Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

The bitch was stupid. She shot a dude who was sitting on his couch eating ice cream. She is guilty of murder period. She was not railroaded she screwed up and just like any of us, must now pay for that screw up. The system did its job.

No you are the stupid one. He was not sitting on his couch....just another lie that was circulated...he was advancing on the defendant.

It was definitely a miscarriage of justice that will be over-turned on appeal.

And what does eating ice cream have to do with anything oh my bad I forget ....trayvon was just eating skittles and walking innocently home....bwaaaaaaaaaaaa you idiots know nothing of the law...especially the law on self defense.

You are the dumb one. And just not honest. The stupid cow shot the guy IN HIS OWN HOUSE. She was In HIS house. By law, that could have cost her HER life. She was stupid, she killed a guy, now the dumb twat will do some time for being a retard. I know in the end it always has to be politics for you dumb shits, but the fact is, the law worked.
It all comes down to the opinion that gun owners can do no wrong when it comes to deciding to pull the trigger. It is solely their call on whether it is warranted or not.

The jury disagreed

Here is my thing. A police officer isn't supposed to be held to the standard as we are when it comes to carrying firearms and the use of deadly force. They are supposed to be symbols of leadership and discipline. They are held (allegedly) to a higher standard then us. Walking into someone else's home and shooting them in the chest is a mistake cops aren't supposed to make. The jury was right on. The woman committed murder period. Even other cops say as much.

Police are under the same laws as all of us are.....look up the definition of murder...it has been posted on here...what she did was not murder by any stretch of the imagination....it was at most negligent homicide....though I do not think it even amounts to that.

The law of self defense is based on the perception of the defendant....was her life in reasonable danger...she obviously believed so...no other logical reason to shoot.

No they aren't. They have unions and all sorts of legal funds to protect them when they screw up like this. We don't. Even in a shooting that's justified, if we throw down our lives are over when the first round is fired. You are getting your facts from Foux news. Gieger was asked, "did you intend to kill Mr. Jean". The only answer is "yes". That being the case, she was convicted. She was tried and justly convicted. Hopefully she does some time, but I won't hold my breath.
someone else who does not know the law....according to blacks law dictionary she committed innocent trespass....unknowingly entering someone elses apartment...thus what she did was not illegal it was simply a mistake.

From Black's Law dictionary..... 'Innocent Trespass: A trespass committed either unintentionally or in good faith'

Thinking she was in her own apartment and that obviously the black guy was a intruder she reasonably believed her life was in danger...thus by law she was entitled to use lethal force.
You were going good up until you said she reasonably believed her life was in danger and was entitled to use lethal force

Even her own police department fired her for her violation of policy in the use of lethal force

Get real ....big city police depts are ruled by political correctness....they are scared shitless of being sued so they go overboard to protect blacks and even turn on their own when the politicians that control police depts. demand it.
Entering a wrong apartment and killing the occupant is not political correctness

The prosecution turning the case into one of a racist motivated murder is.
They didn’t bring up her racism until the penalty phase

She is a racist little bitch. The prosecution is under no obligation to support her forlorn victim of an honest mistake persona
What did she do that was racist? In this case?
The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.
They are now providing evidence that Amber is a racist

She even admits it

Being racist does not make one automatically guilty of anything...lots of good honest racists out there..all of our founding fathers were racist...even Lincoln was a white supremacist.
Does that mean we can stop talking about "the Democrats are the racists" "The democrats created the KKK" now??

Since you freely admit most whites back then were racists

I would go further most folks (especially blacks) are stil racist...most will simply not admit it.
"we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions."

True. Like repeating violent crime statistics to smear an entire "race." Still,. I wonder,..

How many whites gunned down by blacks in their own living rooms while trying to eat ice cream?

If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
Yes, living in an apartment complex, we sometimes get off on the wrong floor, but here's the thing. Every apartment has a number on the door. I got off the elevator on the wrong floor in my friend Larry's building. All of the floors look exactly the same. I went to the door, and the number on the door said 518. Larry lives in 618. I went back to the elevator. Every apartment building I have ever been in has the apartment number on the door.

There was testimony at trial that the deceased's apartment had a welcome mat outside his door. The shooter did not. So in spite of the number on the apartment door, the welcome mat she did not own, she still entered the apartment, pulled out her gun, and shot the man who lived there.

This requires a whole lot more than "negligence" and "negligent homicide" is not the appropriate charge. She made overt moves to deliberately shoot the man.


She made a honest mistake...the same mistake a lot of people have made that live in that complex.

Your personal experience is completely irrelevant and you are wasting board space with that.

When the police officer was confronted she followed police procedure in which she was well trained....she issued a lawful order for the victim to show his hands...he must have realized she was a police officer because she was in uniform...he ignored her order and advanced on her...in fear of her life and with good reason she used her weapon to defend her life...case closed. Miscarriage of justice which will certainly be over-turned for more than one reason.
"Honest mistake", eh....oh, makes it all better, doesn't it?

As has been explained how many times already? This was a tragedy anyway you look at it....but convicting a innocent woman does not remedy anything...just further exacerbates the tragedy.

If the woman was "innocent", then Jean would still be alive. The only tragedy here is that a good man was shot to death in his own home for no reason, by someone so self-absorbed and careless.

Whether or not he was a good man in irrelevant. He was not shot for no reason....what really got him killed was he did not obey the lawful order of a police officer....however one cannot really expect someone so surprised to act in a rational manner....anyhow....a double tragedy the killing of the innocent man and the conviction for murder of the innocent police woman who honestly thought she was defending her life.
Lawful order as reported by a police officer on trial for murder

Of course she is going to frame it in a way to make the victim appear to be the guilty one. Dead men tell no tales
Exactly...and not even to mention that in Texas there is no such thing as second degree murder.

She was charged with murder....outrageous.

If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

She made a honest mistake...people do that all the time.

What are the odds that the apartment she mistakenly went to had a open door...she merely tried to insert her key and the door opened....she stepped in to what she honestly thought was her apartment....great tragedy for all.

If justice is to be served...this wrongful conviction will be over-turned on appeal.

Next....hopefully someone not saturated with hate.

Honest mistake until she pulled the trigger

OOPS does not cut it

Lots more detail to it then that. She fired two shots center mass. I agree, oops don't fix it. She needs to go to jail.
Any of y’all listen to what black rappers say about white woman? She’s a good woman. You hear his mom mumble is some broken English? Should have stayed in Hati
You were going good up until you said she reasonably believed her life was in danger and was entitled to use lethal force

Even her own police department fired her for her violation of policy in the use of lethal force

Get real ....big city police depts are ruled by political correctness....they are scared shitless of being sued so they go overboard to protect blacks and even turn on their own when the politicians that control police depts. demand it.
Entering a wrong apartment and killing the occupant is not political correctness

The prosecution turning the case into one of a racist motivated murder is.
They didn’t bring up her racism until the penalty phase

She is a racist little bitch. The prosecution is under no obligation to support her forlorn victim of an honest mistake persona
What did she do that was racist? In this case?

Nothing....that was the invention of the prosecution and of course with a black jury it worked.
If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

She made a honest mistake...people do that all the time.

What are the odds that the apartment she mistakenly went to had a open door...she merely tried to insert her key and the door opened....she stepped in to what she honestly thought was her apartment....great tragedy for all.

If justice is to be served...this wrongful conviction will be over-turned on appeal.

Next....hopefully someone not saturated with hate.

Honest mistake until she pulled the trigger

OOPS does not cut it

Lots more detail to it then that. She fired two shots center mass. I agree, oops don't fix it. She needs to go to jail.
For being a good shot? Lol what
When the police officer was confronted [LIE] she followed police procedure [LIE] in which she was well trained [DESPERATE SPECULATION] ....she issued a lawful order for the victim to show his hands [LIE]...he must have realized she was a police officer because she was in uniform [DESPERATE SPECULATION]...he ignored her order [DESPERATE SPECULATION] and advanced on her [LIE]...in fear of her life [DESPERATE SPECULATION] and with good reason [LIE] she used her weapon to defend her life [LIE]...case closed. [LIE] Miscarriage of justice [LIE] which will certainly be over-turned for more than one reason.[DESPERATE SPECULATION]
Funny how there was a "victim" at all given this so-called "Miscarriage of justice".
Where there's a victim there must be a perp.
The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.
They are now providing evidence that Amber is a racist

She even admits it

Being racist does not make one automatically guilty of anything...lots of good honest racists out there..all of our founding fathers were racist...even Lincoln was a white supremacist.
Does that mean we can stop talking about "the Democrats are the racists" "The democrats created the KKK" now??

Since you freely admit most whites back then were racists

I would go further most folks (especially blacks) are stil racist...most will simply not admit it.

Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.
It would be easy to get away with murder if blacks could shoot whites & say oops I made a mistake, then be allowed to go free. She is clearly too stupid to be a cop or have a gun. Lock her up!!!

they do it all the time....they do not even claim it was a mistake....even though they are a minority they committ over half of all violent crimes in America ...including rape. get real
Any of y’all listen to what black rappers say about white woman? She’s a good woman. You hear his mom mumble is some broken English? Should have stayed in Hati

Don't hate just because you still live in section 8 housing. Even you can clean up, quit the meth and work your way up. This is America. You can roll out of bed and make money.
The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.
They are now providing evidence that Amber is a racist

She even admits it

Being racist does not make one automatically guilty of anything...lots of good honest racists out there..all of our founding fathers were racist...even Lincoln was a white supremacist.
Does that mean we can stop talking about "the Democrats are the racists" "The democrats created the KKK" now??

Since you freely admit most whites back then were racists

I would go further most folks (especially blacks) are stil racist...most will simply not admit it.

Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.
When the police officer was confronted [LIE] she followed police procedure [LIE] in which she was well trained [DESPERATE SPECULATION] ....she issued a lawful order for the victim to show his hands [LIE]...he must have realized she was a police officer because she was in uniform [DESPERATE SPECULATION]...he ignored her order [DESPERATE SPECULATION] and advanced on her [LIE]...in fear of her life [DESPERATE SPECULATION] and with good reason [LIE] she used her weapon to defend her life [LIE]...case closed. [LIE] Miscarriage of justice [LIE] which will certainly be over-turned for more than one reason.[DESPERATE SPECULATION]
Funny how there was a "victim" at all given this so-called "Miscarriage of justice".
Where there's a victim there must be a perp.

There were two victims...a innocent man was killed and a innocent police woman was convicted of murder.....who is to blame?

Definitely the jury for the wrongful conviction.

The death of the innocent man? karma and everyone should learn from this to always lock your doors.
Any of y’all listen to what black rappers say about white woman? She’s a good woman. You hear his mom mumble is some broken English? Should have stayed in Hati

Don't hate just because you still live in section 8 housing. Even you can clean up, quit the meth and work your way up. This is America. You can roll out of bed and make money.
They are now providing evidence that Amber is a racist

She even admits it

Being racist does not make one automatically guilty of anything...lots of good honest racists out there..all of our founding fathers were racist...even Lincoln was a white supremacist.
Does that mean we can stop talking about "the Democrats are the racists" "The democrats created the KKK" now??

Since you freely admit most whites back then were racists

I would go further most folks (especially blacks) are stil racist...most will simply not admit it.

Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Being racist does not make one automatically guilty of anything...lots of good honest racists out there..all of our founding fathers were racist...even Lincoln was a white supremacist.
Does that mean we can stop talking about "the Democrats are the racists" "The democrats created the KKK" now??

Since you freely admit most whites back then were racists

I would go further most folks (especially blacks) are stil racist...most will simply not admit it.

Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?
She Walked Into The Wrong Apt
Stinking Drunk, Armed,
Aimed And Discharged A Projectile Weapon
That Blew Someone Away

If She Had Been In An Auto Collision On The Way Home
Stinking Drunk, And Killed Another Motorist
She'd Be Up For Murder
And This Guy Would Still Be Alive

actually, she wasn't drunk. Let's get the facts correct. She was distracted and maybe tired, but that still doesn't excuse her actions.
My ass. She was on the streets for a double-shift dealing with scumbags all night. She just wanted to go home and go to bed.
I’ve worked countless doubles, and then some. Never “accidentally” killed someone.

Same here.

I've worked from 9 am until 6:30 am the next morning. Slept for a few hours then got up to do it all over again the next day. Then do it all over again the day after that. For 4 days straight. I've done that countless times over the course of my 35 year career.

I have never once in all that time walked into the wrong house or hotel room. Much less "accidentally" kill someone.

She did not accidentally kill the black guy...she meant to kill him.

Because in her perception he was an intruder....certainly reasonable on her part to believe that.
house or apartment by mistake........but in this particular complex it was a common occurrance because all the apartments looked alike and the complex was negligent in not putting up signs that would prevent people from getting confused.

I find her excuses very lame.

I've worked from Friday until Tuesday mornings many times with about 3 hours sleep each night.

I have never walked into someone else's apartment or hotel room. I have never heard of any of my fellow photographers ever doing that after the same working hours.

She claimed it was all an accident and mistake.

Now you say she meant to kill him.

Get your stories straight.

Whatever you think, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the jury who heard all the evidence. Then quickly found her guilty.

So whatever you say is irrelevant to this whole matter.
actually, she wasn't drunk. Let's get the facts correct. She was distracted and maybe tired, but that still doesn't excuse her actions.
My ass. She was on the streets for a double-shift dealing with scumbags all night. She just wanted to go home and go to bed.
I’ve worked countless doubles, and then some. Never “accidentally” killed someone.

Same here.

I've worked from 9 am until 6:30 am the next morning. Slept for a few hours then got up to do it all over again the next day. Then do it all over again the day after that. For 4 days straight. I've done that countless times over the course of my 35 year career.

I have never once in all that time walked into the wrong house or hotel room. Much less "accidentally" kill someone.

She did not accidentally kill the black guy...she meant to kill him.

Because in her perception he was an intruder....certainly reasonable on her part to believe that.
house or apartment by mistake........but in this particular complex it was a common occurrance because all the apartments looked alike and the complex was negligent in not putting up signs that would prevent people from getting confused.

I find her excuses very lame.

I've worked from Friday until Tuesday mornings many times with about 3 hours sleep each night.

I have never walked into someone else's apartment or hotel room. I have never heard of any of my fellow photographers ever doing that after the same working hours.

She claimed it was all an accident and mistake.

Now you say she meant to kill him.

Get your stories straight.

Whatever you think, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the jury who heard all the evidence. Then quickly found her guilty.

So whatever you say is irrelevant to this whole matter.
You can’t even say what you mean .. lol

Say it.. do you think she intentionally walked into a different apartment and shot and killed a black man because he was black .. is that what you are saying? Lol say it chicken shit

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