Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.

from the accounts I have read she was not charged with 2nd degree murder.

Guyger, a four-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, initially was charged with manslaughter. Two months later, a grand jury indicted her on a murder charge

She faces up to 99 yrs. in prison.

There are 4 kinds of murder in Texas....none of them are classified as 2nd degree murder.
1. Murder

2. Capital Murder

3. Manslaughter

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide

The lady cop was charged with murder.

When there is not an intent to kill somebody and it is "accidental" (broad interpretation) then the charge is usually manslaughter.

For instance, a couple of years ago here in Florida a drunk driver ran into a car of teenagers killing the driver and hurting the other occupants. Totally responsible. The driver was charged with manslaughter, not murder.

She was originally charged with manslaughter, which was appropriate. However, for SJW reasons the charge was changed to murder and that is despicable.

She was railroaded for political correctness and that is wrong.

It was also wrong for the family to frame the shooting as a racial thing when there is no evidence of it being racially motivated. May they rot in hell for that.

There is a law which says that if you accidentally kill someone in the commission of another crime, the charge automatically becomes second degree murder. For example, if you rob a grocery store, and you accidentally shoot the owner during the robbery, that's second degree murder, even though you had no intention of killing the owner when you went in. Because the woman illegally entered the apartment her shooting of the owner is not manslaughter, it's second degree murder.

You're using common sense, logic and the law. Which with normal, rational adults works.

You're not replying to a normal, rational adult.
THIS is what motivated this trial. 1:20 and beyond shows why this needs to be thrown out.

"This verdict is for Trayvon Martin, for Michael Brown, for ...."

See, you fell for it. You let some race pimp hull your strings. That man is a pig. This had nothing to do with race. That man was also not a member of the jury that convicted Gieger.
Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?
It Matters That Amber Guyger’s Jury Was Diverse

So the truth comes out now about just how one-sided and racist the prosecution of brave officer, Amber Guyger, actually was. Not only was the judge a fat black racist (no doubt a Black Lives Matter operative) -- but now we have news that the jury themselves were nothing but a bunch of racists who obviously have a deep seated hatred for whites.

"Observers were shocked at the guilty verdict, as law enforcement officers accused of misconduct are rarely convicted of a criminal offense. One possible factor in the unusual outcome of the Guyger trial may be the diversity of the jury: Ten of the 12 jurors were nonwhite. Research indicates that diverse juries make better decisions that are less likely to be biased or tainted by racism. Yet there is a troubling lack of diversity among juries across the country." <<-- Yes, as in, the lack of "whites" in Amber's jury...I agree with Tucker, diversity is nothing more than a kind way to eliminate white people from the equation. I am sure this judge did something to restrict who the defense could put on the jury -- and once this is brought to light, I fully demand that this judge is sentenced to prison along with the other black racist community agitators.

The judge purposely allowed this jury to hear testimony about Amber that was immaterial to the case -- like how Amber sent racist texts to friends talking about how she hated blacks -- she clearly said it as a joke since Amber has black friends, they were trying to make it appear that Amber was some bad person -- but what about Botham Jean?? What do we know about his stance on the police?? Did he celebrate when officers were shot in Dallas years earlier?? Was he involved?? There are people most likely somewhere saying that Botham was connected to several black identity extremists groups, this needs to be investigated -- who knows what Botham could have been planning in the future....

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

I don't play with dogs who can only run in circles.
Lol deal with the facts snow flakes.. what is you motivation to hate this woman,, what did she do to you?
"we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions."

True. Like repeating violent crime statistics to smear an entire "race." Still,. I wonder,..

How many whites gunned down by blacks in their own living rooms while trying to eat ice cream?

If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
Yes, living in an apartment complex, we sometimes get off on the wrong floor, but here's the thing. Every apartment has a number on the door. I got off the elevator on the wrong floor in my friend Larry's building. All of the floors look exactly the same. I went to the door, and the number on the door said 518. Larry lives in 618. I went back to the elevator. Every apartment building I have ever been in has the apartment number on the door.

There was testimony at trial that the deceased's apartment had a welcome mat outside his door. The shooter did not. So in spite of the number on the apartment door, the welcome mat she did not own, she still entered the apartment, pulled out her gun, and shot the man who lived there.

This requires a whole lot more than "negligence" and "negligent homicide" is not the appropriate charge. She made overt moves to deliberately shoot the man.


She made a honest mistake...the same mistake a lot of people have made that live in that complex.

Your personal experience is completely irrelevant and you are wasting board space with that.

When the police officer was confronted she followed police procedure in which she was well trained....she issued a lawful order for the victim to show his hands...he must have realized she was a police officer because she was in uniform...he ignored her order and advanced on her...in fear of her life and with good reason she used her weapon to defend her life...case closed. Miscarriage of justice which will certainly be over-turned for more than one reason.
"Honest mistake", eh....oh, makes it all better, doesn't it?

As has been explained how many times already? This was a tragedy anyway you look at it....but convicting a innocent woman does not remedy anything...just further exacerbates the tragedy.

If the woman was "innocent", then Jean would still be alive. The only tragedy here is that a good man was shot to death in his own home for no reason, by someone so self-absorbed and careless.

Whether or not he was a good man in irrelevant. He was not shot for no reason....what really got him killed was he did not obey the lawful order of a police officer....however one cannot really expect someone so surprised to act in a rational manner....anyhow....a double tragedy the killing of the innocent man and the conviction for murder of the innocent police woman who honestly thought she was defending her life.

There was nothing lawful about it.
Lol say it chicken shit
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
I didn’t ask you who she was texting.. answer the question

We learn at a very young age that "but it was an accident" don't make a difference. A man is dead for doing nothing but sitting on his couch and eating ice cream.
No, that's NOT why hes dead.

I hope something like this happens to you and we will laugh at you when the Al Sharptons demand their pound of your white flesh. Tards here have earned that
It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

The person texting and driving that kills someone did not do it on purpose. They are still going to get charged.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

The person texting and driving that kills someone did not do it on purpose. They are still going to get charged.
Charged with WHAT?
It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

Don't matter. And her story is that she was distracted because she was sexting with a guy from work. So I'll go to the statute she was convicted over which was murder. Remember, the prosecution asked if she intended to kill Jean. Let me say it again, they asked Amber Gieger IF SHE INTENDED TO KILL Jean. Now go back up and read the post where another member posted Texas penal code that covers murder. She was appropriately convicted.
Lol say it chicken shit
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
I didn’t ask you who she was texting.. answer the question

We learn at a very young age that "but it was an accident" don't make a difference. A man is dead for doing nothing but sitting on his couch and eating ice cream.
So all manslaughter cases should now be 1st degree murder?? What did this lady do to you to hate her so much? Be honest
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
I didn’t ask you who she was texting.. answer the question

We learn at a very young age that "but it was an accident" don't make a difference. A man is dead for doing nothing but sitting on his couch and eating ice cream.
So all manslaughter cases should now be 1st degree murder?? What did this lady do to you to hate her so much? Be honest

She didn't catch a first degree charge.
Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.
Many have testified they do the same thing.. again are reading the story?
If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

The person texting and driving that kills someone did not do it on purpose. They are still going to get charged.
Charged with WHAT?

In some states murder.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

The person texting and driving that kills someone did not do it on purpose. They are still going to get charged.
Yes who’s saying she shouldn’t be charged with something?
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

The person texting and driving that kills someone did not do it on purpose. They are still going to get charged.


But I was answering a post of saying that Miss Amber's explanation that she entered the apartment in error was "not believable".

And of course it was "believable".

Whether its a valid defense under Texas law is a different question.
It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.
Many have testified they do the same thing.. again are reading the story?
If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

The person texting and driving that kills someone did not do it on purpose. They are still going to get charged.


But I was answering a post of saying that Miss Amber's explanation that she entered the apartment in error was "not believable".

And of course it was "believable".

Whether its a valid defense under Texas law is a different question.

She is proof that it's not.
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
I didn’t ask you who she was texting.. answer the question

We learn at a very young age that "but it was an accident" don't make a difference. A man is dead for doing nothing but sitting on his couch and eating ice cream.
So all manslaughter cases should now be 1st degree murder?? What did this lady do to you to hate her so much? Be honest

She didn't catch a first degree charge.
Ok so we should get rid of all manslaughter charges and change to murder? Go ahead chicken shit you sound insane.. what did this great white female do to you?
She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
I didn’t ask you who she was texting.. answer the question

We learn at a very young age that "but it was an accident" don't make a difference. A man is dead for doing nothing but sitting on his couch and eating ice cream.
So all manslaughter cases should now be 1st degree murder?? What did this lady do to you to hate her so much? Be honest

She didn't catch a first degree charge.
Ok so we should get rid of all manslaughter charges and change to murder? Go ahead chicken shit you sound insane.. what did this great white female do to you?


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