Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

from the accounts I have read she was not charged with 2nd degree murder.

Guyger, a four-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, initially was charged with manslaughter. Two months later, a grand jury indicted her on a murder charge

She faces up to 99 yrs. in prison.

There are 4 kinds of murder in Texas....none of them are classified as 2nd degree murder.
1. Murder

2. Capital Murder

3. Manslaughter

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide

The lady cop was charged with murder.

When there is not an intent to kill somebody and it is "accidental" (broad interpretation) then the charge is usually manslaughter.

For instance, a couple of years ago here in Florida a drunk driver ran into a car of teenagers killing the driver and hurting the other occupants. Totally responsible. The driver was charged with manslaughter, not murder.

She was originally charged with manslaughter, which was appropriate. However, for SJW reasons the charge was changed to murder and that is despicable.

She was railroaded for political correctness and that is wrong.

It was also wrong for the family to frame the shooting as a racial thing when there is no evidence of it being racially motivated. May they rot in hell for that.

There is a law which says that if you accidentally kill someone in the commission of another crime, the charge automatically becomes second degree murder. For example, if you rob a grocery store, and you accidentally shoot the owner during the robbery, that's second degree murder, even though you had no intention of killing the owner when you went in. Because the woman illegally entered the apartment her shooting of the owner is not manslaughter, it's second degree murder.
Lol so you think she intentionally broke into the apartment ?? Why do you fabricate falsehoods?

Exactly...and not even to mention that in Texas there is no such thing as second degree murder.

She was charged with murder....outrageous.

If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?
Apparently had her phone in one hand, bag in the other. Had time to drop one, draw her gun, aim in the dark like a pro, shoot twice, but no time to turn on the lights. Go figure.
Yes because of the aggressive environment the black man created
No racism here, Jitler.

the libbies always play the race card.
Look...the Race Card Card.

That is the great tragedy of this case...it was portrayed as a evil white racist shoots unarmed black. The jury could not reject that. Being of the minority persuasion aka all whites are racists especially any police officer who shoots a black for whatever reason.

Texas Murder Law:

Texas does not officially use the term "second degree murder" which can sometimes be a little bit confusing. Instead, the equivalent in Texas is known as just "murder," which is a first degree felony. To convict a defendant of murder, prosecutors must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

  • The defendant intentionally and knowingly caused the death of another person;
  • The defendant intended to cause serious bodily injury and committed an act that was clearly dangerous to human life and this act caused the death of an individual; or
  • The defendant committed or attempted to commit a felony (other than manslaughter) and in performing that felony, committed an act that was clearly dangerous to human life and this act caused the death of an individual.
The defendant illegally entered the victim's home, took out her gun and shot him. How is this not murder?

There really is no defence for her entering the wrong apartment, and all of your scenarios are based on the idea that she could not possibly know that she wasn't in her own apartment. The door mat, the number on the door, the apearance of the place when she opened the door.
This is real cop murder, not what Amber did.

Caution: Graphic

Yes...for sure. Most blacks do not know that cops kill more whites than of any other race.

That's not what they have lived with for decades.

Blacks know better than anyone that they are more racist than anyone else.

What they live with is ignorance and stupidity that is what holds them back...yet they want to blame others...they need to get their own house in order.
This bad decision by the judge divides us. Democrats know to control the masses the best way to do so is to divide us. Praise blacks that hate whites. The more blacks that hate whites the easier it is to control them.
Be careful blacks
Briefly, the small white police woman got off the elevator on the wrong floor (as have dozens of others) of her apartment building, walked into what she thought was her apartment after a 13 hour duty day and was confronted by a large black man who lived in that apartment. She was still in uniform. Believing she was in her apartment, she told the man to show his hands. He refused. He started moving toward her in the dark. She drew her service weapon and double-tapped him. He died shortly thereafter.

The judge is a large, belching, yawning, stretching black woman named Tammy Kemp. So far she has ignored a defense motion for mistrial since the DA defied a court order and gave the media an interview about the case, poisoning the jury pool. She has allowed a favorable picture of the victim to be placed in front of the jury. She has denied the defense expert testimony from police officers and experts in police shootings three times, not allowing the defense to defend their client. She's sure to get a conviction the way she's run this trial and sure to be overturned on appeal. It's obvious she wants to put this little white women in a prison at the mercy of her fellow-gigantic soul sisters. :eusa_eh:



Judge blocks testimony that Dallas cop acted reasonably in shooting neighbor

The bitch was stupid. She shot a dude who was sitting on his couch eating ice cream. She is guilty of murder period. She was not railroaded she screwed up and just like any of us, must now pay for that screw up. The system did its job.

No you are the stupid one. He was not sitting on his couch....just another lie that was circulated...he was advancing on the defendant.

It was definitely a miscarriage of justice that will be over-turned on appeal.

And what does eating ice cream have to do with anything oh my bad I forget ....trayvon was just eating skittles and walking innocently home....bwaaaaaaaaaaaa you idiots know nothing of the law...especially the law on self defense.
Forensics showed him to be in either a sitting or fetal position when shot

He was not walking towards her
This is real cop murder, not what Amber did.

Caution: Graphic

Yes...for sure. Most blacks do not know that cops kill more whites than of any other race.

That's not what they have lived with for decades.

Blacks know better than anyone that they are more racist than anyone else.

Even if true, irrelevant.

What they live with is ignorance and stupidity that is what holds them back...yet they want to blame others...they need to get their own house in order.

As we see here, the protests have made a difference. You may not like that, but too bad.
This is real cop murder, not what Amber did.

Caution: Graphic

Yes...for sure. Most blacks do not know that cops kill more whites than of any other race.

That's not what they have lived with for decades.

Blacks know better than anyone that they are more racist than anyone else.

What they live with is ignorance and stupidity that is what holds them back...yet they want to blame others...they need to get their own house in order.

What does that have to do with an innocent black man being shot?
Yes because of the aggressive environment the black man created
No racism here, Jitler.

the libbies always play the race card.
Look...the Race Card Card.

That is the great tragedy of this case...it was portrayed as a evil white racist shoots unarmed black. The jury could not reject that. Being of the minority persuasion aka all whites are racists especially any police officer who shoots a black for whatever reason.

Texas Murder Law:

Texas does not officially use the term "second degree murder" which can sometimes be a little bit confusing. Instead, the equivalent in Texas is known as just "murder," which is a first degree felony. To convict a defendant of murder, prosecutors must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

  • The defendant intentionally and knowingly caused the death of another person;
  • The defendant intended to cause serious bodily injury and committed an act that was clearly dangerous to human life and this act caused the death of an individual; or
  • The defendant committed or attempted to commit a felony (other than manslaughter) and in performing that felony, committed an act that was clearly dangerous to human life and this act caused the death of an individual.
The defendant illegally entered the victim's home, took out her gun and shot him. How is this not murder?

There really is no defence for her entering the wrong apartment, and all of your scenarios are based on the idea that she could not possibly know that she wasn't in her own apartment. The door mat, the number on the door, the apearance of the place when she opened the door.
People have testified that they have went to the wrong floor went to the wrong door many times . Z

STOP making up your own evidence
I really hate this type of thread.

If we are ever going to move beyond this poisonous identity politics culture, we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions.
Yes because of the aggressive environment the black man created
No racism here, Jitler.

the libbies always play the race card.
Look...the Race Card Card.

That is the great tragedy of this case...it was portrayed as a evil white racist shoots unarmed black. The jury could not reject that. Being of the minority persuasion aka all whites are racists especially any police officer who shoots a black for whatever reason.

Texas Murder Law:

Texas does not officially use the term "second degree murder" which can sometimes be a little bit confusing. Instead, the equivalent in Texas is known as just "murder," which is a first degree felony. To convict a defendant of murder, prosecutors must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

  • The defendant intentionally and knowingly caused the death of another person;
  • The defendant intended to cause serious bodily injury and committed an act that was clearly dangerous to human life and this act caused the death of an individual; or
  • The defendant committed or attempted to commit a felony (other than manslaughter) and in performing that felony, committed an act that was clearly dangerous to human life and this act caused the death of an individual.
The defendant illegally entered the victim's home, took out her gun and shot him. How is this not murder?

There really is no defence for her entering the wrong apartment.

someone else who does not know the law....according to blacks law dictionary she committed innocent trespass....unknowingly entering someone elses apartment...thus what she did was not illegal it was simply a mistake.

From Black's Law dictionary..... 'Innocent Trespass: A trespass committed either unintentionally or in good faith'

Thinking she was in her own apartment and that obviously the black guy was a intruder she reasonably believed her life was in danger...thus by law she was entitled to use lethal force.
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This is real cop murder, not what Amber did.

Caution: Graphic

Yes...for sure. Most blacks do not know that cops kill more whites than of any other race.

That's not what they have lived with for decades.

Blacks know better than anyone that they are more racist than anyone else.

What they live with is ignorance and stupidity that is what holds them back...yet they want to blame others...they need to get their own house in order.

The ignorance and stupidity that really holds white people back is racism. Yet they want to claim they're being persecuted. You need to get your own house in order.
This is real cop murder, not what Amber did.

Caution: Graphic

Yes...for sure. Most blacks do not know that cops kill more whites than of any other race.

That's not what they have lived with for decades.

I am sorry but "reparations" end in the court room.

The thing that is most dispicable about this case is that it turned into a racial thing when there was absolutely no indications there was ever a racial motive. That is why the White girl got fucked in the indictment and in the verdict.

It was really despicable was when the family said it was justice for Travvon. My god!
When there is not an intent to kill somebody and it is "accidental" (broad interpretation) then the charge is usually manslaughter.

For instance, a couple of years ago here in Florida a drunk driver ran into a car of teenagers killing the driver and hurting the other occupants. Totally responsible. The driver was charged with manslaughter, not murder.

She was originally charged with manslaughter, which was appropriate. However, for SJW reasons the charge was changed to murder and that is despicable.

She was railroaded for political correctness and that is wrong.

It was also wrong for the family to frame the shooting as a racial thing when there is no evidence of it being racially motivated. May they rot in hell for that.

There is a law which says that if you accidentally kill someone in the commission of another crime, the charge automatically becomes second degree murder. For example, if you rob a grocery store, and you accidentally shoot the owner during the robbery, that's second degree murder, even though you had no intention of killing the owner when you went in. Because the woman illegally entered the apartment her shooting of the owner is not manslaughter, it's second degree murder.
Lol so you think she intentionally broke into the apartment ?? Why do you fabricate falsehoods?

Exactly...and not even to mention that in Texas there is no such thing as second degree murder.

She was charged with murder....outrageous.

If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?
"Leftist" much? Any disagreement with your perception is automatically "HATE"! You and pink hornet just need to come out of your leftist closet, join an antifa rally where you can revel in the totalitarian government fantasies you have, of being able to gun down free men in their own homes. So long as you don the magical costume, that is... And dont forget to recite the magical incantation. "I was scared for my life"! Very important that...
There is a law which says that if you accidentally kill someone in the commission of another crime, the charge automatically becomes second degree murder. For example, if you rob a grocery store, and you accidentally shoot the owner during the robbery, that's second degree murder, even though you had no intention of killing the owner when you went in. Because the woman illegally entered the apartment her shooting of the owner is not manslaughter, it's second degree murder.
Lol so you think she intentionally broke into the apartment ?? Why do you fabricate falsehoods?

Exactly...and not even to mention that in Texas there is no such thing as second degree murder.

She was charged with murder....outrageous.

If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?
"Leftist" much? Any disagreement with your perception is automatically "HATE"! You and pink hornet just need to come out of your leftist closet, join an antifa rally where you can revel in the totalitarian government fantasies you have, of being able to gun down free men in their own homes. So long as you don the magical costume, that is... And dont forget to recite the magical incantation. "I was scared for my life"! Very important that...
Where is the substance in your rhetoric?

Tell me where the evidence shows she did any of this intentionally ?

She should go to jail for neglect or manslaughter ,, lose her job..
The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.
The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.
I believe she has a good chance at a appeal.
This is real cop murder, not what Amber did.

Caution: Graphic

Yes...for sure. Most blacks do not know that cops kill more whites than of any other race.

That's not what they have lived with for decades.

I am sorry but "reparations" end in the court room.

The thing that is most dispicable about this case is that it turned into a racial thing when there was absolutely no indications there was ever a racial motive. That is why the White girl got fucked in the indictment and in the verdict.

It was really despicable was when the family said it was justice for Travvon. My god!

Exactly.....so pathetic.
The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.
I believe she has a good chance at a appeal.

Yes when saner minds rule...this miscarrige of justice will be over-turned.

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