Racism & Equal Distribution Of The Wealth


Sep 23, 2010
Back in 2008, Barack Obama, then a presidential candidate, called for a “civilian national security force.” And he wanted it as big as all of the nation’s military branches.

Now black activist Al Sharpton is suggesting a path that probably would accomplish that: nationalize America’s police forces.

Obama's 'national civilian security force' endorsed
Posted By Bob Unruh On 05/01/2015 @ 8:48 pm

Obama s national civilian security force endorsed

I’m outta there the instant Baltimore pops up on my TV screen. My biggest complaint is that television gives da Reverend Al Sharpton publicity to fill up air time between commercials. It is not only da Reverend Al’s politics that bother me, he is so physically repulsive I get sick to my stomach every time I come across his picture on the Internet.

Parenthetically, Taqiyya the Liar never told the truth about anything. If he is talking he is lying. Now he wants the people of Baltimore to accept his definition of truth. I only had to read the headline to know what he is up to:

Obama: 'People of Baltimore want truth'
By Susan Crabtree | May 1, 2015 | 1:12 pm

Obama People of Baltimore want truth WashingtonExaminer.com

Sins and laws

Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by hustlers and dirty little moralists. Racism is not an original sin. Knowing that sins become laws, hustlers like da Reverend Al seized the opportunity to turn a buck from invented racism after it was transformed it into a crime.

Throughout history moralists always ended up with the money. Gutter guile teaches race hustlers one thing above all else: Racism is more profitable, longer-lasting, and more effective, than is equal distribution of the wealth. That is why moralists are never in short supply. So it is not unusual to see race hustling preachers and leading Democrats getting rich by contributing nothing more to society than their lucrative efforts dedicated to fighting a non-existent sin.

Unsustainable law

Laws against racism is another despicable attempt to legislate love. Love born of legislation is as unsustainable as is compassion legislated by involuntary charity.

Just like every priesthood there ever was, Socialists must make the transition from prohibiting and punishing reprehensible behavior to telling everyone how to conduct their daily lives. Socialists can, and do, get away with abolishing private property, collecting a tax on incomes, perverting laws, betraying the country, and violating the Constitution at every turn. For all of the things Socialists in government engage in, they cannot govern unless they force people to do as they are told. In short: YOU MUST NOT becomes YOU MUST.


There is no evidence of racism existing throughout history. Slavery is not racism. Slavery has always been about forced labor. At one time or another members of every race were slaves as well as slave owners. Communist governments still enslave irrespective of race.

Today’s definition of racism has its roots in pre-Civil War slavery, while racism as a sin/crime was invented decades after the War Between the States ended.

Interestingly, every individual can be the victim of a real crime, but only blacks can be the victims of racism because they were slaves for a period of time in early America. Every individual can engage in crime, but only blacks are incapable of committing the crime of racism —— according to our Department of Justice. Unlike laws punishing real crimes, racism’s laws demand specific behavior from sinners. Ergo, blacks can punish racism, but blacks can never be punished for a crime they are incapable of committing.

NOTE: Not one black American ever went to prison for committing the crime of racism.

The same old racism invented by hustlers during the Civil Rights era is growing stronger. That is why I did not watch one talking head go on and on about Baltimore, nor have I read one article written by a journalist in search of a Pulitzer. Not one press pundit dare say that contemporary race riots are engineered by community-organizers-cum-Communists. Basically, no journalist dare admit that their profession made community organizing a legitimate profession just so Taqiyya the Liar could add at least one item to a blank résumé.

One or two journalists might be smart enough to know what it is all about. Most parasitic journalists are too stupid to know what it is happening, or else they knowingly participate in Communist strategy that succeeded during the Cold War.

Throughout the Cold War, responsible Americans lived with the fear that the Soviet Union would attack if Americans were kept busy quelling massive unrest stirred up by Communist agitators; so Americans rolled over for a lot of welfare state garbage rather than risk nuclear war.

While loyal Americans were prepared to defend the country against the Soviet military, homegrown Communists were busy implementing Communism/Socialism in the Courts, and with executive orders and bureaucracy-generated regulations. They were so successful, Communism was never tied to bureaucrats. Not so in a Communist country where the victims know that bureaucrats are the Communists.

No traditional priesthood could have gotten away with the same things a long list of secretaries get away with serving their own agendas.

NOTE: The number of bureaucrats in the presidential line of succession is just as corrupt as is the line of succession in a Communist country.

Today’s American Communists use the same techniques Cold War Communists employed. The frightening part is that the war started by Islam, combined with Communist China and North Korea, now supply the support an earlier generation of American Communists counted on getting from the defunct Soviet Union.

Ultimately, America is not losing its trusted allies because of racism. Allies are backing away because they see Communism making huge strides in the once-freest country in the world. For decades, every Socialist posing as a Democrat whined about America’s lost respect. In truth, the lost trust seen in foreign capitols is being laid on every black American for the violence a handful of Communist agitators orchestrate.

NOTE: The Communist in the White House certainly does nothing to encourage trust among allies. I cannot imagine any ally committing troops to Taqiyya the Liar’s Muslim agenda. Allies might just as well skip the middleman and fight for Islam.

Finally, racial unrest would not be so violent, or so frequent, if media parasites did not give it so much coverage.

Race hustlers rely on the publicity they get from every network running the same clips of angry mobs and destruction. How in hell is a mob scene news when the networks run it on every channel, every hour, day after day? It is only news when government officials appease the mob:

You have to be shitting me? Blacks have the system so far in their favor that it can't be rigged much more in that direction without giving it to them.
Blacks have the system so far in their favor that it can't be rigged much more in that direction without giving it to them.

To Matthew: A vast majority of average blacks do not have the organizational skills required to rig the system. Judi McLeod had you in mind:

In their bid to rescue America from total Marxist eclipse, patriots, as it turns out, have been knocking on the wrong door.​

Should you take the time to read, and understand, Judi’s analysis be sure to spend a few minutes on this:


It is through complicit mayors and councils that the United Nations has been able to forge the road to Agenda 21 for all of Western society.

As incredible as it may seem, It is with the cooperation of municipal politicians that Obama will get to replace every police force in the United States with a more military styled one that is answerable only to him.​

Communists, including a small number of angry black mixed race Communists, have been rigging the system for their own aggrandizement. Note that Communists of mixed race always come down on the side of Communism. Take a good look at Taqiyya the Liar’s mixed race pals that he put in powerful positions if you doubt me.

Getting there has been Marxist Community organizing all the way.

Obama and mayors planning not only to reform but to totally replace America’s police forces
By Judi McLeod May 2, 2015

Obama and mayors planning not only to reform but to totally replace America s police forces

In short: Community organizing is the art of convincing fools to do the dirty work. Average blacks would not do it for whites; so black Communists were given support and authority to organize the fools. Income tax dollars made it possible. How far do you think Communists would have gotten without receiving government funding in various forms?

Finally, why do you think Communists are determined to disarm law abiding Americans before they take up arms to do what the government refuses to do? Gun control sure as hell has nothing to do with criminals.
Back in 2008, Barack Obama, then a presidential candidate, called for a “civilian national security force.” And he wanted it as big as all of the nation’s military branches.

Now black activist Al Sharpton is suggesting a path that probably would accomplish that: nationalize America’s police forces.

I might have been too hard on da Reverend Al:

It's a stupid left wing talking point that says that wealth has to be equally distributed.

Want wealth? Earn it idiot.
It's a stupid left wing talking point that says that wealth has to be equally distributed.

To PredFan: You surprised me! You are close to the truth. To be more accurate, it is a pure collectivist philosophy that has been around for centuries in one form or another. The phrase evolved as a slogan to express Socialist/Communist "compassion" for the poor. When the parasite class began to grow to its present size, the phrase suited them to a tee.

Want wealth? Earn it idiot.

To PredFan: Taking wealth from the rich and giving it to the poor only works when it means taking wealth from the private sector rich. Conversely, Democrats have no objections to accumulating wealth from tax dollars without working for it.

Note that Democrat politicians running for high office always play the class warfare card, but they never rail against the tax dollar rich.
If he is talking he is lying. Now he wants the people of Baltimore to accept his definition of truth.

Now he wants everybody to trust him on the TPP:

Krauthammer’s Take: After POTUS’s Obamacare Lies, ‘Trust Me’ Is Not a Sufficient

Krauthammer s Take After POTUS s Obamacare Lies Trust Me Is Not a Sufficient Argument for TPP National Review Online

I would add the title “Failed Salesman” to his title “Poverty Pimp”:

Barack and Michelle the Poverty Pimps
By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives May 13, 2015

Barack and Michelle the Poverty Pimps
You have to be shitting me? Blacks have the system so far in their favor that it can't be rigged much more in that direction without giving it to them.
Whats wrong with that? Whites have possessed the system for centuries and always had it in their favor.
Now he wants everybody to trust him on the TPP:

The guy cannot sell trust in Jesus Christ to nuns:

“Now, they say: trust us. Give us six years of executive authority to pass any global deal we like (under fast-track procedure, no deal has ever before been blocked). Well, respectfully, the American people don’t trust you,” he added.​

Sen. Sessions to Congress: ‘American People Don’t Trust You’ on Obamatrade
by Alex Swoyer
21 May 2015

Sen. Sessions to Congress American People Don t Trust You on Obamatrade - Breitbart
There is nothing new here:

In its Supreme Court battle over Obamacare’s abortion-pill mandate, the government wants to “determine what is in fact a sin,” contends a religious-rights legal group.​

Government seeks 'authority to determine what is sin'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 01/24/2016 @ 3:52 pm

Government seeks ‘authority to determine what is sin’
Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by hustlers and dirty little moralists. Racism is not an original sin. Knowing that sins become laws, hustlers like da Reverend Al seized the opportunity to turn a buck from invented racism after it was transformed it into a crime.
Laws against racism is another despicable attempt to legislate love. Love born of legislation is as unsustainable as is compassion legislated by involuntary charity.

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