Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

You're the one obsessively insisting upon answers to your ludicrous strawman assertions and now referring to yourself as "us." Get help quick, my precious!
Guyger could have and should have backed off and called for assistance as soon as she entered the apartment and heard sounds indicating the apartment had someone in it. Even if a criminal was in the apartment and she thought it was her own, there was no immediate threat to her or anyone else. Even her own Department policy called for her to egress and take a defensive position until backup arrived. The murder victim would not have even known she was there if she had followed the official policy.

If she didn't have a weapon on her, she would have used what all responsible and normal people use. Their voice.

She would have talked with that man. She would have found out she was in the wrong apartment. If she is like any normal person she would have been embarrassed and apologized for breaking and entering into his home.

People need to start using their voices instead of a weapon. More innocent people would be alive today.

Instead she immediately went for the weapon, didn't even try to find out what he was doing there and just shot him dead.
Does that mean we can stop talking about "the Democrats are the racists" "The democrats created the KKK" now??

Since you freely admit most whites back then were racists

I would go further most folks (especially blacks) are stil racist...most will simply not admit it.

Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
"we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions."

True. Like repeating violent crime statistics to smear an entire "race." Still,. I wonder,..

How many whites gunned down by blacks in their own living rooms while trying to eat ice cream?

If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
The most she should have been charged with was negligent homicide as in she was negligent by confusing his apartment with hers...though it was her mistake it has been shown the complex contributed to this by not clearly identifying apartments which in that complex all looked the same...and this was a common mistake in that complex...so the negligence was not solely based on the police officer making a mistake ...as in there were contributing factors....thus I hold she should not have been charged with anything....just a terrible mistake. What are the odds? A police officer goes to the wrong apt. and that apt front door is open. I say bad karma....either on the black guy or the police officer or maybe on them both. Bad things happen...even accidentally ...the apt. complex is just as guilty as the police officer for the mistake. As has been pointed out many times...many residents there had also made the mistake of going to the wrong apartment.....and then on here you have some claiming she broke in etc. etc. not knowing the facts of the case.

Yes, living in an apartment complex, we sometimes get off on the wrong floor, but here's the thing. Every apartment has a number on the door. I got off the elevator on the wrong floor in my friend Larry's building. All of the floors look exactly the same. I went to the door, and the number on the door said 518. Larry lives in 618. I went back to the elevator. Every apartment building I have ever been in has the apartment number on the door.

There was testimony at trial that the deceased's apartment had a welcome mat outside his door. The shooter did not. So in spite of the number on the apartment door, the welcome mat she did not own, she still entered the apartment, pulled out her gun, and shot the man who lived there.

This requires a whole lot more than "negligence" and "negligent homicide" is not the appropriate charge. She made overt moves to deliberately shoot the man.


She made a honest mistake...the same mistake a lot of people have made that live in that complex.

Your personal experience is completely irrelevant and you are wasting board space with that.

When the police officer was confronted she followed police procedure in which she was well trained....she issued a lawful order for the victim to show his hands...he must have realized she was a police officer because she was in uniform...he ignored her order and advanced on her...in fear of her life and with good reason she used her weapon to defend her life...case closed. Miscarriage of justice which will certainly be over-turned for more than one reason.
"Honest mistake", eh....oh, makes it all better, doesn't it?

As has been explained how many times already? This was a tragedy anyway you look at it....but convicting a innocent woman does not remedy anything...just further exacerbates the tragedy.

If the woman was "innocent", then Jean would still be alive. The only tragedy here is that a good man was shot to death in his own home for no reason, by someone so self-absorbed and careless.

I did not say he wasn't a good man. I said that all people of one race are not responsible for the actions of an individual. IOW, collective guilt is a sham.
"we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions."

True. Like repeating violent crime statistics to smear an entire "race." Still,. I wonder,..

How many whites gunned down by blacks in their own living rooms while trying to eat ice cream?

If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
Yes, living in an apartment complex, we sometimes get off on the wrong floor, but here's the thing. Every apartment has a number on the door. I got off the elevator on the wrong floor in my friend Larry's building. All of the floors look exactly the same. I went to the door, and the number on the door said 518. Larry lives in 618. I went back to the elevator. Every apartment building I have ever been in has the apartment number on the door.

There was testimony at trial that the deceased's apartment had a welcome mat outside his door. The shooter did not. So in spite of the number on the apartment door, the welcome mat she did not own, she still entered the apartment, pulled out her gun, and shot the man who lived there.

This requires a whole lot more than "negligence" and "negligent homicide" is not the appropriate charge. She made overt moves to deliberately shoot the man.


She made a honest mistake...the same mistake a lot of people have made that live in that complex.

Your personal experience is completely irrelevant and you are wasting board space with that.

When the police officer was confronted she followed police procedure in which she was well trained....she issued a lawful order for the victim to show his hands...he must have realized she was a police officer because she was in uniform...he ignored her order and advanced on her...in fear of her life and with good reason she used her weapon to defend her life...case closed. Miscarriage of justice which will certainly be over-turned for more than one reason.
"Honest mistake", eh....oh, makes it all better, doesn't it?

As has been explained how many times already? This was a tragedy anyway you look at it....but convicting a innocent woman does not remedy anything...just further exacerbates the tragedy.

If the woman was "innocent", then Jean would still be alive. The only tragedy here is that a good man was shot to death in his own home for no reason, by someone so self-absorbed and careless.

I did not say he wasn't a good man. I said that all people of one race are not responsible for the actions of an individual. IOW, collective guilt is a sham.

It also makes something terrible into something much worse.
Lol say it chicken shit
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
Suddenly the left feigns morality again

Morals have zero to do with it. It's about responsibility and accountability. She was held accountable.
It's speculation on my part since I wasn't there but in my opinion I do believe that she did accidentally enter his apartment. However, her mistake resulted in the terrible death of an innocent person who was simply inside of their own home. She made a mistake, but her mistake did in fact create pain and suffering. I don't believe that putting her in prison for the rest of her life is the answer though. I personally believe that she should acknowledge the result of her mistake in an honest way and then dedicate the rest of her life to helping the family of the man who passed, reinforcing his memory, and work with the surrounding community to honor him and other innocent lives.

The fact is she killed an "innocent man" ! And was convicted of murder by a "jury of her peers", whatever that means! I don't believe the jury system insures fairness, when the prosecutor and defense can have jurors "preemptively". If a person is selected for jury duty and appears to serve a blind selection should be held. Put the names in a box and select them 1 at a time. I watched jury selection in a case where a man was accused of "damaging flowers at a cemetery site" by removing them and throwing them in the trash. There were 5 men in the jury pool of 18. The Prosecutor was able to have all but one removed preemptively. The 5th was an elderly man who had poor hearing the judge excused him. The complainant went on the stand and cried and sobbed for 30 minutes. All the evidence was a video of the man removing the flowers to a trash receptacle and sitting quietly at a gravesite then walking away, he was the interred mans son. The complainant was another relative. The man was convicted of "Criminal damaging" by an all white female jury, and sentenced to 6 mos. in jail. The system needs change. The right to confront and cross examine an accuser can be done without ever bringing people into court where they also have to confront a potentially hostile jury. Sequester jury's and never identify the race or gender of the Accused or the Accuser to them. That way they can base their decision solely on the facts presented and not human emotion or deep seated resentment of another race or gender. We have a problem with racism in the court system. Instead of selecting a jury that will weigh the facts. Prosecutors cherry pick for a jury that will convict based on the thinnest of evidence.
Each side has a limited number of preemptive challenges. Some jurors have things in their past that prevent them from being impartial. I had jury duty last summer and some of the dismissed jurors were just freaking stupid or assholes

Some had a near death accident and are on very powerful drugs.

Just after I woke from a coma and was recovering from a near death accident, I was called to jury duty.

The judge asked if there are any who believed they had a good reason for not being on that jury.

I quickly raised my hand, told the court what had happened to me and the drugs I was prescribed.

I was quickly removed from the jury.

Another time involved a case of a rear end accident. Where one car just stopped in front of the other.

That very same thing happened to me. The person in front of my just stopped for no reason on a slippery road. I put on my brakes but slid into the back of the car.

I was rightly removed from that jury.
I would go further most folks (especially blacks) are stil racist...most will simply not admit it.

Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?
Lol say it chicken shit
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
Suddenly the left feigns morality again

Morals have zero to do with it. It's about responsibility and accountability. She was held accountable.
We don’t understand what your saying.. tell us what her intent was up to the point she thought he was in her apartment
Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

I don't play with dogs who can only run in circles.
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
Suddenly the left feigns morality again

Morals have zero to do with it. It's about responsibility and accountability. She was held accountable.
We don’t understand what your saying.. tell us what her intent was up to the point she thought he was in her apartment

Sexting her boink buddy from work.
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
Suddenly the left feigns morality again

Morals have zero to do with it. It's about responsibility and accountability. She was held accountable.
We don’t understand what your saying.. tell us what her intent was up to the point she thought he was in her apartment

No, you don't understand.

Lol say it chicken shit
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE

She was sexting her fuck buddy from work.
I didn’t ask you who she was texting.. answer the question

We learn at a very young age that "but it was an accident" don't make a difference. A man is dead for doing nothing but sitting on his couch and eating ice cream.
Race isn't an issue here. Yeah, there are scumbags who are making it that way, I point to Jeans family's lawyer here, but race had zero to do with it. This was incompetence, not racism.

Well...making a mistake is being incompetent to a certain degree...but many folks in that complex had made the same mistake of going to the wrong apt.

The shooting was justifiable as in she was in fear of her life.

Though I would not call it negligent homicide that is the most she should have been charged with....certainly not murder...look up the definition of murder..it has been posted on here.

It came down to a question, just one. "Did you intend to kill Jean" (paraphrased). She equivocated, but in the end the answer was yes. There is no way she is not guilty of murder. Don't take Fox News blurbs on this. It was a complicated case. It sucks. A guy is dead and a woman will go to prison. The conviction was just. She can get 5 to 99 years in prison. Should she get the 99? No. 5 would be fine and I figure that's what she will get. As well as the loss of her 2nd amendment rights.

Had that been you or I that shot that man we would be thrown under the prison.
Yes she interned to kill someone in her apartment.. wouldn’t you?

If they were in my apartment sure. But he wasn't. She was in his.
Which was proven to be a mistake.. are you reading the story?

Yes, she was in the wrong apartment, but how did that happen? She had to ignore the number on the apartment door right in front of her face, and the welcome mat under her feet, and the look of the hallway when she opened the door. The moment she opened the door, how could she not know it wasn't her home? Her story just is not in any way believable.

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