Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

What this wrongful decision by the jury in Texas is doing is to whittle down the ability of anyone to engage in self defense.

And there are other juries outside of Texas making similar mistakes in regards to self defense.

The gun phobia along with fallacious claims of racism is making it more and more of a problem for those whose lives are in danger and are forced to use lethal force to defend their lives.

It will also particularly affect the police...and will result in more cops geting shot because they will hesitate when confronted with a legitimate threat.

A lot of folks that carry concealed weapons have no idea what is happening in regards to these precedent setting cases regarding self defense.

What it boils down to --it may be legal to carry a concealed weapon but if you dare use it when confronted with a threat to your life....you may wind up going to jail.

I used to carry but I stopped...just too dangerous....many juries will consider you to be guilty for just carrying a concealed weapon. The media and the gun control crowd have had a lot of influence on a lot of potential jurors.

I do carry a knife...very effective at close ranges....and the jury will be much more sympathetic towards you if you ever have to defend your life.

You are right here. If those who "abuse" a right are not dealt with, it negatively affects those who need those rights. It's why she had to be found guilty.

I do not think Amber abused any right...if that is what you mean?

When one considers her state of mind and the scenario in that apt. I think she was reasonable to be in fear of her life.

She was a well trained police officer and a 4 yr veteran....if she was terrible as most portend she would not have lasted that long.

Bottom Line....the jurors were racially motivated...to many blacks on the jury...how the defense team allowed that is beyond me.

She said she didn't even remember her training.
What this wrongful decision by the jury in Texas is doing is to whittle down the ability of anyone to engage in self defense.

And there are other juries outside of Texas making similar mistakes in regards to self defense.

The gun phobia along with fallacious claims of racism is making it more and more of a problem for those whose lives are in danger and are forced to use lethal force to defend their lives.

It will also particularly affect the police...and will result in more cops geting shot because they will hesitate when confronted with a legitimate threat.

A lot of folks that carry concealed weapons have no idea what is happening in regards to these precedent setting cases regarding self defense.

What it boils down to --it may be legal to carry a concealed weapon but if you dare use it when confronted with a threat to your life....you may wind up going to jail.

I used to carry but I stopped...just too dangerous....many juries will consider you to be guilty for just carrying a concealed weapon. The media and the gun control crowd have had a lot of influence on a lot of potential jurors.

I do carry a knife...very effective at close ranges....and the jury will be much more sympathetic towards you if you ever have to defend your life.

You are right here. If those who "abuse" a right are not dealt with, it negatively affects those who need those rights. It's why she had to be found guilty.

I do not think Amber abused any right...if that is what you mean?

That's because you're irrational. A rational person could see how shooting an unarmed man to death in his own apartment who has commited no crime is an abuse of his rights.

The jury certainly could.

Bottom Line....the jurors were racially motivated...to many blacks on the jury...how the defense team allowed that is beyond me.

Bottom line, that's your feeling, citing yourself. And you have terrible legal judgment as demonstrated by the meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish you've offered us.

No conviction has ever been overtuurned because you had an emotion, Green. Your feelings aren't a legal standard.

Bottom line, she intentionally took the life of a man minding his own business in his own apartment. And she was rightfully punished for it.
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Did you feel the need to shoot anyone that was sitting in “your car”. ???
I came out of a store and broke into a car that looked like mine. It was a MISTAKE. Oops!
Then I shot all these black people in there 'cause them is some scary MFers. Oops! MISTAKE!
Oopsies! Liddle innocent flower,.. That's me! A cutey pie! See, I did nothing wrong!
If you own a gun, you really can’t make a mistake

Whatever you decide when you shoot must be the right decision
I actually agree with this. If she thought someone was in her apartment, she did the wrong thing. But she did not MURDER him.
It was a homicide

Either murder or manslaughter
The jury said murder and gave her a low end sentence

  1. the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another
Since killing someone in self-defense is not unlawful...no crime was committed.

Yet the state of texas charged her with murder and convicted her of murder.

Definite miscarriage of justice.
Killing someone carelessly and without cause is unlawful
Someone else who is blinded by hate.

Or, someone who is looking at the facts of the case, rather than ignoring them as you are.

First of all you do not know the facts of the case....but irregardless...let me ask you one question.

If she had actually been in her apartment and they guy she shot was white..... would you still claim she was guilty of murder?

Says you, citing whatever pseudo-legal gibbersh you care to make up.

Alas, you're simply not a reliable purveyor of the law as you've already demonstrated a disqualifying incompetence of its basic application. You laughably insisted that a TORT standard of innocent trespass, used to determine civil liability, is applied to a criminal homocide case.

No, it isn't.

Second, you demonstrated the irrelevance of your 'legal' pespective again by trying to apply a tort standard from ANOTHER state to the jurisdiction of texas, which doesn't recognize 'innocent trespass', holding the trespass in good or bad faith is still trespass, and the defendant would still be liable for civil damages if trespass was proven.

You simply don't know what you're talking about. Making your meaningless pseudo-legal babble useless in describing this case

Why wouldn't you answer the question?

She wasn't in her apartment. She was in HIS apartment. Making your hypothetical irrelevant to the actual facts surrounding this case.

Again, you've already demonstrated your incompetence in applying legal standards, laughably insisting that TORT standards must be applied to a State criminal homicide case. And worse, Tort standards that Texas doesn't recognize.

You simply don't know what you're talking about. The prosecutor did. The jury did.

You're being irrational.
And yet the cops were preparing for an acquittal EVEN THOUGH the jury was 6 blacks, 4 Hispanics and 2 whites.

The cops should have understood minority vengeance
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I came out of a store and broke into a car that looked like mine. It was a MISTAKE. Oops!
Then I shot all these black people in there 'cause them is some scary MFers. Oops! MISTAKE!
Oopsies! Liddle innocent flower,.. That's me! A cutey pie! See, I did nothing wrong!
If you own a gun, you really can’t make a mistake

Whatever you decide when you shoot must be the right decision
I actually agree with this. If she thought someone was in her apartment, she did the wrong thing. But she did not MURDER him.
It was a homicide

Either murder or manslaughter
The jury said murder and gave her a low end sentence

  1. the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another
Since killing someone in self-defense is not unlawful...no crime was committed.

Yet the state of texas charged her with murder and convicted her of murder.

Definite miscarriage of justice.
Killing someone carelessly and without cause is unlawful
But not murder, which you refuse to admit
Although Guyger's trial is done, the case is likely far from over.

READ MORE: Amber Guyger sentenced to 10 years in prison for the fatal shooting of Botham Jean

Trial observers, like defense attorney Heath Harris, are looking ahead to what could happen with Guyger's murder conviction in appeals court

Amber Guyger’s legal team expected to appeal murder conviction
Stick a fork in it. All that hugging and forgiveness can't be undone. Nothing to be gained.
You'll "funny" the coming appeal
Texas's felony murder rule, codified in Texas Penal Code § 19.02(b)(3),[1] states that a person commits murder if he "commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual."
Felony murder rule (Texas) - Wikipedia

Texas felony murder rule applied to this case:
1. Amber commited a felony - criminal trespass.
2. Amber further commited an act clearly dangerous to human life that caused the death of an individual.
What is trespassing in Texas?
In Texas, “criminal trespass” occurs when you enter someone else’s property without their permission. In order to be guilty of the offense, there are some additional prerequisites:

  • You must have acted intentionally
  • There must have been some notice posted or you were asked to leave
  • You must be physically present on the property

Amber did not intentionally enter the black guys apartment...thus she was a innocent trespasser.

Engaging in self defense is not a criminal act.
If all true the Judge is a problem BUT how often have YOU mistaken someone else's home for yours?

I got into the wrong car in a parking lot already.

Its easy to get confused sometimes.

Like cars, people who build apartment houses use a limited number of floor plans.

The apartment layouts block the living room from view as you enter and head into the kitchen area. So the person entering is seeing an identical kitchen to theirs and can't see furniture in the living room that would tip them off to being in the wrong unit. She was obviously exhausted after a 13 hour day, part of which she was backing up a SWAT unit.

She wasn't too exhausted to sext a married man for a sexual rendezvous later that night.
What is trespassing in Texas?
In Texas, “criminal trespass” occurs when you enter someone else’s property without their permission. In order to be guilty of the offense, there are some additional prerequisites:

  • You must have acted intentionally
  • There must have been some notice posted or you were asked to leave
  • You must be physically present on the property

Amber did not intentionally enter the black guys apartment...thus she was a innocent trespasser.

Engaging in self defense is not a criminal act.

She didn't enter intentionally? What, did someone throw her in through the door like a bouncer, but in the other direction, into the apartment? She, under her own power and through her own will, walked into his apartment. It was intentional. Just like her double tapping him in the chest. Was intent to kill.

You do not need notice on your door telling people don't walk into your house. Entering their property means entering their YARD. Not their HOME.
I came out of a store and broke into a car that looked like mine. It was a MISTAKE. Oops!
Then I shot all these black people in there 'cause them is some scary MFers. Oops! MISTAKE!
Oopsies! Liddle innocent flower,.. That's me! A cutey pie! See, I did nothing wrong!
If you own a gun, you really can’t make a mistake

Whatever you decide when you shoot must be the right decision
I actually agree with this. If she thought someone was in her apartment, she did the wrong thing. But she did not MURDER him.
It was a homicide

Either murder or manslaughter
The jury said murder and gave her a low end sentence

  1. the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another
Since killing someone in self-defense is not unlawful...no crime was committed.

Yet the state of texas charged her with murder and convicted her of murder.

Definite miscarriage of justice.
Killing someone carelessly and without cause is unlawful

Amber did not carelessly kill the black guy.....she took aim and hit her target nothing carless about that...her target was perceived by her as a threat to her life and reasonably so because she believed she was in her apartment....a honest mistake.

To accuse her of murder would be to negate the law on self defense.
What is trespassing in Texas?
In Texas, “criminal trespass” occurs when you enter someone else’s property without their permission. In order to be guilty of the offense, there are some additional prerequisites:

  • You must have acted intentionally
  • There must have been some notice posted or you were asked to leave
  • You must be physically present on the property

Amber did not intentionally enter the black guys apartment...thus she was a innocent trespasser.

Engaging in self defense is not a criminal act.

She didn't enter intentionally? What, did someone throw her in through the door like a bouncer, but in the other direction, into the apartment? You do not need notice on your door telling people don't walk into your house. Entering their property means entering their YARD. Not their HOME.

The broad meant to go into her own home, not that of the decedent.

That's what the testimony was.

I suppose it could just be a cover story for her, but the persecution didn't prove anything else
Texas's felony murder rule, codified in Texas Penal Code § 19.02(b)(3),[1] states that a person commits murder if he "commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual."
Felony murder rule (Texas) - Wikipedia

Texas felony murder rule applied to this case:
1. Amber commited a felony - criminal trespass.
2. Amber further commited an act clearly dangerous to human life that caused the death of an individual.
Huh? So you’re saying she had intentions to break into an apartment and kill a black man ? Lol you are so racist it’s unreal
What is trespassing in Texas?
In Texas, “criminal trespass” occurs when you enter someone else’s property without their permission. In order to be guilty of the offense, there are some additional prerequisites:

  • You must have acted intentionally
  • There must have been some notice posted or you were asked to leave
  • You must be physically present on the property

Amber did not intentionally enter the black guys apartment...thus she was a innocent trespasser.

Engaging in self defense is not a criminal act.

She didn't enter intentionally? What, did someone throw her in through the door like a bouncer, but in the other direction, into the apartment? She, under her own power and through her own will, walked into his apartment. It was intentional. Just like her double tapping him in the chest. Was intent to kill.

You do not need notice on your door telling people don't walk into your house. Entering their property means entering their YARD. Not their HOME.[/QUOTE

Not good with the english language eh.....she un-intentionally entered the apartment of someone else...meaning she did not realize she was going into someone else's apartment thus that is known as innocent trespassing.

Did you not read the Texas law on trespassing...it plainly states that a requisite to be guilty of trespassing in Texas one must intentionally enter the property of another....you are so dumb you cannot grasp what intentional and un-intentional means in relation to entering the property of another.
If you own a gun, you really can’t make a mistake

Whatever you decide when you shoot must be the right decision
I actually agree with this. If she thought someone was in her apartment, she did the wrong thing. But she did not MURDER him.
It was a homicide

Either murder or manslaughter
The jury said murder and gave her a low end sentence

  1. the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another
Since killing someone in self-defense is not unlawful...no crime was committed.

Yet the state of texas charged her with murder and convicted her of murder.

Definite miscarriage of justice.
Killing someone carelessly and without cause is unlawful

Amber did not carelessly kill the black guy.....she took aim and hit her target nothing carless about that...her target was perceived by her as a threat to her life and reasonably so because she believed she was in her apartment....a honest mistake.

To accuse her of murder would be to negate the law on self defense.
Her decision to fire was careless and unnecessary
It got her fired from her job
What is trespassing in Texas?
In Texas, “criminal trespass” occurs when you enter someone else’s property without their permission. In order to be guilty of the offense, there are some additional prerequisites:

  • You must have acted intentionally
  • There must have been some notice posted or you were asked to leave
  • You must be physically present on the property

Amber did not intentionally enter the black guys apartment...thus she was a innocent trespasser.

Engaging in self defense is not a criminal act.


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