Racial profiling.


Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Drivers seat.
Its a fact of life, and despite the claims of the PC police, it happens. What ever your skin color, or nationality, you at some point in your life ave been profiled. So political correctness aside, why is it considered in such a negative light, and why does it piss so many people off ?
Racial Profiling = Racial Stereotyping = Racism = Evil. Did I get that right? The only problem with this simplistic view is that stereotyping usually has some factual basis which can only be changed from within.

For example, there was a lot of Japanese antipathy after WW2. Most gardeners in SoCal were Japanese, a people were leery of buying homes in neighborhoods with Japanese residents. However, the Japanese kept their homes up, sent their kids to school and demonstrated that they were model citizens.

As a result, these same neighborhoods ended up becoming the most desirable places to live. Other racial groups should take note: The best way to end negative stereotypes is to replace them with positive ones.

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