Racist Blacks

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.

:lol:... you still won't directly answer a very simple question, you may be black but luckily you represent a minority of blacks, the blacks I truly respect .. respect themselves, you don't, you insist on being an uninformed pouty adolescent.

I am going to answer your question Lumpy. Again. And please stop trying to speak for blacks white boy.

mmm .. a lousy drum roll... and you ended up with no Kaboom...

Only if I was looking for kaboom.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.
You have taken no responsibility. You whine and complain. I don't need to apologize because I haven't done anything. You keep going back to 242 years ago. As far as I know, no one is still alive from back then. You use a pathetic excuse that all the black problems stem from the whites. If that were true there wouldn't be any successful blacks. I am not talking about blacks calling names. You try to trivialize what some blacks do. That shows your cowardice and inability to be honest. You are a racist and you show it every day.

If you knew what responsibility was, I would take your comment seriously. No one has asked for your dumb ass to apologize. Learn how to read. I said this:

You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from whites

You do understand that isn't going back 242 yeaes don't you?

I said the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's not an wxcuse. It is fact.

5 Ways Government Policies Have Made Black People Poorer Than Whites
By Taylor Gordon December 5, 2014

Racial Classification System Based on Skin Color Determined Who Could Escape From Poverty

Between the Civil War and the Great Depression broad policies were put in place that classified citizens based on their skin color. “Those broad policies called forth more specific policies from the census bureau, state legislatures, courts, and other institutions that sought to label, classify, order and otherwise manage people of mixed or ambiguous or merely foreign descent,” according to a report by Harvard University’s Jennifer L. Hochschild and University of Virginia’s Vesla Mae Weaver. These policies ultimately kept people of darker complexions trapped in poverty.

Eventually the Government Deemed Europeans and Mexicans as White and Jim Crow Laws Concentrated on Blacks

Once 1930 hit Europeans were classified as white and Mexicans protested to earn the same classification. This change left Blacks as the only ones to be targeted by Jim Crow laws and the “consequences of being labeled as Black deepened,” according to the report by Harvard University’s Jennifer L. Hochschild and University of Virginia’s Vesla Mae Weaver. Jim Crow laws essentially kept Blacks from being able to be a part of the political process and thus made it nearly impossible for them to climb out of poverty. It was only a matter of time that the inferior status that was placed upon Blacks led to “subordinate economic and political status” as well.

Changes in Financial Aid Policies Forcing Black Students Out of College

In today’s economy, it is stressed that a college education is key as many entry level positions that didn’t call for degrees in the past are now looking for college graduates to fill those spots. Unfortunately, Black students are struggling to make it through college after a change in financial aid policies left them without much help at all. Under the Obama administration, financial aid policies checked the last five years of a parent’s credit history, as opposed to the last 90 days, which was the case under previous policies. According to Breaking Brown, this change has forced 28,000 HBCU students to drop out for financial reasons and placed them at a severe disadvantage in the job market

Preferential Tax Treatment For Wealthy Investors

Reports have shown that years of financial hardships and struggles have kept many Blacks from taking the necessary risks to invest. In a sea of other factors that contribute to Blacks’ lack of wealth, a tax system that is dedicated to helping those who are already wealthy leaves little room to help African Americans. “Preferential tax treatment for large estates costs taxpayers and provides huge benefits to less than 1 percent of the population while diverting vital resources from schools, housing, infrastructure and jobs,” a report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy titled “The Roots of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap: Explaining the Black-White Economic Divide” explained. These types of policies are essentially giving preferential treatment to those who are already wealthy and leaving low- and middle-income Americans, who are mostly Black, without much help from the government.

Racist Housing Policies Including the Systematic Exclusion of African Americans From GI Bill Loans

Homeownership is a key factor in obtaining wealth in the long run, as explained in the report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy. Unfortunately, housing policies have long placed Blacks at a disadvantage including the systematic exclusion of Blacks from the GI Bill loans. The bill was meant to help over 5 million Americans obtain homes through the Veterans Administration but because banks failed to approve loans for African Americans they composed an incredibly small portion of the population that was actually able to obtain a home through the bill, according to a report submitted by the U.S. Housing Scholars and Research and Advocacy Organizations. By keeping Blacks from owning homes and using other policies to keep them segregated from predominantly white neighborhoods, the country’s racist housing policies have also contributed to the overall wealth gap between Blacks and whites.


I don't make excuses. Blacks have done none of this to whites. These among many other things whites have not faced from black people. You are the one lacking honesty. You are the racist.

It appears blacks have been poorly represented by the Democratic Party and their toady Black leadership, you must be very proud.
Last edited:
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.
You have taken no responsibility. You whine and complain. I don't need to apologize because I haven't done anything. You keep going back to 242 years ago. As far as I know, no one is still alive from back then. You use a pathetic excuse that all the black problems stem from the whites. If that were true there wouldn't be any successful blacks. I am not talking about blacks calling names. You try to trivialize what some blacks do. That shows your cowardice and inability to be honest. You are a racist and you show it every day.

If you knew what responsibility was, I would take your comment seriously. No one has asked for your dumb ass to apologize. Learn how to read. I said this:

You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from whites

You do understand that isn't going back 242 yeaes don't you?

I said the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's not an wxcuse. It is fact.

5 Ways Government Policies Have Made Black People Poorer Than Whites
By Taylor Gordon December 5, 2014

Racial Classification System Based on Skin Color Determined Who Could Escape From Poverty

Between the Civil War and the Great Depression broad policies were put in place that classified citizens based on their skin color. “Those broad policies called forth more specific policies from the census bureau, state legislatures, courts, and other institutions that sought to label, classify, order and otherwise manage people of mixed or ambiguous or merely foreign descent,” according to a report by Harvard University’s Jennifer L. Hochschild and University of Virginia’s Vesla Mae Weaver. These policies ultimately kept people of darker complexions trapped in poverty.

Eventually the Government Deemed Europeans and Mexicans as White and Jim Crow Laws Concentrated on Blacks

Once 1930 hit Europeans were classified as white and Mexicans protested to earn the same classification. This change left Blacks as the only ones to be targeted by Jim Crow laws and the “consequences of being labeled as Black deepened,” according to the report by Harvard University’s Jennifer L. Hochschild and University of Virginia’s Vesla Mae Weaver. Jim Crow laws essentially kept Blacks from being able to be a part of the political process and thus made it nearly impossible for them to climb out of poverty. It was only a matter of time that the inferior status that was placed upon Blacks led to “subordinate economic and political status” as well.

Changes in Financial Aid Policies Forcing Black Students Out of College

In today’s economy, it is stressed that a college education is key as many entry level positions that didn’t call for degrees in the past are now looking for college graduates to fill those spots. Unfortunately, Black students are struggling to make it through college after a change in financial aid policies left them without much help at all. Under the Obama administration, financial aid policies checked the last five years of a parent’s credit history, as opposed to the last 90 days, which was the case under previous policies. According to Breaking Brown, this change has forced 28,000 HBCU students to drop out for financial reasons and placed them at a severe disadvantage in the job market

Preferential Tax Treatment For Wealthy Investors

Reports have shown that years of financial hardships and struggles have kept many Blacks from taking the necessary risks to invest. In a sea of other factors that contribute to Blacks’ lack of wealth, a tax system that is dedicated to helping those who are already wealthy leaves little room to help African Americans. “Preferential tax treatment for large estates costs taxpayers and provides huge benefits to less than 1 percent of the population while diverting vital resources from schools, housing, infrastructure and jobs,” a report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy titled “The Roots of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap: Explaining the Black-White Economic Divide” explained. These types of policies are essentially giving preferential treatment to those who are already wealthy and leaving low- and middle-income Americans, who are mostly Black, without much help from the government.

Racist Housing Policies Including the Systematic Exclusion of African Americans From GI Bill Loans

Homeownership is a key factor in obtaining wealth in the long run, as explained in the report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy. Unfortunately, housing policies have long placed Blacks at a disadvantage including the systematic exclusion of Blacks from the GI Bill loans. The bill was meant to help over 5 million Americans obtain homes through the Veterans Administration but because banks failed to approve loans for African Americans they composed an incredibly small portion of the population that was actually able to obtain a home through the bill, according to a report submitted by the U.S. Housing Scholars and Research and Advocacy Organizations. By keeping Blacks from owning homes and using other policies to keep them segregated from predominantly white neighborhoods, the country’s racist housing policies have also contributed to the overall wealth gap between Blacks and whites.


I don't make excuses. Blacks have done none of this to whites. These among many other things whites have not faced from black people. You are the one lacking honesty. You are the racist.
Good bye pathetic miserable racist.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.

:lol:... you still won't directly answer a very simple question, you may be black but luckily you represent a minority of blacks, the blacks I truly respect .. respect themselves, you don't, you insist on being an uninformed pouty adolescent.

I am going to answer your question Lumpy. Again. And please stop trying to speak for blacks white boy.

mmm .. a lousy drum roll... and you ended up with no Kaboom...

Only if I was looking for kaboom.

It's probably best for you to keep your expectations on the low low... :poke:
Maybe the desired goal of these kind of posts is for the magical moment that some black guy will fall to his knees and finally admit "you are right random white racist guy, you are superior to me -- please forgive me for my disobedience" -- at which point, random white racist guy will break out the Jergens and go to town on himself
I’ve tried to talk to black people who believe white people have no business talking about racism and refuse to talk to white people about it. Complaining about racism whilst holding racial biases is counterproductive to say the least.
I listen to white people when they talk about the racism is but I don't really engage with them because I know how they think. We know what your going to say.

Right. You know how white people think but it’s impossible for whites to know how blacks think. Makes perfect sense. You don’t know what it’s like being white just like I don’t know what it’s like being black. Acting like we do know deserves to get us laughed at.
Nice to have a visit by a bonafide USMB "Racist Black"..

... and Democrats are the slavery and oppression party, there's just no getting around it. What, 70ish years voting Democrat and guess what .. still oppressed with Democratic Party created and controlled political ghettos. (smell the failure 2 and do the right thing .. accept responsibility )... :laugh:


I don't see any racist blacks here. I see blacks speaking truth to whites and whites getting so butthurt about it, they start crying about why we are talking about race in the race and racism section. Then they call us racists while changing their home made definitions of racism every day and those definitions have nothing to do with the real accepted definition of racism.

So it's like this, I am a democrat. When we blacks talk about slavery your bitch asses weren't there ad we were never slaves is what you tell us. Well the democratic party of today was not there during slavery and the first black president was nominated twice by the democratic party. Republicans can't even get a black person elected as governor. If I ever leave the democratic party, I'll join a third party before I ever become a republican.

mmm .. preferential knowledge..

Rest at ease, I'm not butthurt and I have nothing to be ashamed of on the topic.. If you want to spend your life parasitizing off long past slavery and continuing oppression while giving Democrats a free pass I think it's goofy but it's your life, enjoy.your possible epiphany when you accept the facts of life but .. eh.

The thing is, this problem still exists. But you keep talking about slavery. The facts of life is that todays republican party is the party of racists. You are butthurt, that's why you started a thread about racist blacks when you can't say that anything blacks have said here is racist.

Paul has posted many racist statements in this thread alone. If you don’t agree pretend any time he writes “black” he means “white” and any time he writes “white” he means “black.” then see how he comes across.

If blacks and whites had the same history, meaning they have done the exact same things to each other for 242 years, then you could substitute the words and your argument would have merit. I understand that whts have difficulty in understanding just exactly why blacks might just be a little upset with the things whites KEEP DOING while claiming its all in the past. There are whites who have extreme difficulty understanding how blacks could possibly be angry at what whites have done and cannot understand that because whites declare something over doesn't fix the damage they created. Pauls comments are the reaction to the racism he has faced. This whites such as you fail to understand. So you call him a racist for his justified anger at what has gone on.

This gaslighting by whites here must stop.

It doesn’t matter if his reactions and thoughts about whites stem from the racism he’s experienced. Treating people the way he doesn’t want to be treated isn’t going to work out for him.
they are NOT being shot like dogs/categorized by what they look like--but for their ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are usually shot in self defense/they are a threat/etc-NOT like a dog

Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".
I've been over this before--many times with MUCH evidence--unlike you
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
most of the shootings are justified

there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and only 233 blacks fatally shot
do the math if you can
blacks commit more crime per capita---DUH---guess what????...take a guess Mr Genius
cops have to deal with blacks at a higher percentage!!!!! duh

It is likely "Mr. Per Capita", that I read and understand mathematics and numbers far better than you do. SO make up your mind. You use the per capita argument when it is convenient, and then switch to raw numbers.

I understand the application of relative population size as well. Law enforcement agencies do not spend anywhere near the MAJORITY of their time "dealing with just blacks.

Caucasoids represent approximately 62% of the population and looking at raw numbers, they commit more crime but at a lower rate based on the size of their population. Which means that the majority of arrests made for crimes all types equals more contact with police by the white population. But black people are fatally shot while unarmed at a that is over three times that of relative population size. And in far too many of those cases, an arrest could have been made without deadly force, because the suspects were unarmed.

You should think a little bit more before making statements that are completely ignorant.

Police killings of black men in the U.S. and what happened to the officers
n 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post.
...you need to get some reading glasses before making statements that are completely ignorant --and buy a dictionary to read
...and unarmed does not mean not a threat---
..and whites are not as stupid/mentally screwed up/etc to not comply
  1. 1.
    of very great extent or quantity; immense.
  1. 1.
    the greater number.

My vision is fine and I understand the definitions of the words, so please save your dictionary copy and paste jobs.

Maybe YOU had to look those words up due to your own need to learn what they mean?

If you are capable of it, you should read the information in the link that was posted. If you did so, you would see that in the case of those shootings, that there was not a justifiable threat that required deadly force in almost all of the cases.

In fact, in similar cases to these, the majority of the time a white suspect is apprehended without being shot or killed.

And it is not because they are less stupid or more compliant as you insist.

Is your head really as thick as it appears to be?

‘We only kill black people,’ a cop told a woman — on camera. Now he’ll lose his job.
this is simple
they are not shooting them because of their skin color!!!!!!!as you claim
they are NOT being shot like dogs/categorized by what they look like--but for their ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are usually shot in self defense/they are a threat/etc-NOT like a dog

Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".
I've been over this before--many times with MUCH evidence--unlike you
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
most of the shootings are justified

there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and only 233 blacks fatally shot
do the math if you can
blacks commit more crime per capita---DUH---guess what????...take a guess Mr Genius
cops have to deal with blacks at a higher percentage!!!!! duh

It is likely "Mr. Per Capita", that I read and understand mathematics and numbers far better than you do. SO make up your mind. You use the per capita argument when it is convenient, and then switch to raw numbers.

I understand the application of relative population size as well. Law enforcement agencies do not spend anywhere near the MAJORITY of their time "dealing with just blacks.

Caucasoids represent approximately 62% of the population and looking at raw numbers, they commit more crime but at a lower rate based on the size of their population. Which means that the majority of arrests made for crimes all types equals more contact with police by the white population. But black people are fatally shot while unarmed at a that is over three times that of relative population size. And in far too many of those cases, an arrest could have been made without deadly force, because the suspects were unarmed.

You should think a little bit more before making statements that are completely ignorant.

Police killings of black men in the U.S. and what happened to the officers
n 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post.
...you need to get some reading glasses before making statements that are completely ignorant --and buy a dictionary to read
...and unarmed does not mean not a threat---
..and whites are not as stupid/mentally screwed up/etc to not comply
  1. 1.
    of very great extent or quantity; immense.
  1. 1.
    the greater number.

My vision is fine and I understand the definitions of the words, so please save your dictionary copy and paste jobs.

Maybe YOU had to look those words up due to your own need to learn what they mean?

If you are capable of it, you should read the information in the link that was posted. If you did so, you would see that in the case of those shootings, that there was not a justifiable threat that required deadly force in almost all of the cases.

In fact, in similar cases to these, the majority of the time a white suspect is apprehended without being shot or killed.

And it is not because they are less stupid or more compliant as you insist.

Is your head really as thick as it appears to be?

‘We only kill black people,’ a cop told a woman — on camera. Now he’ll lose his job.
...the cops are doing a good job at NOT shooting blacks---considering the amounts of crime the commit
Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".
I've been over this before--many times with MUCH evidence--unlike you
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
most of the shootings are justified

there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and only 233 blacks fatally shot
do the math if you can
blacks commit more crime per capita---DUH---guess what????...take a guess Mr Genius
cops have to deal with blacks at a higher percentage!!!!! duh

It is likely "Mr. Per Capita", that I read and understand mathematics and numbers far better than you do. SO make up your mind. You use the per capita argument when it is convenient, and then switch to raw numbers.

I understand the application of relative population size as well. Law enforcement agencies do not spend anywhere near the MAJORITY of their time "dealing with just blacks.

Caucasoids represent approximately 62% of the population and looking at raw numbers, they commit more crime but at a lower rate based on the size of their population. Which means that the majority of arrests made for crimes all types equals more contact with police by the white population. But black people are fatally shot while unarmed at a that is over three times that of relative population size. And in far too many of those cases, an arrest could have been made without deadly force, because the suspects were unarmed.

You should think a little bit more before making statements that are completely ignorant.

Police killings of black men in the U.S. and what happened to the officers
n 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post.
...you need to get some reading glasses before making statements that are completely ignorant --and buy a dictionary to read
...and unarmed does not mean not a threat---
..and whites are not as stupid/mentally screwed up/etc to not comply
  1. 1.
    of very great extent or quantity; immense.
  1. 1.
    the greater number.

My vision is fine and I understand the definitions of the words, so please save your dictionary copy and paste jobs.

Maybe YOU had to look those words up due to your own need to learn what they mean?

If you are capable of it, you should read the information in the link that was posted. If you did so, you would see that in the case of those shootings, that there was not a justifiable threat that required deadly force in almost all of the cases.

In fact, in similar cases to these, the majority of the time a white suspect is apprehended without being shot or killed.

And it is not because they are less stupid or more compliant as you insist.

Is your head really as thick as it appears to be?

‘We only kill black people,’ a cop told a woman — on camera. Now he’ll lose his job.
this is simple
they are not shooting them because of their skin color!!!!!!!as you claim
Exactly! What some of the black posters fail to address is that there are actually black police officers shooting black perps, how do they justify this?
There re many things written that are true. Many things that blacks have written aren’t true. You are a racist piece of shit. Your posts prove it, this dialog proves it. You hate white people. Period. You come in here and blame everything wrong in your life on white people. Hey over it. You are fucking pathetic.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" Read all the words then talk.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.
I have friends who talk about blacks who are to dark of color and I noticed they don't hang with them, this is important in the black areas that they have the clubs and sports bars. Some are just picky on color of the friends they keep. Everyone has some racism in their lives. You really can't help it. I have been able to understand that the old bull that everyone had a slave stuff in History was and is a lie. There are cases that Blacks and Indians had slaves. Look that up.
Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".
I've been over this before--many times with MUCH evidence--unlike you
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
most of the shootings are justified

there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and only 233 blacks fatally shot
do the math if you can
blacks commit more crime per capita---DUH---guess what????...take a guess Mr Genius
cops have to deal with blacks at a higher percentage!!!!! duh

It is likely "Mr. Per Capita", that I read and understand mathematics and numbers far better than you do. SO make up your mind. You use the per capita argument when it is convenient, and then switch to raw numbers.

I understand the application of relative population size as well. Law enforcement agencies do not spend anywhere near the MAJORITY of their time "dealing with just blacks.

Caucasoids represent approximately 62% of the population and looking at raw numbers, they commit more crime but at a lower rate based on the size of their population. Which means that the majority of arrests made for crimes all types equals more contact with police by the white population. But black people are fatally shot while unarmed at a that is over three times that of relative population size. And in far too many of those cases, an arrest could have been made without deadly force, because the suspects were unarmed.

You should think a little bit more before making statements that are completely ignorant.

Police killings of black men in the U.S. and what happened to the officers
n 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post.
...you need to get some reading glasses before making statements that are completely ignorant --and buy a dictionary to read
...and unarmed does not mean not a threat---
..and whites are not as stupid/mentally screwed up/etc to not comply
  1. 1.
    of very great extent or quantity; immense.
  1. 1.
    the greater number.

My vision is fine and I understand the definitions of the words, so please save your dictionary copy and paste jobs.

Maybe YOU had to look those words up due to your own need to learn what they mean?

If you are capable of it, you should read the information in the link that was posted. If you did so, you would see that in the case of those shootings, that there was not a justifiable threat that required deadly force in almost all of the cases.

In fact, in similar cases to these, the majority of the time a white suspect is apprehended without being shot or killed.

And it is not because they are less stupid or more compliant as you insist.

Is your head really as thick as it appears to be?

‘We only kill black people,’ a cop told a woman — on camera. Now he’ll lose his job.
...the cops are doing a good job at NOT shooting blacks---considering the amounts of crime the commit
Killing another person, color does not matter, lays heavy on any mans soul, unless you have sold it to the Devil.
I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism.


#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Is Racism, the concept of 'White Supremacy', Mental Illness or some other factor(s) responsible for "PRO BLACK" minded American citizens LOUDLY, HATEFULLY & ILLOGICALLY denigrating as "C**NS, SELL-OUTS, and UNCLE TOMS" our responsible, accomplished, successful black or American friends, neighbors & co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness?

Respectfully, I'd like to invite my caring, RESPONSIBLE, reasonably well-adjusted American and foreign born neighbors to witness these apparent caring fellow citizens share their thoughts and concerns...

...AND then consider WHO are the black or American citizens of African descent LOUDLY declaring Racism or the concept of 'white supremacy' is impeding black American citizens of African descent from achieving equality and success?

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll


#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

It appears as though you are purposely attempting to redefine "pro black" into something evil and sinister to suit an agenda of pushing negative imagery about black women, black children, and black people as a whole.

katsteve, is Avery Jarhman promoting "negative imagery"?

Or am i reporting about fellow citizens who are IN FACT creating, as well as promoting "negative imagery" about a specific population of American females who most all of President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "Girl Power" Obama's American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends and WH guests HATEFULLY denigrate as less than human *itches and *hores or 'hoes' undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?




Last edited:
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

It appears as though you are purposely attempting to redefine "pro black" into something evil and sinister to suit an agenda of pushing negative imagery about black women, black children, and black people as a whole.

katsteve, is AveryJarhman producing videos defining and denouncing illogical thinking, hateful PRO BLACK minded Americans?

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll

"Tommy Sotomayor Pro Black Female Guest Talk Parenting Child Abuse Neglect"


#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

I do not see where you are introducing any solutions as you claim to be doing for the "epidemic" that you claim exists.

katsteve, despite the FACT you clearly state a problem does not exist, I'm glad you mentioned SOLUTIONS. I have a few in mind.

My thoughts for protecting and preventing our Nation's most cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a potentially life-scarring abusive childhood during a critical period of human/childhood development.

1) Personally, I believe it would be very helpful if America’s former Premier Presidential and Parental First Couple denounce the VIOLENT, PEOPLE AND COMMUNITY HARMING STREET/GANGSTA CULTURES many of their American urban story-TRUTH-teller White House guests and friends promote and profit from.





Then, imo, the Obamas owe responsible, law abiding American citizens and legal residents a HUGE APOLOGY for WILLFULLY IGNORING the Culture of African American Child Abuse and Emotional Maltreatment many of their friends and White House guests vividly describe in their American music art. The same Culture of Child Abuse that fuels and maintains America's urban GANGSTA/STREET CULTURES.

Second, after apologizing to their American and foreign born neighbors for their gross lack of good judgment, Mr. Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama Mrs. Michelle "Girl Power" Obama should BEGIN making amends.

Beginning with compassionately and honestly addressing the issue of immature, apathetic, SELFISH, irresponsible, emotionally or mentally ill mostly single teen and adult moms IGNORING their parental duty and responsibility to their children, as well as their moral, ethical and societal obligation and duty to their nation, community and neighbors to responsibly raise, nurture and supervise kids maturing into fairly peaceful teen and adult American citizens respecting our peaceful and/or less fortunate neighbors, as well as educators and the authority figures responsible for maintaining peace in our neighborhoods.

Other possible steps for protecting and/or preventing American kids from experiencing potentially life-scarring trauma during a critical period of human childhood development:

2) I believe police, as well as public and private school teachers need to be BETTER TRAINED in recognizing the signs of Child Abuse. Police and teachers also need to be ENCOURAGED TO TAKE ACTION by filing "Reports of Suspected Child Abuse" with the appropriate authority.

If just one of Kendrick Lamar's teachers or school administrators recognized Kendrick was a troubled youngster in need of help, perhaps young Kendrick might NOT have matured into an admitted depressed, emotionally ill, suicidal thinking teen and adult composing American art hatefully demeaning girls and women as less than human *itches and 'hoes', as well as vividly describing the abusive childhood upbringing he and the numerous kids in his family were forced to experience through no fault of their own!

"Let’s Talk Obama, Kendrick Lamar, Gang/Gun Violence, Childhood Trauma/Depression & Mental Health/Illness":

Google Groups


3) Placing cameras in the 'common area' of homes establishing a public track record for failing to responsibly raise and supervise children and teens.

4) Mandatory random drug testing for people requiring public money to support their child. Mandatory drug and/or alcohol testing for primary child caregivers convicted of drug offenses as well as offenses related to improper child care. Alcohol is a drug.

5) Last resort, court ordered birth control allowing immature or emotionally ill/unstable teen or adult moms with one child on public assistance to gain parental experience and mature into their role as primary child caretaker before building a larger family.

In my opinion extraordinary though reasonable measures MUST be taken to protect children from a significant population of “clueless” negligent mostly single moms who create emotionally and physically abusive home environments for their newborns, infants, toddlers children and teens, and then invite law enforcement to their home:

Brooklyn’s Boom-Box Mom; Sad Case of Child Abuse & Maltreatment

Do you believe during this broadcast experiencing a few brief wi-fi interruptions, our apparent caring, concerned fellow citizen James Hawthorne is speaking about a potentially life scarring *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS?

"(Most) Black Women are the reason for the ignorance and killing done by (Most) Black Men
" ~James Hawthorne "Ghetto News Network"

Much like Tupac, I’m sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep our young minds feeling SAFE, protected, cared for
and loved right from our start.
Now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

EYE-OPENING knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey 'Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"


"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How black Women sabotage their sons

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" : mentalhealth

If you watch both Polaris Law video broadcasts and do not want to offer him a hug or hand shake, accompanied by kind words praising, as well as thanking Polaris for showing his strength and imparting his hard earned wisdom, you may need to take a long look in the mirror.


American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
Why do they always seem to be dedicated Democrats?
What's a racist black person ?

2017 Chicago torture incident - Wikipedia

Remember this beauty?

Oh yeah; that was last year. Hmm ....
What evidence do you have to say that was racially motivated ?

Maybe the part where racial slurs were being hurled at the victim?

Hmm ... I thought you were smarter than that. Guess not.
..and America
...I was just mentioning this in the ""Despise America'' thread--and this shows up the same day!!!
..I've linked/etc how the Obamas hate America/cops/whites
..this is a perfect example of your everyday/common black
..this is DUMBSHIT
yes, they graduate at lower levels
..this also illustrates what I've said before--they focus on dumbshit/unimportant emotional crap instead of the important problems
..she's trying to catch the cop doing something wrong while he's trying to get the BAD guy!!!
...this clearly illustrates how they LOVE criminals--hate police--along with all their protests FOR criminals
Houston cop begs security guard to help him arrest suspect while she films him | Daily Mail Online

Why do they always seem to be dedicated Democrats?
What's a racist black person ?

2017 Chicago torture incident - Wikipedia

Remember this beauty?

Oh yeah; that was last year. Hmm ....
What evidence do you have to say that was racially motivated ?

Maybe the part where racial slurs were being hurled at the victim?

Hmm ... I thought you were smarter than that. Guess not.
What slurs ?
..and America
...I was just mentioning this in the ""Despise America'' thread--and this shows up the same day!!!
..I've linked/etc how the Obamas hate America/cops/whites
..this is a perfect example of your everyday/common black
..this is DUMBSHIT
yes, they graduate at lower levels
..this also illustrates what I've said before--they focus on dumbshit/unimportant emotional crap instead of the important problems
..she's trying to catch the cop doing something wrong while he's trying to get the BAD guy!!!
...this clearly illustrates how they LOVE criminals--hate police--along with all their protests FOR criminals
Houston cop begs security guard to help him arrest suspect while she films him | Daily Mail Online

Why do they always seem to be dedicated Democrats?
What's a racist black person ?

2017 Chicago torture incident - Wikipedia

Remember this beauty?

Oh yeah; that was last year. Hmm ....
What evidence do you have to say that was racially motivated ?

Maybe the part where racial slurs were being hurled at the victim?

Hmm ... I thought you were smarter than that. Guess not.
What slurs ?

Anything to protect the hive mind, I suppose. Even pretending to be unable to read.
..and America
...I was just mentioning this in the ""Despise America'' thread--and this shows up the same day!!!
..I've linked/etc how the Obamas hate America/cops/whites
..this is a perfect example of your everyday/common black
..this is DUMBSHIT
yes, they graduate at lower levels
..this also illustrates what I've said before--they focus on dumbshit/unimportant emotional crap instead of the important problems
..she's trying to catch the cop doing something wrong while he's trying to get the BAD guy!!!
...this clearly illustrates how they LOVE criminals--hate police--along with all their protests FOR criminals
Houston cop begs security guard to help him arrest suspect while she films him | Daily Mail Online

What's a racist black person ?

2017 Chicago torture incident - Wikipedia

Remember this beauty?

Oh yeah; that was last year. Hmm ....
What evidence do you have to say that was racially motivated ?

Maybe the part where racial slurs were being hurled at the victim?

Hmm ... I thought you were smarter than that. Guess not.
What slurs ?

Anything to protect the hive mind, I suppose. Even pretending to be unable to read.
So you have nothing. Ok

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