Racial Truths


Dec 3, 2012
Years ago I had a friend who called himself a truth seeker. He said he did not care where the truth lead him, or how popular or unpopular it would be, he just wanted to know the truth about things in life.

There are all kinds of truths in this world, some truths we believe by faith, others we believe by sight. By sight I mean we can constantly prove these truths to be true.

In the area of race these were things people used to believe that have been proven over time to be untrue:

A black man could never be smart enough to be an engineer.

A black man could never be smart enough to be a doctor.

A black man could never become President.

These and many other limitations put on blacks or other races have proven to be untrue over time.

But these untruths that people used to believe were true have been replaced by new truths that may be equally untrue, just to the other extreme.

Since a black men have proven they are smart enough and capable enough to be engineers or scientists, then within their population the percentage of engineers and scientists should be the same as whites or other races. For instance in a NSF article at Chapter 5: Minority Scientists and Engineers the report states:

Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians as a group were 23 percent of the U.S. population but only 6 percent of the total science and engineering labor force.”

Now many today assume a new truth, that because only 6 percent of these minorities make up the total science and engineering labor force while representing 23 percent of the population there must be discrimination present. If economic and educational conditions were equal then these groups would then represent 23% of science and engineering labor force.

I believe while we were wrong in limiting the capability of minorities in the past, we are equally wrong in assuming that even if all things were equal, economically and educationally then the outcomes would be equal as well.

And in my opinion, it’s not about assuming all things are equal – I believe for the most part with few exceptions blacks today do have equal opportunity. Their only limitations are their own personal choices(bad or good),willingness to work hard and overcome obstacles and their own cognitive ability. Whites come from poor homes, broken homes and all kinds of bad situations and still can turn out to be very successful(and so do some blacks today). But when it comes to white poverty – do we blame that on racism, bad schools and other things like we do with the black community?

The reality is you when you look across all spectrums today for test scores, across economic, national and cultural barriers – blacks consistently score lower than other races. Even when you take a whites and blacks that have higher incomes and better schools, more often than not the white(and Asian) students outscore the black students.

Why do people refuse to accept these truths? Why do we keep making excuses for the black community? Why do we believe that outcomes must always be equal across racial boundaries or else that indicates some unfair treatment toward that group?
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