Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

That is only known by hindsight....she did not have the ability to engage in hindsight...she was living and acting in real time....aka....believing she was in her own apartment in the presence of a intruder....naturally and reasonably she was thus subjected to being in reasonable fear of her life as would anyone in such a scenario...

"Oh my God, he has ICE CREAM!!!! Get him!"

all you monday morning quarterbackers are simply using hindsight to condemn her and also not understanding how quickly all of it transpired...she had to make a decision of life or death in a couple of seconds in a dark apartment which she honestly believed to be her own....to understand her actions you have to understand what was going on in her head.

What was going on in her head was she was thinking about fucking her married partner, and wasn't paying attention to where she was, so she blundered into someone else's apartment.

and then she killed someone for absolutely no good reason.

Then she tried to lie about it.

Blah, I have to agree. As a police officer, she is expected to be a cut above. She should be reasonably expected to be aware of her surroundings. At least enough to know when she looked up to notice that the picture on her walls aren't hers, the couch is t where it typically is, or even the same color. It's wrong on ALL sides to make this a race issue. It was a horrible accident.

Yes it was a accident and a horrible tragedy for all involved.

The apartment was dark...thus making it more likely that she would not immediately realize she was not in her own apartment...also all this happened very quickly...most on here miss that....she only had a couple of seconds from the time she went through the door to make a life or death decision....so many on here do not know the facts nor the law.

Bottome Line: She was wrongfully convicted of murder. i would not complain too much if she had been charged with negligent homicide....but this was definitely not murder.

She could still be standing there and there would not be a life or death situation.
WillPower, this has nothing to do with race, nor should it
The family's lawyer disagrees. This is about black vengeance

We need to put aside any personal racist bias. It's about a woman not concentrating on where she was going all because of her obsession with sexting and her stupid phone. If she had enough sense to put away her fucking phone and pay attention to real life, the killing likely would have never happened.

People are too obsessed with their phones and it's resulting in more tragedies like this. Race is not an issue here.
Welcome to USMB, Common Sense Dude. I'm all about stuff making sense myself. Unfortunately, we disagree already. While also no fan of this hand poke technology, I can't blame anyone for being self-distracted while walking or entering a door, tired after a long day at work. No, the real problem here is allowing such fearful pansies to walk around with loaded weapons. This wasn't the first time she fucked up either.
Welcome to USMB, Common Sense Dude. I'm all about stuff making sense myself. Unfortunately, we disagree already. While also no fan of this hand poke technology, I can't blame anyone for being self-distracted while walking or entering a door, tired after a long day at work. No, the real problem here is allowing such fearful pansies to walk around with loaded weapons. This wasn't the first time she fucked up either.

Thanks for the welcome.

Guyger was a police officer and apparently carrying a gun legally. Again, not the issue.

These so-called smart phones are an issue, maybe not so much the phones themselves but the people who can't take their eyes off them while walking or even driving. It is all about being distracted and not paying attention.

We've seen more crashes and more incidents like this one in the last few years all because someone was distracted. In most cases it was the result of checking their phones for a text message or whatever.

And the fact that she was sexting with another officer, that alone should be a violation of the police department's code of conduct, enough to fire her sorry ass.
She was a police officer and obviously carrying a gun legally. Again, not the issue.
Oh, legal so "not the issue", LOL. While sexting another cop off duty is what, illegal?? Common Sense??

You're taking it out of context. Carrying a gun is not only legal but it's a constitutional right. You may not agree or like that fact but it's true.

Let me put it this way. If she was paying attention and walked into her own apartment to be confronted by someone in there illegally, she would've had the right to use deadly force under Texas law. It's called the Castle Doctrine. It has limitations, such as shooting someone outside the dwelling. You certainly aren't allowed to walk into someone else's residence and open fire.

What this bitch did amounted to a murder and she was rightfully charged. I just wish the sentence was longer than 10 years.

Hopefully she will be without a smart phone in prison. Holy shit, what will she do without her precious phone? I'd personally like to take it from her and smash it into a billion pieces.
Welcome to USMB, Common Sense Dude. I'm all about stuff making sense myself. Unfortunately, we disagree already. While also no fan of this hand poke technology, I can't blame anyone for being self-distracted while walking or entering a door, tired after a long day at work. No, the real problem here is allowing such fearful pansies to walk around with loaded weapons. This wasn't the first time she fucked up either.

Thanks for the welcome.

Guyger was a police officer and apparently carrying a gun legally. Again, not the issue.

These so-called smart phones are an issue, maybe not so much the phones themselves but the people who can't take their eyes off them while walking or even driving. It is all about being distracted and not paying attention.

We've seen more crashes and more incidents like this one in the last few years all because someone was distracted. In most cases it was the result of checking their phones for a text message or whatever.

And the fact that she was sexting with another officer, that alone should be a violation of the police department's code of conduct, enough to fire her sorry ass.
It ultimately came down to pulling the trigger without an inescapable threat

The man was sitting down eating ice cream. She should have assessed the situation before she fired
And the fact that she was sexting with another officer, that alone should be a violation of the police department's code of conduct, enough to fire her sorry ass
You sound like the pharisees who "caught a WOMAN in the act of adultery" (seemed to me, it takes 2). The guy didnt seem to be an issue to the pharisees".

Are you a pharisee?
..all you monday morning quarterbackers are simply using hindsight to condemn her and also not understanding how quickly all of it transpired...she had to make a decision of life or death in a couple of seconds in a dark apartment which she honestly believed to be her own...
No, she didn't.. have "to make a decision of life or death." Which should be obvious simply by considering the worst possible case scenario. Say it was her apartment. She sensed a monster lurking inside. Back away.. Call 911.. With the phone you're holding.. Duh!
There was no threat to her, she was the threat in the situation. She got what she deserved now move on.

That is only known by hindsight....she did not have the ability to engage in hindsight...she was living and acting in real time....aka....believing she was in her own apartment in the presence of a intruder....naturally and reasonably she was thus subjected to being in reasonable fear of her life as would anyone in such a scenario...all you monday morning quarterbackers are simply using hindsight to condemn her and also not understanding how quickly all of it transpired...she had to make a decision of life or death in a couple of seconds in a dark apartment which she honestly believed to be her own....to understand her actions you have to understand what was going on in her head.

Very easy to sit back after everything has transpired and all the facts are known and with such hindsight oh...but she was not really in danger. Get real morons.

That makes no difference. If I'm showing off my gun and it go's off and kills someone I am exposed to criminal charges. If I have a pit bull and it eats a kid at the dog park I am exposed to criminal charges. If I have a horse (and I have actually seen this one) and it gets loose, runs into traffic, causes an accident I am exposed to criminal charges. If I own a bar and I over serve a customer and they leave and kill someone I am exposed to criminal charges. None of those examples are deliberate acts, but I can be held criminally liable in any one of those. And you miss the question she answered that pretty much ended it for Guyger. That was "did you intend to kill Mr. Jean"? So I don't say she got out of her car, sent a pic of her titties to work dude then decided to go shoot some black dude. Anyone who does is retarded and weak. I am saying she fucked up and a man died. When this happens the person who did the shooting is held to account.
It all comes down to accountability for your actions

You own the gun, you make the decisions
If you make a bad decision, even with good intent, you will be held accountable.

That is a very broad statement...so broad as to be irrelevant.
Pretty simple

You pull the trigger, you are accountable for the outcome

Being 'accountable' in this case does not equate to murder.

In fact she did nothing illegal whatsoever.

But for the sake of community relations and to prevent a black riot...maybe she should have been fired.

The bottom line is simply that accidents happen and a lot of times with terrible consequences....this incident was one of those.

Unfortunately, now the state has added to the tragedy by ruining the life of someone else....purely to placate the negroes.

The family is going to get a lot of money...no doubt. I think the apt. complex should be sued big time...they were the ones more responsible for this tragedy than anyone.
The man was sitting down eating ice cream. She should have assessed the situation before she fired
Was he sitting in the dark when she opened "her" door? Was he REALLY sitting, or was he up and approaching her? What do YOU Really Know?
All we know is what the coroner reported

He was bent over in a sitting or fetal position
He was not approaching
That is only known by hindsight....she did not have the ability to engage in hindsight...she was living and acting in real time....aka....believing she was in her own apartment in the presence of a intruder....naturally and reasonably she was thus subjected to being in reasonable fear of her life as would anyone in such a scenario...all you monday morning quarterbackers are simply using hindsight to condemn her and also not understanding how quickly all of it transpired...she had to make a decision of life or death in a couple of seconds in a dark apartment which she honestly believed to be her own....to understand her actions you have to understand what was going on in her head.

Very easy to sit back after everything has transpired and all the facts are known and with such hindsight oh...but she was not really in danger. Get real morons.

That makes no difference. If I'm showing off my gun and it go's off and kills someone I am exposed to criminal charges. If I have a pit bull and it eats a kid at the dog park I am exposed to criminal charges. If I have a horse (and I have actually seen this one) and it gets loose, runs into traffic, causes an accident I am exposed to criminal charges. If I own a bar and I over serve a customer and they leave and kill someone I am exposed to criminal charges. None of those examples are deliberate acts, but I can be held criminally liable in any one of those. And you miss the question she answered that pretty much ended it for Guyger. That was "did you intend to kill Mr. Jean"? So I don't say she got out of her car, sent a pic of her titties to work dude then decided to go shoot some black dude. Anyone who does is retarded and weak. I am saying she fucked up and a man died. When this happens the person who did the shooting is held to account.
It all comes down to accountability for your actions

You own the gun, you make the decisions
If you make a bad decision, even with good intent, you will be held accountable.

That is a very broad statement...so broad as to be irrelevant.
Pretty simple

You pull the trigger, you are accountable for the outcome

Being 'accountable' in this case does not equate to murder.

In fact she did nothing illegal whatsoever.

But for the sake of community relations and to prevent a black riot...maybe she should have been fired.

The bottom is simply that accidents happen and a lot of times with terrible consequences....this incident was one of those.

Unfortunately, now the state has addeded to the tragedy by ruining the life of someone else....purely to placate the negroes.

The family is going to get a lot of money...no doubt. I think the apt. complex should be sued big time...they were the ones more responsible for this tragedy than anyone.
It was not an accident
She fired on purpose without knowing what her target was
That makes no difference. If I'm showing off my gun and it go's off and kills someone I am exposed to criminal charges. If I have a pit bull and it eats a kid at the dog park I am exposed to criminal charges. If I have a horse (and I have actually seen this one) and it gets loose, runs into traffic, causes an accident I am exposed to criminal charges. If I own a bar and I over serve a customer and they leave and kill someone I am exposed to criminal charges. None of those examples are deliberate acts, but I can be held criminally liable in any one of those. And you miss the question she answered that pretty much ended it for Guyger. That was "did you intend to kill Mr. Jean"? So I don't say she got out of her car, sent a pic of her titties to work dude then decided to go shoot some black dude. Anyone who does is retarded and weak. I am saying she fucked up and a man died. When this happens the person who did the shooting is held to account.
It all comes down to accountability for your actions

You own the gun, you make the decisions
If you make a bad decision, even with good intent, you will be held accountable.

That is a very broad statement...so broad as to be irrelevant.
Pretty simple

You pull the trigger, you are accountable for the outcome

Being 'accountable' in this case does not equate to murder.

In fact she did nothing illegal whatsoever.

But for the sake of community relations and to prevent a black riot...maybe she should have been fired.

The bottom is simply that accidents happen and a lot of times with terrible consequences....this incident was one of those.

Unfortunately, now the state has addeded to the tragedy by ruining the life of someone else....purely to placate the negroes.

The family is going to get a lot of money...no doubt. I think the apt. complex should be sued big time...they were the ones more responsible for this tragedy than anyone.
It was not an accident
She fired on purpose without knowing what her target was

Let me ask you one question..........If she had been in her own apartment and was confronted with a intruder....would it have been a good shoot?
Carrying a gun is not only legal but it's a constitutional right. You may not agree or like that fact but it's true.
No, it's simply irrelevant. She had many options. Not carrying a loaded weapon while off work was one.

But being glued to a cell phone and not being aware of her surroundings isn't relevant? Being distracted and entering the wrong apartment is pretty dumbass, especially for a cop.
The man was sitting down eating ice cream. She should have assessed the situation before she fired
Was he sitting in the dark when she opened "her" door? Was he REALLY sitting, or was he up and approaching her? What do YOU Really Know?
All we know is what the coroner reported

He was bent over in a sitting or fetal position
He was not approaching

These type scenarios are not like the movies where forensics are always correct.

How many folks would contnue sitting on the couch eating when a uniformed police officer with gun drawn is walking through his door? Not credible that he would have done so...and evidence was presented to debunk the coroner.

We only have the word of the officer to go by and it rings true. She had been a good police officer for years...people do not change overnight and turn into a cold blooded killer.

This was a miscarriage of justice and very likely to be nullified on appeal.
The man was sitting down eating ice cream. She should have assessed the situation before she fired
Was he sitting in the dark when she opened "her" door? Was he REALLY sitting, or was he up and approaching her? What do YOU Really Know?
All we know is what the coroner reported

He was bent over in a sitting or fetal position
He was not approaching
"Bent over in a sitting or fetal position" -- as in getting up and charging the intruder?
Carrying a gun is not only legal but it's a constitutional right. You may not agree or like that fact but it's true.
No, it's simply irrelevant. She had many options. Not carrying a loaded weapon while off work was one.

But being glued to a cell phone and not being aware of her surroundings isn't relevant? Being distracted and entering the wrong apartment is pretty dumbass, especially for a cop.

Well, you have to remember as has been presented numerous times already....over a hundred other people that are known of had gotten confused and gone to the wrong apartment. Obviously there was a big problem in that complex because all the apartments looked the same...and there were not adequate signs to keep folks from getting confused.

And then............add on to the top of that she was very tired having worked a 13 hr. shift. Accidents happen...but the bottom line is she was a innocent trespasser and the black guy should have listened to her command to show his hands.

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