Racist Blacks

You have a false idea of what racism is. Then no one person could be "racist", because only a large social system could be racist.

How dumb are some of you here? Social systems are created by INDIVIDUALS. A single person can be racist because they have been racists. How dumb are some of you whites here? A group is a large number of INDIVIDUALS, therefore this meme of individualism is stupid. A young white man who has no real idea of what actual racsim is thinking he can tell somebody who has seen racism they have the wrong notion about something he has never felt or endured stinks of white privilege.
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Uh, how does that matter? You asked a question. You got an answer. One might have thought common sense could've answered your question, but that seems to be in short supply.
Well it does matter

Because when blks harm white people we get punished to the letter of the law.

How effective is racism when you have to spend years in Shawshank should you use it ?

Now - Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do? For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

Good luck with that.

Yeah sure. A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism because a white person can also do that to a black person.

All you done was post a link about black individuals acting as black individuals and there was no system in place that supported there right to harm him, In fact they went to jail.

However white policeman can murder black people on a daily basis and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems).

So you can sit there and pretend that all people do the same things but you'll never pretend that all people are equal.

White supremacy is Racism. Racism is White Supremacy. White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

That is why black and non-white people can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color. Of course, black and non-white people can be prejudiced (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.
Who is denying you anything today?
If black people are not being denied anything then racism does not exist.

Are you claiming that racism does not exist ?
Nope. But tell me what you are being denied
Racism plays out in three ways most commonly
  1. Material (such as less opportunity in the labor market, or less net worth)
  2. Social (such as presumptions of competence, creditworthiness, law-abidingness, intelligence)
  3. Psychological (not having to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, rarely having to feel out of place, not having to worry about racial profiling, etc.)
Racism is a system of inequality based on race.

And white supremacy is the main form of racism on this planet. If racism were burgers, white supremacy would be Mcdonalds

So I say what Gus T Renegade says and Neely Fuller says and I'm quoting them and I agree with them when they say that we are in a global system of racism white supremacy, and the definition that they use for white supremacy is (And I agree with them)

A global system of people who classify themselves as white and are dedicated to abusing and/or subjugating everyone in the known universe whom they classify as not white.

Do you believe that such a system exists ? And do you feel that that definition is accurate to describe what's happening on the planet ?

Of course he doesn't. And he will try to show us how he has faced the three things you mention. So will the other white racists here.
Show no fear and thank you for starting a thread on Racist Blacks. There is a surge of Black Racism right now and it has to be recognized for the pathos and harm it is causing to the youth of all races. For modern day Blacks to spend so much time obsessing on "racism" and harping continuously as "victims" is surely sad and regressive. This is a modern world full of all kinds of people. Opportunities are there if these hateful Blacks could stop hating for a minute so that they can free their minds in order to think about their future instead of worrying about nothing all the time. Racist Black trendiness is really about asserting Violence over others that is all. In particular are one or two Racist Blacks on these boards who seem to have no life whatsoever except to dwell on "racism" every day. Their negativity is very noticeable. Yes racism can be prompted by Blacks as well as others. No one is perfect.
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You have a false idea of what racism is. Then no one person could be "racist", because only a large social system could be racist.

How dumb are some of you here? Social systems are created by INDIVIDUALS. A single person can be racist because they have been racists. How dumb are some of you whites here? A group is a large number of INDIVIDUALS, therefore this meme of individualism is stupid. A young white man who has no real idea of what actual racsim is thinking he can tell somebody who has seen racism they have the wrong notion about something he has never felt or endured stinks of white privilege.

IM2 mentality in a nutshell

Are you white? You're wrong automatically.

Are you black? You have a right to speak.

Hmm ... sounds a bit like ...

Buddy, you're an idiot. And you're a prejudiced fuckwit. I'll leave you to your delusions now.

Because at the end of the day, you're nothing. You're a nobody, and no one gives a shit about your life or what you have to say. Deal with it.
If there's one thing that speaking with the black supremacists on here has taught me, it's that they are just as stupid and unreasonable as the white supremacists. You can't communicate with some people. They are deluded and unintelligent, and always think that they're right no matter what, in spite of their own stupidity. Or perhaps because of their stupidity ...

It was fun, but ultimately an exercise in futility. These people just want to talk at you. They don't want to listen. That's not a dialogue; it's a sermon. A lecture. And people don't want to be lectured by morons. No wonder white people kinda shrug and walk to the other side of the street when they see the IM2 types coming at them.
Uh, how does that matter? You asked a question. You got an answer. One might have thought common sense could've answered your question, but that seems to be in short supply.
Well it does matter

Because when blks harm white people we get punished to the letter of the law.

How effective is racism when you have to spend years in Shawshank should you use it ?

Now - Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do? For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

Good luck with that.

Yeah sure. A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism because a white person can also do that to a black person.

All you done was post a link about black individuals acting as black individuals and there was no system in place that supported there right to harm him, In fact they went to jail.

However white policeman can murder black people on a daily basis and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems).

So you can sit there and pretend that all people do the same things but you'll never pretend that all people are equal.

White supremacy is Racism. Racism is White Supremacy. White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

That is why black and non-white people can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color. Of course, black and non-white people can be prejudiced (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.
Who is denying you anything today?
If black people are not being denied anything then racism does not exist.

Are you claiming that racism does not exist ?
Nope. But tell me what you are being denied
Racism plays out in three ways most commonly
  1. Material (such as less opportunity in the labor market, or less net worth)
  2. Social (such as presumptions of competence, creditworthiness, law-abidingness, intelligence)
  3. Psychological (not having to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, rarely having to feel out of place, not having to worry about racial profiling, etc.)
Racism is a system of inequality based on race.

And white supremacy is the main form of racism on this planet. If racism were burgers, white supremacy would be Mcdonalds

So I say what Gus T Renegade says and Neely Fuller says and I'm quoting them and I agree with them when they say that we are in a global system of racism white supremacy, and the definition that they use for white supremacy is (And I agree with them)

A global system of people who classify themselves as white and are dedicated to abusing and/or subjugating everyone in the known universe whom they classify as not white.

Do you believe that such a system exists ? And do you feel that that definition is accurate to describe what's happening on the planet ?
There is NOT a global system of white supremacy. No, racism hasn't ended, but there are more non whites who refuse to admit they are also racist. It isn't just having the ability to control. All the racist of all colors aren't in a position of power or control.
Why do they always seem to be dedicated Democrats?
What's a racist black person ?

Here, I'll get you started..

Racism - Wikipedia
I did not ask you to point to a link on wikipedia about some definition of racism (and bear in mind all those pages on wikipedia are written by white people)

I asked - What is a racist black person ? Just give me you're own definition of what a racist black person is and what he does.

Uses any excuse to denigrate anything a whitey does. Won't judge a whitey by their character; just by their skin colour. Just the usual racist stuff.

Oh, don't forget, anything written by a white person is not believable. LOL
You tend to believe what blacks write about whites, only if it is negative
Like for example ?
Anything Farrakan says

So are you claiming that black people believe everything Farrakhan says ?

Can you point to any Minster Farrakhan that is false ?

Some of these whites here are stump stupid. Whites have a continuing history of racist behavior that has lasted now for 242 years. That's what our opinion on are is based on. Whites base theirs on stereotypes they made up that do not exist.

Minister Farrakhan is right about many things and if whites don't like that, well they should not be doing what he talks about. And don't try telling me I support his ant Semitism because I don't.

Being black I say fuck you to all whites who base their opinions of Farrakhan on labels given to him by racists like Rush Limbaugh. You guys have repeated what this fat asshole has said for years and his treat his screeds like the word of god.
Limbaugh is an asshole and Farrakhan has shown his racism toward whites.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

So Blacks American citizens have a monopoly on being HATEFUL? Are you serious?

Hi, katsteve. Respectfully, could you clarify your reference to "black American citizens"?

katsteve, when you write about "black American citizens", are you referring to our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness...


Are you referring to significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent?

katsteve, "Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.


katsteve, in my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "PRO BLACK" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (#ACEs).

Am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or American citizens of African descent are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "PRO BLACK or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???


YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

Video search terms: "Oprah Winfrey, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment

The vast majority of "Black citizens" that I know and am associated with are normal people with families, responsibilities and s positive outlook on life. And that SAME majority are pro black, not "anti anyone"

They want their children and their children's children to not be catagorized as "suspects", or shot down like a dog in the streets based on "what they look like" or because of the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs.

It appears to me that you are of the belief that being pro black and aware as well as successful are qualities that are impossible to exist within the same person.

they are NOT being shot like dogs/categorized by what they look like--but for their ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are usually shot in self defense/they are a threat/etc-NOT like a dog

Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".

Ron Hosko: The truth about fatal shootings by police
Nice to have a visit by a bonafide USMB "Racist Black"..

... and Democrats are the slavery and oppression party, there's just no getting around it. What, 70ish years voting Democrat and guess what .. still oppressed with Democratic Party created and controlled political ghettos. (smell the failure 2 and do the right thing .. accept responsibility )... :laugh:


I don't see any racist blacks here. I see blacks speaking truth to whites and whites getting so butthurt about it, they start crying about why we are talking about race in the race and racism section. Then they call us racists while changing their home made definitions of racism every day and those definitions have nothing to do with the real accepted definition of racism.

So it's like this, I am a democrat. When we blacks talk about slavery your bitch asses weren't there ad we were never slaves is what you tell us. Well the democratic party of today was not there during slavery and the first black president was nominated twice by the democratic party. Republicans can't even get a black person elected as governor. If I ever leave the democratic party, I'll join a third party before I ever become a republican.

mmm .. preferential knowledge..

Rest at ease, I'm not butthurt and I have nothing to be ashamed of on the topic.. If you want to spend your life parasitizing off long past slavery and continuing oppression while giving Democrats a free pass I think it's goofy but it's your life, enjoy.your possible epiphany when you accept the facts of life but .. eh.

The thing is, this problem still exists. But you keep talking about slavery. The facts of life is that todays republican party is the party of racists. You are butthurt, that's why you started a thread about racist blacks when you can't say that anything blacks have said here is racist.

Paul has posted many racist statements in this thread alone. If you don’t agree pretend any time he writes “black” he means “white” and any time he writes “white” he means “black.” then see how he comes across.

If blacks and whites had the same history, meaning they have done the exact same things to each other for 242 years, then you could substitute the words and your argument would have merit. I understand that whts have difficulty in understanding just exactly why blacks might just be a little upset with the things whites KEEP DOING while claiming its all in the past. There are whites who have extreme difficulty understanding how blacks could possibly be angry at what whites have done and cannot understand that because whites declare something over doesn't fix the damage they created. Pauls comments are the reaction to the racism he has faced. This whites such as you fail to understand. So you call him a racist for his justified anger at what has gone on.

This gaslighting by whites here must stop.
My niece was murdered by a black man. Should I take it out on that person and his family, or have her descendants take it out on the murderer's descendants?
You are the racist. You say you cant trust what a white person writes. I say yes because you can trust what a white person weites. Wallow in the hatred that you post on a daily basis. I guess it makes you feel superior. In the end miserable little race mongers like you always lose.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" There are many things whites have written about us that have been proven false that you still repeat. So shut your racist pie hole.
There re many things written that are true. Many things that blacks have written aren’t true. You are a racist piece of shit. Your posts prove it, this dialog proves it. You hate white people. Period. You come in here and blame everything wrong in your life on white people. Hey over it. You are fucking pathetic.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" Read all the words then talk.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
You probably haven't read what most white people have written about blacks to make that ASSumption.
There re many things written that are true. Many things that blacks have written aren’t true. You are a racist piece of shit. Your posts prove it, this dialog proves it. You hate white people. Period. You come in here and blame everything wrong in your life on white people. Hey over it. You are fucking pathetic.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" Read all the words then talk.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.
Pretty much most whites agree that whites should not have done what they did in the past. It is THE PAST. You are seriously mistaken if you believe blacks are treated the same today, if that were true you would be in chains. I am glad times have changed. No human being deserves that treatment.
Whites know what you angry, racist blacks will say.
I never get angry with white people when talking about race. because that is what white people want because they go into victim mode "big black man is scarying me" type stuff. I learned that at school the moment you react to white peoples bullsh*t with anger, your done, because they go into victim mode and call the cavalry.
Blacks in school tend to use violence instead of discussion toward whites. IMO
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

So Blacks American citizens have a monopoly on being HATEFUL? Are you serious?

Hi, katsteve. Respectfully, could you clarify your reference to "black American citizens"?

katsteve, when you write about "black American citizens", are you referring to our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness...


Are you referring to significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent?

katsteve, "Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.


katsteve, in my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "PRO BLACK" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (#ACEs).

Am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or American citizens of African descent are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "PRO BLACK or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???


YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

Video search terms: "Oprah Winfrey, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment

The vast majority of "Black citizens" that I know and am associated with are normal people with families, responsibilities and s positive outlook on life. And that SAME majority are pro black, not "anti anyone"

They want their children and their children's children to not be catagorized as "suspects", or shot down like a dog in the streets based on "what they look like" or because of the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs.

It appears to me that you are of the belief that being pro black and aware as well as successful are qualities that are impossible to exist within the same person.

they are NOT being shot like dogs/categorized by what they look like--but for their ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are usually shot in self defense/they are a threat/etc-NOT like a dog

Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".

Ron Hosko: The truth about fatal shootings by police

I've also put out many links/much evidence on this
Why do they always seem to be dedicated Democrats?
What's a racist black person ?

Hello, Paul. Do you equate racism with HATE & HUMAN IGNORANCE.


Please see my USM signature for more info about HATEFUL black American citizens.

Racism for the most part is not about hate

When the above black people (Tariq Nasheed, Umar Johnson, Boyce Watkins) begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate/dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, writing books to prove how stupid white people are, creating films to show inferior white people are

experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way and HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

The ONLY people who can possibly ever qualify as racists are WHITE people.

The word “ black racist” makes no sense

Nor do I think racism is about ignorance.

What whites today are doing any of those things? You seem to make up your own definition of racist. Wgat is your definition of blacks, or any race, who hate others because of their race alone?

You are wasting your time with Paul. He is ignorant, defiant and a racist. He is too ate up with his hate of white people to have a semi rational discussion.

maybe, but we must ENGAGE in debate for him to have ANY chance of seeing the truth. Hard I know, but we need to bother!

Racism plays out in three ways most commonly
  1. Material (such as less opportunity in the labor market, or less net worth)
  2. Social (such as presumptions of competence, creditworthiness, law-abidingness, intelligence)
  3. Psychological (not having to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, rarely having to feel out of place, not having to worry about racial profiling, etc.)

Serious questions...

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed.jpg

Shawn Carter, Nasir Jones, Barack Obama.jpg
My niece was murdered by a black man.

Just like harmonica who said
we had blacks try to jump us and did attack my brother
You see, people like you and harmonica will always try to masquerade your into chaos into a form of rationality. You'll quote FBI stats and IQ stats, throw in Chicago but when it REALLY COMES DOWN IT

But all your running your mouth and postings are really just about "Black men have hurt me. so I have beef with black people"
  • Thanks
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