Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition

If voter data" can indicate "symbolic racism", the 48 (white) democrat senators who voted against Clarence Thomas for Supreme Court justice must be racist because Thomas is Black. There is no doubt that Senator Kennedy (who voted against Thomas) appreciated the benefit of the 2nd Amendment because his privately employed bodyguard was arrested for possessing illegal weapons so according to the "study" findings it seems that Ted Kennedy must have been a "symbolic racist". Likewise Senator John Kerry who had lots of experience with weapons while in the Military. His "voter data" indicates "symbolic racism" because he voted against Justice Thomas.
Yes self defense for a non-existent threats, combined with a pinch of racism. Notice how conservatives panicked after 2008 November and bought guns en masse? That had nothing to do with security concerns at all. It was all due to someone with darker skin getting into the office fir the first time in 232 years.

You have no idea if that threat exists or not. I work from the assumption that EVERYONE out there is a potential threat.... the 8 year old kid as much as the 80 year old grandmother and everyone inbetween. Regardless of race.

I do all my investing in guns, ammunition, and other weaponry. No matter who is in office.
New study by Gun Owners show increased Freedom and Happiness, less Microagression and Racism as well as fewer incidences of Sexism among gun owners.It's a study so can't find fault in it.

Your humor aside, I provided a link to the study by a credible source. NRA studies don't count, neither do studies by the Brady foundation. Scientific and medical communities, Pew research, MSM, colleges and universities are credible sources. NRA and the left wing political groups are not credible sources.

The msm and colleges are are credible?:booze:

No for cons but for the rest of sane, normal, non racist, non paranoid, decent, educated, intelligent folks, yes they are. Hey you don't think colleges are credible? Then don't send your kids there. Don't read news either. Stay within your own bubble and be sure to buy more weapons as NRA asked you to.
Yes self defense for a non-existent threats, combined with a pinch of racism. Notice how conservatives panicked after 2008 November and bought guns en masse? That had nothing to do with security concerns at all. It was all due to someone with darker skin getting into the office fir the first time in 232 years.

You have no idea if that threat exists or not. I work from the assumption that EVERYONE out there is a potential threat.... the 8 year old kid as much as the 80 year old grandmother and everyone inbetween. Regardless of race.

I do all my investing in guns, ammunition, and other weaponry. No matter who is in office.

LOL! Unlike you, I don't live in a fear bubble worried every second about being raped, robbed and murdered. Hahaha. It must be hell of a neighborhood where you live if you have to lok over your shoulders every half a nano second to see if someone is about to rape you. ;-)
Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition

A new study of symbolic racism among white American voters yielded strong links between latent biases toward blacks and increased favor of gun ownership and oppositions toward gun control.

Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition

"Symbolic racism?" LOL!

So, so low on real racism you have to invent some?

Symbollic racism means covert racis, not overt. Expressing fear about minorities is a form of racism although you don't use N word for it nor do you attack minorities openly. It's about attitudes, not actions.
Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition

A new study of symbolic racism among white American voters yielded strong links between latent biases toward blacks and increased favor of gun ownership and oppositions toward gun control.

Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition
A study? I think 9-11 had something to do with it too.

I'm not giving up my right to protect myself.

Oh right! A bunch of terrorists flying planes into sky scrapers will be terrified of your guns locked up in your master berooms the next time they try to attack us on US soil. Oh yeah, makes perfect sense.
Is there an award for dumbest thread of the year? Where do we go to nominate one?

I am sorry bro, if you don't like the subject line to a credible study, then you award them the dumbest thread of the year? Uhh hmmm, go for it. Hey by the way, all medical and academic institutions who do these studies mostly agree and come to the same conclusion: Guns are not safe and harm the people. But please, give this thread the dumbest reply of the year award as facts really are of no relevance to you.
I have a gun for the day the negroes attempt to rise up or riot in my city. The other time I would need it is if some thug tries to break in my house or jump me. It's best to be prepared for these situations.
I have a gun for the day the negroes attempt to rise up or riot in my city. The other time I would need it is if some thug tries to break in my house or jump me. It's best to be prepared for these situations.

Oh wow, you are unaware that 83% of white murders are committed by other whites. And 93% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. In other words, your lack of facts aside, I will pray that you recover soon from your racist illness. Too bad there's no cure for your disease though.
I have a gun for the day the negroes attempt to rise up or riot in my city. The other time I would need it is if some thug tries to break in my house or jump me. It's best to be prepared for these situations.

Oh wow, you are unaware that 83% of white murders are committed by other whites. And 93% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. In other words, your lack of facts aside, I will pray that you recover soon from your racist illness. Too bad there's no cure for your disease though.
What about theft and assault?
I have a gun for the day the negroes attempt to rise up or riot in my city. The other time I would need it is if some thug tries to break in my house or jump me. It's best to be prepared for these situations.

Oh wow, you are unaware that 83% of white murders are committed by other whites. And 93% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. In other words, your lack of facts aside, I will pray that you recover soon from your racist illness. Too bad there's no cure for your disease though.
What about theft and assault?

Yes there's a problem of white cops assaulting black unarmed teens. I think it would be best if black teens bought more guns. I fully support the rights of black youths to join the NRA. Do you?

Also, why are you living in fear of being raped, robbed and murdered? Are all gun owners fearful for their lives and their property 24-7? Why do you live in fear that you need a weapon by your side 24-7? I live in a neighborhood where we don't need a weapon. And also, the idea that you can draw up your weapon right at the moment a murderer is about to hit you is a myth. Remember you need to be ready and fully armored to engage in a gun battle with your potential murderer. And you have to be ready in split second to fight that battle. So are you ready every second of your life to fight the murderers? Is that how you live your life?
I have a gun for the day the negroes attempt to rise up or riot in my city. The other time I would need it is if some thug tries to break in my house or jump me. It's best to be prepared for these situations.

Oh wow, you are unaware that 83% of white murders are committed by other whites. And 93% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. In other words, your lack of facts aside, I will pray that you recover soon from your racist illness. Too bad there's no cure for your disease though.
What about theft and assault?

Yes there's a problem of white cops assaulting black unarmed teens. I think it would be best if black teens bought more guns. I fully support the rights of black youths to join the NRA. Do you?

Also, why are you living in fear of being raped, robbed and murdered? Are all gun owners fearful for their lives and their property 24-7? Why do you live in fear that you need a weapon by your side 24-7? I live in a neighborhood where we don't need a weapon. And also, the idea that you can draw up your weapon right at the moment a murderer is about to hit you is a myth. Remember you need to be ready and fully armored to engage in a gun battle with your potential murderer. And you have to be ready in split second to fight that battle. So are you ready every second of your life to fight the murderers? Is that how you live your life?
There's really only 2 cases of blacks being shot unarmed that didn't deserve it that I can think of. I'm sure there are many white cases as well but I don't care. When a black man assaults an officer being shot is a likely outcome. Put a number on how large this problem is with black unarmed teens being shot in the grand scheme of things? What's bigger, the few blacks shot by police or the several cities looted, burned, and all the murders that happened along with it? I'm a big picture person so if you could give me some numbers it would be helpful.
If you hear someone break into your house or see someone breaking into your car you could shoot them. Also what if you're in a bad area and cars try to block you in? I've heard of that happening before in certain areas. All negro crime.
I don't live in fear at all. It's just nice to have a gun because why not? It's our right.
Listen you stupid fuck,,,

Blacks murder twice as many whites ever year....440/190 based on the fbi in 2010.

Blacks kill 10 times their population...

If that isn't reason to fear someone. Well, I don't know what is.

Now go fuck yourself.

Blacks kill ten times the population? In other words blacks kill blacks ten times? 430 million times? Black population is 43 million. Hahaha. I know racists love to make up their own fear mongering numbers. I am sorry you live in fear of black people 24-7. You must live in a shitty neighborhood unlike me who lives in a pretty non-violent neighborhood of mixed ethnicities.
I have a gun for the day the negroes attempt to rise up or riot in my city. The other time I would need it is if some thug tries to break in my house or jump me. It's best to be prepared for these situations.

Oh wow, you are unaware that 83% of white murders are committed by other whites. And 93% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. In other words, your lack of facts aside, I will pray that you recover soon from your racist illness. Too bad there's no cure for your disease though.
What about theft and assault?

Yes there's a problem of white cops assaulting black unarmed teens. I think it would be best if black teens bought more guns. I fully support the rights of black youths to join the NRA. Do you?

Also, why are you living in fear of being raped, robbed and murdered? Are all gun owners fearful for their lives and their property 24-7? Why do you live in fear that you need a weapon by your side 24-7? I live in a neighborhood where we don't need a weapon. And also, the idea that you can draw up your weapon right at the moment a murderer is about to hit you is a myth. Remember you need to be ready and fully armored to engage in a gun battle with your potential murderer. And you have to be ready in split second to fight that battle. So are you ready every second of your life to fight the murderers? Is that how you live your life?
There's really only 2 cases of blacks being shot unarmed that didn't deserve it that I can think of. I'm sure there are many white cases as well but I don't care. When a black man assaults an officer being shot is a likely outcome. Put a number on how large this problem is with black unarmed teens being shot in the grand scheme of things? What's bigger, the few blacks shot by police or the several cities looted, burned, and all the murders that happened along with it? I'm a big picture person so if you could give me some numbers it would be helpful.
If you hear someone break into your house or see someone breaking into your car you could shoot them. Also what if you're in a bad area and cars try to block you in? I've heard of that happening before in certain areas. All negro crime.
I don't live in fear at all. It's just nice to have a gun because why not? It's our right.

I am not denying black on black violence. It does happen. What I find funny is whites living in fear since 2008. Surprisingly this fear never existed prior to Nov. 2008.

I also don't deny the blacks rioting after shooting as being justified. I just think that white cops are too trigger happy and they kill blacks in the back or while they are handcuffed. Imagine if black cops killed white youths regularly as white cops do to blacks.

Still it's pretty funny when I hear whites going gun shopping every time a black man is elected into the white house. Pretty funny.

So do you support black youths joining the NRA? Should blacks buy more weapons as the NRA recommends?
New study by Gun Owners show increased Freedom and Happiness, less Microagression and Racism as well as fewer incidences of Sexism among gun owners.It's a study so can't find fault in it.

Your humor aside, I provided a link to the study by a credible source. NRA studies don't count, neither do studies by the Brady foundation. Scientific and medical communities, Pew research, MSM, colleges and universities are credible sources. NRA and the left wing political groups are not credible sources.

Good then the fact that on Average, Americans use guns 2 million times a year to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives is probably why people by guns...the smearing of gun owners as racists is a tired and typical attack by anti gun leftists....always throw the race card, especially when minorities are starting to buy guns in greater numbers...you have to make them think it is racist to own guns.......if they support gun ownership in any numbers....forget any gun control laws getting passed......moron....
Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition

A new study of symbolic racism among white American voters yielded strong links between latent biases toward blacks and increased favor of gun ownership and oppositions toward gun control.

Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition

Since most gun murder occurs in inner cities....in minority neighborhoods because of gangs and drug crime.....are they racists too......like the killers killing even more people in Baltimore...?
Ahhhh..."Symbolic Racism" a nice word for bullshit.....like "Micro aggressions" you guys are so mad that the civil rights movement worked...and that now that minorities vote for you at the 95% range you have to keep lying to them to keep them from seeing what you have done to their families and communities....what morons.....

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