunked" by anything other than your opinion, or the opinions of other self-impressed Progressive losers like you. yes that is a direct challenge, rebut something i've posted using ACTUAL facts. it's comical really, there is NOTHING special bout you, you're a legend in your own mind
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)
You knew it had to happen, the first so-called "post-racial" President has set back race relations decades. When your main ideology is race and class warfare pandering there are going to be ugly consequneces for that. The main Party platform of the Demcorat Party is to divide and conquer people with victimhood politics.

Who can deny the state of race relations is WORSE under obama than it was when he left office?

idiots and hypocrites
Ill just say one thing, relations haven't improved under his watch.
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

he's one of the biggest partisan hack nose in the air leftwinger on this board
none of them have any room to talk about others
Wrycatcher. what "biases and prejudices" do i actually have???

what would be an example of them? even one will do please. use an actual quote if you can, in the proper context of course if you will. i'm not implying i dont have any, everybody has their own prejudices and biases. i'm just curious to see what you think make mine any worse than yours. so go for it chump; i'll hang around.................

(this ought to be good)

he's one of the biggest partisan hack nose in the air leftwinger on this board
none of them have any room to talk about others

he's probably searching through thousands of my posts to see which one will make me out to be the rabid right-wing racist their own BIASES AND PREJUDICE caused them to convince themselves i am. these libs are jokes

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